module glb_utils !------------------------------------------------------------ ! global domain utilities !------------------------------------------------------------ use wrf_utils, only : PROJ_LATLON, PI, RAD_PER_DEG implicit none private public :: glb_file public :: write_glb_fire_file public :: glb_file_final real, parameter :: kg2g = 1.e3 ! kilograms -> grams real, parameter :: m2cm = 100. ! meters -> centimeters real, parameter :: REARTH = 6.37122E6 ! (m) real, parameter :: RSQ = m2cm*m2cm*REARTH*REARTH ! cm^2 real, parameter :: AVOG = 6.022e23 ! molecules/mole real, parameter :: s_per_day = 86400. ! seconds/day real, parameter :: const0 = AVOG/s_per_day real, parameter :: const1 = const0/RSQ real, parameter :: ZERO = 0. real, parameter :: ONE80 = 180. real, parameter :: THREE60 = 360. integer :: time_ndx = 1 real, allocatable :: area(:) real, allocatable :: accum_emiss(:,:,:) character(len=132), allocatable :: outpname(:) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! include files !------------------------------------------------------------------ include '' contains subroutine glb_file( UtilAttrs, proj, n_spc, n_days, start_date, end_date, & n_files, fire_directory, fire_filename, output_timing, n_mnths, mdlGrd ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup global output file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use wrf_utils, only : proj_info use fire_types, only : model_grid_type use utils, only : wrf2fire_type, diffdat, geth_newdate, MaxChars use attr_types, only : UtilAttributes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: n_spc integer, intent(in) :: n_days integer, intent(in) :: n_files integer, intent(in) :: n_mnths character(len=*), intent(in) :: start_date character(len=*), intent(in) :: end_date character(len=*), intent(in) :: fire_directory character(len=*), intent(in) :: output_timing character(len=*), intent(in) :: fire_filename(n_files) type(proj_info), intent(inout) :: proj type(model_grid_type), intent(in) :: mdlGrd type(UtilAttributes), intent(in) :: UtilAttrs !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: m, n integer :: astat integer :: ncid integer :: dimid integer :: varid integer :: ncol_id integer :: lon_id integer :: lat_id integer :: time_id integer :: date_id integer :: nlon, nlat integer :: yr,mnth,day integer :: dims(3) integer, allocatable :: dates(:) real :: dlon, dlat real :: dlon2, dlat2 real :: lonmin, latmin real :: lonmax, latmax real :: wrk real :: wrkLons(mdlGrd%nPolygons) real, allocatable :: lons(:) real, allocatable :: lats(:) real, allocatable :: times(:) character(len=3) :: num(2) character(len=10) :: sinceDate, wrk_date character(len=8) :: sDate, eDate character(len=MaxChars) :: message logical :: is_LR logical :: is_CAMSE, isnt_CAMSE is_CAMSE = mdlGrd%mdl_is_CAMSE isnt_CAMSE = .not. is_CAMSE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize map projection !--------------------------------------------------------------------- is_not_CAMSE: & if( isnt_CAMSE ) then is_LR = .true. latmin = -90.; lonmin = 0. latmax = 90.; lonmax = THREE60 select case( trim(UtilAttrs%resol) ) case( '0.5x0.5' ) is_LR = .false. dlon = .5; dlat = .5 lonmin = lonmin + .5*dlon lonmax = lonmax - .5*dlon latmin = latmin + .5*dlat latmax = latmax - .5*dlat nlon = int((lonmax - lonmin)/dlon) + 1 nlat = int((latmax - latmin)/dlat) + 1 case( '1x1' ) is_LR = .false. dlon = 1.; dlat = 1. lonmin = lonmin + .5*dlon lonmax = lonmax - .5*dlon latmin = latmin + .5*dlat latmax = latmax - .5*dlat nlon = int((lonmax - lonmin)/dlon) + 1 nlat = int((latmax - latmin)/dlat) + 1 case( 'T42LR' ) nlon = 128; nlat = 64 dlon = THREE60/real(nlon) dlat = ONE80/real(nlat-1) case( 'T63LR' ) nlon = 192; nlat = 96 dlon = THREE60/real(nlon) dlat = ONE80/real(nlat-1) case( 'T85LR' ) nlon = 256; nlat = 128 dlon = THREE60/real(nlon) dlat = ONE80/real(nlat-1) case( 'T106LR' ) nlon = 320; nlat = 160 dlon = THREE60/real(nlon) dlat = ONE80/real(nlat-1) case( 'T170LR' ) nlon = 512; nlat = 256 dlon = THREE60/real(nlon) dlat = ONE80/real(nlat-1) case( '1.9x2.5' ) nlon = 144; nlat = 96 dlon = THREE60/real(nlon) dlat = ONE80/real(nlat-1) case default write(*,*) 'glb_file: Requested horizontal resolution, ',trim(UtilAttrs%resol) write(*,*) ' is not presently supported' stop 'Namelist error' end select !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize map projection to latlon !--------------------------------------------------------------------- proj%code = PROJ_LATLON proj%latinc = dlat proj%loninc = dlon proj%knowni = 1. proj%knownj = 1. proj%lat1 = latmin proj%lon1 = lonmin proj%ide = nlon proj%jde = nlat proj%init = .true. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate working arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( area(nlat),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate area array; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif allocate( lons(nlon),lats(nlat),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate lons,lats arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif if( output_timing == 'monthly' ) then allocate( accum_emiss(nlon,nlat,n_spc),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate accum_emiss array; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif accum_emiss(:,:,:) = ZERO endif else is_not_CAMSE allocate( lons(mdlGrd%nPolygons),lats(mdlGrd%nPolygons),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate lons,lats arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif if( output_timing == 'monthly' ) then allocate( accum_emiss(mdlGrd%nPolygons,n_spc,1),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate accum_emiss array; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif accum_emiss(:,:,:) = ZERO endif endif is_not_CAMSE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate working arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( outpname(n_spc),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate outpname array; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif if( output_timing == 'daily' ) then allocate( times(n_days),dates(n_days),stat=astat ) else allocate( times(n_mnths),dates(n_mnths),stat=astat ) endif if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'glb_file: failed to allocate times,dates arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif if( isnt_CAMSE ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup coordinate, time arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do m = 1,nlon lons(m) = lonmin + real(m-1)*dlon end do wrk = 4.e4*pi*rearth*rearth*sin( .5*dlat*rad_per_deg )/real(nlon) do m = 1,nlat lats(m) = latmin + real(m-1)*dlat end do do m = 2,nlat-1 area(m) = const0 / (wrk * cos( lats(m)*rad_per_deg ) ) end do if( is_LR ) then area(1) = const0 / (wrk * cos( .25*dlat*rad_per_deg ) ) area(nlat) = area(1) else area(1) = const0 / (wrk * cos( lats(1)*rad_per_deg ) ) area(nlat) = const0 / (wrk * cos( lats(nlat)*rad_per_deg ) ) endif sinceDate = '1990-01-01' else sinceDate = '1750-01-01' endif if( output_timing == 'daily' ) then call geth_newdate( wrk_date, start_date, -24 ) do m = 1,n_days call geth_newdate( wrk_date, wrk_date, 24 ) read(wrk_date(1:4),*) yr read(wrk_date(6:7),*) mnth read(wrk_date(9:10),*) day dates(m) = 10000*yr + 100*mnth + day times(m) = diffdat( (/ sinceDate,wrk_date /) ) end do else wrk_date = start_date read(wrk_date(1:4),*) yr read(wrk_date(6:7),*) mnth read(wrk_date(9:10),*) day dates(1) = 10000*yr + 100*mnth + day times(1) = diffdat( (/ sinceDate,wrk_date /) ) do m = 2,n_mnths mnth = mnth + 1 if( m > 12 ) then mnth = 1 yr = yr + 1 endif dates(m) = 10000*yr + 100*mnth + day write(num(1),'(i3)') 100+mnth write(num(2),'(i3)') 100+day write(wrk_date(1:4),'(i4)') yr wrk_date(5:) = '-' // num(1)(2:3) // '-' // num(2)(2:3) times(m) = diffdat( (/ sinceDate,wrk_date /) ) end do endif species_loop : & do m = 1,n_spc sDate = start_date(1:4) // start_date(6:7) //start_date(9:10) eDate = end_date(1:4) // end_date(6:7) //end_date(9:10) outpname(m) = 'emissions-finnv' // trim( UtilAttrs%FinnVers ) // '_' // trim(wrf2fire_type(m)%wrf_name) & // '_' // trim( UtilAttrs%EmisType ) // '_' // sDate // '-' // eDate // '_' // trim(UtilAttrs%resol) // '.nc' ! outpname(m) = 'emissions_' // trim(wrf2fire_type(m)%wrf_name) // '_' // trim(resol) // '.nc' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! create netcdf bio emission file and enter define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'glb_file: Failed to create ' // trim( outpname(m) ) call handle_ncerr( nf_create( trim( outpname(m) ), nf_clobber, ncid ), message ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'lon', nlon, lon_id ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define longitude dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'lat', nlat, lat_id ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define latitude dimension' ) else call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'ncol', mdlGrd%nPolygons, ncol_id ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define ncol dimension' ) endif if( output_timing == 'daily' ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'time', nf_unlimited, time_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to create time dimension' ) else call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'time', nf_unlimited, time_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to create time dimension' ) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the variables, set attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( isnt_CAMSE ) then dims(1) = lon_id else dims(1) = ncol_id endif call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'lon', nf_float, 1, dims(1), varid ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define lon variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'units', 12, 'degrees_east' ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create lon units attribute' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'long_name', 9, 'Longitude' ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create lon long_name attribute' ) if( isnt_CAMSE ) then dims(1) = lat_id else dims(1) = ncol_id endif call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'lat', nf_float, 1, dims(1), varid ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define lat variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'units', 13, 'degrees_north' ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create lat units attribute' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'long_name', 8, 'Latitude' ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create lat long_name attribute' ) dims(1) = time_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'time', nf_float, 1, dims(1), varid ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define time variable' ) message = 'days since ' // sinceDate // ' 00:00:00' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'units', len_trim(message), trim(message) ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create time units attribute' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'long_name', 4, 'Time' ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create time long_name attribute' ) message = 'Gregorian' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'calendar', len_trim(message), trim(message) ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create time calendar attribute' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'date', nf_int, 1, dims(1), varid ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define date variable' ) message = 'YYYYMMDD' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'units', len_trim(message), trim(message) ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create date units attribute' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'long_name', 4, 'Date' ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create date long_name attribute' ) if( isnt_CAMSE ) then dims(1:3) = (/ lon_id, lat_id, time_id /) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'fire', nf_float, 3, dims, varid ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define fire variable' ) else dims(1:2) = (/ ncol_id, time_id /) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'bb', nf_float, 2, dims, varid ), & 'glb_file: Failed to define fire variable' ) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write the species units, long name, and full mapping !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = trim( wrf2fire_type(m)%units ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'units', len_trim(message), trim(message) ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create fire units attribute' ) message = trim( wrf2fire_type(m)%map ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'map', len_trim(message), trim(message) ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create fire map attribute' ) message = trim( wrf2fire_type(m)%wrf_name ) // ' fire emissions' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'long_name', len_trim(message), trim(message) ), & 'glb_file: Failed to create fire long_name attribute' ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write the global attributes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call global_attributes( ncid, UtilAttrs%FinnVers, UtilAttrs%Model, UtilAttrs%resol, proj, n_files, & fire_directory, fire_filename, output_timing ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! leave define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call handle_ncerr( nf_enddef( ncid ), 'glb_file: Failed to leave define mode' ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write the coordinate, time arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'glb_utils: Failed to get lon id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lon', varid ), trim(message) ) message = 'glb_utils: Failed to write lon variable' if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, lons ), trim(message) ) else wrkLons(:) = mdlGrd%mdl_poly(:)%cntr_lon where( wrkLons(:) < 0 ) wrkLons(:) = wrkLons(:) + THREE60 endwhere call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, wrkLons ), trim(message) ) endif message = 'glb_utils: Failed to get lat id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lat', varid ), trim(message) ) message = 'glb_utils: Failed to write lat variable' if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, lats ), trim(message) ) else call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, mdlGrd%mdl_poly(:)%cntr_lat ), trim(message) ) endif message = 'glb_utils: Failed to get time id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'time', varid ), trim(message) ) message = 'glb_utils: Failed to write time variable' do n = 1,size(times) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, (/n/), 1, times(n) ), trim(message) ) enddo message = 'glb_utils: Failed to get date id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'date', varid ), trim(message) ) message = 'glb_utils: Failed to write date variable' do n = 1,size(times) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_int( ncid, varid, (/n/), 1, dates(n) ), trim(message) ) enddo ! call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_int( ncid, varid, dates ), trim(message) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'Failed to close ' // trim(outpname(m)) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) end do species_loop deallocate( lons, lats, times, dates ) end subroutine glb_file subroutine write_glb_fire_file( file, n_spc, m1, m2, lon_ndx, & lat_ndx, n_fire_spc, fire_emissions, proj, output_timing, & wrk_date, mdlGrd ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write global fire emission files !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use utils, only : wrf2fire_type, diag_level, geth_newdate use fire_types, only : model_grid_type use wrf_utils, only : proj_info !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: file integer, intent(in) :: n_spc integer, intent(in) :: n_fire_spc integer, intent(in) :: m1, m2 integer, intent(in) :: lon_ndx(m1:m2) integer, intent(in) :: lat_ndx(m1:m2) real, intent(in) :: fire_emissions(n_fire_spc,m1:m2) character(len=*), intent(in) :: output_timing character(len=*), intent(in) :: wrk_date type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj type(model_grid_type), intent(in) :: mdlGrd !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: k, m, n integer :: n1, n2 integer :: astat integer :: ncid integer :: varid integer :: next_day integer :: start_ndx(3), length(3) real :: wrk_sum real :: avrg_factor real, allocatable :: wrk_emiss(:,:) character(len=10) :: next_date character(len=128) :: message logical :: do_output logical :: is_CAMSE, isnt_CAMSE is_CAMSE = mdlGrd%mdl_is_CAMSE isnt_CAMSE = .not. is_CAMSE if( isnt_CAMSE ) then allocate( wrk_emiss(proj%ide,proj%jde),stat=astat ) else allocate( wrk_emiss(mdlGrd%nPolygons,1),stat=astat ) endif if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'write_glb_fire_file: failed to allocate wrk_emiss array; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif do_output = output_timing == 'daily' if( .not. do_output ) then call geth_newdate( next_date, wrk_date, 24 ) read(next_date(9:10),*) next_day do_output = next_day == 1 endif spc_loop : & do n = 1,n_spc wrk_emiss(:,:) = ZERO time_loop : & do m = m1,m2 n1 = lon_ndx(m) if( isnt_CAMSE ) then n2 = lat_ndx(m) else n2 = 1 endif wrk_sum = ZERO do k = 1,wrf2fire_type(n)%fire_cnt wrk_sum = wrk_sum & + fire_emissions(wrf2fire_type(n)%fire_ndx(k,file),m) & *wrf2fire_type(n)%fire_wght(k) end do if( isnt_CAMSE ) then wrk_sum = wrk_sum * area(n2) if( wrf2fire_type(n)%is_aerosol ) then wrk_sum = kg2g * wrk_sum / wrf2fire_type(n)%m_wght endif else wrk_sum = wrk_sum * const1 / mdlGrd%mdl_poly(n1)%area if( wrf2fire_type(n)%is_aerosol ) then wrk_sum = kg2g * wrk_sum / wrf2fire_type(n)%m_wght endif endif wrk_emiss(n1,n2) = wrk_emiss(n1,n2) + wrk_sum end do time_loop if( output_timing == 'monthly' ) then if( isnt_CAMSE ) then accum_emiss(:,:,n) = accum_emiss(:,:,n) + wrk_emiss(:,:) else accum_emiss(:,n,1) = accum_emiss(:,n,1) + wrk_emiss(:,1) endif endif if( do_output ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open global output file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'write_glb_fire_file: Failed to open ' // trim(outpname(n)) call handle_ncerr( nf_open( trim(outpname(n)), nf_write, ncid ), trim(message) ) if( isnt_CAMSE ) then start_ndx(:) = (/ 1,1,time_ndx /) length(:) = (/ proj%ide,proj%jde,1 /) else start_ndx(1:2) = (/ 1,time_ndx /) length(1:2) = (/ mdlGrd%nPolygons,1 /) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write global output file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'write_glb_fire_file: Failed to get fire variable id' if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'fire', varid ), trim(message) ) else call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'bb', varid ), trim(message) ) endif message = 'write_glb_fire_file: Failed to write fire variable' if( output_timing == 'daily' ) then if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx, length, wrk_emiss ), trim(message) ) else call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx(1:2), length(1:2), wrk_emiss(:,1) ), trim(message) ) endif else read(wrk_date(9:10),*) next_day avrg_factor = 1./real(next_day) if( isnt_CAMSE ) then accum_emiss(:,:,n) = accum_emiss(:,:,n) * avrg_factor call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx, length, accum_emiss(:,:,n) ), trim(message) ) accum_emiss(:,:,n) = ZERO else accum_emiss(:,n,1) = accum_emiss(:,n,1) * avrg_factor call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx(1:2), length(1:2), accum_emiss(:,n,1) ), trim(message) ) accum_emiss(:,n,1) = ZERO endif endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'Failed to close ' // trim(outpname(n)) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) endif end do spc_loop if( do_output ) then time_ndx = time_ndx + 1 endif deallocate( wrk_emiss ) end subroutine write_glb_fire_file subroutine global_attributes( ncid, FinnVers, Model, resol, proj, n_files, & fire_directory, fire_filename, output_timing ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write file global attributes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use wrf_utils, only : proj_info !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ncid integer, intent(in) :: n_files character(len=*), intent(in) :: FinnVers character(len=*), intent(in) :: Model character(len=*), intent(in) :: resol character(len=*), intent(in) :: fire_directory character(len=*), intent(in) :: output_timing character(len=*), intent(in) :: fire_filename(n_files) type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: n character(len=10) :: ctime character(len=8) :: cdate character(len=132) :: text character(len=132) :: message character(len=10) :: t_string(2) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write title' ! text = 'FINNv15 daily fire emissions' text = 'FINNv' // trim(FinnVers) // ' daily fire emissions' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'title', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write title' text = trim(Model) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'TargetModel', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) text = trim(resol) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'TargetGrid', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write History' text = trim(output_timing) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'Frequency', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write Frequency' call date_and_time( cdate, ctime ) t_string(1) = cdate(1:4) // '-' // cdate(5:6) // '-' // cdate(7:8) t_string(2) = ctime(1:2) // ':' // ctime(3:4) text = 'Created on ' // trim(t_string(1)) // ' at ' // trim(t_string(2)) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'History', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write Directory' text = trim( fire_directory ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'Directory', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write Files' text = trim(fire_filename(1)) if( n_files > 1 ) then text = trim(fire_filename(1)) // ',' do n = 2,n_files if( n /= n_files ) then text(len_trim(text)+1:) = trim(fire_filename(n)) // ',' else text(len_trim(text)+1:) = trim(fire_filename(n)) endif end do endif call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'Files', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Author to write Files' text = 'fire_emis' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'Author', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) end subroutine global_attributes subroutine glb_file_final !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! module "destructor" !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( area ) ) then deallocate( area ) endif if( allocated( outpname ) ) then deallocate( outpname ) endif if( allocated( accum_emiss ) ) then deallocate( accum_emiss ) endif end subroutine glb_file_final subroutine handle_ncerr( ret, mes ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... netcdf error handling routine !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ret character(len=*), intent(in) :: mes if( ret /= nf_noerr ) then write(*,*) 'handle_ncerr: ',trim(mes) write(*,*) nf_strerror( ret ) stop 'netcdf error' endif end subroutine handle_ncerr end module glb_utils