module srf_types implicit none private public :: ntypes public :: cover public :: plant_cover public :: fire_srf_init public :: fire_srf_types public :: fire_srf_final integer, parameter :: ntypes = 4 character(len=32) :: plant_name(ntypes) character(len=8) :: plant_type(ntypes) type cover real, pointer :: type_frac(:,:,:) end type cover type(cover), allocatable :: plant_cover(:) include '' contains subroutine fire_srf_init( domains ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize module !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: domains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: astat allocate( plant_cover(domains),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_init: failed to allocate plant_cover type; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif end subroutine fire_srf_init subroutine fire_srf_types( fire_directory, domain, proj ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read srf type file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use wrf_utils use utils, only : diag_level !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: domain character(len=*), intent(in) :: fire_directory type(proj_info) :: proj !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: file integer :: i, j, n integer :: astat integer :: ncid integer :: dimid, varid integer :: nlon, nlat integer :: lon_ndx, lat_ndx integer :: lon_beg, lon_end integer :: lat_beg, lat_end integer :: zero_cnt integer(1), allocatable :: data(:,:) integer(1), allocatable :: xdata(:,:,:) integer, allocatable :: popcnt(:,:,:) integer, allocatable :: cell_cnt(:,:) real :: wrf_lon, wrf_lat real :: x, y real :: min_x, max_x real :: min_y, max_y real :: minmax_wrf_lon(2) real :: minmax_wrf_lat(2) real, allocatable :: type_sum(:,:) real, allocatable :: lon(:) real, allocatable :: lat(:) character(len=128) :: message character(len=256) :: filespec logical :: found plant_type(:) = (/ 'tempfor ', 'tropfor ', 'shrub ', 'grass ' /) plant_name(:) = (/ 'tempfor ', 'tropfor ', 'shrub ', 'grass ' /) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get min,max lon,lat of wrf grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- minmax_wrf_lon(:) = (/ 1000.,-1000. /) minmax_wrf_lat(:) = (/ 1000.,-1000. /) do j = 1,proj%jde+1 y = real(j) - .5 do i = 1,proj%ide+1 call ijll( real(i)-.5, y, proj, wrf_lat, wrf_lon ) minmax_wrf_lon(1) = min( minmax_wrf_lon(1),wrf_lon ) minmax_wrf_lon(2) = max( minmax_wrf_lon(2),wrf_lon ) minmax_wrf_lat(1) = min( minmax_wrf_lat(1),wrf_lat ) minmax_wrf_lat(2) = max( minmax_wrf_lat(2),wrf_lat ) end do end do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate module variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if( allocated(type_frac) ) then ! deallocate( type_frac,stat=astat ) ! if( astat /= 0 ) then ! write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: failed to deallocate type_frac; error = ',astat ! stop 'Dealloc error' ! endif ! endif allocate( plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(proj%ide,proj%jde,ntypes),type_sum(proj%ide,proj%jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: failed to allocate type_frac,type_sum; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif allocate( popcnt(proj%ide,proj%jde,ntypes),cell_cnt(proj%ide,proj%jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: failed to allocate popcnt,cell_cnt; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif cell_cnt(:,:) = 0 min_x = .5 max_x = real(proj%ide) + .5 min_y = .5 max_y = real(proj%jde) + .5 file_loop : & do file = 1,ntypes filespec = trim(fire_directory) // trim(plant_type(file)) // '' !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open input file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to open ' // trim(filespec) call handle_ncerr( nf_open( trim(filespec), nf_noclobber, ncid ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get wrf dimesions !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get lon dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, 'lon', dimid ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get lon dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, nlon ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get lat dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, 'lat', dimid ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get lat dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, nlat ), message ) if( file == 1 ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'(''nlon,nlat = '',2i6)') nlon,nlat endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( lon(nlon),lat(nlat),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'failed to allocate lon,lat; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read coordinate arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get lon varid' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lon', varid ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to read lon var' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, lon ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get lat varid' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lat', varid ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to read lat var' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, lat ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! establish lon limits for srf cover type file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- found = .false. do lon_beg = 1,nlon if( lon(lon_beg) >= minmax_wrf_lon(1) ) then found = .true. exit endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: lon ',minmax_wrf_lon(1),' not in [',lon(1),',',lon(2),']' stop 'Range error' endif lon_beg = max( 1,lon_beg-1 ) found = .false. do lon_end = nlon,lon_beg,-1 if( lon(lon_end) <= minmax_wrf_lon(2) ) then found = .true. exit endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: lon ',minmax_wrf_lon(2),' not in [',lon(1),',',lon(2),']' stop 'Range error' endif lon_end = min( lon_end+1,nlon ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! establish lat limits for srf cover type file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- found = .false. do lat_end = nlat,1,-1 if( lat(lat_end) > minmax_wrf_lat(1) ) then found = .true. exit endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: lat ',minmax_wrf_lat(1),' not in [',lat(1),',',lat(2),']' stop 'Range error' endif lat_end = min(lat_end + 1,nlat) found = .false. do lat_beg = 1,lat_end if( lat(lat_beg) < minmax_wrf_lat(2) ) then found = .true. exit endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: lat ',minmax_wrf_lat(2),' not in [',lat(1),',',lat(2),']' stop 'Range error' endif lat_beg = max(lat_beg - 1,1) if( file == 1 ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'(''lon_beg,end = '',2i6)') lon_beg,lon_end write(*,'(''lat_beg,end = '',2i6)') lat_beg,lat_end endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate and read data array !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( data(lon_beg:lon_end,lat_beg:lat_end),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'failed to allocate data; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif if( diag_level >= 300 .and. file == 1 ) then allocate( xdata(lon_beg:lon_end,lat_beg:lat_end,ntypes),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: failed to allocate xdata; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif endif message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to get ' // trim(plant_name(file)) // ' varid' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, trim(plant_name(file)), varid ), message ) message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to read ' // trim(plant_name(file)) // ' var' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_vara_int1( ncid, varid, (/ lon_beg,lat_beg /), & (/ lon_end-lon_beg+1,lat_end-lat_beg+1 /), data ), message ) if( diag_level >= 300 ) then xdata(:,:,file) = data(:,:) i = count( data(:,:) == 1 ) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: count of non-zero ',trim(plant_type(file)),' type = ',i write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: size of data = ',size( data ) write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: % non-zero ',trim(plant_type(file)),' type = ',100.*real(i)/real(size(data)) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set pop count !--------------------------------------------------------------------- popcnt(:,:,file) = 0 do j = lat_beg,lat_end do i = lon_beg,lon_end call llij( lat(j), lon(i), proj, x, y ) if( min_x <= x .and. x < max_x .and. & min_y <= y .and. y < max_y ) then lon_ndx = nint(x) lat_ndx = nint(y) if( file == 1 ) then cell_cnt(lon_ndx,lat_ndx) = cell_cnt(lon_ndx,lat_ndx) + 1 endif if( data(i,j) == 1 ) then popcnt(lon_ndx,lat_ndx,file) = popcnt(lon_ndx,lat_ndx,file) + 1 if( diag_level >= 300 ) then if( file > 1 .and. any( xdata(i,j,:file-1) == 1 ) ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: multiple cover types @ i,j = ',i,j write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: xdata(i,j) = ',xdata(i,j,:file) stop 'Data problem' endif endif endif endif end do end do if( diag_level >= 300 ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: max wrf cell ',trim(plant_type(file)),' cnt = ',maxval(popcnt(:,:,file)) i = count(popcnt(:,:,file) /= 0) write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: non-zero wrf cell ',trim(plant_type(file)),' cnt = ',i write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: % non-zero wrf cell ',trim(plant_type(file)),' cnt = ',100.*real(i)/real(proj%ide*proj%jde) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close wrf file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'fire_srf_types: Failed to close ' // trim(filespec) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! deallocate arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- deallocate( lon, lat, data, stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'failed to deallocate lon,lat,data arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif end do file_loop if( diag_level >= 300 ) then zero_cnt = 0 do j = lat_beg,lat_end do i = lon_beg,lon_end if( all(xdata(i,j,:) == 0 ) ) then zero_cnt = zero_cnt + 1 endif end do end do write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: zero cover type count = ',zero_cnt endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! form the srf cover type variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 1,proj%jde do i = 1,proj%ide ! type_sum(i,j) = real(cell_cnt(i,j)) type_sum(i,j) = real(sum(popcnt(i,j,:))) end do end do do n = 1,ntypes where( popcnt(:,:,n) /= 0 ) plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,n) = real(popcnt(:,:,n))/type_sum(:,:) elsewhere plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,n) = 0. endwhere end do if( diag_level >= 300 ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: max cover type fraction' write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: ',maxval(plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,1)), & maxval(plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,2)), & maxval(plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,3)), & maxval(plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,4)) write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: maxloc' do n = 1,ntypes write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: ',trim(plant_type(n)),' max @ ',maxloc( plant_cover(domain)%type_frac(:,:,n) ) end do endif write(*,*) ' ' do j = 1,proj%jde do i = 1,proj%ide ! if( sum(popcnt(i,j,:) ) > cell_cnt(i,j) ) then if( (sum(popcnt(i,j,:) ) - cell_cnt(i,j)) > 1 ) then write(*,'(''popcnt > cell_cnt @ i,j = '',2i5)') i,j write(*,'(''popcnt,cell_cnt = '',2i5)') sum(popcnt(i,j,:)),cell_cnt(i,j) write(*,'(''popcnt = '',4i5)') popcnt(i,j,:) stop 'Data problem' endif end do end do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! deallocate arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated(xdata) ) then deallocate( xdata,stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_srf_types: failed to deallocate xdata; error = ',astat stop 'Dealloc error' endif endif deallocate( type_sum, popcnt, cell_cnt, stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'failed to deallocate type_sum,popcnt,cell_cnt arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif end subroutine fire_srf_types subroutine fire_srf_final( domains ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! finalize module !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: domains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: domain do domain = 1,domains deallocate( plant_cover(domain)%type_frac ) end do deallocate( plant_cover ) end subroutine fire_srf_final subroutine handle_ncerr( ret, mes ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... netcdf error handling routine !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ret character(len=*), intent(in) :: mes if( ret /= nf_noerr ) then write(*,*) 'handle_ncerr: ',trim(mes) write(*,*) nf_strerror( ret ) stop 'netcdf error' endif end subroutine handle_ncerr end module srf_types