; This procedure plots the spatial distribution of tropospheric ; column amount of desired species over CO PRO spl_trop_col_wrf, outfile, trop_column_all, true_trop_column_all, $ lat_all, lon_all, wrf_no2_vmr, wrf_no2_emi, wrf_lat, wrf_lon, $ dd, hh, scenario, spc_ttl shapefile = 'inputs/Colorado_County_Boundaries.shp' psopen, file = outfile, ticklen = -200, font = 6, tfont = 6, $ tcharsize = 120, charsize = 120, space1 = 150, space2 = 150, $ space3 = 150 cs, scale = 26, ncols = 28 xsize = 10000 ysize = 7000 ;rlon = [-109.5, -101.5] ;rlat = [36.6, 41.4] rlon = [-106.0, -103.5] rlat = [39.2, 40.8] ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; variables for NO2 Columns (TEMPO) levs = findgen(27)*0.8 trop_column_all1 = trop_column_all/1.0e+15 true_trop_column_all1 = true_trop_column_all/1.0e+15 ;print, minmax(trop_column_all1, /NAN) ;print, minmax(true_trop_column_all1, /NAN) lev_min = 0 lev_max = 21.6 lev_stp = 0.8 lev_dec = 1 spc_title = 'Tropospheric Column '+spc_ttl+' ( x 10!E15!N mol-cm!E-2!N)' ; ----------- TRUE Column ---------- pos, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, xoffset = 2500, yoffset = 12000 levs, min = lev_min, max = lev_max, step = lev_stp, ndecs=lev_dec, /UPPER;, /V con_lc, reform(true_trop_column_all1), lon_all, lat_all, levs, rlon, rlat cgDrawShapes, shapefile ,/AutoDraw gplot, x = -103.3, y = 40.0, text = 'TRUE Column', col = 1, orientation=90 axes, xstep = 1, ystep = 0.5, ndecs=1 ; ----------- Derived Column ---------- pos, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, xoffset = 2500, yoffset = 4000 levs, min = lev_min, max = lev_max, step = lev_stp, ndecs=lev_dec, /UPPER;,/V con_lc, reform(trop_column_all1), lon_all, lat_all, levs, rlon, rlat cgDrawShapes, shapefile ,/AutoDraw gplot, x = -103.3, y = 40.0, text = 'DERIVED Column', col = 1, orientation=90 axes, xstep = 1, ystep = 0.5, ndecs=1 colbar, coords = [2500, 2400, 12500, 3000], title = '', nth=4,/nolines gplot, x=7500, y=900, text = spc_title, col=1,/DEVICE ; --------------------------------------- ; WRF-Chem ; ------------ Surface NO2 VMR ---------- levs = findgen(27)*1.5 ;print, minmax(wrf_no2_vmr, /NAN) ;print, minmax(wrf_no2_emi, /NAN) lev_min = 0 lev_max = 40.5 lev_stp = 1.5 lev_dec = 1 vmr_title = spc_ttl+' (ppb)' emi_title = spc_ttl+' (mol-km!E-2!N-hr!E-1!N)' pos, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, xoffset = 15500, yoffset = 12000 levs, min = lev_min, max = lev_max, step = lev_stp, ndecs=lev_dec, /UPPER;,/V con_lc, reform(wrf_no2_vmr), wrf_lon, wrf_lat, levs, rlon, rlat cgDrawShapes, shapefile ,/AutoDraw gplot, x = -103.3, y = 40.0, text = 'Mixing Ratio (ppb)', col = 1, orientation=90 axes, xstep = 1, ystep = 0.5, ndecs=1 pos, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, xoffset = 15500, yoffset = 4000 levs, min = lev_min, max = lev_max, step = lev_stp, ndecs=lev_dec, /UPPER;,/V con_lc, reform(wrf_no2_emi)*10., wrf_lon, wrf_lat, levs, rlon, rlat cgDrawShapes, shapefile ,/AutoDraw gplot, x = -103.3, y = 40.0, text = 'Emissions ( x 10!E-1!N mol-km!E-2!N-hr!E-1!N)',$ col = 1, orientation=90 axes, xstep = 1, ystep = 0.5, ndecs=1 colbar, coords = [15500, 2400, 25500, 3000], title = '', nth=4,/nolines gplot, x=20000, y=900, text = 'Surface NO!I2!N', col=1,/DEVICE gplot, x = 14500, y = 19500, text = string(scenario+' ['+dd+'-Aug-2014, '+hh+' UTC]'),$ col = 1, /device psclose, /noview ;spawn, 'convert -density 400 -trim idl.eps ' + outfile print, 'Plot is located here', outfile END