Include new chemistry option T1_MOZCART_KPP. TYPE: enhancement KEYWORDS: T1_MOZCART SOURCE: internal DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: The new chemistry option T1_MOZCART_KPP is an extensive update of the existing MOZCART_KPP scheme. The new scheme inherits the MOZCART_KPP aerosol specification and functionality. T1_MOZCART_KPP has 142 gas phase species that interact in 344 reactions. Ten new "heterogeneous" reactions are introduced and along with four prior such reactions all "het" reactions now have non-zero reaction rate constants. New directories for T1_MOZCART_KPP with KPP files and code "inc" files are created in the chem/KPP/mechanisms and chem/KPP/inc directories. A few "C" files in the KPP processor and the wkc processor required slight modification. Otherwise the bulk of the source file changes are limited to the chem directory. The T1_MOZCART_KPP gas phase chemistry is now aligned with the counterpart in CAM-Chem. LIST OF MODIFIED FILES: M Registry/registry.chem M chem/KPP/inc/ M chem/KPP/inc/ M chem/KPP/inc/mozart_mosaic_4bin/ M chem/KPP/inc/mozart_mosaic_4bin_aq/ M chem/KPP/inc/mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ A chem/KPP/inc/t1_mozcart/ M chem/KPP/kpp/kpp-2.1/src/gen.c M chem/KPP/kpp/kpp-2.1/src/scan.h A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/atoms_red A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/t1_mozcart.def A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/t1_mozcart.eqn A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/t1_mozcart.kpp A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/t1_mozcart.spc A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/t1_mozcart.tuv.jmap A chem/KPP/mechanisms/t1_mozcart/t1_mozcart_wrfkpp.equiv M chem/KPP/util/wkc/compare_kpp_to_species.c M chem/KPP/util/wkc/gen_kpp_interf_utils.c M chem/KPP/util/wkc/kpp_data.h M chem/aerosol_driver.F M chem/chem_driver.F M chem/chemics_init.F M chem/dry_dep_driver.F M chem/emissions_driver.F M chem/module_add_emiss_burn.F M chem/module_bioemi_megan2.F M chem/module_ctrans_grell.F M chem/module_data_mgn2mech.F M chem/module_dep_simple.F M chem/module_emissions_anthropogenics.F M chem/module_ftuv_driver.F M chem/module_ftuv_subs.F M chem/module_input_chem_data.F M chem/module_optical_averaging.F M chem/module_plumerise1.F M chem/module_wetscav_driver.F M chem/optical_driver.F M frame/module_configure.F M share/module_check_a_mundo.F TESTS CONDUCTED: Passed the v04.04 reg test with the usual false failures. The T1_MOZCART scheme has been checked with several simulations run by Gabi Pfister and Stacy Walters. Results for T1_MOZCART are consistent with existing MOZCART and MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN chemistry schemes.