! modal_aero_rename.F90 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !MODULE: modal_aero_rename --- modal aerosol mode merging (renaming) ! ! !INTERFACE: module modal_aero_rename ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use abortutils, only : endrun use modal_aero_data, only: maxd_aspectype use chem_mods, only: gas_pcnst implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public modal_aero_rename_sub, modal_aero_rename_init ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: integer, parameter :: pcnstxx = gas_pcnst integer, parameter, public :: maxpair_renamexf = 1 integer, parameter, public :: maxspec_renamexf = maxd_aspectype integer, public :: npair_renamexf = -123456789 integer, public :: modefrm_renamexf(maxpair_renamexf) integer, public :: modetoo_renamexf(maxpair_renamexf) integer, public :: nspecfrm_renamexf(maxpair_renamexf) integer, public :: lspecfrmc_renamexf(maxspec_renamexf,maxpair_renamexf) integer, public :: lspecfrma_renamexf(maxspec_renamexf,maxpair_renamexf) integer, public :: lspectooc_renamexf(maxspec_renamexf,maxpair_renamexf) integer, public :: lspectooa_renamexf(maxspec_renamexf,maxpair_renamexf) ! !DESCRIPTION: This module implements ... ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! RCE 07.04.13: Adapted from MIRAGE2 code ! !EOP !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOC ! list private module data here !EOC !---------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! !ROUTINE: modal_aero_rename_sub --- ... ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine modal_aero_rename_sub( & fromwhere, lchnk, & ncol, nstep, & loffset, deltat, & latndx, lonndx, & pdel, & dotendrn, q, & dqdt, dqdt_other, & dotendqqcwrn, qqcw, & dqqcwdt, dqqcwdt_other, & is_dorename_atik, dorename_atik, & jsrflx_rename, nsrflx, & qsrflx, qqcwsrflx ) ! !USES: use modal_aero_data use ppgrid, only: pcols, pver use constituents, only: pcnst, cnst_name use mo_constants, only: pi use physconst, only: gravit, mwdry use units, only: getunit use shr_spfn_mod, only: erfc => shr_spfn_erfc_nonintrinsic implicit none ! !PARAMETERS: character(len=*), intent(in) :: fromwhere ! identifies which module ! is making the call integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! chunk identifier integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric column integer, intent(in) :: nstep ! model time-step number integer, intent(in) :: loffset ! offset applied to modal aero "ptrs" real(r8), intent(in) :: deltat ! time step (s) integer, intent(in) :: latndx(pcols), lonndx(pcols) real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel(pcols,pver) ! pressure thickness of levels (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: q(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) ! tracer mixing ratio array ! *** MUST BE mol/mol-air or #/mol-air ! *** NOTE ncol and pcnstxx dimensions real(r8), intent(in) :: qqcw(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) ! like q but for cloud-borne species real(r8), intent(inout) :: dqdt(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) ! TMR tendency array; ! incoming dqdt = tendencies for the ! "fromwhere" continuous growth process ! the renaming tendencies are added on ! *** NOTE ncol and pcnstxx dimensions real(r8), intent(inout) :: dqqcwdt(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) real(r8), intent(in) :: dqdt_other(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) ! tendencies for "other" continuous growth process ! currently in cam3 ! dqdt is from gas (h2so4, nh3) condensation ! dqdt_other is from aqchem and soa ! *** NOTE ncol and pcnstxx dimensions real(r8), intent(in) :: dqqcwdt_other(ncol,pver,pcnstxx) logical, intent(inout) :: dotendrn(pcnstxx) ! identifies the species for which ! renaming dqdt is computed logical, intent(inout) :: dotendqqcwrn(pcnstxx) logical, intent(in) :: is_dorename_atik ! true if dorename_atik is provided logical, intent(in) :: dorename_atik(ncol,pver) ! true if renaming should ! be done at i,k integer, intent(in) :: jsrflx_rename ! qsrflx index for renaming integer, intent(in) :: nsrflx ! last dimension of qsrflx real(r8), intent(inout) :: qsrflx(pcols,pcnstxx,nsrflx) ! process-specific column tracer tendencies real(r8), intent(inout) :: qqcwsrflx(pcols,pcnstxx,nsrflx) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! computes TMR (tracer mixing ratio) tendencies for "mode renaming" ! during a continuous growth process ! currently this transfers number and mass (and surface) from the aitken ! to accumulation mode after gas condensation or stratiform-cloud ! aqueous chemistry ! (convective cloud aqueous chemistry not yet implemented) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! RCE 07.04.13: Adapted from MIRAGE2 code ! !EOP !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOC ! local variables integer, parameter :: ldiag1=-1 integer :: i, icol_diag, ipair, iq, j, k, l, l1, l2, la, lc, lunout integer :: lsfrma, lsfrmc, lstooa, lstooc integer :: mfrm, mtoo, n, n1, n2, ntot_msa_a integer :: idomode(ntot_amode) integer, save :: lun = -1 ! logical unit for diagnostics (6, or other ! if a special diagnostics file is opened) real (r8) :: deldryvol_a(ncol,pver,ntot_amode) real (r8) :: deldryvol_c(ncol,pver,ntot_amode) real (r8) :: deltatinv real (r8) :: dp_belowcut(maxpair_renamexf) real (r8) :: dp_cut(maxpair_renamexf) real (r8) :: dgn_aftr, dgn_xfer real (r8) :: dgn_t_new, dgn_t_old real (r8) :: dryvol_t_del, dryvol_t_new real (r8) :: dryvol_t_old, dryvol_t_oldbnd real (r8) :: dryvol_a(ncol,pver,ntot_amode) real (r8) :: dryvol_c(ncol,pver,ntot_amode) real (r8) :: dryvol_smallest(ntot_amode) real (r8) :: dum real (r8) :: dum3alnsg2(maxpair_renamexf) real (r8) :: dum_m2v, dum_m2vdt real (r8) :: factoraa(ntot_amode) real (r8) :: factoryy(ntot_amode) real (r8) :: frelax real (r8) :: lndp_cut(maxpair_renamexf) real (r8) :: lndgn_new, lndgn_old real (r8) :: lndgv_new, lndgv_old real (r8) :: num_t_old, num_t_oldbnd real (r8) :: onethird real (r8) :: pdel_fac real (r8) :: tailfr_volnew, tailfr_volold real (r8) :: tailfr_numnew, tailfr_numold real (r8) :: v2nhirlx(ntot_amode), v2nlorlx(ntot_amode) real (r8) :: xfercoef, xfertend real (r8) :: xferfrac_vol, xferfrac_num, xferfrac_max real (r8) :: yn_tail, yv_tail ! begin lunout = 6 ! get logical unit (for output to dumpconv, deactivate the "lun = 6") lun = 6 if (lun < 1) then lun = getunit() open( unit=lun, file='dump.rename', & status='unknown', form='formatted' ) end if ! ! calculations done once on initial entry ! ! "init" is now done through chem_init (and things under it) ! if (npair_renamexf .eq. -123456789) then ! npair_renamexf = 0 ! call modal_aero_rename_init ! end if ! ! check if any renaming pairs exist ! if (npair_renamexf .le. 0) return ! if (ncol .ne. -123456789) return ! if (fromwhere .eq. 'aqchem') return ! ! compute aerosol dry-volume for the "from mode" of each renaming pair ! also compute dry-volume change during the continuous growth process ! using the incoming dqdt*deltat ! deltatinv = 1.0_r8/(deltat*(1.0_r8 + 1.0e-15_r8)) onethird = 1.0_r8/3.0_r8 frelax = 27.0_r8 xferfrac_max = 1.0_r8 - 10.0_r8*epsilon(1.0_r8) ! 1-eps do n = 1, ntot_amode idomode(n) = 0 end do do ipair = 1, npair_renamexf if (ipair .gt. 1) goto 8100 idomode(modefrm_renamexf(ipair)) = 1 mfrm = modefrm_renamexf(ipair) mtoo = modetoo_renamexf(ipair) factoraa(mfrm) = (pi/6._r8)*exp(4.5_r8*(alnsg_amode(mfrm)**2)) factoraa(mtoo) = (pi/6._r8)*exp(4.5_r8*(alnsg_amode(mtoo)**2)) factoryy(mfrm) = sqrt( 0.5_r8 )/alnsg_amode(mfrm) ! dryvol_smallest is a very small volume mixing ratio (m3-AP/kmol-air) ! used for avoiding overflow. it corresponds to dp = 1 nm ! and number = 1e-5 #/mg-air ~= 1e-5 #/cm3-air dryvol_smallest(mfrm) = 1.0e-25_r8 v2nlorlx(mfrm) = voltonumblo_amode(mfrm)*frelax v2nhirlx(mfrm) = voltonumbhi_amode(mfrm)/frelax dum3alnsg2(ipair) = 3.0_r8 * (alnsg_amode(mfrm)**2) dp_cut(ipair) = sqrt( & dgnum_amode(mfrm)*exp(1.5_r8*(alnsg_amode(mfrm)**2)) * & dgnum_amode(mtoo)*exp(1.5_r8*(alnsg_amode(mtoo)**2)) ) lndp_cut(ipair) = log( dp_cut(ipair) ) dp_belowcut(ipair) = 0.99_r8*dp_cut(ipair) end do do n = 1, ntot_amode if (idomode(n) .gt. 0) then dryvol_a(1:ncol,:,n) = 0.0_r8 dryvol_c(1:ncol,:,n) = 0.0_r8 deldryvol_a(1:ncol,:,n) = 0.0_r8 deldryvol_c(1:ncol,:,n) = 0.0_r8 do l1 = 1, nspec_amode(n) !BSINGH - "spectype" is no longer used ! l2 = lspectype_amode(l1,n) ! dum_m2v converts (kmol-AP/kmol-air) to (m3-AP/kmol-air) ! [m3-AP/kmol-AP]= [kg-AP/kmol-AP] / [kg-AP/m3-AP] ! dum_m2v = specmw_amode(l1,n) / specdens_amode(l2) dum_m2v = specmw_amode(l1,n) / specdens_amode(l1,n) dum_m2vdt = dum_m2v*deltat la = lmassptr_amode(l1,n)-loffset if (la > 0) then dryvol_a(1:ncol,:,n) = dryvol_a(1:ncol,:,n) & + dum_m2v*max( 0.0_r8, & q(1:ncol,:,la)-deltat*dqdt_other(1:ncol,:,la) ) deldryvol_a(1:ncol,:,n) = deldryvol_a(1:ncol,:,n) & + (dqdt_other(1:ncol,:,la) + dqdt(1:ncol,:,la))*dum_m2vdt end if lc = lmassptrcw_amode(l1,n)-loffset if (lc > 0) then dryvol_c(1:ncol,:,n) = dryvol_c(1:ncol,:,n) & + dum_m2v*max( 0.0_r8, & qqcw(1:ncol,:,lc)-deltat*dqqcwdt_other(1:ncol,:,lc) ) deldryvol_c(1:ncol,:,n) = deldryvol_c(1:ncol,:,n) & + (dqqcwdt_other(1:ncol,:,lc) + & dqqcwdt(1:ncol,:,lc))*dum_m2vdt end if end do end if end do ! ! loop over levels and columns to calc the renaming ! mainloop1_k: do k = 1, pver mainloop1_i: do i = 1, ncol ! if dorename_atik is provided, then check if renaming needed at this i,k if (is_dorename_atik) then if (.not. dorename_atik(i,k)) cycle mainloop1_i end if pdel_fac = pdel(i,k)/gravit ! ! loop over renameing pairs ! mainloop1_ipair: do ipair = 1, npair_renamexf mfrm = modefrm_renamexf(ipair) mtoo = modetoo_renamexf(ipair) ! dryvol_t_old is the old total (a+c) dry-volume for the "from" mode ! in m^3-AP/kmol-air ! dryvol_t_new is the new total dry-volume ! (old/new = before/after the continuous growth) dryvol_t_old = dryvol_a(i,k,mfrm) + dryvol_c(i,k,mfrm) dryvol_t_del = deldryvol_a(i,k,mfrm) + deldryvol_c(i,k,mfrm) dryvol_t_new = dryvol_t_old + dryvol_t_del dryvol_t_oldbnd = max( dryvol_t_old, dryvol_smallest(mfrm) ) ! no renaming if dryvol_t_new ~ 0 or dryvol_t_del ~ 0 if (dryvol_t_new .le. dryvol_smallest(mfrm)) cycle mainloop1_ipair if (dryvol_t_del .le. 1.0e-6_r8*dryvol_t_oldbnd) cycle mainloop1_ipair ! num_t_old is total number in particles/kmol-air num_t_old = q(i,k,numptr_amode(mfrm)-loffset) num_t_old = num_t_old + qqcw(i,k,numptrcw_amode(mfrm)-loffset) num_t_old = max( 0.0_r8, num_t_old ) dryvol_t_oldbnd = max( dryvol_t_old, dryvol_smallest(mfrm) ) num_t_oldbnd = min( dryvol_t_oldbnd*v2nlorlx(mfrm), num_t_old ) num_t_oldbnd = max( dryvol_t_oldbnd*v2nhirlx(mfrm), num_t_oldbnd ) ! no renaming if dgnum < "base" dgnum, dgn_t_new = (dryvol_t_new/(num_t_oldbnd*factoraa(mfrm)))**onethird if (dgn_t_new .le. dgnum_amode(mfrm)) cycle mainloop1_ipair ! compute new fraction of number and mass in the tail (dp > dp_cut) lndgn_new = log( dgn_t_new ) lndgv_new = lndgn_new + dum3alnsg2(ipair) yn_tail = (lndp_cut(ipair) - lndgn_new)*factoryy(mfrm) yv_tail = (lndp_cut(ipair) - lndgv_new)*factoryy(mfrm) tailfr_numnew = 0.5_r8*erfc( yn_tail ) tailfr_volnew = 0.5_r8*erfc( yv_tail ) ! compute old fraction of number and mass in the tail (dp > dp_cut) dgn_t_old = & (dryvol_t_oldbnd/(num_t_oldbnd*factoraa(mfrm)))**onethird ! if dgn_t_new exceeds dp_cut, use the minimum of dgn_t_old and ! dp_belowcut to guarantee some transfer if (dgn_t_new .ge. dp_cut(ipair)) then dgn_t_old = min( dgn_t_old, dp_belowcut(ipair) ) end if lndgn_old = log( dgn_t_old ) lndgv_old = lndgn_old + dum3alnsg2(ipair) yn_tail = (lndp_cut(ipair) - lndgn_old)*factoryy(mfrm) yv_tail = (lndp_cut(ipair) - lndgv_old)*factoryy(mfrm) tailfr_numold = 0.5_r8*erfc( yn_tail ) tailfr_volold = 0.5_r8*erfc( yv_tail ) ! transfer fraction is difference between new and old tail-fractions ! transfer fraction for number cannot exceed that of mass dum = tailfr_volnew*dryvol_t_new - tailfr_volold*dryvol_t_old if (dum .le. 0.0_r8) cycle mainloop1_ipair xferfrac_vol = min( dum, dryvol_t_new )/dryvol_t_new xferfrac_vol = min( xferfrac_vol, xferfrac_max ) xferfrac_num = tailfr_numnew - tailfr_numold xferfrac_num = max( 0.0_r8, min( xferfrac_num, xferfrac_vol ) ) ! diagnostic output start ---------------------------------------- if (ldiag1 > 0) then icol_diag = -1 if ((lonndx(i) == 37) .and. (latndx(i) == 23)) icol_diag = i if ((i == icol_diag) .and. (mod(k-1,5) == 0)) then ! write(lun,97010) fromwhere, nstep, lchnk, i, k, ipair write(lun,97010) fromwhere, nstep, latndx(i), lonndx(i), k, ipair write(lun,97020) 'drv old/oldbnd/new/del ', & dryvol_t_old, dryvol_t_oldbnd, dryvol_t_new, dryvol_t_del write(lun,97020) 'num old/oldbnd, dgnold/new ', & num_t_old, num_t_oldbnd, dgn_t_old, dgn_t_new write(lun,97020) 'tailfr v_old/new, n_old/new', & tailfr_volold, tailfr_volnew, tailfr_numold, tailfr_numnew dum = max(1.0e-10_r8,xferfrac_vol) / max(1.0e-10_r8,xferfrac_num) dgn_xfer = dgn_t_new * dum**onethird dum = max(1.0e-10_r8,(1.0_r8-xferfrac_vol)) / & max(1.0e-10_r8,(1.0_r8-xferfrac_num)) dgn_aftr = dgn_t_new * dum**onethird write(lun,97020) 'xferfrac_v/n; dgn_xfer/aftr', & xferfrac_vol, xferfrac_num, dgn_xfer, dgn_aftr !97010 format( / 'RENAME ', a, ' nx,lc,i,k,ip', i8, 4i4 ) 97010 format( / 'RENAME ', a, ' nx,lat,lon,k,ip', i8, 4i4 ) 97020 format( a, 6(1pe15.7) ) end if end if ! diagnostic output end ------------------------------------------ ! ! compute tendencies for the renaming transfer ! j = jsrflx_rename do iq = 1, nspecfrm_renamexf(ipair) xfercoef = xferfrac_vol*deltatinv if (iq .eq. 1) xfercoef = xferfrac_num*deltatinv lsfrma = lspecfrma_renamexf(iq,ipair)-loffset lsfrmc = lspecfrmc_renamexf(iq,ipair)-loffset lstooa = lspectooa_renamexf(iq,ipair)-loffset lstooc = lspectooc_renamexf(iq,ipair)-loffset if (lsfrma .gt. 0) then xfertend = xfercoef*max( 0.0_r8, & (q(i,k,lsfrma)+dqdt(i,k,lsfrma)*deltat) ) ! diagnostic output start ---------------------------------------- if (ldiag1 > 0) then if ((i == icol_diag) .and. (mod(k-1,5) == 0)) then if (lstooa .gt. 0) then write(*,'(a,i4,2(2x,a),1p,10e14.6)') 'RENAME qdels', iq, & cnst_name(lsfrma+loffset), cnst_name(lstooa+loffset), & deltat*dqdt(i,k,lsfrma), deltat*(dqdt(i,k,lsfrma) - xfertend), & deltat*dqdt(i,k,lstooa), deltat*(dqdt(i,k,lstooa) + xfertend) else write(*,'(a,i4,2(2x,a),1p,10e14.6)') 'RENAME qdels', iq, & cnst_name(lsfrma+loffset), cnst_name(lstooa+loffset), & deltat*dqdt(i,k,lsfrma), deltat*(dqdt(i,k,lsfrma) - xfertend) end if end if end if ! diagnostic output end ------------------------------------------ dqdt(i,k,lsfrma) = dqdt(i,k,lsfrma) - xfertend qsrflx(i,lsfrma,j) = qsrflx(i,lsfrma,j) - xfertend*pdel_fac if (lstooa .gt. 0) then dqdt(i,k,lstooa) = dqdt(i,k,lstooa) + xfertend qsrflx(i,lstooa,j) = qsrflx(i,lstooa,j) + xfertend*pdel_fac end if end if if (lsfrmc .gt. 0) then xfertend = xfercoef*max( 0.0_r8, & (qqcw(i,k,lsfrmc)+dqqcwdt(i,k,lsfrmc)*deltat) ) dqqcwdt(i,k,lsfrmc) = dqqcwdt(i,k,lsfrmc) - xfertend qqcwsrflx(i,lsfrmc,j) = qqcwsrflx(i,lsfrmc,j) - xfertend*pdel_fac if (lstooc .gt. 0) then dqqcwdt(i,k,lstooc) = dqqcwdt(i,k,lstooc) + xfertend qqcwsrflx(i,lstooc,j) = qqcwsrflx(i,lstooc,j) + xfertend*pdel_fac end if end if end do ! "iq = 1, nspecfrm_renamexf(ipair)" end do mainloop1_ipair end do mainloop1_i end do mainloop1_k ! ! set dotend's ! dotendrn(:) = .false. dotendqqcwrn(:) = .false. do ipair = 1, npair_renamexf do iq = 1, nspecfrm_renamexf(ipair) lsfrma = lspecfrma_renamexf(iq,ipair) - loffset lsfrmc = lspecfrmc_renamexf(iq,ipair) - loffset lstooa = lspectooa_renamexf(iq,ipair) - loffset lstooc = lspectooc_renamexf(iq,ipair) - loffset if (lsfrma .gt. 0) then dotendrn(lsfrma) = .true. if (lstooa .gt. 0) dotendrn(lstooa) = .true. end if if (lsfrmc .gt. 0) then dotendqqcwrn(lsfrmc) = .true. if (lstooc .gt. 0) dotendqqcwrn(lstooc) = .true. end if end do end do return ! ! error -- renaming currently just works for 1 pair ! 8100 write(lunout,9050) ipair call endrun( 'modal_aero_rename_sub error' ) 9050 format( / '*** subr. modal_aero_rename_sub ***' / & 4x, 'aerosol renaming not implemented for ipair =', i5 ) !EOC end subroutine modal_aero_rename_sub !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine modal_aero_rename_init ! ! computes pointers for species transfer during aerosol renaming ! (a2 --> a1 transfer) ! transfers include number_a, number_c, mass_a, mass_c and ! water_a ! use modal_aero_data use constituents, only: pcnst, cnst_name use spmd_utils, only: masterproc implicit none ! local variables integer :: ipair, iq, iqfrm, iqtoo integer :: lsfrma, lsfrmc, lstooa, lstooc, lunout integer :: mfrm, mtoo integer :: n1, n2, nspec integer :: nchfrma, nchfrmc, nchfrmskip, nchtooa, nchtooc, nchtooskip lunout = 6 ! ! define "from mode" and "to mode" for each tail-xfer pairing ! currently just a2-->a1 ! n1 = modeptr_accum n2 = modeptr_aitken if ((n1 .gt. 0) .and. (n2 .gt. 0)) then npair_renamexf = 1 modefrm_renamexf(1) = n2 modetoo_renamexf(1) = n1 else npair_renamexf = 0 return end if ! ! define species involved in each tail-xfer pairing ! (include aerosol water) ! aa_ipair: do ipair = 1, npair_renamexf mfrm = modefrm_renamexf(ipair) mtoo = modetoo_renamexf(ipair) if (mfrm < 10) then nchfrmskip = 1 else if (mfrm < 100) then nchfrmskip = 2 else nchfrmskip = 3 end if if (mtoo < 10) then nchtooskip = 1 else if (mtoo < 100) then nchtooskip = 2 else nchtooskip = 3 end if nspec = 0 aa_iqfrm: do iqfrm = -1, nspec_amode(mfrm) if (iqfrm == -1) then lsfrma = numptr_amode(mfrm) lstooa = numptr_amode(mtoo) lsfrmc = numptrcw_amode(mfrm) lstooc = numptrcw_amode(mtoo) else if (iqfrm == 0) then ! bypass transfer of aerosol water due to renaming cycle aa_iqfrm ! lsfrma = lwaterptr_amode(mfrm) ! lsfrmc = 0 ! lstooa = lwaterptr_amode(mtoo) ! lstooc = 0 else lsfrma = lmassptr_amode(iqfrm,mfrm) lsfrmc = lmassptrcw_amode(iqfrm,mfrm) lstooa = 0 lstooc = 0 end if if ((lsfrma < 1) .or. (lsfrma > pcnst)) then write(lunout,9100) mfrm, iqfrm, lsfrma call endrun( 'modal_aero_rename_init error aa' ) end if if ((lsfrmc < 1) .or. (lsfrmc > pcnst)) then write(lunout,9102) mfrm, iqfrm, lsfrmc call endrun( 'modal_aero_rename_init error bb' ) end if if (iqfrm > 0) then nchfrma = len( trim( cnst_name(lsfrma) ) ) - nchfrmskip ! find "too" species having same lspectype_amode as the "frm" species ! AND same cnst_name (except for last 1/2/3 characters which are the mode index) do iqtoo = 1, nspec_amode(mtoo) ! if ( lspectype_amode(iqtoo,mtoo) .eq. & ! lspectype_amode(iqfrm,mfrm) ) then lstooa = lmassptr_amode(iqtoo,mtoo) nchtooa = len( trim( cnst_name(lstooa) ) ) - nchtooskip if (cnst_name(lsfrma)(1:nchfrma) == cnst_name(lstooa)(1:nchtooa)) then ! interstitial names match, so check cloudborne names too nchfrmc = len( trim( cnst_name_cw(lsfrmc) ) ) - nchfrmskip lstooc = lmassptrcw_amode(iqtoo,mtoo) nchtooc = len( trim( cnst_name_cw(lstooc) ) ) - nchtooskip if (cnst_name_cw(lsfrmc)(1:nchfrmc) /= & cnst_name_cw(lstooc)(1:nchtooc)) lstooc = 0 exit else lstooa = 0 end if ! end if end do end if ! (iqfrm > 0) if ((lstooc < 1) .or. (lstooc > pcnst)) lstooc = 0 if ((lstooa < 1) .or. (lstooa > pcnst)) lstooa = 0 if (lstooa == 0) then write(lunout,9104) mfrm, iqfrm, lsfrma, iqtoo, lstooa call endrun( 'modal_aero_rename_init error cc' ) end if if ((lstooc == 0) .and. (iqfrm /= 0)) then write(lunout,9104) mfrm, iqfrm, lsfrmc, iqtoo, lstooc call endrun( 'modal_aero_rename_init error dd' ) end if nspec = nspec + 1 lspecfrma_renamexf(nspec,ipair) = lsfrma lspectooa_renamexf(nspec,ipair) = lstooa lspecfrmc_renamexf(nspec,ipair) = lsfrmc lspectooc_renamexf(nspec,ipair) = lstooc end do aa_iqfrm nspecfrm_renamexf(ipair) = nspec end do aa_ipair 9100 format( / '*** subr. modal_aero_rename_init' / & 'lspecfrma out of range' / & 'modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrma =', 3i6 / ) 9102 format( / '*** subr. modal_aero_rename_init' / & 'lspecfrmc out of range' / & 'modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrmc =', 3i6 / ) 9104 format( / '*** subr. modal_aero_rename_init' / & 'lspectooa out of range' / & 'modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrma, ispectoo, lspectooa =', 5i6 / ) 9106 format( / '*** subr. modal_aero_rename_init' / & 'lspectooc out of range' / & 'modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrmc, ispectoo, lspectooc =', 5i6 / ) ! ! output results ! if ( masterproc ) then write(lunout,9310) do 2900 ipair = 1, npair_renamexf mfrm = modefrm_renamexf(ipair) mtoo = modetoo_renamexf(ipair) write(lunout,9320) ipair, mfrm, mtoo do iq = 1, nspecfrm_renamexf(ipair) lsfrma = lspecfrma_renamexf(iq,ipair) lstooa = lspectooa_renamexf(iq,ipair) lsfrmc = lspecfrmc_renamexf(iq,ipair) lstooc = lspectooc_renamexf(iq,ipair) if (lstooa .gt. 0) then write(lunout,9330) lsfrma, cnst_name(lsfrma), & lstooa, cnst_name(lstooa) else write(lunout,9340) lsfrma, cnst_name(lsfrma) end if if (lstooc .gt. 0) then write(lunout,9330) lsfrmc, cnst_name_cw(lsfrmc), & lstooc, cnst_name_cw(lstooc) else if (lsfrmc .gt. 0) then write(lunout,9340) lsfrmc, cnst_name_cw(lsfrmc) else write(lunout,9350) end if end do 2900 continue write(lunout,*) end if ! ( masterproc ) 9310 format( / 'subr. modal_aero_rename_init' ) 9320 format( 'pair', i3, 5x, 'mode', i3, ' ---> mode', i3 ) 9330 format( 5x, 'spec', i3, '=', a, ' ---> spec', i3, '=', a ) 9340 format( 5x, 'spec', i3, '=', a, ' ---> LOSS' ) 9350 format( 5x, 'no corresponding activated species' ) return end subroutine modal_aero_rename_init !---------------------------------------------------------------------- end module modal_aero_rename