program fire_emis !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! transform raw fire emissions to wrf,mozart,cam-chem domain !----------------------------------------------------------------- use utils use wrf_utils use glb_utils, only : glb_file, write_glb_fire_file, glb_file_final use fire_file, only : write_fire_file, max_fire_size, dealloc_fire_emis_glb_atts use srf_types, only : fire_srf_init, fire_srf_types, fire_srf_final use srf_types, only : ntypes use attr_types use fire_types use camse_utils use module_timing implicit none integer, parameter :: map_size = 500 integer, parameter :: maxsize = 132 integer, parameter :: max_files = 5 real, parameter :: ZERO = 0. real, parameter :: THREE60 = 360. integer :: nlines integer :: n_infiles, nSkip integer :: astat, istat integer :: slen, comma, chr integer :: k, m, m1, m2, n, n1 integer :: file, filep1 integer :: ncid integer :: n_fire_spc integer :: n_wrf_spc integer :: genveg integer :: domain integer :: last_time_ndx integer :: ndx_cnt integer :: day_cnt integer :: day_ndx integer :: match_day integer :: start_julday, end_julday integer :: start_file, end_file integer :: start_mnth, end_mnth integer :: start_yr, end_yr integer :: n_mnths integer :: n_total_days integer :: ngatts integer, allocatable :: lat_ndx(:) integer, allocatable :: lon_ndx(:) integer, allocatable :: gen_ndx(:) integer, allocatable :: beg_day_ndx(:) integer, allocatable :: day(:,:) integer :: julyr(2) integer :: julday(2) integer :: file_yr(max_files) integer :: file_lincnt(max_files) real :: min_x, max_x real :: min_y, max_y real :: x, y real :: timeod real :: wrk_emiss real :: dxsqi real :: avrg_fire_size = 2.5e5 ! m^2, .25 km^2 real(8) :: elapsed_time real, allocatable :: lon(:) real, allocatable :: lat(:) real, allocatable :: fire_size(:) real, allocatable :: fire_emissions(:,:) character(len=10) :: wrk_date character(len=10) :: output_start_date character(len=maxsize) :: message character(len=linsize) :: filespec character(len=namsize) :: mdlFilenm character(len=namsize) :: mdlDir character(len=1024) :: buffer character(len=32) :: dummy(16) character(len=8) :: Version(max_files) character(len=16), allocatable :: fire_species(:) logical :: has_fire_size(max_files) logical :: is_wrf, is_glb logical :: is_CAMSE, isnt_CAMSE logical :: fexist logical :: found type(proj_info), allocatable :: proj(:) type(dom_glb_att), pointer :: dom_glb_attrs(:) type(model_grid_type) :: mdlGrd type(UtilAttributes ) :: UtilAttrs !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! control variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: domains = 1 character(len=maxsize) :: fire_directory = ' ' character(len=maxsize) :: wrf_directory = ' ' character(len=maxsize) :: fire_filename(max_files) = ' ' character(len=maxsize) :: srf_type_filename(ntypes) = ' ' character(len=MaxChars) :: wrf2fire_map(map_size) = ' ' character(len=MaxChars) :: glb2fire_map(map_size) = ' ' character(len=32) :: Model = 'WRF' character(len=32) :: resol = ' ' character(len=32) :: EmisType = 'bb_surface' character(len=16) :: FinnVers = '1.5' character(len=10) :: start_date character(len=10) :: end_date character(len=7) :: output_timing = 'daily ' namelist /control/ domains, fire_directory, wrf_directory, fire_filename, & srf_type_filename, wrf2fire_map, start_date, end_date, & avrg_fire_size, max_fire_size, diag_level, resol, Model, & output_timing, glb2fire_map, mdlDir, mdlFilenm, defaultUnits, & FinnVers, EmisType mdlDir = '.' mdlFilenm = ' ' call init_module_timing call start_timing !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read control variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------- read(*,nml=control,iostat=istat) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read namelist; error = ',istat stop end if is_wrf = trim( Model ) == 'WRF' is_CAMSE = trim( Model ) == 'CAMSE' isnt_CAMSE = .not. is_CAMSE mdlGrd%mdl_is_CAMSE = is_CAMSE is_glb = .not. is_wrf !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! check namelist inputs !----------------------------------------------------------------- if( domains < 1 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: domains must be >= 1' stop 'Namelist error' else if( is_glb .and. domains > 1 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: only one global domain allowed' stop 'Namelist error' end if if( diag_level >= 200 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: start,end dates = ',start_date,' ',end_date endif if( diffdat( (/ start_date, end_date /) ) < 0. ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: start date > end date' stop 'Date error' endif is_montly : & if( is_glb .and. output_timing == 'monthly' ) then wrk_date = start_date !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! check start date is beginning of month !----------------------------------------------------------------- n = 0 do read(wrk_date(9:10),*) m1 if( m1 == 1 ) then start_date = wrk_date exit endif n = n + 24 call geth_newdate( wrk_date, start_date, n ) if( diffdat( (/ wrk_date, end_date /) ) <= 0. ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: monthly global output - but can not find' write(*,*) ' whole month between start and end dates' stop 'Namelist error' endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! check end date is end of month !----------------------------------------------------------------- call geth_newdate( wrk_date, end_date, 24 ) read(wrk_date(9:10),*) n1 if( n1 /= 1 ) then read(end_date(6:7),*) m2 n = 0 do n = n - 24 call geth_newdate( wrk_date, end_date, n ) if( diffdat( (/ start_date, wrk_date /) ) <= 0. ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: monthly global output - but can not find' write(*,*) ' whole month between start and end dates' stop 'Namelist error' endif read(wrk_date(6:7),*) m1 if( m2 /= m1 ) then end_date = wrk_date exit endif end do endif endif is_montly call get_julgmt( start_date, julyr(1), julday(1), timeod ) if( diag_level >= 200 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: start yr,day = ',julyr(1),julday(1) endif call get_julgmt( end_date, julyr(2), julday(2), timeod ) if( diag_level >= 200 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: end yr,day = ',julyr(2),julday(2) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check start, end dates for proper order !------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_total_days = int( diffdat( (/ start_date, end_date /) ) ) if( n_total_days < 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: start date > end date' stop 'Date error' endif n_total_days = n_total_days + 1 if( is_glb .and. output_timing == 'monthly' ) then read(start_date(1:4),*) start_yr read(start_date(1:4),*) end_yr read(start_date(6:7),*) start_mnth read(end_date(6:7),*) end_mnth n_mnths = (end_yr - start_yr)*12 + end_mnth - start_mnth + 1 endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get total file count !------------------------------------------------------------------------- do n_infiles = 1,max_files if( trim(fire_filename(n_infiles)) == ' ' ) then exit endif end do n_infiles = n_infiles - 1 if( n_infiles == 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: no fire emission files specified in namelist' stop 'Namelist error' endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check for basic fire emission file existence !------------------------------------------------------------------------- do file = 1,n_infiles filespec = trim(fire_directory) // trim(fire_filename(file)) inquire( file=trim(filespec),exist=fexist ) if( .not. fexist ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_emis: file ',trim(filespec),' does not exist' stop 'File error' endif end do !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check for end,start dates requiring 2 or more files !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( julyr(2) > julyr(1) .and. n_infiles == 1 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: end year > start year but only one fire input file' stop 'Namelist error' endif if( is_glb ) then wrf2fire_map(:) = glb2fire_map(:) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! form model to fire emission map !----------------------------------------------------------------- call mapper( n_wrf_spc, wrf2fire_map, map_size, n_infiles ) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'(''fire_emis: there are '',i3,'' output species'')') n_wrf_spc if( is_glb ) then allocate( proj(domains),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate proj; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif UtilAttrs%Model = Model UtilAttrs%resol = resol UtilAttrs%EmisType = EmisType UtilAttrs%FinnVers = FinnVers if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call glb_file( UtilAttrs, proj(1), n_wrf_spc, n_total_days, start_date, end_date, & n_infiles, fire_directory, fire_filename, output_timing, n_mnths, mdlGrd ) endif endif file_loop : & do file = 1,n_infiles !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open basic fire emissions file !------------------------------------------------------------------------- filespec = trim(fire_directory) // trim(fire_filename(file)) open( unit=10,file=trim(filespec),iostat=istat ) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to open base fire emissions file ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Open error' endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get length of fire emission file(s) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_emis: getting fire record count for ',trim(filespec) write(*,*) 'fire_emis: this usually takes about 30 - 45 seconds' call start_timing nlines = get_file_size( 10 ) - 1 call end_timing( 'Line count' ) ! elapsed_time = now_time() ! write(*,'(''fire_emis: actual time = '',1pg15.7,'' seconds'')') elapsed_time file_lincnt(file) = nlines !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read and process the header record !------------------------------------------------------------------------- read(unit=10,fmt='(a)',iostat=istat) buffer if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Read error' endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set FINN version !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( index( trim(buffer),'POLYID' ) /= 0 .and. & index( trim(buffer),'FIREID' ) /= 0 ) then Version(file) = '2.0' else Version(file) = '1.5' endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! does fire emiss file have fire size? !------------------------------------------------------------------------- has_fire_size(file) = index( trim(buffer),'AREA' ) /= 0 if( is_wrf ) then write(*,*) ' ' if( has_fire_size(file) ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: ',trim(filespec),' has fire size data' else write(*,*) 'fire_emis: ',trim(filespec),' does NOT have fire size data' endif endif comma = iachar( ',' ) n = len_trim( buffer ) allocate( gen_ndx(n),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate gen_ndx; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif do m = 1,n gen_ndx(m) = iachar( buffer(m:m) ) enddo if( has_fire_size(file) ) then select case( Version(file) ) case( '1.5' ) nSkip = 5 case( '2.0' ) nSkip = 6 end select else select case( Version(file) ) case( '1.5' ) nSkip = 4 case( '2.0' ) nSkip = 5 end select endif n_fire_spc = count(gen_ndx(:) == comma) - nSkip deallocate( gen_ndx ) write(*,*) 'fire_emis: there are ',n_fire_spc,' in the fire file' allocate( fire_species(n_fire_spc),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate species; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif rewind(10) if( has_fire_size(file) ) then select case( Version(file) ) case( '1.5' ) nSkip = 6 case( '2.0' ) nSkip = 7 end select else select case( Version(file) ) case( '1.5' ) nSkip = 5 case( '2.0' ) nSkip = 6 end select endif read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) dummy(1:nSkip),fire_species(1:n_fire_spc) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read; error = ',istat stop 'Read error' endif slen = len_trim(fire_species(n_fire_spc)) chr = iachar(fire_species(n_fire_spc)(slen:slen)) if( .not. ((iachar('a') <= chr .and. chr <= iachar('z')) .or. & (iachar('A') <= chr .and. chr <= iachar('Z')) .or. & (iachar('0') <= chr .and. chr <= iachar('9'))) ) then fire_species(n_fire_spc) = fire_species(n_fire_spc)(1:len_trim(fire_species(n_fire_spc))-1) endif do m = 1,n_fire_spc,5 write(*,'(5(1x,a16))') fire_species(m:min(m+4,n_fire_spc)) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! check mapping !----------------------------------------------------------------- call chk_map( n_wrf_spc, n_fire_spc, fire_species, file ) deallocate( fire_species ) write(*,*) ' ' close( 10 ) end do file_loop !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! synch FinnVers with actual version !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( all(Version(1:n_infiles) == '1.5') ) then FinnVers = '1.5' elseif( all(Version(1:n_infiles) == '2.0') ) then FinnVers = '2.0' else FinnVers = '1.5&2.0' endif if( is_glb ) then UtilAttrs%FinnVers = FinnVers endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate day array !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( day ) ) then deallocate( day ) endif allocate( day(maxval(file_lincnt(1:n_infiles)),n_infiles),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate day array; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif file_loop_a : & do file = 1,n_infiles filespec = trim(fire_directory) // trim(fire_filename(file)) open( unit=10,file=trim(filespec),iostat=istat ) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to open base fire emissions file ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Open error' endif read(unit=10,fmt='(a)',iostat=istat) buffer if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Read error' endif write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'fire_emis: getting julian days for ',trim(filespec) write(*,*) 'fire_emis: this usually takes about 30 - 45 seconds' call start_timing !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read the days !------------------------------------------------------------------------- do n = 1,file_lincnt(file) read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) day(n,file) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,'(''fire_emis: failed to read '',a,'' at record = '',i10,''; error = '',i5)') trim(fire_filename(file)),n,istat close( 10 ) stop 'Read error' endif end do close( 10 ) call end_timing( 'Read FINN file' ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check days !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( minval( day(1:file_lincnt(file),file) ) < 1 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: julian days in ',trim(fire_filename(file)),' improperly ordered' stop 'Day numbering error' endif if( any( day(2:file_lincnt(file),file) < day(1:file_lincnt(file)-1,file) ) ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: julian days in ',trim(fire_filename(file)),' improperly ordered' stop 'Day numbering error' endif end do file_loop_a !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check output start, end dates !------------------------------------------------------------------------- file_yr(1) = julyr(1) file_loop_b : & do file = 1,n_infiles-1 filep1 = file + 1 if( .not. is_leap_year( file_yr(file) ) ) then if( day(file_lincnt(file),file) == 365 ) then if( day(1,filep1) /= 1 ) then write(*,'(''fire_emis: input files '',i1,'', '',i1,'' do NOT have consecutive julian day numbering'')') file,filep1 stop 'Day numbering error' endif file_yr(filep1) = file_yr(file) + 1 else if( day(1,filep1) /= day(file_lincnt(file),file)+1 ) then write(*,'(''fire_emis: input files '',i1,'', '',i1,'' do NOT have consecutive julian day numbering'')') file,filep1 stop 'Day numbering error' endif file_yr(filep1) = file_yr(file) endif else if( day(file_lincnt(file),file) == 366 ) then if( day(1,filep1) /= 1 ) then write(*,'(''fire_emis: input files '',i1,'', '',i1,'' do NOT have consecutive julian day numbering'')') file,filep1 stop 'Day numbering error' endif file_yr(filep1) = file_yr(file) + 1 else if( day(1,filep1) /= day(file_lincnt(file),file)+1 ) then write(*,'(''fire_emis: input files '',i1,'', '',i1,'' do NOT have consecutive julian day numbering'')') file,filep1 stop 'Day numbering error' endif file_yr(filep1) = file_yr(file) endif endif end do file_loop_b found = .false. do file = 1,n_infiles if( file_yr(file) == julyr(1) ) then if( julday(1) >= day(1,file) .and. julday(1) <= day(file_lincnt(file),file) ) then found = .true. exit endif endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: start output date not in any fire input file ' stop 'Date error' endif start_file = file found = .false. do file = n_infiles,1,-1 if( file_yr(file) == julyr(2) ) then if( julday(2) >= day(1,file) .and. julday(2) <= day(file_lincnt(file),file) ) then found = .true. exit endif endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: end output date not in any fire input file ' stop 'Date error' endif end_file = file call geth_newdate( output_start_date, start_date, -24 ) if( is_wrf ) then allocate( proj(domains),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate proj; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif call fire_srf_init( domains ) allocate( dom_glb_attrs(domains),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate dom_glb_attrs; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif elseif( is_CAMSE ) then filespec = trim( mdlDir ) // '/' // trim( mdlFilenm ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open model input file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'fire_emis: Failed to open ' // trim(filespec) call handle_ncerr( nf_open( trim(filespec), nf_noclobber, ncid ), message ) call start_timing call camse_init( ncid, mdlGrd ) call end_timing( 'camse_init' ) call glb_file( UtilAttrs, proj(1), n_wrf_spc, n_total_days, start_date, end_date, & n_infiles, fire_directory, fire_filename, output_timing, n_mnths, mdlGrd ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close model file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'model_init: Failed to close ' // trim(filespec) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) endif call start_timing file_loop_c: & do file = start_file,end_file if( file == start_file ) then start_julday = julday(1) else start_julday = day(1,file) endif if( file == end_file ) then end_julday = julday(2) else end_julday = day(file_lincnt(file),file) endif day_cnt = end_julday - start_julday + 2 allocate( beg_day_ndx(day_cnt),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate day_ndx; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find begin,end julian day indices in fire file !------------------------------------------------------------------------- found = .false. do n = 1,file_lincnt(file) if( day(n,file) == start_julday ) then found = .true. beg_day_ndx(1) = n exit endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: requested start date ',start_date,' is not in dataset' call get_date( start_date, file_yr(file), day(1,file) ) call get_date( end_date, file_yr(file), day(file_lincnt(file),file) ) write(*,*) 'fire_emis: file start,end dates = ',start_date,' ',end_date stop 'Date error' endif found = .false. do last_time_ndx = file_lincnt(file),beg_day_ndx(1),-1 if( day(last_time_ndx,file) == end_julday ) then found = .true. exit endif end do if( .not. found ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: requested end date ',end_date,' is not in dataset' call get_date( start_date, file_yr(file), day(1,file) ) call get_date( end_date, file_yr(file), day(file_lincnt(file),file) ) write(*,*) 'fire_emis: file start,end dates = ',start_date,' ',end_date stop 'Date error' endif if( diag_level >= 200 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: beg_day_ndx,last_time_ndx = ',beg_day_ndx(1),last_time_ndx endif match_day = start_julday - 1 do n = 2,day_cnt-1 match_day = match_day + 1 beg_day_ndx(n) = beg_day_ndx(n-1) + count( day(1:file_lincnt(file),file) == match_day ) end do match_day = match_day + 1 beg_day_ndx(day_cnt) = beg_day_ndx(day_cnt-1) + count( day(1:file_lincnt(file),file) == match_day ) filespec = trim(fire_directory) // trim(fire_filename(file)) open( unit=10,file=trim(filespec),iostat=istat ) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to open base fire emissions file ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Open error' endif domain_loop: & do domain = 1,domains !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read the wrf file parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( is_wrf .and. file == start_file ) then call wrf_file( domain, wrf_directory, dxsqi, proj(domain), & dom_glb_attrs(domain)%ngatts, dom_glb_attrs(domain)%attrs ) dxsqi = 1./(dxsqi*dxsqi) endif if( isnt_CAMSE ) then min_x = .5 max_x = real(proj(domain)%ide) + .5 if( is_wrf ) then min_y = .5 max_y = real(proj(domain)%jde) + .5 else min_y = 1. max_y = real(proj(domain)%jde) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! form the srf type variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( is_wrf .and. file == start_file ) then call fire_srf_types( fire_directory, domain, proj(domain) ) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! position the fire emission file before first output day !------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( domain > 1 ) then rewind( unit = 10 ) endif read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) buffer if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Read error' endif do n = 1,beg_day_ndx(1)-1 read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) timeod if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read ',trim(filespec),'; error = ',istat stop 'Read error' endif end do !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read fire emissions for output day !------------------------------------------------------------------------- wrk_date = output_start_date days_loop: & do day_ndx = 1,day_cnt-1 call geth_newdate( wrk_date, wrk_date, 24 ) m1 = beg_day_ndx(day_ndx) m2 = beg_day_ndx(day_ndx+1)-1 allocate( lon(m1:m2),lat(m1:m2),lon_ndx(m1:m2),lat_ndx(m1:m2), & fire_size(m1:m2), fire_emissions(n_fire_spc,m1:m2),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to allocate lon ... fire_emissions arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'(''fire_emis: processing '',i6,'' fires on day '',i3)') m2-m1+1,day_ndx lon_ndx(:) = 0 day_loop: & do m = m1,m2 if( has_fire_size(file) ) then select case( Version(file) ) case( '1.5' ) read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) timeod,timeod,genveg,lat(m),lon(m),fire_size(m),fire_emissions(:,m) case( '2.0' ) read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) timeod,timeod,timeod,genveg,lat(m),lon(m),fire_size(m),fire_emissions(:,m) end select else select case( Version(file) ) case( '1.5' ) read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) timeod,timeod,genveg,lat(m),lon(m),fire_emissions(:,m) case( '2.0' ) read(unit=10,fmt=*,iostat=istat) timeod,timeod,timeod,genveg,lat(m),lon(m),fire_emissions(:,m) end select fire_size(m) = avrg_fire_size endif if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to read; error = ',istat stop 'Read error' endif if( is_glb .and. lon(m) < 0. ) then lon(m) = mod( lon(m)+THREE60,THREE60 ) endif is_not_CAMSE: & if( isnt_CAMSE ) then call llij( lat(m), lon(m), proj(domain), x, y ) if( is_glb .and. x > max_x ) then x = x - real(proj(domain)%ide) endif if( is_wrf ) then if( min_x <= x .and. x < max_x .and. & min_y <= y .and. y < max_y ) then lon_ndx(m) = nint( x ) lat_ndx(m) = nint( y ) endif else lon_ndx(m) = mod( nint( x ) - 1,proj(domain)%ide ) + 1 lat_ndx(m) = mod( nint( y ) - 1,proj(domain)%jde ) + 1 endif endif is_not_CAMSE end do day_loop if( is_CAMSE ) then call start_timing call camse_mapper( lon, lat, mdlGrd, lon_ndx ) call end_timing( 'camse_mapper' ) endif if( is_wrf ) then call write_fire_file( domain, wrk_date, n_wrf_spc, m1, m2, & lon, lon_ndx, lat_ndx, n_fire_spc, fire_size, & fire_emissions, dxsqi, proj(domain), n_infiles, fire_directory, & fire_filename, file, dom_glb_attrs(domain)%ngatts, dom_glb_attrs(domain)%attrs ) else call write_glb_fire_file( file, n_wrf_spc, m1, m2, lon_ndx, & lat_ndx, n_fire_spc, fire_emissions, proj(domain), output_timing, & wrk_date, mdlGrd ) endif deallocate( lon,lat,lon_ndx,lat_ndx,fire_size,fire_emissions,stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to deallocate lon ... fire_emissions arrays; error = ',astat stop 'Dealloc error' endif end do days_loop end do domain_loop close( unit=10 ) deallocate( beg_day_ndx,stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'fire_emis: failed to deallocate beg_day_ndx array; error = ',astat stop 'Dealloc error' endif output_start_date = wrk_date end do file_loop_c call end_timing( 'main loop' ) if( is_wrf ) then do domain = 1,domains if( dom_glb_attrs(domain)%ngatts > 0 ) then call dealloc_fire_emis_glb_atts( dom_glb_attrs(domain)%ngatts, dom_glb_attrs(domain)%attrs ) deallocate( dom_glb_attrs(domain)%attrs ) endif end do deallocate( dom_glb_attrs ) call fire_srf_final( domains ) else call glb_file_final endif write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) '=================================' write(*,*) 'fire_emis: Completed successfully' write(*,*) '=================================' call end_timing( 'Overall' ) contains integer function get_file_size( unitno ) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! get file size !----------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: unitno !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nl character :: c nl = 0 do read(unitno,*,iostat=istat) c if( istat == 0 ) then nl = nl + 1 else exit endif end do rewind( unitno ) get_file_size = nl end function get_file_size end program fire_emis