module area_mapper use misc_definitions_module use constants_module use mapper_types use netcdf_utils, only : handle_ncerr implicit none private public :: lon, lat public :: map_kernel public :: proj_init public :: area_interp_init public :: area_interp public :: poly_area public :: ijll, llij, set_wghts public :: ll_2_ij public :: xy_2_lm, lm_2_xy, xy_n_quad, pnt_in_quad !----------------------------------------------------------- ! module variables !----------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: ZERO = 0. integer, parameter :: ONEHALF = .5 integer, parameter :: ONE = 1. integer, parameter :: FOUR = 4. integer :: i, j, l integer :: i1, j1, j2 integer :: dlong_ndx integer :: lon_s, lon_e integer :: lat_s, lat_e integer :: mlat_ndx, mlon_ndx integer :: m_lat_s, m_lon_s integer :: m_lat_e, m_lon_e integer :: min_lon_ndx(2) integer :: max_lon_ndx(2) integer :: lon_ndx(2,2) integer :: lat_ndx(2,2) integer :: min_lat_ndx(2) integer :: max_lat_ndx(2) integer :: dvtx_shadow_ndx(4) integer :: cnt_dvtx_n_mcell real :: tot_area real :: dlon real :: tot_mcell_area real :: pole_lat real :: delta_lat, delta_lon real :: xc, yc real :: target_lon real :: target_lat real :: minmax_lon(2) real :: minmax_lat(2) real(8) :: line_parms(2) real :: minmax_x(2) real :: minmax_y(2) real :: data_minmax_x(2) real :: data_minmax_y(2) real :: model_x(4) real :: model_y(4) real :: model_lon(2,2) real :: model_lat(2,2) real :: data_lon(4) real :: data_lat(4) real, allocatable :: lon(:,:) real, allocatable :: lat(:,:) real :: x(4), y(4) logical :: debugging = .false. logical :: has_lon_cross logical :: lon_cross(2,2) logical :: lat_mask(2,2) logical :: x_n_mcell(4) logical :: y_n_mcell(4) logical :: dvtx_n_mcell(4) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define local types !--------------------------------------------------------------------- type line_parameters real(8) :: intercept real(8) :: slope logical :: vert_line end type line_parameters type map_kernel real(8) :: alpha(4) real(8) :: beta(4) logical :: Set end type map_kernel !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define overloaded procedures !--------------------------------------------------------------------- interface poly_area module procedure :: poly_area_sp, poly_area_dp end interface poly_area interface pnt_in_quad module procedure :: pnt_in_quad_sp, pnt_in_quad_dp end interface pnt_in_quad interface pnt_in_triangle module procedure :: pnt_in_triangle_sp, pnt_in_triangle_dp end interface pnt_in_triangle TYPE(line_parameters) :: lin_parms TYPE(proj_info) :: proj !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... include files !--------------------------------------------------------------------- include '' CONTAINS subroutine proj_init( map_proj, lon1, lat1, truelat1, truelat2, & stdlon, loninc, latinc, knowni, knownj, & dx, ide, jde ) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... intialize map projection !------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: map_proj integer, intent(in) :: ide integer, intent(in) :: jde real, intent(in) :: lon1 real, intent(in) :: lat1 real, intent(in) :: truelat1 real, intent(in) :: truelat2 real, intent(in) :: stdlon real, intent(in) :: loninc real, intent(in) :: latinc real, intent(in) :: knowni real, intent(in) :: knownj real, intent(in) :: dx !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: astat integer :: grid real :: xy(2) select case( map_proj ) case( PROJ_LATLON,PROJ_LC,PROJ_MERC,PROJ_LC_EPA ) case default write(*,'('' proj_init: only LATLON,LC,MERC, and LC_EPA allowed'')') stop end select write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'('' proj_init: projection = '',i2)') map_proj proj%code = map_proj proj%lat1 = lat1 proj%lon1 = lon1 proj%ixdim = ide+1 proj%jydim = jde+1 proj%dx = dx if( map_proj > PROJ_LATLON ) then proj%truelat1 = truelat1 proj%truelat2 = truelat2 proj%stdlon = stdlon proj%knowni = proj%ixdim/2. proj%knownj = proj%jydim/2. proj%re_m = EARTH_RADIUS_M if( proj%truelat1 < 0. ) then proj%hemi = -1.0 else proj%hemi = 1.0 endif proj%rebydx = proj%re_m / proj%dx pole_lat = proj%hemi*90. else proj%loninc = loninc proj%latinc = latinc proj%knowni = knowni proj%knownj = knownj endif if( proj%code == PROJ_LC ) then if( abs(proj%truelat2) > 90. ) then proj%truelat2 = proj%truelat1 end if call set_lc( proj ) elseif( proj%code == PROJ_PS ) then call set_ps( proj ) elseif( proj%code == PROJ_MERC ) then call set_merc( proj ) endif proj%init = .true. !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... a few projection variable diagnostics !------------------------------------------------------------- if( map_proj > PROJ_LATLON ) then write(*,*) 'proj_init: proj%hemi = ',proj%hemi write(*,*) 'proj_init: proj%rebydx = ',proj%rebydx write(*,*) 'proj_init: proj%polei,j = ',proj%polei,proj%polej endif write(*,'('' proj_init: west-east,south-north = '',2i5)') proj%ixdim-1,proj%jydim-1 if( allocated( lon ) ) then deallocate( lon ) endif allocate( lon(ide,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'proj_init; failed to allocate lon: error = ',astat stop endif if( allocated( lat ) ) then deallocate( lat ) endif allocate( lat(ide,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'proj_init; failed to allocate lat: error = ',astat stop endif !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... map model grid centers to lon,lat !------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 1,proj%jydim-1 do i = 1,proj%ixdim-1 call ijll( real(i), real(j), proj, lat(i,j), lon(i,j) ) end do end do call llij( 40.88, -87.63, proj, xy(1), xy(2) ) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'mdl domain corners' write(*,*) '--- ------ -------' write(*,'('' sw corner @ ('',1p,g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') lon(1,1),lat(1,1) write(*,'('' se corner @ ('',1p,g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') lon(ide,1),lat(ide,1) write(*,'('' ne corner @ ('',1p,g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') lon(ide,jde),lat(ide,jde) write(*,'('' nw corner @ ('',1p,g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') lon(1,jde),lat(1,jde) write(*,*) ' ' end subroutine proj_init subroutine area_interp_init( d2mMap, model_area_type, diag_level ) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... area conserving interpolation from data to model grid !------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: diag_level type(grid_type), intent(inout) :: d2mMap type(area_type), intent(inout) :: model_area_type(:,:) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: eps = 1.e-6 real, parameter :: lowval = 1. - eps real, parameter :: uppval = 1. + eps integer :: astat integer :: ierr integer :: dcell_cnt integer :: chk_dcell_cnt integer :: dcell_ndx integer :: i, j, m integer :: ip1, jp1 integer :: nlon, nlat integer :: nlonm1, nlatm1 integer :: dataXBndy(2), dataYBndy(2) integer, allocatable :: dcell_partial_lon_ndx(:) integer, allocatable :: dcell_partial_lat_ndx(:) real :: dcell_area real :: tot_dcell_area real :: mcell_area real :: area_min, area_max real(8) :: Quad1_x(4), Quad1_y(4) real(8) :: Quad2_x(4), Quad2_y(4) real, allocatable :: dcell_wght(:) real, allocatable :: xedge_2d_ij(:,:) real, allocatable :: yedge_2d_ij(:,:) logical, allocatable :: dcell_msk(:,:) logical :: dcell_outside_mcell logical :: dcell_inside_mcell real(8) :: polyintersectarea nlon = d2mMap%nlons nlat = d2mMap%nlats m_lat_s = 1 m_lat_e = proj%jydim-1 m_lon_s = 1 m_lon_e = proj%ixdim-1 tot_mcell_area = 0. area_min = 1. ; area_max = -1. nlonm1 = nlon - 1 ; nlatm1 = nlat - 1 !------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate local data cell arrays !------------------------------------------------------------- if( allocated( dcell_msk ) ) then deallocate( dcell_msk ) endif allocate( dcell_msk(nlon,nlat), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'area_interp_init; failed to allocate dcell_msk: error = ',astat stop endif if( allocated( xedge_2d_ij ) ) then deallocate( xedge_2d_ij ) endif allocate( xedge_2d_ij(nlon+1,nlat+1), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'area_interp_init; failed to allocate xedge_2d_ij: error = ',astat stop endif if( allocated( yedge_2d_ij ) ) then deallocate( yedge_2d_ij ) endif allocate( yedge_2d_ij(nlon+1,nlat+1), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'area_interp_init; failed to allocate yedge_2d_ij: error = ',astat stop endif !------------------------------------------------------------- ! data cell i,j edges on model grid !------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 1,nlat+1 do i = 1,nlon+1 call llij( real( d2mMap%yedge_2d(i,j),kind=4 ), real( d2mMap%xedge_2d(i,j),kind=4 ), proj, & xedge_2d_ij(i,j), yedge_2d_ij(i,j) ) enddo enddo !------------------------------------------------------------- ! total data cell area diagnostic !------------------------------------------------------------- tot_dcell_area = 0. do j = 1,nlat jp1 = j + 1 do i = 1,nlon ip1 = i + 1 dcell_area = poly_area( 4, & (/ xedge_2d_ij(i,j),xedge_2d_ij(ip1,j), & xedge_2d_ij(ip1,jp1),xedge_2d_ij(i,jp1) /), & (/ yedge_2d_ij(i,j),yedge_2d_ij(ip1,j), & yedge_2d_ij(ip1,jp1),yedge_2d_ij(i,jp1) /) ) tot_dcell_area = tot_dcell_area + dcell_area enddo enddo !------------------------------------------------------------- ! data grid min,max x,y !------------------------------------------------------------- data_minmax_y(1) = minval( yedge_2d_ij(:,:) ) data_minmax_y(2) = maxval( yedge_2d_ij(:,:) ) data_minmax_x(1) = minval( xedge_2d_ij(:,:) ) data_minmax_x(2) = maxval( xedge_2d_ij(:,:) ) dataXBndy(1) = max( m_lon_s,int(data_minmax_x(1))-1 ) dataXBndy(2) = min( m_lon_e,int(data_minmax_x(2))+1 ) dataYBndy(1) = max( m_lat_s,int(data_minmax_y(1))-1 ) dataYBndy(2) = min( m_lat_e,int(data_minmax_y(2))+1 ) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over model cells !------------------------------------------------------------- model_lat_loop : & do mlat_ndx = dataYBndy(1),dataYBndy(2) ! do mlat_ndx = m_lat_s,m_lat_e model_y(1:2) = real(mlat_ndx) - .5 model_y(3:4) = real(mlat_ndx) + .5 model_lon_loop : & do mlon_ndx = dataXBndy(1),dataXBndy(2) ! do mlon_ndx = m_lon_s,m_lon_e model_x(1:4:3) = real(mlon_ndx) - .5 model_x(2:3) = real(mlon_ndx) + .5 dcell_msk(:,:) = .false. !------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over data cells !------------------------------------------------------------- data_lat_loop : & do j = 1,nlat jp1 = j + 1 data_lon_loop : & do dlong_ndx = 1,nlon i = mod( (dlong_ndx-1),nlon ) + 1 ip1 = i + 1 x(:) = (/ xedge_2d_ij(i,j), xedge_2d_ij(ip1,j), xedge_2d_ij(ip1,jp1), xedge_2d_ij(i,jp1) /) y(:) = (/ yedge_2d_ij(i,j), yedge_2d_ij(ip1,j), yedge_2d_ij(ip1,jp1), yedge_2d_ij(i,jp1) /) do m = 1,4 dcell_inside_mcell = pnt_in_quad( (/x(m),y(m) /), model_x, model_y ) if( dcell_inside_mcell ) then dcell_msk(i,j) = .true. exit endif enddo end do data_lon_loop end do data_lat_loop dcell_cnt = count( dcell_msk(1:nlon,1:nlat) ) model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%has_data = dcell_cnt > 0 mcell_has_dcells: & if( dcell_cnt > 0 ) then allocate( model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lon_ndx(dcell_cnt), & model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lat_ndx(dcell_cnt), & model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%wght(dcell_cnt), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'area_interp_init; failed to allocate model type dcell_partial_lon_ndx ... dcell_wght: error = ',astat stop endif model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%active_dcell_cnt = dcell_cnt dcell_ndx = 0 Quad1_x(:) = real(model_x(:),kind=8) Quad1_y(:) = real(model_y(:),kind=8) do j = 1,nlat jp1 = j + 1 do dlong_ndx = 1,nlon i = mod( (dlong_ndx-1),nlon ) + 1 ip1 = i + 1 if( dcell_msk(i,j) ) then x(:) = (/ xedge_2d_ij(i,j), xedge_2d_ij(ip1,j), xedge_2d_ij(ip1,jp1), xedge_2d_ij(i,jp1) /) y(:) = (/ yedge_2d_ij(i,j), yedge_2d_ij(ip1,j), yedge_2d_ij(ip1,jp1), yedge_2d_ij(i,jp1) /) dcell_ndx = dcell_ndx + 1 Quad2_x(:) = real(x(:),kind=8 ) Quad2_y(:) = real(y(:),kind=8 ) model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lon_ndx(dcell_ndx) = dlong_ndx model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lat_ndx(dcell_ndx) = j model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%wght(dcell_ndx) = & abs(real(polyintersectarea( 4, 4, Quad1_x, Quad1_y, Quad2_x, Quad2_y),kind=4)) endif enddo enddo mcell_area = sum( model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%wght(:dcell_cnt) ) area_min = min( area_min, mcell_area ) area_max = max( area_max, mcell_area ) tot_mcell_area = tot_mcell_area + mcell_area ! if( mlat_ndx == 252 .and. mlon_ndx == 156 ) then ! write(*,*) 'area_interp_init: mcell area @ ',mlon_ndx,',',mlat_ndx,' = ',mcell_area ! write(*,*) 'area_interp_init: data lon,lat indicies' ! do m = 1,dcell_cnt ! write(*,*) model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lon_ndx(m), & ! model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lat_ndx(m) ! enddo ! endif endif mcell_has_dcells end do model_lon_loop end do model_lat_loop d2mMap%xedge_2d_ij(:,:) = xedge_2d_ij(:,:) d2mMap%yedge_2d_ij(:,:) = yedge_2d_ij(:,:) if( allocated( xedge_2d_ij ) ) then deallocate( xedge_2d_ij ) endif if( allocated( yedge_2d_ij ) ) then deallocate( yedge_2d_ij ) endif if( allocated( dcell_msk ) ) then deallocate( dcell_msk ) endif end subroutine area_interp_init subroutine area_interp( data_file, model_area_type, mdlGrid, wrk_emis, diag_level ) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... area conserving interpolation from data to model grid !------------------------------------------------------------- use anthro_types, only : data_file_type, model_grid_type !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: diag_level real, intent(inout) :: wrk_emis(:,:) type(data_file_type), intent(in) :: data_file type(area_type), intent(in) :: model_area_type(:,:) type(model_grid_type), intent(in) :: mdlGrid !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ierr integer :: dcell_cnt integer :: dcell_ndx integer :: i, j, m integer :: ip1, jp1 real :: missing_value real :: dcell_area real :: mcell_area real :: wrk_sum missing_value = data_file%missing_value wrk_emis(:,:) = 0. m_lon_s = 1 ; m_lat_s = 1 if( .not. mdlGrid%mdl_is_CAMSE ) then m_lon_e = proj%ixdim-1 ; m_lat_e = proj%jydim-1 else m_lon_e = mdlGrid%nPolygons ; m_lat_e = 1 endif !------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over model cells !------------------------------------------------------------- model_lat_loop : & do mlat_ndx = m_lat_s,m_lat_e model_lon_loop : & do mlon_ndx = m_lon_s,m_lon_e !------------------------------------------------------------- ! check for model cell out of data grid !------------------------------------------------------------- if( model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%has_data ) then wrk_sum = 0. !------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over data cells !------------------------------------------------------------- do m = 1,model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%active_dcell_cnt dcell_area = model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%wght(m) i = model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lon_ndx(m) j = model_area_type(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx)%dcell_lat_ndx(m) wrk_sum = wrk_sum + dcell_area*data_file%src_data(i,j) enddo wrk_emis(mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx) = wrk_sum endif end do model_lon_loop end do model_lat_loop end subroutine area_interp subroutine llij( lat, lon, proj, i, j) !----------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine to convert geographical latitude,longitude values to cartesian x/y !----------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N) real, intent(in) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E) real, intent(out) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate real, intent(out) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate type(proj_info) :: proj if( proj%code == PROJ_LATLON ) then call llij_latlon( lat, lon, proj, i, j) elseif( proj%code == PROJ_LC ) then call llij_lc( lat, lon, proj, i, j) elseif( proj%code == PROJ_PS ) then call llij_ps( lat, lon, proj, i, j) elseif( proj%code == PROJ_MERC ) then call llij_merc( lat, lon, proj, i, j) endif end subroutine llij subroutine ll_2_ij( lat, lon, i, j) !----------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N) real, intent(in) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E) real, intent(out) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate real, intent(out) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate call llij( lat, lon, proj, i, j ) end subroutine ll_2_ij subroutine ijll( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) !----------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine to convert cartesian x/y values to longitude,latitude values !----------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate real, intent(in) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate real, intent(out) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N) real, intent(out) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E) type(proj_info) :: proj select case( proj%code ) case( PROJ_LATLON ) call ijll_latlon( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) case( PROJ_LC ) call ijll_lc( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) case( PROJ_PS ) call ijll_ps( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) case( PROJ_MERC ) call ijll_merc( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) case( PROJ_LC_EPA ) call ijll_lc_epa( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) end select end subroutine ijll SUBROUTINE set_lc(proj) ! Initialize the remaining items in the proj structure for a ! lambert conformal grid. IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj REAL :: arg REAL :: deltalon1 REAL :: tl1r REAL :: ctl1r ! Compute cone factor CALL lc_cone( proj%truelat1, proj%truelat2, proj%cone ) ! Compute longitude differences and ensure we stay out of the ! forbidden "cut zone" deltalon1 = proj%lon1 - proj%stdlon IF (deltalon1 > 180.) then deltalon1 = deltalon1 - 360. elseIF (deltalon1 < -180.) then deltalon1 = deltalon1 + 360. endif ! Convert truelat1 to radian and compute COS for later use tl1r = proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg ctl1r = COS(tl1r) ! Compute the radius to our known lower-left (SW) corner proj%rsw = proj%rebydx * ctl1r/proj%cone * & (TAN((90.*proj%hemi-proj%lat1)*rad_per_deg/2.) / & TAN((90.*proj%hemi-proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.))**proj%cone ! Find pole point arg = proj%cone*(deltalon1*rad_per_deg) proj%polei = proj%hemi*proj%knowni - proj%hemi * proj%rsw * SIN(arg) proj%polej = proj%hemi*proj%knownj + proj%rsw * COS(arg) END SUBROUTINE set_lc SUBROUTINE lc_cone(truelat1, truelat2, cone) ! Subroutine to compute the cone factor of a Lambert Conformal projection IMPLICIT NONE ! Input Args REAL, INTENT(IN) :: truelat1 ! (-90 -> 90 degrees N) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: truelat2 ! " " " " " ! Output Args REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: cone ! Locals ! BEGIN CODE ! First, see if this is a secant or tangent projection. For tangent ! projections, truelat1 = truelat2 and the cone is tangent to the ! Earth's surface at this latitude. For secant projections, the cone ! intersects the Earth's surface at each of the distinctly different ! latitudes IF (ABS(truelat1-truelat2) > 0.1) THEN cone = ALOG10(COS(truelat1*rad_per_deg)) - & ALOG10(COS(truelat2*rad_per_deg)) cone = cone /(ALOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat1)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)) - & ALOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat2)/2.0) * rad_per_deg))) ELSE cone = SIN(ABS(truelat1)*rad_per_deg ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE lc_cone SUBROUTINE ijll_lc( i, j, proj, lat, lon) ! Subroutine to convert from the (i,j) cartesian coordinate to the ! geographical latitude and longitude for a Lambert Conformal projection. ! History: ! 25 Jul 01: Corrected by B. Shaw, NOAA/FSL ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Input Args REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj ! Projection info structure ! Output Args REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E) ! Locals REAL :: inew REAL :: jnew REAL :: r REAL :: chi,chi1,chi2 REAL :: r2 REAL :: xx REAL :: yy ! BEGIN CODE chi1 = (90. - proj%hemi*proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg chi2 = (90. - proj%hemi*proj%truelat2)*rad_per_deg ! See if we are in the southern hemispere and flip the indices ! if we are. inew = proj%hemi * i jnew = proj%hemi * j ! Compute radius**2 to i/j location xx = inew - proj%polei yy = proj%polej - jnew r2 = (xx*xx + yy*yy) r = SQRT(r2)/proj%rebydx ! Convert to lat/lon IF (r2 == 0.) THEN lat = proj%hemi * 90. lon = proj%stdlon ELSE ! Longitude lon = proj%stdlon + deg_per_rad * ATAN2(proj%hemi*xx,yy)/proj%cone lon = AMOD(lon+360., 360.) ! Latitude. Latitude determined by solving an equation adapted ! from: ! Maling, D.H., 1973: Coordinate Systems and Map Projections ! Equations #20 in Appendix I. IF (chi1 .EQ. chi2) THEN chi = 2.0*ATAN( ( r/TAN(chi1) )**(1./proj%cone) * TAN(chi1*0.5) ) ELSE chi = 2.0*ATAN( (r*proj%cone/SIN(chi1))**(1./proj%cone) * TAN(chi1*0.5)) ENDIF lat = (90.0-chi*deg_per_rad)*proj%hemi ENDIF IF (lon .GT. +180.) lon = lon - 360. IF (lon .LT. -180.) lon = lon + 360. END SUBROUTINE ijll_lc SUBROUTINE llij_lc( lat, lon, proj, i, j) ! Subroutine to compute the geographical latitude and longitude values ! to the cartesian x/y on a Lambert Conformal projection. IMPLICIT NONE ! Input Args REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E) TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj ! Projection info structure ! Output Args REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate ! Locals REAL :: arg REAL :: deltalon REAL :: tl1r REAL :: rm REAL :: ctl1r ! BEGIN CODE ! Compute deltalon between known longitude and standard lon and ensure ! it is not in the cut zone deltalon = lon - proj%stdlon IF (deltalon .GT. +180.) deltalon = deltalon - 360. IF (deltalon .LT. -180.) deltalon = deltalon + 360. ! Convert truelat1 to radian and compute COS for later use tl1r = proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg ctl1r = COS(tl1r) ! Radius to desired point rm = proj%rebydx * ctl1r/proj%cone * & (TAN((90.*proj%hemi-lat)*rad_per_deg/2.) / & TAN((90.*proj%hemi-proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.))**proj%cone arg = proj%cone*(deltalon*rad_per_deg) i = proj%polei + proj%hemi * rm * SIN(arg) j = proj%polej - rm * COS(arg) ! Finally, if we are in the southern hemisphere, flip the i/j ! values to a coordinate system where (1,1) is the SW corner ! (what we assume) which is different than the original NCEP ! algorithms which used the NE corner as the origin in the ! southern hemisphere (left-hand vs. right-hand coordinate?) i = proj%hemi * i j = proj%hemi * j END SUBROUTINE llij_lc SUBROUTINE set_merc(proj) ! Sets up the remaining basic elements for the mercator projection IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj REAL :: clain ! Preliminary variables clain = COS(rad_per_deg*proj%truelat1) proj%dlon = proj%dx / (proj%re_m * clain) ! Compute distance from equator to origin, and store in the ! proj%rsw tag. proj%rsw = 0. IF (proj%lat1 .NE. 0.) THEN proj%rsw = (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((proj%lat1+90.)*rad_per_deg))))/proj%dlon ENDIF END SUBROUTINE set_merc SUBROUTINE llij_merc(lat, lon, proj, i, j) ! Compute i/j coordinate from lat lon for mercator projection IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: i REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: j REAL :: deltalon deltalon = lon - proj%lon1 IF (deltalon > -180.) deltalon = deltalon + 360. IF (deltalon > 180.) deltalon = deltalon - 360. i = proj%knowni + (deltalon/(proj%dlon*deg_per_rad)) j = proj%knownj + (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((lat + 90.) * rad_per_deg)))) / & proj%dlon - proj%rsw END SUBROUTINE llij_merc SUBROUTINE ijll_merc(i, j, proj, lat, lon) ! Compute the lat/lon from i/j for mercator projection IMPLICIT NONE REAL,INTENT(IN) :: i REAL,INTENT(IN) :: j TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon lat = 2.0*ATAN(EXP(proj%dlon*(proj%rsw + j-proj%knownj)))*deg_per_rad - 90. lon = (i-proj%knowni)*proj%dlon*deg_per_rad + proj%lon1 IF (lon > 180.) lon = lon - 360. IF (lon < -180.) lon = lon + 360. END SUBROUTINE ijll_merc SUBROUTINE set_ps(proj) ! Initializes a polar-stereographic map projection from the partially ! filled proj structure. This routine computes the radius to the ! southwest corner and computes the i/j location of the pole for use ! in llij_ps and ijll_ps. IMPLICIT NONE ! Declare args TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj ! Local vars REAL :: ala1 REAL :: alo1 REAL :: reflon REAL :: scale_top ! Executable code reflon = proj%stdlon + 90. ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor scale_top = 1. + proj%hemi * SIN(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg) ! Compute radius to lower-left (SW) corner ala1 = proj%lat1 * rad_per_deg proj%rsw = proj%rebydx*COS(ala1)*scale_top/(1.+proj%hemi*SIN(ala1)) ! Find the pole point alo1 = (proj%lon1 - reflon) * rad_per_deg proj%polei = proj%knowni - proj%rsw * COS(alo1) proj%polej = proj%knownj - proj%hemi * proj%rsw * SIN(alo1) END SUBROUTINE set_ps SUBROUTINE llij_ps(lat,lon,proj,i,j,debug) ! Given latitude (-90 to 90), longitude (-180 to 180), and the ! standard polar-stereographic projection information via the ! public proj structure, this routine returns the i/j indices which ! if within the domain range from 1->nx and 1->ny, respectively. IMPLICIT NONE ! Delcare input arguments REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon logical, optional, INTENT(IN) :: debug TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj ! Declare output arguments REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i !(x-index) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j !(y-index) ! Declare local variables REAL :: reflon REAL :: scale_top REAL :: ala REAL :: alo REAL :: rm ! BEGIN CODE reflon = proj%stdlon + 90. ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor scale_top = 1. + proj%hemi * SIN(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg) ! Find radius to desired point ala = lat * rad_per_deg rm = proj%rebydx * COS(ala) * scale_top/(1. + proj%hemi *SIN(ala)) alo = (lon - reflon) * rad_per_deg i = proj%polei + rm * COS(alo) j = proj%polej + proj%hemi * rm * SIN(alo) if( present( debug ) ) then if( debug ) then write(*,*) 'llij_ps: lat,lon = ',lat,lon write(*,*) 'llij_ps: ala, alo = ',ala,alo write(*,*) 'llij_ps: scale_top,hemi = ',scale_top,proj%hemi write(*,*) 'llij_ps: reflon,rm = ',reflon,rm endif endif END SUBROUTINE llij_ps SUBROUTINE ijll_ps(i, j, proj, lat, lon) ! This is the inverse subroutine of llij_ps. It returns the ! latitude and longitude of an i/j point given the projection info ! structure. IMPLICIT NONE ! Declare input arguments REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i ! Column REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j ! Row TYPE (proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj ! Declare output arguments REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat ! -90 -> 90 north REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon ! -180 -> 180 East ! Local variables REAL :: reflon REAL :: scale_top REAL :: xx,yy REAL :: gi2, r2 REAL :: arccos ! Begin Code ! Compute the reference longitude by rotating 90 degrees to the east ! to find the longitude line parallel to the positive x-axis. reflon = proj%stdlon + 90. ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor scale_top = 1. + proj%hemi * SIN(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg) ! Compute radius to point of interest xx = i - proj%polei yy = (j - proj%polej) * proj%hemi r2 = xx**2 + yy**2 ! Now the magic code IF (r2 .EQ. 0.) THEN lat = proj%hemi * 90. lon = reflon ELSE gi2 = (proj%rebydx * scale_top)**2. lat = deg_per_rad * proj%hemi * ASIN((gi2-r2)/(gi2+r2)) arccos = ACOS(xx/SQRT(r2)) IF (yy .GT. 0) THEN lon = reflon + deg_per_rad * arccos ELSE lon = reflon - deg_per_rad * arccos ENDIF ENDIF ! Convert to a -180 -> 180 East convention IF (lon > 180.) then lon = lon - 360. ELSEIF (lon < -180.) then lon = lon + 360. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE ijll_ps SUBROUTINE llij_latlon( lat, lon, proj, i, j ) ! Compute the i/j location of a lat/lon on a LATLON grid. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j REAL :: deltalat REAL :: deltalon ! Compute deltalat and deltalon as the difference between the input ! lat/lon and the origin lat/lon deltalat = lat - proj%lat1 deltalon = lon - proj%lon1 ! Compute i/j i = deltalon/proj%loninc j = deltalat/proj%latinc i = i + proj%knowni j = j + proj%knownj END SUBROUTINE llij_latlon SUBROUTINE ijll_latlon( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) ! Compute the lat/lon location of an i/j on a LATLON grid. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon REAL :: i_work, j_work REAL :: deltalat REAL :: deltalon i_work = i - proj%knowni j_work = j - proj%knownj ! Compute deltalat and deltalon deltalat = j_work*proj%latinc deltalon = i_work*proj%loninc lat = proj%lat1 + deltalat lon = proj%lon1 + deltalon END SUBROUTINE ijll_latlon SUBROUTINE ijll_lc_epa( i, j, proj, lat, lon ) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Compute the lat/lon location of i,j on a EPA LC grid. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Local variables !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REAL, parameter :: d2r = 1./57.29578 REAL, parameter :: pole = 90. REAL, parameter :: m2km = 1.e-3 REAL :: xin, yin REAL :: psi0, psi1 REAL :: xloc, yloc REAL :: xlonc, phic REAL :: cel1, cel2, psx REAL :: a, cell, r, xc, yc REAL :: flp, flpp, rxn, xn REAL :: truelat1, truelat2 xlonc = proj%xcent ; phic = proj%ycent xin = i + proj%xOrigin ; yin = j + proj%yOrigin if( abs(proj%truelat1) > pole ) then truelat1 = 60. ; truelat2 = 30. else truelat1 = proj%truelat1 ; truelat2 = proj%truelat2 endif if( truelat1 == truelat2 ) then xn = sin( abs(truelat2)*d2r ) else xn = log10( cos(truelat1*d2r) ) -log10( cos(truelat2*d2r) ) xn = xn/(log10( tan((45. - .5*abs(truelat1))*d2r) ) & - log10( tan((45. - .5*abs(truelat2))*d2r) )) endif psi1 = (pole - abs(truelat1))*d2r psi0 = (pole - phic)*d2r a = proj%re_m*m2km yc = -a*sin(psi1)*(tan(.5*psi0)/tan(.5*psi1))**xn/xn xloc = xin ; yloc = yin + yc if( yloc == 0. ) then if( xloc >= 0. ) then ; flp = pole*d2r ; else ; flp = -pole*d2r ; endif else if( phic < 0. ) then flp = atan2(xloc,yloc) else flp = atan2(xloc,-yloc) endif endif flpp = flp/(xn*d2r) + xlonc if( flpp < -180. ) then flpp = flpp + 360. elseif( flpp > 180. ) then flpp = flpp - 360. endif lon = flpp r = sqrt( xloc*xloc + yloc*yloc ) if( truelat1 == truelat2 ) then cell = r/(a*tan(psi1)) else cell = (r*xn)/(a*sin(psi1)) endif rxn = 1./xn cel1 = tan(.5*psi1)*cell**rxn cel2 = atan(cel1) psx = 2.*cel2/d2r lat = pole - psx END SUBROUTINE ijll_lc_epa integer FUNCTION shadow_map( x, y, n_shadow_zone ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! map data vertex to shadow "zone" index !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x real, intent(in) :: y logical, intent(in) :: n_shadow_zone ! .t. => + shd_ndx, .f. => - shd_ndx if( n_shadow_zone ) then if( x < model_x(1) ) then shadow_map = 4 elseif( x > model_x(2) ) then shadow_map = 2 elseif( y < model_y(1) ) then shadow_map = 1 elseif( y > model_y(4) ) then shadow_map = 3 endif else if( x < model_x(1) ) then if( y < model_y(1) ) then shadow_map = 1 else shadow_map = 4 endif elseif( x > model_x(2) ) then if( y < model_y(1) ) then shadow_map = 2 else shadow_map = 3 endif endif shadow_map = -shadow_map endif end FUNCTION shadow_map real FUNCTION area_map( i,j,mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the intersection area of data cell and model grid cell !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: i,j,mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: k, l, lp1, linc integer :: m, mp1, n integer :: ml, mu, minc integer :: nv integer :: shd_ndx integer :: vtx_cnt integer :: ndx(1) integer :: wrk_cnt(4) integer :: wrk1_cnt(4) real :: dcell_area real :: mvtx_lon(4) real :: mvtx_lat(4) real :: vtx_x(8) real :: vtx_y(8) logical :: match_pnt logical :: mvtx_n_dcell(4) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! data vertex in model cell !--------------------------------------------------------------- dvtx_n_mcell(:) = x_n_mcell(:) .and. y_n_mcell(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine if model cell vertices are in data cell !--------------------------------------------------------------- mvtx_lon(:) = (/ model_lon(1,1), model_lon(2,1), model_lon(2,2), model_lon(1,2) /) mvtx_lat(:) = (/ model_lat(1,1), model_lat(2,1), model_lat(2,2), model_lat(1,2) /) do l = 1,4 mvtx_n_dcell(l) = pnt_in_quad( (/model_x(l), model_y(l) /), x, y ) end do if( all( mvtx_n_dcell(:) ) ) then area_map = poly_area( 4, model_x, model_y ) return endif dcell_area = poly_area( 4, x, y ) valid_data_cell : & if( dcell_area > 0. ) then nv = 0 vertex_loop : & do l = 1,4 lp1 = mod( l,4 ) + 1 if( l /= 4 ) then linc = 1 else linc = -3 endif vtx_cnt = count( x_n_mcell(l:lp1:linc) ) + count( y_n_mcell(l:lp1:linc) ) wrk_cnt(l) = vtx_cnt if( maxval( abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(l:lp1:linc)) ) == 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! both dline endpoints are in mdl cell !--------------------------------------------------------------- nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = x(l) vtx_y(nv) = y(l) wrk1_cnt(l) = nv elseif( minval( abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(l:lp1:linc)) ) == 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! one dline endpoint is in mdl cell ! exactly one xsect with mdl cell boundary !--------------------------------------------------------------- CALL set_vertices( l, lp1, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) elseif( abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(l)) /= abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(lp1)) ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! neither dline endpoint is in mdl cell ! either 0,1, or 2 xsects with mdl cell boundary !--------------------------------------------------------------- if( minval( dvtx_shadow_ndx(l:lp1:linc) ) > 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! both dcell edge endpnts in + shd zone !--------------------------------------------------------------- CALL set_vertices( l, lp1, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) elseif( maxval( dvtx_shadow_ndx(l:lp1:linc) ) < 0 ) then if( mod( sum( abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(l:lp1:linc)) ),2 ) == 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! both dcell edge endpnts in - shd zone !--------------------------------------------------------------- CALL set_vertices( l, lp1, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) endif else !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dcell edge endpnts in +,- shd zones !--------------------------------------------------------------- if( dvtx_shadow_ndx(l) > 0 ) then do n = 2,3 shd_ndx = dvtx_shadow_ndx(l) + n if( shd_ndx > 4 ) shd_ndx = mod( shd_ndx,4 ) if( abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(lp1)) == shd_ndx ) then CALL set_vertices( l, lp1, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) exit endif end do else do n = 1,2 shd_ndx = abs(dvtx_shadow_ndx(l)) + n if( shd_ndx > 4 ) shd_ndx = mod( shd_ndx,4 ) if( dvtx_shadow_ndx(lp1) == shd_ndx ) then CALL set_vertices( l, lp1, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) exit endif end do endif endif endif wrk1_cnt(l) = nv end do vertex_loop vtx_cnt = count( mvtx_n_dcell(:) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! check for model cell vertices in data cell !--------------------------------------------------------------- if( vtx_cnt > 0 ) then ml = 1; mu = 4; minc = 1 if( nv == 2 .and. (mvtx_n_dcell(1) .and. mvtx_n_dcell(4)) ) then ml = 4; mu = 1; minc = -1 endif do k = ml,mu,minc if( mvtx_n_dcell(k) ) then do l = 1,nv match_pnt = vtx_x(l) == model_x(k) .and. vtx_y(l) == model_y(k) if( match_pnt ) then exit endif end do if( .not. match_pnt ) then CALL insert_mvtx( k, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) endif endif end do endif if( nv > 2 ) then area_map = poly_area( nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) if( area_map < 0. ) then if( abs( area_map ) > .01 * abs( dcell_area ) ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'(''area_map: xsecting data cell ('',i5,'','',i5,'') area = '',1pg15.8)') i,j,area_map write(*,'(''area_map: data cell area = '',1pg15.8)') dcell_area write(*,'(''area_map: model cell ('',i5,'','',i5,'')'')') mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx write(*,*) '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' write(*,*) 'area_map: model cell vertices(x,y)' do m = 1,4 write(*,'('' ('',g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') model_x(m),model_y(m) end do write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'area_map: model cell vertices(lon,lat)' do m = 1,4 write(*,'('' ('',g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') mvtx_lon(m),mvtx_lat(m) end do write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'area_map: data cell vertices(x,y)' do m = 1,4 write(*,'('' ('',g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') x(m),y(m) end do write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'area_map: data cell vertices(lon,lat)' do m = 1,4 write(*,'('' ('',g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') data_lon(m),data_lat(m) end do write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'(''area_map: dvtx_n_mcell = ('',3(l1,'',''),l1,'')'')') dvtx_n_mcell(:) write(*,'(''area_map: mvtx_n_dcell = ('',3(l1,'',''),l1,'')'')') mvtx_n_dcell(:) write(*,'(''area_map: shadow_cnt = ('',3(i1,'',''),i1,'')'')') wrk_cnt(:) write(*,'(''area_map: shadow_ndx = ('',3(i2,'',''),i2,'')'')') dvtx_shadow_ndx(:) write(*,'(''area_map: vtx cnt = ('',3(i1,'',''),i1,'')'')') wrk1_cnt(:) write(*,*) ' ' do m = 1,nv write(*,'('' ('',g15.8,'','',g15.8,'')'')') vtx_x(m),vtx_y(m) end do write(*,*) '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' endif endif area_map = max( area_map, 0. ) else area_map = 0. endif else valid_data_cell area_map = 0. endif valid_data_cell ! END FUNCTION area_map CONTAINS SUBROUTINE set_vertices( v, vp1, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate intersection of line from data vertices ! (x(l),y(l)) -> (x(lp1),y(lp1)) and the appropriate ! model cell edge !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: v integer, intent(in) :: vp1 integer, intent(inout) :: nv real, intent(inout) :: vtx_x(:) real, intent(inout) :: vtx_y(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: n1, n2 integer :: ndx integer :: ndxs, ndxe integer :: vndx integer :: shadow_ndx integer :: shd_ndx_sum real(8) :: slope real(8) :: intercept real :: xs_pnt(2) logical :: found logical :: has_xsect !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! linear eqn between data vertices !--------------------------------------------------------------- CALL lin_eqn( x(v), x(vp1), y(v), y(vp1), slope, intercept ) vtx_in_model_cell : & if( dvtx_n_mcell(v) .or. dvtx_n_mcell(vp1) ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! one dvtx in mcell the other not ! set ndx to index of pnt out of mcell !--------------------------------------------------------------- if( dvtx_n_mcell(v) ) then ndx = vp1 else ndx = v endif shadow_ndx = dvtx_shadow_ndx(ndx) ndx = abs( shadow_ndx ) in_shadow_zone : & if( shadow_ndx > 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! only one xsect possible !--------------------------------------------------------------- call set_xsect( ndx, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( .not. has_xsect ) then write(*,'(''set_vertices: Something very wrong'')') write(*,'(''set_vertices: i,j,mlon,mlat_ndx = '',4i6)') i,j,mlon_ndx,mlat_ndx endif if( dvtx_n_mcell(v) ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = x(v) vtx_y(nv) = y(v) ! if( xs_pnt(1) /= x(v) .or. xs_pnt(2) /= y(v) ) then if( .not. pnts_match( xs_pnt(1), xs_pnt(2), x(v), y(v) ) ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) endif elseif( dvtx_n_mcell(vp1) ) then ! if( xs_pnt(1) /= x(vp1) .or. xs_pnt(2) /= y(vp1) ) then ! if( .not. pnt_on_bndy( x(vp1), y(vp1), model_x, model_y ) ) then if( vp1 /= 4 .or. .not. pnts_match( xs_pnt(1), xs_pnt(2), x(vp1), y(vp1) ) ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) endif endif else in_shadow_zone !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! two possible xsects, only one valid !--------------------------------------------------------------- n1 = ndx - 1 if( n1 < 1 ) n1 = n1 + 4 call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( .not. has_xsect ) then n1 = ndx call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) endif if( dvtx_n_mcell(v) ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = x(v) vtx_y(nv) = y(v) if( .not. pnts_match( xs_pnt(1), xs_pnt(2), x(v), y(v) ) ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) endif elseif( dvtx_n_mcell(vp1) ) then if( vp1 /= 4 .or. .not. pnts_match( xs_pnt(1), xs_pnt(2), x(vp1), y(vp1) ) ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) endif endif endif in_shadow_zone else vtx_in_model_cell !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! both dvtx in shadow zone ! either 0, 1, or 2 itersections !--------------------------------------------------------------- ndxs = dvtx_shadow_ndx(v) ndxe = dvtx_shadow_ndx(vp1) if( abs(ndxs) /= abs(ndxe) ) then shd_ndx_sum = abs(ndxs) + abs(ndxe) if( min( ndxs,ndxe) > 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! both shd zones > 0 !--------------------------------------------------------------- if( mod( shd_ndx_sum,2 ) == 0 ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! exactly two xsects !--------------------------------------------------------------- call set_xsect( ndxs, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) call set_xsect( ndxe, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) else !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! either 0, 1, or 2 xsects !--------------------------------------------------------------- call set_xsect( ndxs, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) call set_xsect( ndxe, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) endif endif endif elseif( max( ndxs,ndxe ) < 0 .and. mod( shd_ndx_sum,2 ) == 0 ) then found = .false. do n2 = abs(ndxs)-1,abs(ndxs) n1 = n2 if( n1 == 0 ) n1 = 4 call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) found = .true. exit endif end do if( found ) then do n2 = abs(ndxe)-1,abs(ndxe) n1 = n2 if( n1 == 0 ) n1 = 4 call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) exit endif end do endif !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! both shd zones < 0 !--------------------------------------------------------------- else !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! one shd zone > 0, the other < 0 !--------------------------------------------------------------- if( ndxs > 0 ) then call set_xsect( ndxs, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) do n2 = abs(ndxe)-1,abs(ndxe) n1 = n2 if( n1 == 0 ) n1 = 4 call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) exit endif end do endif else found = .false. do n2 = abs(ndxs)-1,abs(ndxs) n1 = n2 if( n1 == 0 ) n1 = 4 call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) found = .true. exit endif end do if( found ) then do n2 = abs(ndxe),abs(ndxe)+1 n1 = n2 if( n1 > 4 ) n1 = mod( n1,4 ) call set_xsect( n1, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) if( has_xsect ) then nv = nv + 1 vtx_x(nv) = xs_pnt(1) vtx_y(nv) = xs_pnt(2) exit endif end do endif endif endif endif endif vtx_in_model_cell end SUBROUTINE set_vertices END FUNCTION area_map SUBROUTINE set_xsect( shd_ndx, xs_pnt, slope, intercept, has_xsect ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! set xsect coordinates !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: shd_ndx ! shadow zone index( > 0 ) real(8), intent(in) :: slope real(8), intent(in) :: intercept real, intent(inout) :: xs_pnt(2) logical, intent(out) :: has_xsect !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- real :: xl, xu real :: yl, yu if( mod( shd_ndx,2 ) /= 0 ) then xs_pnt(:) = (/ 0., model_y(shd_ndx) /) else xs_pnt(:) = (/ model_x(shd_ndx), 0. /) endif CALL xs_coord( xs_pnt, slope, intercept ) if( mod( shd_ndx,2 ) /= 0 ) then xl = model_x(1) xu = model_x(2) has_xsect = xs_pnt(1) >= xl .and. xs_pnt(1) <= xu else yl = model_y(1) yu = model_y(4) has_xsect = xs_pnt(2) >= yl .and. xs_pnt(2) <= yu endif end SUBROUTINE set_xsect SUBROUTINE xs_coord( xs, slope, intercept ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute intersection coordinate !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), intent(in) :: slope real(8), intent(in) :: intercept real, intent(inout) :: xs(2) if( xs(1) == 0. ) then if( slope /= 0._8 ) then xs(1) = real((real(xs(2),kind=8) - intercept)/slope,kind=4) else xs(1) = real(intercept,kind=4) endif else xs(2) = real(slope*real(xs(1),kind=8) + intercept,kind=4) endif end SUBROUTINE xs_coord FUNCTION poly_area_sp( nv, x, y ) result(Area) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the area of polynomial with nv vertices !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nv real, intent(in) :: x(nv) real, intent(in) :: y(nv) real :: Area !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, im1, ip1 real :: wrk(nv) do i = 1,nv ip1 = mod( i,nv ) + 1 im1 = i - 1 if( im1 == 0 ) im1 = nv wrk(i) = (x(ip1) - x(im1))*y(i) end do Area = -.5*sum( wrk(:) ) END FUNCTION poly_area_sp FUNCTION poly_area_dp( nv, x, y ) result(Area) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the area of polynomial with nv vertices !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nv real(8), intent(in) :: x(nv) real(8), intent(in) :: y(nv) real :: Area !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, im1, ip1 real(8) :: wrk(nv) do i = 1,nv ip1 = mod( i,nv ) + 1 im1 = i - 1 if( im1 == 0 ) im1 = nv wrk(i) = (x(ip1) - x(im1))*y(i) end do Area = real(-.5_8*sum(wrk(:)),4) END FUNCTION poly_area_dp SUBROUTINE insert_mvtx( l, nv, vtx_x, vtx_y ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! insert model vertex in data polygon !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: l integer, intent(inout) :: nv real, intent(inout) :: vtx_x(:) real, intent(inout) :: vtx_y(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: k real :: wrk_x(nv) real :: wrk_y(nv) select case( l ) case( 1,3 ) do k = 1,nv if( model_x(l) == vtx_x(k) ) then exit endif end do case( 2,4 ) do k = 1,nv if( model_y(l) == vtx_y(k) ) then exit endif end do end select if( k <= nv ) then k = k + 1 if( k <= nv ) then wrk_x(k:nv) = vtx_x(k:nv) wrk_y(k:nv) = vtx_y(k:nv) endif vtx_x(k) = model_x(l) vtx_y(k) = model_y(l) if( k <= nv ) then vtx_x(k+1:nv+1) = wrk_x(k:nv) vtx_y(k+1:nv+1) = wrk_y(k:nv) endif nv = nv + 1 endif end SUBROUTINE insert_mvtx logical FUNCTION pnts_match( pnt_x, pnt_y, x, y ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! do pnts have same coordinates? !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: pnt_x real, intent(in) :: pnt_y real, intent(in) :: x real, intent(in) :: y !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: delta = 1.e-7 if( abs(x - pnt_x) <= delta*abs(pnt_x) .and. & abs(y - pnt_y) <= delta*abs(pnt_y) ) then pnts_match = .true. else pnts_match = .false. endif end FUNCTION pnts_match logical FUNCTION pnt_in_rect( pnt_x, pnt_y, x, y ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine whether point is in a rectangle !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: pnt_x real, intent(in) :: pnt_y real, intent(in) :: x(:) real, intent(in) :: y(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: l real :: pnt(2) logical :: out_of_rect out_of_rect = pnt_x <= minval( x(:) ) .or. pnt_x >= maxval( x(:) ) .or. & pnt_y <= minval( y(:) ) .or. pnt_y >= maxval( y(:) ) pnt_in_rect = .not. out_of_rect end FUNCTION pnt_in_rect FUNCTION pnt_in_quad_sp( pnt, x, y ) result(IsInside) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine whether input point is in quadrilateral !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: pnt(:) real, intent(in) :: x(:) real, intent(in) :: y(:) logical :: IsInside !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- real :: tri_x(4) real :: tri_y(4) tri_x(1:3) = x(1:3) tri_y(1:3) = y(1:3) tri_x(4) = pnt(1) tri_y(4) = pnt(2) IsInside = pnt_in_triangle( tri_x, tri_y ) if( .not. IsInside ) then tri_x(1:3) = x((/1,3,4/)) tri_y(1:3) = y((/1,3,4/)) IsInside = pnt_in_triangle( tri_x, tri_y ) endif end FUNCTION pnt_in_quad_sp FUNCTION pnt_in_quad_dp( pnt, x, y ) result(IsInside) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine whether input point is in quadrilateral !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), intent(in) :: pnt(:) real(8), intent(in) :: x(:) real(8), intent(in) :: y(:) logical :: IsInside !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- real(8) :: tri_x(4) real(8) :: tri_y(4) tri_x(1:3) = x(1:3) tri_y(1:3) = y(1:3) tri_x(4) = pnt(1) tri_y(4) = pnt(2) IsInside = pnt_in_triangle( tri_x, tri_y ) if( .not. IsInside ) then tri_x(1:3) = x((/1,3,4/)) tri_y(1:3) = y((/1,3,4/)) IsInside = pnt_in_triangle( tri_x, tri_y ) endif end FUNCTION pnt_in_quad_dp FUNCTION pnt_in_triangle_sp( x, y ) result(IsInside) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine whether input point is in triangle !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x(:) real, intent(in) :: y(:) logical :: IsInside !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: ONE = 1. real :: a, b, c a = (x(1) - x(4))*(y(2) - y(4)) - (x(2) - x(4))*(y(1) - y(4)) b = (x(2) - x(4))*(y(3) - y(4)) - (x(3) - x(4))*(y(2) - y(4)) if( sign( ONE,a) == sign( ONE,b ) ) then c = (x(3) - x(4))*(y(1) - y(4)) - (x(1) - x(4))*(y(3) - y(4)) IsInside = sign( ONE,b ) == sign( ONE,c ) else IsInside = .false. endif end FUNCTION pnt_in_triangle_sp FUNCTION pnt_in_triangle_dp( x, y ) result(IsInside) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine whether input point is in triangle !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), intent(in) :: x(:) real(8), intent(in) :: y(:) logical :: IsInside !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), parameter :: ONE = 1._8 real(8) :: a, b, c a = (x(1) - x(4))*(y(2) - y(4)) - (x(2) - x(4))*(y(1) - y(4)) b = (x(2) - x(4))*(y(3) - y(4)) - (x(3) - x(4))*(y(2) - y(4)) if( sign( ONE,a) == sign( ONE,b ) ) then c = (x(3) - x(4))*(y(1) - y(4)) - (x(1) - x(4))*(y(3) - y(4)) IsInside = sign( ONE,b ) == sign( ONE,c ) else IsInside = .false. endif end FUNCTION pnt_in_triangle_dp SUBROUTINE lin_eqn( xs, xe, ys, ye, slope, intercept ) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate slope, intercept for linear equation between ! (xs,ys) and (xe,ye) !--------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: xs, xe real, intent(in) :: ys, ye real(8), intent(out) :: slope real(8), intent(out) :: intercept if( xs /= xe ) then slope = real((ye - ys),kind=8)/real((xe - xs),kind=8) intercept = real(ys,kind=8) - slope*real(xs,kind=8) lin_parms%slope = slope lin_parms%intercept = intercept lin_parms%vert_line = .false. else slope = 0._8 intercept = real(xs,kind=8) lin_parms%slope = slope lin_parms%intercept = intercept lin_parms%vert_line = .true. endif END SUBROUTINE lin_eqn logical function pnt_on_bndy( x, y, model_x, model_y ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is the point (x,y) on the boundary of a model cell !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x real, intent(in) :: y real, intent(in) :: model_x(:) real, intent(in) :: model_y(:) pnt_on_bndy = (x == model_x(1) .or. x == model_x(2)) .or. & (y == model_y(1) .or. y == model_y(3)) end function pnt_on_bndy logical function pnt_is_vtx( nv, x, y, vtx_x, vtx_y ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is the point (x,y) a vertex !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nv real, intent(in) :: x real, intent(in) :: y real, intent(in) :: vtx_x(:) real, intent(in) :: vtx_y(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: n pnt_is_vtx = .false. do n = 1,nv if( x == vtx_x(n) .and. y == vtx_y(n) ) then pnt_is_vtx = .true. exit endif end do end function pnt_is_vtx function lines_overlap( x1, x2, y1, y2 ) result(Ovrlap) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x1(2), x2(2) real, intent(in) :: y1(2), y2(2) logical :: Ovrlap Ovrlap = .true. if( x1(1) >= x2(2) .or. x1(2) <= x2(1) ) then Ovrlap = .false. elseif( y1(1) >= y2(2) .or. y1(2) <= y2(1) ) then Ovrlap = .false. endif end function lines_overlap function set_alphabeta( xvtx, yvtx ) result(kernel) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set alpha, beta coefficients !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: xvtx(4), yvtx(4) type(map_kernel) :: kernel real(8) :: xv(4), yv(4) xv(:) = real(xvtx(:),8) ; yv(:) = real(yvtx(:),8) kernel%alpha(1) = xv(1) kernel%alpha(2) = xv(2) - xv(1) kernel%alpha(3) = xv(4) - xv(1) kernel%alpha(4) = xv(1) + xv(3) - (xv(2) + xv(4)) kernel%beta(1) = yv(1) kernel%beta(2) = yv(2) - yv(1) kernel%beta(3) = yv(4) - yv(1) kernel%beta(4) = yv(1) + yv(3) - (yv(2) + yv(4)) kernel%Set = .true. end function set_alphabeta subroutine lm_2_xy( xv, yv, kernel, lm, xy ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! midpoint of general quadrilateral !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, optional, intent(in) :: xv(4), yv(4) real, intent(in) :: lm(2) real, intent(out) :: xy(2) type(map_kernel), intent(inout) :: kernel real(8) :: wrk real(8) :: l, m real(8) :: x, y if( present( xv ) .and. present( yv ) ) then kernel = set_alphabeta( xv, yv ) endif l = real(lm(1),8) ; m = real(lm(2),8) wrk = l*m x = kernel%alpha(1) + kernel%alpha(2)*l & + kernel%alpha(3)*m + kernel%alpha(4)*wrk y = kernel%beta(1) + kernel%beta(2)*l & + kernel%beta(3)*m + kernel%beta(4)*wrk xy(:) = (/ real(x,8),real(y,8) /) end subroutine lm_2_xy subroutine xy_2_lm( xv, yv, kernel, xy, lm ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! map pnt xy to l,m coordinates !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, optional, intent(in) :: xv(4), yv(4) real, intent(in) :: xy(2) real, intent(out) :: lm(2) type(map_kernel), intent(inout) :: kernel real(8) :: l, m, wrk real(8) :: aa, bb, cc, det real(8) :: x, y if( present( xv ) .and. present( yv ) ) then kernel = set_alphabeta( xv, yv ) endif x = real(xy(1),8) ; y = real(xy(2),8) aa = kernel%alpha(4)*kernel%beta(3) - kernel%alpha(3)*kernel%beta(4) bb = kernel%alpha(4)*kernel%beta(1) + kernel%alpha(2)*kernel%beta(3) + x*kernel%beta(4) & - (kernel%alpha(1)*kernel%beta(4) + kernel%alpha(3)*kernel%beta(2) + y*kernel%alpha(4)) cc = kernel%alpha(2)*kernel%beta(1) + x*kernel%beta(2) & - (kernel%alpha(1)*kernel%beta(2) + y*kernel%alpha(2)) det = bb*bb - 4._8*aa*cc if( det >= 0._8 ) then m = .5_8*(sqrt(det) - bb)/aa else write(*,*) 'xy_2_lm: determinant < 0' write(*,*) 'xy_2_lm: aa,bb,cc = ',aa,bb,cc write(*,*) 'xy_2_lm: alpha = ',kernel%alpha(:) write(*,*) 'xy_2_lm: beta = ',kernel%beta(:) write(*,*) 'xy_2_lm: xy = ',xy(:) Stop 'Mapping-ERR' endif l = (x - (kernel%alpha(1) + kernel%alpha(3)*m)) & /(kernel%alpha(2) + kernel%alpha(4)*m) lm(:) = (/ real(l,4),real(m,4) /) end subroutine xy_2_lm subroutine set_wghts( xv, yv, kernel, xy, wghts ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set enclosing vertex weights !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, optional, intent(in) :: xv(4), yv(4) real, intent(in) :: xy(2) real, intent(out) :: wghts(4) type(map_kernel), intent(inout) :: kernel real :: l, m, wrk real :: lm(2) if( present( xv ) .and. present( yv ) ) then call xy_2_lm( xv, yv, kernel, xy, lm ) else call xy_2_lm( kernel=kernel,xy=xy, lm=lm ) endif wghts(:) = (/ lm(1), 1. - lm(1), lm(2), 1. - lm(2) /) end subroutine set_wghts logical function xy_n_quad( xv, yv, kernel, xy ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is point "inside" quad? !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, optional, intent(in) :: xv(4), yv(4) real, intent(in) :: xy(2) type(map_kernel), intent(inout) :: kernel real :: aa, bb, cc, det real :: l, m real :: alpha(4), beta(4) if( present( xv ) .and. present( yv ) ) then kernel = set_alphabeta( xv, yv ) endif aa = kernel%alpha(4)*kernel%beta(3) - kernel%alpha(3)*kernel%beta(4) bb = kernel%alpha(4)*kernel%beta(1) + kernel%alpha(2)*kernel%beta(3) + xy(1)*kernel%beta(4) & - (kernel%alpha(1)*kernel%beta(4) + kernel%alpha(3)*kernel%beta(2) + xy(2)*kernel%alpha(4)) cc = kernel%alpha(2)*kernel%beta(1) + xy(1)*kernel%beta(2) & - (kernel%alpha(1)*kernel%beta(2) + xy(2)*kernel%alpha(2)) det = bb*bb - 4.*aa*cc if( det >= 0. ) then m = .5*(sqrt(det) - bb)/aa else write(*,*) 'xy_n_quad: determinant < 0' write(*,*) 'xy_n_quad: aa,bb,cc = ',aa,bb,cc write(*,*) 'xy_n_quad: alpha = ',kernel%alpha(:) write(*,*) 'xy_n_quad: beta = ',kernel%beta(:) write(*,*) 'xy_n_quad: xy = ',xy(:) Stop 'Mapping-ERR' endif xy_n_quad = 0. <= m .and. m <= 1. if( xy_n_quad ) then l = (xy(1) -(kernel%alpha(1) + kernel%alpha(3)*m)) & /(kernel%alpha(2) + kernel%alpha(4)*m) xy_n_quad = 0. <= l .and. l <= 1. endif end function xy_n_quad end module area_mapper