module camse_utils implicit none private public :: camse_init, area_interp_init_camse real, parameter :: ZERO = 0. real, parameter :: ZERO_8 = 0._8 real, parameter :: ONE = 1. real, parameter :: ONE_8 = 1._8 real, parameter :: FOUR = 4. real, parameter :: FOUR_8 = 4._8 real, parameter :: NINETY = 90. real, parameter :: ONE80 = 180. real, parameter :: ONE80_8 = 180._8 real, parameter :: THREE60 = 360. real, parameter :: ROUNDOFF = 10.*epsilon(ROUNDOFF) real(8) :: PI, D2R, R2D include '' CONTAINS subroutine camse_init( ncid, mdl_grd ) use anthro_types, only : mdl_poly_type, model_grid_type use netcdf_utils !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ncid ! model netcdf file id type(model_grid_type), intent(inout) :: mdl_grd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: polyNdx, vtxNdx integer :: astat integer :: dimid, varid integer :: nMatchLon, nMatchLat, nMatchVtx integer :: nVtx, nPolygons integer :: maxVtx integer :: Quadcnt(4) integer, allocatable :: Quad(:) real :: MatchVtxLon, MatchVtxLat real, allocatable :: wrk(:,:) real, allocatable :: wrkLon(:) character(len=64) :: mess !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get number polygons !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_size dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, 'grid_size', dimid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_size dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, mdl_grd%nPolygons ), mess ) nPolygons = mdl_grd%nPolygons !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get max number vertices/polygon !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_corners dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, 'grid_corners', dimid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_corners dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, mdl_grd%maxPolyvtx ), mess ) maxVtx = mdl_grd%maxPolyvtx !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate mdl_poly_type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( mdl_grd%mdl_poly(nPolygons),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'camse_init: Failed to allocate model polygons; error = ',astat stop 'AllocErr' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate wrk !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( wrk(nPolygons,1),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'camse_init: Failed to allocate wrk; error = ',astat stop 'AllocErr' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get and distribute polygon center longitudes (degrees) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_center_lon variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'grid_center_lon', varid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_center_lon' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), mess ) do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lon = wrk(polyNdx,1) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get and distribute polygon center latitudes (degrees) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_center_lat variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'grid_center_lat', varid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_center_lon' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), mess ) do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lat = wrk(polyNdx,1) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get and distribute polygon areas (square radians) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_center_area variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'grid_area', varid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_area' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), mess ) do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%area = wrk(polyNdx,1) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! reallocate wrk !----------------------------------------------------------------------- deallocate( wrk ) allocate( wrk( maxVtx,nPolygons),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'camse_init: Failed to allocate wrk; error = ',astat stop 'AllocErr' endif do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons allocate( mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(maxVtx), & mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(maxVtx),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'camse_init: Failed to allocate polygon vtx lon,lat; error = ',astat stop 'AllocErr' endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get and distribute polygon vertex longitudes (degrees) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_vertex_lon variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'grid_corner_lon', varid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_vertex_lon' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), mess ) do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(:) = wrk(:,polyNdx) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get and distribute polygon vertex latitudes (degrees) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_vertex_lat variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'grid_corner_lat', varid ), mess ) mess = 'camse_init: Failed to get grid_vertex_lat' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), mess ) do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(:) = wrk(:,polyNdx) enddo deallocate( wrk ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! delineate the "unique" model grid polygon vertices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons matchVtxLon = mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(maxVtx) matchVtxLat = mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(maxVtx) nMatchLon = count( mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(:) == matchVtxLon ) nMatchLat = count( mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(:) == matchVtxLat ) nMatchVtx = min( nMatchLon,nMatchLat ) mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%nVtx = maxVtx - nMatchVtx + 1 nVtx = mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%nVtx if( mod(nVtx,2) /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'camse_utils: odd number of polygon vertices' Stop 'Poly-ERR' endif enddo allocate( Quad(maxVtx),wrkLon(maxVtx),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'camse_init: Failed to allocate Quad,wrkLon; error = ',astat stop 'AllocErr' endif mdl_grd%mdl_poly(1:nPolygons)%active = .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! remove polygons with edges that "cross" 180 longitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- poly_loop: & do polyNdx = 1,nPolygons nVtx = mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%nVtx !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! put all mdl polygon vertices and centers into range (-180,180) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lon > ONE80 ) then mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lon = & mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lon - THREE60 endif where( mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:nVtx) > ONE80 ) mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:nVtx) = & mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:nVtx) - THREE60 endwhere wrkLon(1:nVtx) = mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:nVtx) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! place vtx in "quadrant" by longitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quadcnt(:) = 0 vtx_loop: & do vtxNdx = 1,nVtx if( ZERO <= wrkLon(vtxNdx) .and. wrkLon(vtxNdx) < NINETY ) then Quad(vtxNdx) = 1 Quadcnt(1) = Quadcnt(1) + 1 elseif( NINETY <= wrkLon(vtxNdx) .and. wrkLon(vtxNdx) < ONE80 ) then Quad(vtxNdx) = 2 Quadcnt(2) = Quadcnt(2) + 1 elseif( -ONE80 <= wrkLon(vtxNdx) .and. wrkLon(vtxNdx) < -NINETY ) then Quad(vtxNdx) = 3 Quadcnt(3) = Quadcnt(3) + 1 elseif( -NINETY <= wrkLon(vtxNdx) .and. wrkLon(vtxNdx) < ZERO ) then Quad(vtxNdx) = 4 Quadcnt(4) = Quadcnt(4) + 1 endif enddo vtx_loop if( count( Quadcnt(:) /= 0 ) > 2 ) then mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%active = .false. elseif( minval(wrkLon(1:nvtx)) * maxval(wrkLon(1:nVtx)) < 0. ) then if( any(Quad(:nVtx) == 2) .and. any(Quad(:nVtx) == 3) ) then mdl_grd%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%active = .false. endif endif enddo poly_loop deallocate( Quad,wrkLon ) PI = FOUR*atan(ONE) D2R = PI/ONE80_8 R2D = ONE80_8/PI end subroutine camse_init subroutine area_interp_init_camse( proj, mdlGrid, d2mMap, mdl_area_type, diag_level ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize area interpolation for camse model !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use anthro_types, only : mdl_poly_type, model_grid_type use mapper_types, only : grid_type, area_type, proj_info use area_mapper, only : xy_2_lm, map_kernel, pnt_in_quad, poly_area use constants_module, only : earth_radius_m, pi !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: diag_level type(model_grid_type), intent(inout) :: mdlGrid type(grid_type), intent(inout) :: d2mMap type(area_type), intent(inout) :: mdl_area_type(:) type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type enclosingQuad real :: minLon, maxLon real :: minLat, maxLat end type enclosingQuad integer :: astat integer :: polyNdx integer :: lonNdx, latNdx integer :: n, nVtx integer :: nl,nu integer :: dcellCnt integer :: nsubQuads, Quadndx integer :: nData_n_Mdl, nMdl_n_Data integer :: ploop_cnt integer :: minmaxNdx(2) integer :: xLonNdx(d2mMap%nlons*d2mMap%nlats) integer :: xLatNdx(d2mMap%nlons*d2mMap%nlats) real :: swghts real :: xy_pnt(2), lm_pnt(2) real :: xVtx(4), yVtx(4) real :: wghts(mdlGrid%nPolygons) real(8) :: xsectArea real(8) :: mCellArea, dCellArea, mQuadArea real(8) :: dQuad_x(4), dQuad_y(4) real(8) :: mQuad_x(4), mQuad_y(4) real(8), target :: dQuad_l(4), dQuad_m(4) real(8), pointer :: dQuad_lam(:), dQuad_phi(:) real(8), target :: mQuad_l(4), mQuad_m(4) real(8), pointer :: mQuad_lam(:), mQuad_phi(:) logical :: dcellInsidemcell, mcellInsidedcell logical :: Mask(mdlGrid%nPolygons) logical :: Mask1(mdlGrid%nPolygons) type(enclosingQuad) :: mdlBox, dataBox type(map_kernel) :: kernel real(8) :: quadintersectarea dQuad_lam => dQuad_l ; dQuad_phi => dQuad_m mQuad_lam => mQuad_l ; mQuad_phi => mQuad_m mQuad_l(:) = (/ 0._8, 1._8, 1._8, 0._8 /) mQuad_m(:) = (/ 0._8, 0._8, 1._8, 1._8 /) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set enclosing quad for data domain !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dataBox%minLon = minval(d2mMap%xedge_2d(:,:) ) dataBox%minLat = minval(d2mMap%yedge_2d(:,:) ) dataBox%maxLon = maxval(d2mMap%xedge_2d(:,:) ) dataBox%maxLat = maxval(d2mMap%yedge_2d(:,:) ) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'There are ',count(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%active),' active polygons before box test' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! weed out mdl polygons that are completely outside data grid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do polyNdx = 1,mdlGrid%nPolygons if( mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%active ) then nVtx = mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%nVtx !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set mdl grid quad !----------------------------------------------------------------------- mdlBox%minLon = minval(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:nVtx) ) mdlBox%minLat = minval(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(1:nVtx) ) mdlBox%maxLon = maxval(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:nVtx) ) mdlBox%maxLat = maxval(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(1:nVtx) ) if( .not. Boxes_overlap() ) then mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%active = .false. else mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%active = .true. endif endif enddo write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'There are ',count(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%active),' active polygons after box test' Mask(:) = mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%active mdl_area_type(1:mdlGrid%nPolygons)%has_data = .false. mdl_area_type(1:mdlGrid%nPolygons)%active_dcell_cnt = 0 mdl_area_type(1:mdlGrid%nPolygons)%interior_dcell_cnt = 0 mdl_area_type(1:mdlGrid%nPolygons)%partial_dcell_cnt = 0 Mask1(:) = Mask(:) .and. mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%nVtx == 4 write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'There are ',count(Mask1(:)),' active quad polygons after box test' write(*,*) 'Min quad area = ',4.e-6*pi*earth_radius_m**2*minval(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%area,mask=Mask1) write(*,*) 'Max quad area = ',4.e-6*pi*earth_radius_m**2*maxval(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%area,mask=Mask1) minmaxNdx(1:1) = minloc(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%area,mask=Mask) minmaxNdx(2:2) = maxloc(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(:)%area,mask=Mask) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'Min poly area,#vtx = ',4.e-6*pi*earth_radius_m**2*mdlGrid%mdl_poly(minmaxNdx(1))%area, & mdlGrid%mdl_poly(minmaxNdx(1))%nVtx write(*,*) 'Max poly area,#vtx = ',4.e-6*pi*earth_radius_m**2*mdlGrid%mdl_poly(minmaxNdx(2))%area, & mdlGrid%mdl_poly(minmaxNdx(2))%nVtx nData_n_Mdl = 0 ; nMdl_n_Data = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find intersection between mdl polygon quads and data quads !----------------------------------------------------------------------- poly_loop: & do polyNdx = 1,mdlGrid%nPolygons is_active: & if( Mask(polyNdx) ) then nVtx = mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%nVtx mCellArea = poly_area( nVtx, mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(:nVtx)*D2R, & sin(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(:nVtx)*D2R) ) select case( nVtx ) case( 4 ) nsubQuads = 1 case( 6 ) nsubQuads = 2 case( 8,10 ) nsubQuads = nVtx/2 end select dcellCnt = 0 mdlsubQuadLoop: & do Quadndx = 1,nsubQuads if( nsubQuads > 2 ) then mQuad_x(1) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lon,8) mQuad_y(1) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%cntr_lat,8) endif select case( nsubQuads ) case( 1 ) mQuad_x(1:4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:4),8) mQuad_y(1:4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(1:4),8) case( 2 ) if( Quadndx == 1 ) then mQuad_x(1:4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1:4),8) mQuad_y(1:4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(1:4),8) else mQuad_x(1:3) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(4:6),8) mQuad_y(1:3) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(4:6),8) mQuad_x(4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1),8) mQuad_y(4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(1),8) endif case( 4:5 ) nl = 2*Quadndx - 1 ; nu = nl + 2 if( nu < nVtx ) then mQuad_x(2:4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(nl:nu),8) mQuad_y(2:4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(nl:nu),8) else mQuad_x(2:3) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(nl:nu-1),8) mQuad_y(2:3) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(nl:nu-1),8) mQuad_x(4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lon(1),8) mQuad_y(4) = real(mdlGrid%mdl_poly(polyNdx)%vtx_lat(1),8) endif end select mdlBox%minLon = real(minval(mQuad_x(:)),4) mdlBox%minLat = real(minval(mQuad_y(:)),4) mdlBox%maxLon = real(maxval(mQuad_x(:)),4) mdlBox%maxLat = real(maxval(mQuad_y(:)),4) mQuad_lam(1:4) = mQuad_x(1:4)*D2R mQuad_phi(1:4) = sin(mQuad_y(1:4)*D2R) dlat_loop: & do latNdx = 1,d2mMap%nlats dlon_loop: do lonNdx = 1,d2mMap%nlons dQuad_x(1) = real(d2mMap%xedge_2d(lonNdx,latNdx),8) dQuad_x(2) = real(d2mMap%xedge_2d(lonNdx+1,latNdx),8) dQuad_x(3) = real(d2mMap%xedge_2d(lonNdx+1,latNdx+1),8) dQuad_x(4) = real(d2mMap%xedge_2d(lonNdx,latNdx+1),8) dQuad_y(1) = real(d2mMap%yedge_2d(lonNdx,latNdx),8) dQuad_y(2) = real(d2mMap%yedge_2d(lonNdx+1,latNdx),8) dQuad_y(3) = real(d2mMap%yedge_2d(lonNdx+1,latNdx+1),8) dQuad_y(4) = real(d2mMap%yedge_2d(lonNdx,latNdx+1),8) dataBox%minLon = real(minval(dQuad_x(:)),4) dataBox%minLat = real(minval(dQuad_y(:)),4) dataBox%maxLon = real(maxval(dQuad_x(:)),4) dataBox%maxLat = real(maxval(dQuad_y(:)),4) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set xsection parameters if mdl, data enclosing "boxes" intersect !----------------------------------------------------------------------- overlap: if( Boxes_overlap() ) then dQuad_lam(1:4) = real(dQuad_x(1:4)*D2R,8) dQuad_phi(1:4) = real(sin(dQuad_y(1:4)*D2R),8) mQuadArea = poly_area( 4, mQuad_lam, mQuad_phi ) dCellArea = poly_area( 4, dQuad_lam, dQuad_phi ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! first check for data cell completley inside model cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n = 1,4 dcellInsidemcell = pnt_in_quad( (/dQuad_lam(n),dQuad_phi(n)/), & mQuad_lam, mQuad_phi ) if( .not. dcellInsidemcell ) then exit endif enddo inclusion: if( dcellInsidemcell ) then nData_n_Mdl = nData_n_Mdl + 1 dcellCnt = dcellCnt + 1 wghts(dcellCnt) = dCellArea/mCellArea xLonNdx(dcellCnt) = lonNdx ; xLatNdx(dcellCnt) = latNdx mdl_area_type(polyndx)%interior_dcell_cnt & = mdl_area_type(polyndx)%interior_dcell_cnt + 1 cycle dlon_loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! now check for model cell completley inside data cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else inclusion do n = 1,4 mcellInsidedcell = pnt_in_quad( (/mQuad_lam(n),mQuad_phi(n)/), & dQuad_lam, dQuad_phi ) if( .not. mcellInsidedcell ) then exit endif enddo is_inside: if( mcellInsidedcell ) then nMdl_n_Data = nMdl_n_Data + 1 dcellCnt = dcellCnt + 1 wghts(dcellCnt) = mQuadArea/mCellArea xLonNdx(dcellCnt) = lonNdx ; xLatNdx(dcellCnt) = latNdx exit dlat_loop else is_inside xsectArea = quadintersectarea( mQuad_lam, mQuad_phi, dQuad_lam, dQuad_phi ) if( xsectArea /= ZERO_8 ) then dcellCnt = dcellCnt + 1 wghts(dcellCnt) = real(xsectArea,4)/mCellArea xLonNdx(dcellCnt) = lonNdx ; xLatNdx(dcellCnt) = latNdx mdl_area_type(polyndx)%partial_dcell_cnt & = mdl_area_type(polyndx)%partial_dcell_cnt + 1 endif endif is_inside endif inclusion endif overlap enddo dlon_loop enddo dlat_loop enddo mdlsubQuadLoop mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%active_dcell_cnt = dcellCnt if( dcellCnt > 0 ) then allocate( mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%wght(dcellCnt), & mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%dcell_lon_ndx(dcellCnt), & mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%dcell_lat_ndx(dcellCnt),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'area_interp_init_camse: Failed to mdl_area_type array',astat Stop 'Alloc-ERR' endif mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%wght(1:dcellCnt) = wghts(1:dcellCnt) mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%dcell_lon_ndx(1:dcellCnt) = xLonNdx(1:dcellCnt) mdl_area_type(polyNdx)%dcell_lat_ndx(1:dcellCnt) = xLatNdx(1:dcellCnt) swghts = sum(wghts(1:dcellCnt)) if( swghts < ZERO .or. swghts > (ONE+ROUNDOFF) ) then write(*,*) 'area_interp_init_camse: WGHTS = ',sum(wghts(1:dcellCnt)),' @polyndx = ',polyndx endif endif endif is_active enddo poly_loop write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'area_interp_init_camse: nData_n_Mdl,nMdl_n_Data = ',nData_n_Mdl,nMdl_n_Data write(*,*) 'area_interp_init_camse: min dCell cnt = ', & minval( mdl_area_type(1:mdlgrid%nPolygons)%active_dcell_cnt, & mask=mdl_area_type(1:mdlgrid%nPolygons)%active_dcell_cnt > 0 ) write(*,*) 'area_interp_init_camse: max dCell cnt = ', & maxval(mdl_area_type(1:mdlgrid%nPolygons)%active_dcell_cnt) CONTAINS function Boxes_overlap() result(Ovrlap) logical :: Ovrlap logical :: NoOvrlap NoOvrlap = (dataBox%minLon >= mdlBox%maxLon) .or. (dataBox%maxLon <= mdlBox%minLon) if( .not. NoOvrlap ) then NoOvrlap = (dataBox%minLat >= mdlBox%maxLat) .or. (dataBox%maxLat <= mdlBox%minLat) endif Ovrlap = .not. NoOvrlap end function Boxes_overlap end subroutine area_interp_init_camse end module camse_utils