;Sara Martinez-Alonso 06.2014 ; ;It makes MOPITT time series for v5 and v6, ;for total CO column, DFS, and # retrievals, ;for the last 30 days, last 365 days, and entire mission ; ;call like this: IDL> @ i_run_MOPITT_timeseries.batch .run i_call_MOPITTv5_daily_means_for_time_series.pro .run i_call_MOPITTv6_daily_means_for_time_series.pro .run MOPITT_timeseries.pro spawn, 'tail -1 /home/sma/Desktop/MOPITTV5_daily_means_for_time_series_-60+60.txt', d nada=strsplit(d, /extract) result=julday(nada(0), nada(1), nada(2)) caldat, result+1, mm, dd, yy istart=string(mm)+' '+string(dd)+' '+string(yy) today=systime(/julian) caldat, today, tmm, tdd, tyy stmm=strtrim(string(tmm),2) if tmm lt 10 then stmm='0'+stmm stdd=strtrim(string(tdd),2) if tdd lt 10 then stdd='0'+stdd styy=strtrim(string(tyy),2) iend=stmm+' '+stdd+' '+styy icreate=0 i_call_MOPITTv5_daily_means_for_time_series, istart, iend, icreate spawn, 'tail -1 /home/sma/Desktop/MOPITTV6_daily_means_for_time_series_-60+60.txt', d nada=strsplit(d, /extract) result=julday(nada(0), nada(1), nada(2)) caldat, result+1, mm, dd, yy istart=string(mm)+' '+string(dd)+' '+string(yy) today=systime(/julian) caldat, today, tmm, tdd, tyy stmm=strtrim(string(tmm),2) if tmm lt 10 then stmm='0'+stmm stdd=strtrim(string(tdd),2) if tdd lt 10 then stdd='0'+stdd styy=strtrim(string(tyy),2) iend=stmm+' '+stdd+' '+styy icreate=0 i_call_MOPITTv6_daily_means_for_time_series, istart, iend, icreate for i=5, 6 do begin &$ for j=0, 2 do begin &$ if j eq 0 then idaysback=0 &$ if j eq 1 then idaysback=365 &$ if j eq 2 then idaysback=30 &$ for k=0, 2 do begin &$ if k eq 0 then svariable='co' &$ if k eq 1 then svariable='dfs' &$ if k eq 2 then svariable='nret' &$ ;help, speriod, svariable, iversion &$ iversion=i &$ MOPITT_timeseries, idaysback, svariable, iversion &$ endfor &$ endfor &$ endfor