module mo_srf_emissions !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... surface emissions module !--------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use chem_mods, only : gas_pcnst use spmd_utils, only : masterproc,iam use mo_tracname, only : solsym use abortutils, only : endrun use ioFileMod, only : getfil use ppgrid, only : pcols, begchunk, endchunk use cam_logfile, only : iulog use tracer_data, only : trfld,trfile implicit none type :: emission integer :: spc_ndx real(r8) :: mw character(len=256):: filename character(len=16) :: species character(len=8) :: units integer :: nsectors character(len=32),pointer :: sectors(:) type(trfld), pointer :: fields(:) type(trfile) :: file end type emission private public :: srf_emissions_inti, set_srf_emissions, set_srf_emissions_time save real(r8), parameter :: amufac = 1.65979e-23_r8 ! 1.e4* kg / amu logical :: has_emis(gas_pcnst) type(emission), allocatable :: emissions(:) integer :: n_emis_species integer :: c10h16_ndx, isop_ndx contains subroutine srf_emissions_inti( srf_emis_specifier, emis_type, emis_cycle_yr, emis_fixed_ymd, emis_fixed_tod ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... initialize the surface emissions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use chem_mods, only : adv_mass use mo_constants, only : d2r, pi, rearth use string_utils, only : to_upper use mo_chem_utls, only : get_spc_ndx use tracer_data, only : trcdata_init use cam_pio_utils, only : cam_pio_openfile use pio, only : pio_inquire, pio_nowrite, pio_closefile, pio_inq_varndims use pio, only : pio_inq_varname, file_desc_t use chem_surfvals, only : flbc_list implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=*), intent(in) :: srf_emis_specifier(:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: emis_type integer, intent(in) :: emis_cycle_yr integer, intent(in) :: emis_fixed_ymd integer, intent(in) :: emis_fixed_tod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: astat integer :: j, l, m, n, i, nn ! Indices character(len=16) :: spc_name character(len=256) :: filename character(len=16) :: emis_species(gas_pcnst) character(len=256) :: emis_filenam(gas_pcnst) integer :: emis_indexes(gas_pcnst) integer :: vid, nvars, isec integer, allocatable :: vndims(:) type(file_desc_t) :: ncid character(len=32) :: varname character(len=256) :: locfn integer :: ierr character(len=1), parameter :: filelist = '' character(len=1), parameter :: datapath = '' logical , parameter :: rmv_file = .false. has_emis(:) = .false. nn = 0 count_emis: do n=1,gas_pcnst if ( len_trim(srf_emis_specifier(n) ) == 0 ) then exit count_emis endif i = scan(srf_emis_specifier(n),'->') spc_name = trim(adjustl(srf_emis_specifier(n)(:i-1))) filename = trim(adjustl(srf_emis_specifier(n)(i+2:))) m = get_spc_ndx(spc_name) if (m > 0) then has_emis(m) = .true. has_emis(m) = has_emis(m) .and. ( .not. any( flbc_list == spc_name ) ) else write(iulog,*) 'srf_emis_inti: spc_name ',spc_name,' is not included in the simulation' call endrun('srf_emis_inti: invalid surface emission specification') endif if ( has_emis(m) ) then nn = nn+1 emis_species(nn) = spc_name emis_filenam(nn) = filename emis_indexes(nn) = m endif enddo count_emis n_emis_species = count(has_emis(:)) if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'srf_emis_inti: n_emis_species = ',n_emis_species allocate( emissions(n_emis_species), stat=astat ) if( astat/= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'srf_emis_inti: failed to allocate emissions array; error = ',astat call endrun end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... setup the emission type array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do m=1,n_emis_species emissions(m)%spc_ndx = emis_indexes(m) emissions(m)%units = 'Tg/y' emissions(m)%species = emis_species(m) emissions(m)%mw = adv_mass(emis_indexes(m)) ! g / mole emissions(m)%filename = emis_filenam(m) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read emis files to determine number of sectors !----------------------------------------------------------------------- spc_loop: do m = 1, n_emis_species emissions(m)%nsectors = 0 call getfil (emissions(m)%filename, locfn, 0) call cam_pio_openfile ( ncid, trim(locfn), PIO_NOWRITE) ierr = pio_inquire (ncid, nvariables=nvars) allocate(vndims(nvars)) do vid = 1,nvars ierr = pio_inq_varndims (ncid, vid, vndims(vid)) if( vndims(vid) < 3 ) then cycle elseif( vndims(vid) > 3 ) then ierr = pio_inq_varname (ncid, vid, varname) write(iulog,*) 'srf_emis_inti: Skipping variable ', trim(varname),', ndims = ',vndims(vid), & ' , species=',trim(emissions(m)%species) cycle end if emissions(m)%nsectors = emissions(m)%nsectors+1 enddo allocate( emissions(m)%sectors(emissions(m)%nsectors), stat=astat ) if( astat/= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'srf_emis_inti: failed to allocate emissions(m)%sectors array; error = ',astat call endrun end if isec = 1 do vid = 1,nvars if( vndims(vid) == 3 ) then ierr = pio_inq_varname(ncid, vid, emissions(m)%sectors(isec)) isec = isec+1 endif enddo deallocate(vndims) call pio_closefile (ncid) allocate(emissions(m)%file%in_pbuf(size(emissions(m)%sectors))) emissions(m)%file%in_pbuf(:) = .false. call trcdata_init( emissions(m)%sectors, & emissions(m)%filename, filelist, datapath, & emissions(m)%fields, & emissions(m)%file, & rmv_file, emis_cycle_yr, emis_fixed_ymd, emis_fixed_tod, emis_type ) enddo spc_loop c10h16_ndx = get_spc_ndx('C10H16') isop_ndx = get_spc_ndx('ISOP') end subroutine srf_emissions_inti subroutine set_srf_emissions_time( pbuf2d, state ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... check serial case for time span !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use physics_types,only : physics_state use ppgrid, only : begchunk, endchunk use tracer_data, only : advance_trcdata use physics_buffer, only : physics_buffer_desc implicit none type(physics_state), intent(in):: state(begchunk:endchunk) type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf2d(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: m do m = 1,n_emis_species call advance_trcdata( emissions(m)%fields, emissions(m)%file, state, pbuf2d ) end do end subroutine set_srf_emissions_time ! adds surf flux specified in file to sflx subroutine set_srf_emissions( rlats, rlons, lchnk, sflx, ncol ) !-------------------------------------------------------- ! ... form the surface fluxes for this latitude slice !-------------------------------------------------------- use mo_constants, only : pi use time_manager, only : get_curr_calday use string_utils, only : to_lower, GLC implicit none !-------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Dummy arguments !-------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! columns in chunk integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! chunk index real(r8), intent(in) :: rlons(ncol) ! chunk longitudes (radians) real(r8), intent(in) :: rlats(ncol) ! chunk latitudes (radians) real(r8), intent(inout) :: sflx(pcols,gas_pcnst) ! surface emissions ( kg/m^2/s ) !-------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !-------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, m, n real(r8) :: factor real(r8) :: dayfrac ! fration of day in light real(r8) :: iso_off ! time iso flux turns off real(r8) :: iso_on ! time iso flux turns on logical :: polar_day,polar_night real(r8) :: doy_loc real(r8) :: sunon,sunoff real(r8) :: loc_angle real(r8) :: latitude real(r8) :: declination real(r8) :: tod real(r8) :: calday real(r8), parameter :: dayspy = 365._r8 real(r8), parameter :: twopi = 2.0_r8 * pi real(r8), parameter :: pid2 = 0.5_r8 * pi real(r8), parameter :: dec_max = 23.45_r8 * pi/180._r8 real(r8), parameter :: om_to_oc = 1.4_r8 real(r8) :: flux(ncol) real(r8) :: mfactor integer :: isec character(len=12),parameter :: mks_units(4) = (/ "kg/m2/s ", & "kg/m2/sec ", & "kg/m^2/s ", & "kg/m^2/sec " /) character(len=12) :: units real(r8) :: in_sflx(pcols,gas_pcnst) ! surface emissions ( kg/m^2/s ) in_sflx(:,:) = 0._r8 !-------------------------------------------------------- ! ... set non-zero emissions !-------------------------------------------------------- emis_loop : do m = 1,n_emis_species n = emissions(m)%spc_ndx flux(:) = 0._r8 do isec = 1,emissions(m)%nsectors flux(:ncol) = flux(:ncol) + emissions(m)%fields(isec)%data(:ncol,1,lchnk) enddo #if (defined MODAL_AERO) ! The emissions files for VOCff and VOCbb already have multiplied this 1.4 factor ! So do not have to worry about this ! Manish Shrivastava if ( emissions(m)%species(1:4) == 'SOAG' ) then if ( emissions(m)%species == 'SOAG' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGa' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGb') then ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGff1' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGff2' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGff3' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGbb1' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGbb2' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGbb3'.or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGbg1' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'SOAGbg2' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'VOCff' .or. & ! emissions(m)%species == 'VOCbb') then flux(:ncol) = flux(:ncol) * om_to_oc end if else if ( emissions(m)%species(1:3) == 'pom' ) then #if ( defined MODAL_AERO_7MODE ) if ( emissions(m)%species == 'pom_a3' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'poma_a3' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'pomb_a3' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'pomm_a3' ) then flux(:ncol) = flux(:ncol) * om_to_oc end if #elif ( defined MODAL_AERO_3MODE ) if ( emissions(m)%species == 'pom_a1' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'pomff_a1' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'pombb_a1' .or. & emissions(m)%species == 'pomm_a1' ) then flux(:ncol) = flux(:ncol) * om_to_oc end if #endif end if #endif units = to_lower(trim(emissions(m)%fields(1)%units(:GLC(emissions(m)%fields(1)%units)))) if ( any( mks_units(:) == units ) ) then if ( emissions(m)%species == 'ISOP' .or. emissions(m)%species == 'C10H16' ) then in_sflx(:ncol,n) = flux(:ncol) else sflx(:ncol,n) = sflx(:ncol,n) + flux(:ncol) endif else mfactor = amufac * emissions(m)%mw if ( emissions(m)%species == 'ISOP' .or. emissions(m)%species == 'C10H16' ) then in_sflx(:ncol,n) = flux(:ncol) * mfactor else sflx(:ncol,n) = sflx(:ncol,n) + flux(:ncol) * mfactor endif endif end do emis_loop calday = get_curr_calday() doy_loc = aint( calday ) declination = dec_max * cos((doy_loc - 172._r8)*twopi/dayspy) tod = (calday - doy_loc) + .5_r8 do i = 1,ncol ! polar_day = .false. polar_night = .false. ! loc_angle = tod * twopi + rlons(i) loc_angle = mod( loc_angle,twopi ) latitude = rlats(i) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! determine if in polar day or night ! if not in polar day or night then ! calculate terminator longitudes !------------------------------------------------------------------ if( abs(latitude) >= (pid2 - abs(declination)) ) then if( sign(1._r8,declination) == sign(1._r8,latitude) ) then polar_day = .true. sunoff = 2._r8*twopi sunon = -twopi else polar_night = .true. end if else sunoff = acos( -tan(declination)*tan(latitude) ) sunon = twopi - sunoff end if !-------------------------------------------------------- ! ... adjust alpha-pinene for diurnal variation !-------------------------------------------------------- if( c10h16_ndx > 0 ) then if( has_emis(c10h16_ndx) ) then if( .not. polar_night .and. .not. polar_day ) then dayfrac = sunoff / pi in_sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) = in_sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) / (.7_r8 + .3_r8*dayfrac) if( loc_angle >= sunoff .and. loc_angle <= sunon ) then in_sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) = in_sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) * .7_r8 endif end if sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) = sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) + in_sflx(i,c10h16_ndx) end if end if !-------------------------------------------------------- ! ... adjust isoprene for diurnal variation !-------------------------------------------------------- if( isop_ndx > 0 ) then if( has_emis(isop_ndx) ) then if( .not. polar_night ) then if( polar_day ) then iso_off = .8_r8 * pi iso_on = 1.2_r8 * pi else iso_off = .8_r8 * sunoff iso_on = 2._r8 * pi - iso_off end if if( loc_angle >= iso_off .and. loc_angle <= iso_on ) then in_sflx(i,isop_ndx) = 0._r8 else factor = loc_angle - iso_on if( factor <= 0._r8 ) then factor = factor + 2._r8*pi end if factor = factor / (2._r8*iso_off + 1.e-6_r8) in_sflx(i,isop_ndx) =in_sflx(i,isop_ndx) * 2._r8 / iso_off * pi * (sin(pi*factor))**2 end if else in_sflx(i,isop_ndx) = 0._r8 end if sflx(i,isop_ndx) = sflx(i,isop_ndx) + in_sflx(i,isop_ndx) end if end if end do end subroutine set_srf_emissions end module mo_srf_emissions