; This code is the old one used for plotting the TEMPO spatial distribution ;ashape=fltarr(2,10140) ;openr,1,'StateBorders.dat' ;readf,1,ashape ;close,1 set_plot,'ps' colortable = 74 ;;levels = findgen(30)/29.*5 colors = reverse(findgen(30)/29.*253) device,xs=18, ys=21, xoff=1, yoff=1 for i=0, max(file_all) do begin ;;for i=19,19 do begin ;; k=where(swath_files eq i) ; also adjust below ;; k=where(hour_all eq i) ;; k=where(file_files eq i) k=i ;; filename='plot_Tropomi_'+date_all[k[0]]+'_'+time_all[k[0]]+'.eps' loopname = strcompress(string(i),/remove_all) if i le 9 then loopname = '00'+loopname if i le 99 and i gt 9 then loopname = '0'+loopname if i eq 0 then filename='plot_Tropomi_'+loopname+'_'+species+'.eps' if i eq 0 then print, filename device,set_font = 'Times',/TT_FONT !p.font = 0 if i eq 0 then device,filename=filename,/color a=findgen(17)*(!pi*2/16.) usersym, .6*cos(a), .6*sin(a),/fill !p.multi=[0,1,3] ;; polyfill, [0.01,0.99,0.99, 0.01], [0.01, 0.01, 0.99, 0.99], ;; color=0,/fill limit = [20,-130, 60, -50] limit = [38,-107, 41, -102] for imap=0,2 do begin loadct,0 case imap of 0: begin zval = trop_column_all[*,*,i]*1e-15 kNA=where(zval eq -1.00000e+30) zval[kNA] = 1./0 tit='Retrieved trop column_amount' levels = findgen(30)/29.*max((zval),/NaN)*0.5; - max(abs(zval),/NaN)*1.2/10. end 1: begin zval = true_trop_column_all[*,*,i]*1e-15 tit='Model trop column_amount' end 2: begin zval = true_profile_all[*,*,i]*1e-15 tit='Model Column Lev 0' end endcase map_set, limit=limit,/iso,/advance, ymar=[9,2], tit=tit+' UTC '+string(i) ;date_all[i]+' '+time_all[i] ;'LT: '+loopname ;date_all[k[0]]+' '+time_all[k[0]], ymar=[7,2] dummy=' ' if k[0] ne -1 then begin ;; k=where(swath_all eq i, nk) ;; k=where(file_all eq i, nk) ;; k=where(hour_all eq i, nk) k=i & nk=n_elements(zval) loadct,colortable for ik=0, nk-1 do begin if finite(zval[ik]) eq 1 then begin icol = where(zval[ik] le levels) ;print, zval[[ik]], icol[0] plots, lon[ik], lat[ik], psym=8, noclip=0, color=colors[icol[0]], syms=.7 endif endfor endif loadct,0 map_continents, /us,/coast,/countries,/highres a=ashape for ia=0,n_elements(ashape[0,*])-2 do begin if a[0,ia] gt -900. and a[0,ia+1] gt -900 and abs(a[0,ia]-a[0,ia+1]) le 0.25 and abs(a[1,ia]-a[1,ia+1]) le 0.25 then begin plots, [a[0,ia],a[0,ia+1]],[a[1,ia],a[1,ia+1]] endif endfor endfor loadct,colortable d0=0.025 d=0.95/n_elements(levels) for ilev=0,n_elements(levels)-1 do begin polyfill,d0+[d*ilev,d*ilev+d,d*ilev+d,d*ilev],0.06+[0.02,0.02,0.03,0.03],/fill,color=colors[ilev],/normal endfor loadct,0 for ilev=0,n_elements(levels)-1 do begin if (ilev+1) mod 3 eq 0 then xyouts,d0+ilev*d,0.04,strmid(strcompress(string(levels[ilev]),/remove_all),0,3),/normal,charsize=1 endfor ;;; device,/close endfor device,/close set_plot,'x' END