program anthro_emis use anthro_types use utils use camse_utils, only : camse_init use area_mapper, only : xlong => lon, xlat => lat use mapper_types use netcdf_utils, only : ngatts use misc_definitions_module, only : PROJ_PS, PROJ_LATLON, PROJ_CASSINI, PROJ_CAMSE use mo_calendar, only : diffdat, addsec2dat, newdate use stack, only : stkFileRead, stkFileCleanup use data_file_utils, only : anthro_dir, data_yrs_offset use data_file_utils, only : src_lon_dim_name, src_lon_var_name use data_file_utils, only : src_lat_dim_name, src_lat_var_name use data_file_utils, only : data_file_init, get_src_time_ndx use data_file_utils, only : read_src_data, tinterp_src_data use EPA, only : init_table, translate_date implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! namelist control variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nemis integer :: emissions_zdim_stag = 10 integer :: domains = 1 integer :: output_interval = 3600 ! seconds character(len=namsize) :: mdlFilenm character(len=linsize) :: model_dir character(len=linsize) :: src_file_prefix character(len=linsize) :: src_file_suffix character(len=linsize) :: sec_file_prefix character(len=linsize) :: sec_file_suffix character(len=linsize) :: stk_file_prefix character(len=linsize) :: stk_file_suffix character(len=linsize) :: stk_grp_file_prefix character(len=linsize) :: stk_grp_file_suffix character(len=linsize) :: sectorlist_flnm character(len=linsize) :: smk_merge_flnm character(len=linsize) :: cat_var_prefix character(len=linsize) :: cat_var_suffix character(len=32) :: currDateStr character(len=3) :: numa character(len=linsize) :: emis_map(linemax) character(len=namsize) :: sub_categories(maxsrc) character (LEN=64) :: mdl_lon_dim_name = ' ' character (LEN=64) :: mdl_lon_var_name = ' ' character (LEN=64) :: mdl_lat_dim_name = ' ' character (LEN=64) :: mdl_lat_var_name = ' ' character (LEN=19) :: start_output_time = ' ' character (LEN=19) :: stop_output_time = ' ' character (LEN=19) :: start_data_time = ' ' character (LEN=19) :: stop_data_time = ' ' character (LEN=16) :: date_frmt = ' ' character (LEN=16) :: mdlType = 'WRF' logical :: serial_output = .false. namelist /control/ anthro_dir, model_dir, emis_map, domains, src_names, & src_file_prefix, src_file_suffix, cat_var_prefix, & cat_var_suffix, emissions_zdim_stag, sub_categories, & date_frmt, start_output_time, stop_output_time, output_interval, & start_data_time, stop_data_time, serial_output, data_yrs_offset, diag_level, & src_lon_dim_name, src_lon_var_name, src_lat_dim_name, src_lat_var_name, & currDateStr, sec_file_prefix, sec_file_suffix, stk_file_prefix, stk_file_suffix, & stk_grp_file_prefix, stk_grp_file_suffix, & mdlType, mdlFilenm, mdl_lon_dim_name, mdl_lon_var_name, mdl_lat_dim_name, mdl_lat_var_name !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: lower = 0 integer, parameter :: upper = 1 real, parameter :: confac_gas = 3.6e12 !(kg/m^2/s -> mole/km^2/hr) real, parameter :: confac_aer = 1.e9 !(kg/m^2/s -> ug/m^2/s) real, parameter :: secphr = 3600. ! seconds per hour real, parameter :: dz = 50. ! CAM ref height for emissions (meters) integer :: nc, ns, ns1, it integer :: timeNdx integer :: src INTEGER :: icnt INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde INTEGER :: i, j, n, lev INTEGER :: ii, jj integer :: ncid integer :: cat_ndx integer :: map_proj integer :: ierr, astat, istat integer :: dimid, varid integer :: nlon_src, nlat_src integer :: domain integer :: WRFProjNdx, SrcProjNdx integer :: currDate, wrkDate integer :: xndx_src(2) integer :: yndx_src(2) integer, allocatable :: nNzSrcWater(:,:) integer, allocatable :: nNzSrcLand(:,:) integer, allocatable :: ix(:,:,:) ! index used by interpolation integer, allocatable :: jy(:,:,:) ! index used by interpolation real :: scale_factor real :: wrk_sum real :: ds1, ds2 real :: xl, xu real :: yl, yu, dy real :: wrf_lon_min real :: wrf_lon_max real :: wrf_lat_min real :: wrf_lat_max real :: cen_lon real :: cen_lat real :: stand_lon real :: truelat1 real :: truelat2 real :: loninc real :: latinc real :: knowni real :: knownj real :: dx real :: dxRatio real, allocatable :: totalSrcLand(:,:) real, allocatable :: totalSrcWater(:,:) real, allocatable :: wrk_emis(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: ax(:,:,:) ! weight coef. all domain real, allocatable :: by(:,:,:) ! weight coef. all domain character(len=19) :: proj_name(0:3) = (/ 'LATLON ', 'LAMBERT ', & 'POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC', 'MERCATOR ' /) character(len=linsize) :: wrk_file_prefix character(len=linsize) :: wrk_file_suffix CHARACTER (LEN=192) :: filespec CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: varname CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: message CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: attribute CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: units_attribute CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: description_attribute CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: stagger_attribute CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: coor_attribute CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: memord_attribute CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: outpname CHARACTER (LEN=32) :: wrkDateStr CHARACTER (LEN=19) :: Times(1) CHARACTER (LEN=16) :: wrkStr CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: num logical :: Error logical :: has_area_map logical :: new_grid logical :: lexist logical :: is_EPA, is_EPA_SECTOR, is_EPA_STACK logical :: mdl_is_WRF, mdl_is_CAM, mdl_is_CAMFV, mdl_is_CAMSE logical, allocatable :: cat_active(:) logical, allocatable :: waterMask(:,:), landMask(:,:) type(dates) :: start_output type(dates) :: stop_output type(dates) :: loop_date TYPE(model_grid_type) :: model_grid type(data_file_type), allocatable :: data_file(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! include files !--------------------------------------------------------------------- include '' !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set namelist variables default values !--------------------------------------------------------------------- src_names(:) = ' ' model_dir = '.' anthro_dir = '.' src_file_prefix = ' ' src_file_prefix = ' ' sec_file_suffix = ' ' sec_file_suffix = ' ' stk_file_prefix = ' ' stk_file_suffix = ' ' stk_grp_file_prefix = 'stack_groups_' stk_grp_file_suffix = ' ' currDateStr = ' ' cat_var_prefix = 'emiss_' cat_var_suffix = ' ' mdlFilenm = ' ' sub_categories(:) = ' ' emis_map(:) = ' ' mdl_lon_dim_name = 'lon' mdl_lon_var_name = 'lon' mdl_lat_dim_name = 'lat' mdl_lat_var_name = 'lat' !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! read control variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- read(*,nml=control,iostat=istat) if( istat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to read namelist; error = ',istat stop end if !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! check namelist inputs !----------------------------------------------------------------- if( domains < 1 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: domains must be >= 1' stop 'Namelist err' endif call upcase( trim(mdlType),wrkStr ) if( trim(wrkStr) == 'WRF' .or. trim(wrkStr) == 'CAMFV' .or. & trim(wrkStr) == 'CAMSE' ) then mdlType = wrkStr model_grid%filename = mdlFilenm else write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: model type ',trim(mdlType) write(*,*) ' must be WRF, CAMFV, or CAMSE' stop 'Input parm error' endif mdl_is_WRF = trim(mdlType) == 'WRF' mdl_is_CAMFV = trim(mdlType) == 'CAMFV' mdl_is_CAMSE = trim(mdlType) == 'CAMSE' mdl_is_CAM = mdl_is_CAMFV .or. mdl_is_CAMSE model_grid%mdl_is_WRF = mdl_is_WRF model_grid%mdl_is_CAM = mdl_is_CAM model_grid%mdl_is_CAMFV = mdl_is_CAMFV model_grid%mdl_is_CAMSE = mdl_is_CAMSE do n = 1,domains if( mdl_is_WRF) then filespec = trim(model_dir) // '/wrfinput_d' write(filespec(len_trim(filespec)+1:),'(i2.2)') n else filespec = trim(model_dir) // '/' // trim(mdlFilenm) endif inquire( file=trim(filespec),exist=lexist ) if( .not. lexist ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: model input file' write(*,*) trim(filespec) write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: does not exist' stop 'File err' endif end do if( mdl_is_CAM ) then emissions_zdim_stag = 8 serial_output = .true. elseif( mdl_is_WRF .and. emissions_zdim_stag < 1 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: emissions zdim must >= 1' stop 'Namelist err' endif if( serial_output .and. output_interval < 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: output_interval must be >= 0' stop 'Input parm error' endif if( currDateStr == ' ' ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: current date string(currDateStr) not set' stop 'Input parm error' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! set species maps !----------------------------------------------------------------- call mapper( nemis, emis_map, sub_categories, data_file ) if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA_STACK ) ) then if( trim(stk_grp_file_suffix) == ' ' ) then stk_grp_file_suffix = trim(stk_file_suffix) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize EPA date translation !----------------------------------------------------------------- if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA ) ) then smk_merge_flnm = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // 'smk_merge_dates_' // currDateStr(1:4) // '.txt' sectorlist_flnm = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // 'sectorlist_' // currDateStr(1:4) // 'fd_nata' Error = init_table( sectorlist_flnm, smk_merge_flnm ) if( Error ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: EPA date error in init_table' stop endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! check that initial input files exist !----------------------------------------------------------------- src_loop_a: & do n = 1,nsrc_names if( .not. data_file(n)%is_EPA ) then wrkDateStr = currDateStr filespec = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // trim(src_file_prefix) & // trim(src_names(n)) // '_' // trim(wrkDateStr) & // trim(src_file_suffix) else read(currDateStr,*) currDate wrkDate = translate_date( currDate, trim(src_names(n)) ) write(wrkDateStr,'(i8)') wrkDate if( data_file(n)%is_EPA_SECTOR ) then filespec = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // trim(src_names(n)) // '/' // trim(sec_file_prefix) & // trim(src_names(n)) // '_' // trim(wrkDateStr) & // trim(sec_file_suffix) else filespec = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // trim(src_names(n)) // '/'// trim(stk_file_prefix) & // trim(src_names(n)) // '_' // trim(wrkDateStr) & // trim(stk_file_suffix) endif endif inquire( file=trim(filespec),exist=lexist ) if( .not. lexist ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: anthro source file' write(*,*) trim(filespec) write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: does not exist' stop 'File err' endif if( data_file(n)%is_EPA_STACK ) then filespec = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // trim(src_names(n)) // '/' // trim(stk_grp_file_prefix) & // trim(src_names(n)) // trim(stk_grp_file_suffix) inquire( file=trim(filespec),exist=lexist ) if( .not. lexist ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: anthro stack group file' write(*,*) trim(filespec) write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: does not exist' stop 'File err' endif endif data_file(n)%src_name = src_names(n) data_file(n)%flnmDateStr = wrkDateStr data_file(n)%flnmDate = wrkDate end do src_loop_a write(*,*) 'main: nemis = ',nemis do n = 1,nemis write(*,*) '=================================================' write(*,*) 'anthro_map(',n,'):' write(*,*) 'src species count = ',anthro_map(n)%src_cnt write(*,*) 'emis species name = ',anthro_map(n)%emis_name write(*,*) anthro_map(n)%src_wght(:anthro_map(n)%src_cnt) write(*,*) anthro_map(n)%src_var(:anthro_map(n)%src_cnt) write(*,*) 'cat wghts' do ns = 1,anthro_map(n)%src_cnt write(*,*) anthro_map(n)%cat_wght(:,ns) end do end do write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'src active' write(*,*) src_active(:nsrc_names) write(*,*) 'active src = ',count(src_active(:)) write(*,*) '=================================================' allocate( cat_active(n_sub_cats),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate cat_active array' stop 'Alloc err' endif if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA_SECTOR .and. mdl_is_WRF ) ) then if( allocated( nNzSrcWater ) ) then deallocate( nNzSrcWater ) endif allocate( nNzSrcWater(nsrc_names,n_sub_cats),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate nNzSrcWater array' stop 'Alloc err' endif if( allocated( nNzSrcLand ) ) then deallocate( nNzSrcLand ) endif allocate( nNzSrcLand(nsrc_names,n_sub_cats),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate nNzSrcLand array' stop 'Alloc err' endif if( allocated( totalSrcLand ) ) then deallocate( totalSrcLand ) endif allocate( totalSrcLand(nsrc_names,n_sub_cats),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate totalSrcLand array' stop 'Alloc err' endif if( allocated( totalSrcWater ) ) then deallocate( totalSrcWater ) endif allocate( totalSrcWater(nsrc_names,n_sub_cats),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate totalSrcWater array' stop 'Alloc err' endif endif domain_loop : & do domain = 1,domains timeNdx = 0 call model_init !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup data, output times !----------------------------------------------------------------- first_domain : & if( domain == 1 ) then if( start_output_time == ' ' ) then start_output_time = Times(1) endif call wrf2mz_time( start_output_time, start_output%date, start_output%secs ) if( .not. serial_output ) then stop_output_time = start_output_time elseif( stop_output_time == ' ' ) then stop_output_time = start_output_time endif call wrf2mz_time( stop_output_time, stop_output%date, stop_output%secs ) if( diffdat( start_output%date, start_output%secs, stop_output%date, stop_output%secs ) < 0. ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: start output time > stop output time' stop 'Input parameter error' endif do src = 1,nsrc_names cat_active(:) = .false. if( src_active(src) ) then do ns = 1,nemis do ns1 = 1,anthro_map(ns)%src_cnt if( trim(anthro_map(ns)%src_var(ns1)) == trim(src_names(src)) ) then cat_active(:) = cat_active(:) .or. anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght(:,ns1) /= 0. endif end do end do allocate( data_file(src)%cat_active(n_sub_cats),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: allocate for data_file%cat_active failed; error = ', astat stop 'Alloc err' endif data_file(src)%cat_active(:) = cat_active(:) write(*,*) 'will use sub cats: ',cat_active(:) endif end do endif first_domain if( .not. allocated( wrk_emis ) ) then allocate( wrk_emis(ide,jde,emissions_zdim_stag),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: allocate for wrk_emis failed; error = ', astat stop 'Alloc err' endif endif if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA_SECTOR ) .and. mdl_is_WRF ) then if( .not. allocated( waterMask ) ) then allocate( waterMask(ide,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate totalSrcWater array' stop 'Alloc err' endif endif if( .not. allocated( landMask ) ) then allocate( landMask(ide,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate totalSrcWater array' stop 'Alloc err' endif endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize data file type !----------------------------------------------------------------- src_loop_b: & do src = 1,nsrc_names if( src_active(src) ) then if( domain == 1 ) then data_file(src)%molecw = molecw(src) endif if( .not. data_file(src)%is_EPA ) then data_file(src)%filename = trim(src_file_prefix) // trim(src_names(src)) // '_' & // trim(data_file(src)%flnmDateStr) // trim(src_file_suffix) elseif( data_file(src)%is_EPA_SECTOR ) then data_file(src)%filename = trim(sec_file_prefix) // trim(src_names(src)) // '_' & // trim(data_file(src)%flnmDateStr) // trim(sec_file_suffix) elseif( data_file(src)%is_EPA_STACK ) then data_file(src)%filename = trim(stk_file_prefix) // trim(src_names(src)) // '_' & // trim(data_file(src)%flnmDateStr) // trim(stk_file_suffix) endif data_file(src)%filespec = trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // trim(src_names(src)) // '/' // trim(data_file(src)%filename) if( data_file(src)%is_EPA_STACK ) then data_file(src)%stack%filename = trim(stk_grp_file_prefix) // trim(src_names(src)) // trim(stk_grp_file_suffix) data_file(src)%stack%filespec = & trim(anthro_dir) // '/' // trim(src_names(src)) // '/' // trim(data_file(src)%stack%filename) endif call data_file_init( data_file(src), start_output, cat_var_prefix, cat_var_suffix, & domain, dx, ids, ide, jds, jde, & currDate, model_grid, emissions_zdim_stag ) endif end do src_loop_b !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate emission array !----------------------------------------------------------------- do ns = 1,nemis anthro_map(ns)%is_2d(1:nsrc_names) = .true. anthro_map(ns)%is_3d(1:nsrc_names) = .false. if( mdl_is_WRF .or. mdl_is_CAM ) then do src = 1,anthro_map(ns)%src_cnt ns1 = get_src_ndx( trim(anthro_map(ns)%src_var(src)) ) if( src_active(ns1) ) then anthro_map(ns)%is_3d(ns1) = data_file(ns1)%is_EPA_STACK anthro_map(ns)%is_2d(ns1) = .not. anthro_map(ns)%is_3d(ns1) endif enddo endif if( any( anthro_map(ns)%is_2d(1:anthro_map(ns)%src_cnt) ) ) then if( allocated( anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf ) ) then deallocate( anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf ) endif allocate( anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf(ide,jde,emissions_zdim_stag),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate emissionSrf array' stop 'Alloc err' endif endif if( any( anthro_map(ns)%is_3d(1:anthro_map(ns)%src_cnt) ) ) then if( allocated( anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay ) ) then deallocate( anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay ) endif allocate( anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay(ide,jde,emissions_zdim_stag),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: failed to allocate emissionLay array' stop 'Alloc err' endif endif end do loop_date = start_output time_loop : & do do ns = 1,nemis if( allocated(anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf) ) then anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf(:,:,:) = 0. endif if( allocated(anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay) ) then anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay(:,:,:) = 0. endif end do ! if( data_file(src)%is_EPA_SECTOR ) then if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA_SECTOR .and. mdl_is_WRF ) ) then nNzSrcWater(:,:) = 0 nNzSrcLand(:,:) = 0 totalSrcWater(:,:) = 0. totalSrcLand(:,:) = 0. endif src_loop_c : & do src = 1,nsrc_names use_src: if( src_active(src) ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'will use source file for ',trim(src_names(src)) if( .not. data_file(src)%is_EPA ) then wrk_file_prefix = src_file_prefix ; wrk_file_suffix = src_file_suffix elseif( data_file(src)%is_EPA_SECTOR ) then wrk_file_prefix = sec_file_prefix ; wrk_file_suffix = sec_file_suffix elseif( data_file(src)%is_EPA_STACK ) then wrk_file_prefix = stk_file_prefix ; wrk_file_suffix = stk_file_suffix endif call get_src_time_ndx( data_file(src), loop_date, currDate, src_names(src), & wrk_file_prefix, wrk_file_suffix ) cat_ndx = 0 cat_loop: do nc = 1,n_sub_cats use_cat : if( data_file(src)%cat_active(nc) ) then varname = trim(cat_var_prefix) // trim(sub_cats(nc)) // trim(cat_var_suffix) cat_ndx = cat_ndx + 1 if( data_file(src)%read_lo_tndx ) then call read_src_data( data_file(src), varname, data_file(src)%lo_buf_ndx, & data_file(src)%lo_tndx, data_file(src)%ncid_lo, cat_ndx ) endif if( data_file(src)%t_interp ) then if( data_file(src)%read_hi_tndx ) then call read_src_data( data_file(src), varname, data_file(src)%hi_buf_ndx, & data_file(src)%hi_tndx, data_file(src)%ncid_hi, cat_ndx ) endif endif call tinterp_src_data( data_file(src), cat_ndx ) call map_src_emissions( data_file(src), grid_specs(data_file(src)%grid_ndx) ) do ns = 1,nemis do ns1 = 1,anthro_map(ns)%src_cnt if( trim(anthro_map(ns)%src_var(ns1)) == trim(src_names(src)) ) then if( anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght(nc,ns1) /= 0.) then if( anthro_map(ns)%is_gas ) then scale_factor = anthro_map(ns)%src_wght(ns1) & * anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght(nc,ns1) * data_file(src)%con_fac(1) & / data_file(src)%molecw else scale_factor = anthro_map(ns)%src_wght(ns1) & * anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght(nc,ns1) * data_file(src)%con_fac(2) endif ! if( .not. data_file(src)%is_EPA_STACK ) then if( anthro_map(ns)%is_2d(ns1) ) then anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf(:,:,1) = anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf(:,:,1) & + scale_factor*wrk_emis(:,:,1) elseif( anthro_map(ns)%is_3d(ns1) ) then do lev = 1,emissions_zdim_stag anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay(:,:,lev) = anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay(:,:,lev) & + scale_factor*wrk_emis(:,:,lev) enddo endif ! else ! do lev = 1,emissions_zdim_stag ! anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf(:,:,lev) = anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf(:,:,lev) & ! + scale_factor*wrk_emis(:,:,lev) ! enddo ! endif if( data_file(src)%is_EPA_SECTOR .and. mdl_is_WRF ) then dxRatio = model_grid%dx/data_file(src)%dx dxRatio = dxRatio*dxRatio nNzSrcWater(src,nc) = count( wrk_emis(:,:,1) > 0. .and. model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 0. ) nNzSrcLand(src,nc) = count( wrk_emis(:,:,1) > 0. .and. model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 1. ) totalSrcWater(src,nc) = secphr*dxRatio*sum( wrk_emis(:,:,1),mask=model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 0. ) totalSrcLand(src,nc) = secphr*dxRatio*sum( wrk_emis(:,:,1),mask=model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 1. ) waterMask(:,:) = wrk_emis(:,:,1) > 0. .and. model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 0. landMask(:,:) = wrk_emis(:,:,1) > 0. .and. model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 1. write(*,*) 'anthro_emis: there are ',count(wrk_emis(:,:,1) > 0.),' non-zero emissions' endif endif endif end do end do endif use_cat end do cat_loop if( diag_level > 300 ) then do ns = 1,nemis do ns1 = 1,anthro_map(ns)%src_cnt if( trim(anthro_map(ns)%src_var(ns1)) == trim(src_names(src)) ) then do nc = 1,n_sub_cats if( cat_active(nc) .and. anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght(nc,ns1) /= 0.) then write(*,*) 'will use sub cats ',trim(sub_cats(nc)),' with wght = ',anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght(nc,ns1) endif end do endif end do end do endif endif use_src end do src_loop_c !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write emission file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( serial_output ) then if( mdl_is_WRF ) then call write_wrf_emis( 0 ) elseif( mdl_is_CAM ) then call write_cam_emis( diffdat( start_output%date, start_output%secs, & loop_date%date, loop_date%secs ) == 0. ) endif call addsec2dat( output_interval, loop_date%date, loop_date%secs ) if( diffdat( loop_date%date, loop_date%secs, stop_output%date, stop_output%secs ) < 0. ) then exit time_loop elseif( loop_date%date > currDate .and. any( data_file(:)%is_EPA ) ) then currDate = newdate( currDate, 1 ) endif else call write_wrf_emis( 1 ) call write_wrf_emis( 2 ) exit time_loop endif end do time_loop !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cleanup for next domain !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do src = 1,nsrc_names if( data_file(src)%ncid_lo /= 0 ) then ierr = nf_close( data_file(src)%ncid_lo ) endif if( data_file(src)%ncid_hi /= 0 .and. & data_file(src)%ncid_hi /= data_file(src)%ncid_lo ) then ierr = nf_close( data_file(src)%ncid_hi ) endif if( allocated( data_file(src)%emis ) ) then deallocate( data_file(src)%emis ) endif if( allocated( data_file(src)%src_data ) ) then deallocate( data_file(src)%src_data ) endif if( data_file(src)%is_EPA_STACK ) then call stkFileCleanup( data_file(src)%stack ) endif if( data_file(src)%grid_ndx > 0 ) then call cleanup_grid( grid_specs(data_file(src)%grid_ndx), ide, jde ) endif end do grid_cnt = 0 do ns = 1,nemis if( allocated(anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf) ) then deallocate( anthro_map(ns)%emissionSrf ) endif if( allocated(anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay) ) then deallocate( anthro_map(ns)%emissionLay ) endif end do deallocate( wrk_emis ) if( mdl_is_WRF .and. domains > 1 ) then read(currDateStr,*) currDate endif end do domain_loop do ns = 1,nemis if( allocated( anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght ) ) then deallocate( anthro_map(ns)%cat_wght ) endif end do if( allocated( anthro_map ) ) then deallocate( anthro_map ) endif if( allocated( data_file ) ) then deallocate( data_file ) endif write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) '----------------------------------' write(*,*) 'anthro_emis completed successfully' write(*,*) '----------------------------------' CONTAINS subroutine model_init !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read model file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use area_mapper, only : proj_init use netcdf_utils, only : get_glb_atts, handle_ncerr use constants_module, only : rad_per_deg, earth_radius_m, g !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: j, k integer :: astat integer :: maxlonndx(1) integer, allocatable :: isltyp(:,:) real, allocatable :: ph(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: phb(:,:,:) real, allocatable :: wrk(:,:) CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: inpname character(len=64) :: mdl_vrt_dim_name, mdl_vrt_var_name if( mdl_is_WRF ) then inpname = 'wrfinput_d' write(inpname(len_trim(inpname)+1:),'(i2.2)') domain mdl_lon_dim_name = 'west_east' mdl_lat_dim_name = 'south_north' mdl_vrt_dim_name = 'bottom_top' else inpname = model_grid%filename endif filespec = trim( model_dir ) // '/' // trim( inpname ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open model input file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'model_init: Failed to open ' // trim(inpname) call handle_ncerr( nf_open( trim(filespec), nf_noclobber, ncid ), message ) if( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then call camse_init( ncid, model_grid ) ide = model_grid%nPolygons ; jde = 1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get model dimesions !--------------------------------------------------------------------- else message = 'Failed to get longitude dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, trim(mdl_lon_dim_name), dimid ), message ) message = 'Failed to get longitude dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, ide ), message ) message = 'Failed to get latitude dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, trim(mdl_lat_dim_name), dimid ), message ) message = 'Failed to get latitude dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, jde ), message ) endif model_grid%nlons = ide model_grid%nlats = jde if( mdl_is_WRF ) then message = 'Failed to get vertical dimension id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, trim(mdl_vrt_dim_name), dimid ), message ) message = 'Failed to get vertical dimension' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, dimid, model_grid%nlevs ), message ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get model map projection variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'Failed to get map_proj' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_int( ncid, nf_global, 'MAP_PROJ', map_proj ), message ) elseif( mdl_is_CAM ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CAM "reference" vertical levels are 50 m deep !--------------------------------------------------------------------- model_grid%nlevs = 8 allocate( model_grid%z_at_w(1,model_grid%nlevs+1,1),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate z_at_w; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif model_grid%z_at_w(1,1:model_grid%nlevs+1,1) = (/ (dz*real(k),k=0,model_grid%nlevs) /) if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then map_proj = PROJ_LATLON allocate( model_grid%mdl_cell_area(jde,1),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate mdl_cell_area; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then map_proj = PROJ_CAMSE endif endif if( .not. mdl_is_CAMSE ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'model_init: MAP_PROJ is ',trim(proj_name(map_proj)) write(*,*) ' ' endif proj_is_latlon: & if( map_proj == PROJ_LATLON .or. map_proj == PROJ_CASSINI ) then message = 'Failed to get ' // trim(mdl_lon_var_name) // ' variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, trim(mdl_lon_var_name), varid ), message ) if( mdl_is_WRF ) then allocate( wrk(ide,jde),model_grid%mdl_lons(ide,jde),stat=astat ) elseif( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then allocate( wrk(ide,1),model_grid%mdl_lons(ide,1),stat=astat ) endif if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate model_grid mdl_lons variable; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif message = 'Failed to read ' // trim(mdl_lon_var_name) // ' variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), message ) model_grid%mdl_lons(:,:) = wrk(:,:) loninc = abs(wrk(2,1) - wrk(1,1)) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! modify incoming lon grid for CAM model !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then where( wrk(:,1) > 180. ) wrk(:,1) = wrk(:,1) - 360. endwhere maxlonndx(:) = maxloc( wrk(:,1) ) wrk(1,1) = wrk(maxlonndx(1)+1,1) model_grid%lon_shift = maxlonndx(1) endif cen_lon = wrk(1,1) if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then deallocate( wrk ) allocate( wrk(1,jde),model_grid%mdl_lats(1,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate model_grid mdl_lats variable; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc error' endif endif message = 'Failed to get ' // trim(mdl_lat_dim_name) // ' variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, trim(mdl_lat_dim_name), varid ), message ) message = 'Failed to read ' // trim(mdl_lat_var_name) // ' variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, wrk ), message ) model_grid%mdl_lats(:,:) = wrk(:,:) cen_lat = wrk(1,1) latinc = abs(wrk(1,2) - cen_lat) knowni = 1. knownj = 1. deallocate( wrk ) map_proj = PROJ_LATLON !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup model cell areas for CAMFV !--------------------------------------------------------------------- dx = 1.e4 * earth_radius_m * earth_radius_m * loninc * rad_per_deg if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then model_grid%mdl_cell_area(1,1) = 1.e20 ; model_grid%mdl_cell_area(jde,1) = 1.e20 do j = 2,model_grid%nlats-1 model_grid%mdl_cell_area(j,1) = & dx * (sin((model_grid%mdl_lats(1,j) + latinc)*rad_per_deg) & - sin((model_grid%mdl_lats(1,j) - latinc)*rad_per_deg)) enddo dx = earth_radius_m * latinc * rad_per_deg endif elseif( .not. mdl_is_CAMSE ) then proj_is_latlon message = 'model_init: Failed to get cen_lon' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_real( ncid, nf_global, 'CEN_LON', cen_lon ), message ) write(*,*) 'model_init: CEN_LON = ',cen_lon message = 'model_init: Failed to get cen_lat' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_real( ncid, nf_global, 'CEN_LAT', cen_lat ), message ) write(*,*) 'model_init: CEN_LAT = ',cen_lat message = 'model_init: Failed to get stand_lon' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_real( ncid, nf_global, 'STAND_LON', stand_lon ), message ) write(*,*) 'model_init: STAND_LON = ',stand_lon message = 'model_init: Failed to get truelat1' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_real( ncid, nf_global, 'TRUELAT1', truelat1 ), message ) write(*,*) 'model_init: TRUELAT1 = ',truelat1 message = 'model_init: Failed to get truelat2' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_real( ncid, nf_global, 'TRUELAT2', truelat2 ), message ) write(*,*) 'model_init: TRUELAT2 = ',truelat2 message = 'model_init: Failed to get dx' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_att_real( ncid, nf_global, 'DX', dx ), message ) write(*,*) 'model_init: DX = ',dx elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then proj_is_latlon endif proj_is_latlon if( .not. mdl_is_CAMSE ) then model_grid%dx = dx !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize map projection for model !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call proj_init( map_proj, cen_lon, cen_lat, truelat1, truelat2, & stand_lon, loninc, latinc, knowni, knownj, & dx, ide, jde ) endif ids = 1 jds = 1 is_mdl_WRF: & if( mdl_is_WRF ) then message = 'Failed to get Times id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'Times', varid ), message ) message = 'Failed to read Times' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_text( ncid, varid, Times ), message ) write(*,*) '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' write(*,*) 'model_init: time = ',trim(Times(1)) write(*,*) 'model_init: grid dimensions' write(*,*) 'model_init: ids,ide,jds,jde' write(*,'(4i6)') ids,ide,jds,jde write(*,*) '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get wrfinput_ global attributes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_glb_atts( ncid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if any data file is epa then allocate and set landmask !--------------------------------------------------------------------- is_epa_type: & if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA ) ) then if( allocated( model_grid%landmask ) ) then deallocate( model_grid%landmask ) endif allocate( model_grid%landmask(ide,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate landmask; error = ',astat stop endif if( allocated( isltyp) ) then deallocate( isltyp ) endif allocate( isltyp(ide,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate isltyp; error = ',astat stop endif message = 'Failed to get ISLTYP var id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'ISLTYP', varid ), message ) message = 'Failed to read ISLTYP variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_int( ncid, varid, isltyp ), message ) do j = 1,jde where( isltyp(:,j) == 14 ) model_grid%landmask(:,j) = 0. elsewhere model_grid%landmask(:,j) = 1. endwhere enddo deallocate( isltyp ) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'model_init: there are ',count(model_grid%landmask(:,:) == 0.),' water cells' write(*,*) ' ' !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if any data file is epa-stack then allocate and set vertical grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- is_stack: & if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA_STACK ) ) then if( allocated( model_grid%z_at_w ) ) then deallocate( model_grid%z_at_w ) endif allocate( model_grid%z_at_w(ide,model_grid%nlevs+1,jde),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate z_at_w; error = ',astat stop endif if( allocated( ph ) ) then deallocate( ph ) endif allocate( ph(ide,jde,model_grid%nlevs+1),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate ph; error = ',astat stop endif message = 'Failed to get PH var id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'PH', varid ), message ) message = 'Failed to read PH variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, ph ), message ) if( allocated( phb ) ) then deallocate( phb ) endif allocate( phb(ide,jde,model_grid%nlevs+1),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'model_init: failed to allocate phb; error = ',astat stop endif message = 'Failed to get PHB var id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'PHB', varid ), message ) message = 'Failed to read PHB variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_get_var_real( ncid, varid, phb ), message ) do k = 1,model_grid%nlevs+1 do j = jds,jde model_grid%z_at_w(ids:ide,k,j) = (ph(ids:ide,j,k) + phb(ids:ide,j,k))/g enddo enddo do k = 2,model_grid%nlevs+1 do j = jds,jde model_grid%z_at_w(ids:ide,k,j) = model_grid%z_at_w(ids:ide,k,j) & - model_grid%z_at_w(ids:ide,1,j) enddo enddo do j = jds,jde model_grid%z_at_w(ids:ide,1,j) = 0. enddo deallocate( ph, phb ) endif is_stack endif is_epa_type endif is_mdl_WRF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close model file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'model_init: Failed to close ' // trim(inpname) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) end subroutine model_init subroutine map_src_emissions( data_file, grid ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! map src dataset to model grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use area_mapper, only : area_interp use constants_module, only : rad_per_deg, earth_radius_m use mapper_types !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- type(data_file_type), intent(in) :: data_file type(grid_type), intent(in) :: grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: il, iu, jl, ju, k, n, stk integer :: status real :: data_dx real :: wrf_lon, wrf_lat real, allocatable :: raw_data(:,:) logical :: debug = .false. not_STACK: & if( .not. data_file%is_EPA_STACK ) then is_area_map : & if( grid%has_area_map ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! area conserving interpolation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call area_interp( data_file, grid%model_area_type, model_grid, wrk_emis(:,:,1), diag_level ) else is_area_map !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bilinear interpolation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! form src coordinate limits !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( diag_level > 100 ) then wrf_lon_min = minval( xlong(ids:ide,jds:jde) ) wrf_lon_max = maxval( xlong(ids:ide,jds:jde) ) wrf_lat_min = minval( xlat(ids:ide,jds:jde) ) wrf_lat_max = maxval( xlat(ids:ide,jds:jde) ) write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'('' map_src_emissions: model lon limits = '',1p,2g25.16)') wrf_lon_min,wrf_lon_max write(*,'('' map_src_emissions: model lat limits = '',1p,2g25.16)') wrf_lat_min,wrf_lat_max write(*,*) ' ' write(*,'('' map_src_emissions: src lon limits = '',1p,2g25.16)') grid%lon(1),grid%lon(grid%nlons) write(*,'('' map_src_emissions: src lat limits = '',1p,2g25.16)') grid%lat(1),grid%lat(grid%nlats) write(*,*) ' ' endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! form dataset index limits !--------------------------------------------------------------------- write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: count of points <,> data min,max lat = ',count(grid%ix(:,:,0) == grid%nlons ) xndx_src(1) = minval( grid%ix(:,:,lower),mask=grid%jy(:,:,lower)>0 ) xndx_src(2) = maxval( grid%ix(:,:,lower),mask=grid%jy(:,:,lower)>0 ) + 1 write(*,*) 'xndx_src = ',xndx_src(:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: count of points < data min lat = ',count(grid%jy(:,:,0) == -1) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: count of points > data max lat = ',count(grid%jy(:,:,0) == -2) yndx_src(1) = minval( grid%jy(:,:,lower),mask=grid%jy(:,:,lower)>0 ) yndx_src(2) = maxval( grid%jy(:,:,lower),mask=grid%jy(:,:,lower)>0 ) + 1 write(*,*) 'yndx_src = ',yndx_src(:) if( debug ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: bilinear interp diagnostics' write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: ix' write(*,*) grid%ix(ids,jds,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: ax' write(*,*) grid%ax(ids,jds,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: src lons' write(*,*) grid%lon(grid%ix(ids,jds,0)),grid%lon(grid%ix(ids,jds,1)) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: wrf lon = ',xlong(ids,jds) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: jy' write(*,*) grid%jy(ids,jds,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: by' write(*,*) grid%by(ids,jds,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: src lats' write(*,*) grid%lat(grid%jy(ids,jds,0)),grid%lat(grid%jy(ids,jds,1)) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: wrf lat = ',xlat(ids,jds) write(*,*) ' ' do j = jds,jde do i = ids,ide if( grid%ix(i,j,lower) == grid%nlons ) then write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: bilinear interp diagnostics' write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: ix' write(*,*) grid%ix(i,j,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: ax' write(*,*) grid%ax(i,j,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: src lons' write(*,*) grid%lon(grid%ix(i,j,0)),grid%lon(grid%ix(i,j,1)) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: wrf lon = ',xlong(i,j) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: jy' write(*,*) grid%jy(i,j,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: by' write(*,*) grid%by(i,j,:) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: src lats' write(*,*) grid%lat(grid%jy(i,j,0)),grid%lat(grid%jy(i,j,1)) write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: wrf lat = ',xlat(i,j) stop 'diagnostics' endif end do end do stop 'diagnostics' endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate and read dataset variable !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( .not. allocated( raw_data ) ) then allocate( raw_data(xndx_src(1):xndx_src(2),yndx_src(1):yndx_src(2)),stat=status ) if( status /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'map_src_emissions: allocate for raw_data failed; error = ', status stop 'Alloc err' endif endif !------------------------------------------------------------- ! transfer shifted raw data to final working array !------------------------------------------------------------- do j = yndx_src(1),yndx_src(2) raw_data(:,j) = data_file%src_data(xndx_src(1):xndx_src(2),j) end do if( diag_level > 100 ) then write(*,*) 'dataset size = ',size(data_file%src_data) write(*,*) 'dataset min,max values = ',minval(data_file%src_data(:,:)),maxval(data_file%src_data(:,:)) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set model anthro emission !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do j = jds,jde do i = ids,ide jl = grid%jy(i,j,0) if( jl > 0 ) then il = grid%ix(i,j,0) ; iu = il + 1 ju = jl + 1 wrk_sum = raw_data(il,jl)*grid%ax(i,j,upper)*grid%by(i,j,upper) & + raw_data(il,ju)*grid%ax(i,j,upper)*grid%by(i,j,lower) & + raw_data(iu,jl)*grid%ax(i,j,lower)*grid%by(i,j,upper) & + raw_data(iu,ju)*grid%ax(i,j,lower)*grid%by(i,j,lower) else wrk_sum = 0. endif wrk_emis(i,j,1) = wrk_sum end do end do if( allocated( raw_data ) ) then deallocate( raw_data ) endif endif is_area_map else not_STACK wrk_emis(:,:,:) = 0. do stk = 1,data_file%stack%nStk if( data_file%stack%dataMask(stk) ) then il = data_file%stack%mdl_i(stk) ; jl = data_file%stack%mdl_j(stk) k = data_file%stack%mdl_k(stk) wrk_emis(il,jl,k) = wrk_emis(il,jl,k) + data_file%stack%src_data(stk) endif enddo endif not_STACK end subroutine map_src_emissions subroutine write_wrf_emis( nfile ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... write the WRF netcdf anthro emission file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use netcdf_utils, only : set_glb_atts, handle_ncerr, ngatts use utils, only : src_names, sub_cats !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nfile !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: lon_id integer :: lat_id integer :: time_id integer :: zdim_id integer :: string_id integer :: dims(4) integer :: start_ndx(4) integer :: length(4) integer :: astat integer :: m, cat, nt, nt1, src real, allocatable :: wrk_emis(:,:,:) character(len=132) :: message, text character(len=10) :: ctime character(len=8) :: cdate character(len=10) :: t_string(2) character(len=19) :: wrf_time write(num(2:3),'(i2.2)') domain if( serial_output ) then call mz2wrf_time( wrf_time, loop_date%date, loop_date%secs ) outpname = 'wrfchemi_d' // num(2:3) // '_' // wrf_time else if( nfile == 1 ) then outpname = 'wrfchemi_00z_d' // num(2:3) else outpname = 'wrfchemi_12z_d' // num(2:3) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... create netcdf anthro emission file and enter define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'write_emis: Failed to create ' // trim( outpname ) call handle_ncerr( nf_create( trim( outpname ), nf_clobber, ncid ), message ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define the dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'west_east', ide, lon_id ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define longitude dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'south_north', jde, lat_id ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define latitude dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'emissions_zdim_stag', emissions_zdim_stag, zdim_id ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define emissions_zdim_stag dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'DateStrLen', 19, string_id ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define DateStrLen dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'Time', nf_unlimited, time_id ), & 'write_emis: Failed to create Time dimension' ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define the variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dims(1:2) = (/ string_id, time_id /) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'Times', nf_char, 2, dims(1:2), varid ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define Times variable' ) dims(1:2) = (/ lon_id, lat_id /) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'XLONG', nf_float, 2, dims(1:2), varid ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define XLONG variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'XLAT', nf_float, 2, dims(1:2), varid ), & 'write_emis: Failed to define XLAT variable' ) dims(:) = (/ lon_id, lat_id, zdim_id, time_id /) do m = 1,nemis message = 'write_emis: Failed to define ' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'E_'//trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name), nf_float, 4, dims, varid ), & trim(message) ) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define variable attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- varname = 'XLONG' units_attribute = 'degree east' description_attribute = 'LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE' stagger_attribute = '' memord_attribute = 'XY ' coor_attribute = ' ' call write_attributes varname = 'XLAT' units_attribute = 'degree north' description_attribute = 'LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE' stagger_attribute = '' memord_attribute = 'XY ' coor_attribute = ' ' call write_attributes do m = 1,nemis varname = 'E_' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) if( anthro_map(m)%is_gas ) then units_attribute = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1' else units_attribute = 'ug m^-2 s^-1' endif description_attribute = 'EMISSIONS' stagger_attribute = 'Z' memord_attribute = 'XYZ' call write_attributes is_SECTOR: & if( any( data_file(:)%is_EPA_SECTOR ) ) then message = 'write_attributes: Failed to get ' // trim(varname) // ' variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, trim(varname), varid ), message ) do cat = 1,n_sub_cats if( trim(sub_cats(cat)) == trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) ) then do src = 1,nsrc_names message = 'write_attributes: Failed to create ' // trim(varname) // ' attribute' text = 'nNzWater_' // trim(src_names(src)) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_int( ncid, varid, trim(text), nf_int, 1, nNzSrcWater(src,cat) ), message ) text = 'nNzLand_' // trim(src_names(src)) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_int( ncid, varid, trim(text), nf_int, 1, nNzSrcLand(src,cat) ), message ) text = 'water_mole_per_hr_' // trim(src_names(src)) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_real( ncid, varid, trim(text), nf_real, 1, totalSrcWater(src,cat) ), message ) text = 'land_mole_per_hr_' // trim(src_names(src)) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_real( ncid, varid, trim(text), nf_real, 1, totalSrcLand(src,cat) ), message ) enddo exit endif enddo endif is_SECTOR end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define global attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write title' text = 'Anthropogenic emissions' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'Title', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Failed to write History' call date_and_time( cdate, ctime ) t_string(1) = cdate(1:4) // '-' // cdate(5:6) // '-' // cdate(7:8) t_string(2) = ctime(1:2) // ':' // ctime(3:4) text = 'Created on ' // trim(t_string(1)) // ' at ' // trim(t_string(2)) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'History', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) message = 'global_attributes: Author to write Files' text = 'anthro_emis' call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, nf_global, 'Author', len_trim(text), trim(text) ), message ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... leave define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call handle_ncerr( nf_enddef( ncid ), 'write_emis: Failed to leave define mode' ) allocate( wrk_emis(ide,jde,emissions_zdim_stag),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(*,*) 'write_emis: failed to allocate wrk_emis; error = ',astat stop 'Alloc err' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... write the variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- start_ndx(1:2) = (/ 1,1 /) length(1:2) = (/ 19, 1 /) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'Times', varid ), & 'write_emis: Failed to get Times variable id' ) if( serial_output ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_text( ncid, varid, start_ndx(:2), length(:2), wrf_time ), & 'write_emis: Failed to write Times variable' ) else wrf_time = Times(1) do nt = 0,11 start_ndx(2) = nt+1 write(wrf_time(12:13),'(i2.2)') (nfile-1)*12 + nt call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_text( ncid, varid, start_ndx(:2), length(:2), wrf_time ), & 'write_emis: Failed to write Times variable' ) end do endif call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'XLONG', varid ), & 'write_emis: Failed to get xlong variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, xlong ), & 'write_emis: Failed to write xlong variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'XLAT', varid ), & 'write_emis: Failed to get xlat variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, xlat ), & 'write_emis: Failed to write xlat variable' ) start_ndx(:) = 1 length(:) = (/ ide, jde, emissions_zdim_stag, 1 /) do m = 1,nemis message = 'write_emis: Failed to write ' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'E_'//trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name), varid ), & trim(message) ) wrk_emis(:,:,:) = 0. if( allocated(anthro_map(m)%emissionSrf) ) then wrk_emis(:,:,1) = anthro_map(m)%emissionSrf(:,:,1) endif if( allocated(anthro_map(m)%emissionLay) ) then wrk_emis(:,:,:) = wrk_emis(:,:,:) + anthro_map(m)%emissionLay(:,:,:) endif if( serial_output ) then start_ndx(4) = 1 call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx, length, wrk_emis ), & trim(message) ) else do nt = 1,12 start_ndx(4) = nt call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx, length, wrk_emis ), & trim(message) ) end do endif end do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close model file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'Failed to close ' // trim(outpname) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) deallocate( wrk_emis ) end subroutine write_wrf_emis subroutine write_cam_emis( is_initial_time ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... write the CAM netcdf anthro emission file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use netcdf_utils, only : set_glb_atts, handle_ncerr, ngatts use utils, only : src_names, sub_cats use constants_module, only : pi, earth_radius_m !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !--------------------------------------------------------------------- logical, intent(in) :: is_initial_time !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: m2cm = 100. integer :: lon_id, ncol_id integer :: lat_id integer :: time_id integer :: zdim_id integer :: zdim_int_id integer :: string_id integer :: astat integer :: k, m, n, nt, nt1, nVert integer :: cat, file, src integer :: nShift integer :: dims(4) integer :: start_ndx(4) integer :: length(4) real :: daysSince real :: sArea real :: wrkLons(ide) real :: wrk_emis(ide,1,emissions_zdim_stag) character(len=132) :: message, text character(len=10) :: ctime character(len=8) :: cdate character(len=8) :: vertname(2) = (/ 'surface ','vertical' /) character(len=10) :: t_string(2) character(len=19) :: wrf_time nShift = -model_grid%lon_shift call date_and_time( date=cdate ) timeNdx = timeNdx + 1 emis_loop: & do m = 1,nemis file_loop: & do file = 1,2 is_first_time: & if( is_initial_time ) then if( file == 1 ) then if( .not. any(anthro_map(m)%is_2d(1:nsrc_names)) ) then cycle file_loop endif else if( .not. any(anthro_map(m)%is_3d(1:nsrc_names)) ) then cycle file_loop endif endif if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then outpname = 'emissions-EPA_' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) // '_' // & trim(vertname(file)) // '_anthro_c' // cdate // '.nc' elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then outpname = 'emissions-EPA_' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) // '_' // & trim(vertname(file)) // '_anthro_c' // cdate // '' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... create netcdf anthro emission file and enter define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to create ' // trim( outpname ) call handle_ncerr( nf_create( trim( outpname ), nf_clobber, ncid ), message ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define the dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'lon', model_grid%nlons, lon_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define longitude dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'lat', model_grid%nlats, lat_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define latitude dimension' ) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'ncol', model_grid%nlons, ncol_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define ncol dimension' ) endif if( file == 2 ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'altitude', model_grid%nlevs, zdim_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define altitude dimension' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'altitude_int', model_grid%nlevs+1, zdim_int_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define altitude interface dimension' ) endif call handle_ncerr( nf_def_dim( ncid, 'time', nf_unlimited, time_id ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to create Time dimension' ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define the variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dims(1) = time_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'time', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define time variable' ) if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then dims(1) = lon_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'lon', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define lon variable' ) dims(1) = lat_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'lat', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define lat variable' ) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then dims(1) = ncol_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'lon', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define lon variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'lat', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define lat variable' ) endif if( file == 1 ) then if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then n = 3 dims(:n) = (/ lon_id, lat_id, time_id /) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then n = 2 dims(:n) = (/ ncol_id, time_id /) endif elseif( file == 2 ) then dims(1) = zdim_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'altitude', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define altitude variable' ) dims(1) = zdim_int_id call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'altitude_int', nf_float, 1, dims, varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define altitude_int variable' ) if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then n = 4 dims(:n) = (/ lon_id, lat_id, zdim_id, time_id /) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then n = 3 dims(:n) = (/ ncol_id, zdim_id, time_id /) endif endif message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to define emiss_anthro variable' call handle_ncerr( nf_def_var( ncid, 'emiss_anthro', nf_float, n, dims, varid ), & trim(message) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define variable attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then varname = 'lon' elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then varname = 'lon' endif units_attribute = 'degrees_east' description_attribute = 'Longitude' call write_attributes if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then varname = 'lat' elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then varname = 'lat' endif units_attribute = 'degrees_north' description_attribute = 'Latitude' call write_attributes varname = 'time' units_attribute = 'Time' description_attribute = 'days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00' call write_attributes if( file == 2 ) then varname = 'altitude' units_attribute = 'km' description_attribute = 'Altitude midpoints' call write_attributes varname = 'altitude_int' units_attribute = 'km' description_attribute = 'Altitude interfaces' call write_attributes endif varname = 'emiss_anthro' if( file == 1 ) then units_attribute = 'molecules/cm2/s' else units_attribute = 'molecules/cm3/s' endif description_attribute = trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) // ' EPA anthropogenic emissions' call write_attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define global attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... leave define mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call handle_ncerr( nf_enddef( ncid ), 'write_cam_emis: Failed to leave define mode' ) else is_first_time if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then outpname = 'emissions-EPA_' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) // '_' // & trim(vertname(file)) // '_anthro_c' // cdate // '.nc' elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then outpname = 'emissions-EPA_' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) // '_' // & trim(vertname(file)) // '_anthro_c' // cdate // '' endif message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to open file: ' // trim(outpname) call handle_ncerr( nf_open( trim(outpname), nf_write, ncid ), message ) ! call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimid( ncid, 'time', time_id ), message ) ! message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get time dimension' ! call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_dimlen( ncid, time_id, timeNdx ), message ) endif is_first_time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... write the variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- start_ndx(1) = timeNdx length(1) = 1 daysSince = diffdat( 19000101, 0, loop_date%date, loop_date%secs ) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'time', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get time variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, (/timeNdx/), (/1/), daysSince ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write time variable' ) if( is_initial_time ) then if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lon', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get lon variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, model_grid%mdl_lons(:,1) ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write lon variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lat', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get lat variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, model_grid%mdl_lats(1,:) ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write lat variable' ) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lon', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get lon variable id' ) wrkLons(:) = model_grid%mdl_poly(:)%cntr_lon where( model_grid%mdl_poly(:)%cntr_lon < 0. ) wrkLons(:) = model_grid%mdl_poly(:)%cntr_lon +360. endwhere call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, wrkLons ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write lon variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'lat', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get lat variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, model_grid%mdl_poly(:)%cntr_lat ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write lat variable' ) endif if( mdl_is_CAM .and. file == 2 ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'altitude_int', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get altitude_int variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, 1.e-3*model_grid%z_at_w(1,:,1) ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write altitude_int variable' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'altitude', varid ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get altitude variable id' ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_var_real( ncid, varid, & (/ (1.e-3*dz*(real(k)+.5),k=0,model_grid%nlevs-1) /) ), & 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write altitude variable' ) endif endif start_ndx(:) = 1 if( file == 1 ) then if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then n = 3 length(:n) = (/ ide, jde, 1 /) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then n = 2 length(:n) = (/ model_grid%nPolygons, 1 /) endif nVert = 1 wrk_emis(:,:,:) = anthro_map(m)%emissionSrf(:,:,:) else if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then n = 4 length(:n) = (/ ide, jde, emissions_zdim_stag, 1 /) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then n = 3 length(:n) = (/ model_grid%nPolygons, emissions_zdim_stag, 1 /) endif nVert = emissions_zdim_stag wrk_emis(:,:,:) = anthro_map(m)%emissionLay(:,:,:) endif message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to get ' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) // 'id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, 'emiss_anthro', varid ), trim(message) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! divide by model cell area and lon shift back to CAM grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( mdl_is_CAMFV ) then do k = 1,emissions_zdim_stag do j = 1,model_grid%nlats if( file == 1 ) then wrk_emis(:,j,k) = wrk_emis(:,j,k)/model_grid%mdl_cell_area(j,1) else wrk_emis(:,j,k) = wrk_emis(:,j,k)/(5.e3*model_grid%mdl_cell_area(j,1)) endif enddo enddo wrk_emis(:,j,k) = cshift( wrk_emis(:,j,k),nShift ) elseif( mdl_is_CAMSE ) then sArea = m2cm*m2cm*earth_radius_m*earth_radius_m/(4.*pi) do k = 1,emissions_zdim_stag if( file == 1 ) then wrk_emis(:,1,k) = wrk_emis(:,1,k)/(model_grid%mdl_poly(:)%area*sArea) if( trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) == 'CO' ) then if( any(wrk_emis(:,1,1) < 0.) ) then write(*,*) 'write_cam_emis: there are ',count(wrk_emis(:,1,1) < 0.),' CO srf emis values < 0' stop 'DEBUG' endif endif else wrk_emis(:,1,k) = wrk_emis(:,1,k)/(m2cm*dz*model_grid%mdl_poly(:)%area*sArea) endif enddo endif start_ndx(n) = timeNdx message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to write ' // trim(anthro_map(m)%emis_name) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_vara_real( ncid, varid, start_ndx(1:n), length(1:n), wrk_emis(:,:,1:nVert) ), & trim(message) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close model file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- message = 'write_cam_emis: Failed to close ' // trim(outpname) call handle_ncerr( nf_close( ncid ), message ) enddo file_loop enddo emis_loop end subroutine write_cam_emis subroutine write_attributes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write common variable attributes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use netcdf_utils, only : handle_ncerr message = 'write_attributes: Failed to get ' // trim(varname) // ' variable id' call handle_ncerr( nf_inq_varid( ncid, trim(varname), varid ), message ) message = 'write_attributes: Failed to create ' // trim(varname) // ' attribute' if( mdl_is_WRF ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'stagger', & len_trim(stagger_attribute), trim(stagger_attribute) ), message ) if( coor_attribute /= ' ' ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'coordinates', & len_trim(coor_attribute), trim(coor_attribute) ), message ) endif ii = 104 call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_int( ncid, varid, 'FieldType', nf_int, 1, ii ), message ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'MemoryOrder', 3, memord_attribute ), message ) call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'description', & len_trim(description_attribute), trim(description_attribute) ), message ) elseif( mdl_is_CAM ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'longname', & len_trim(description_attribute), trim(description_attribute) ), message ) if( trim(varname) == 'time' ) then call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'calender', 9, 'Gregorian' ), message ) endif endif call handle_ncerr( nf_put_att_text( ncid, varid, 'units', & len_trim(units_attribute), trim(units_attribute) ), message ) end subroutine write_attributes end program anthro_emis