pro task86,iout ; itask=86 Graph 1d / 3d as a function of vertical optical depth and cloud distance ; Graph 1d / 3d as a function of solar zenith angle and cloud distance ; Graph 1d / 3d as a function of cloud height and cloud distance ; Graph 1d / 3d as a function of surface reflectance and cloud distance ; ****************************** ; Output ps file fileps5='' ; Internal savesets used to calculate filesp5 fsaves=strarr(4) fsaves(0)='task86tau.sav' fsaves(1)='task86refl.sav' fsaves(2)='task86sza.sav' fsaves(3)='task86cldheight.sav' ; Write out to ascii files fwrites=strarr(4) fwrites(0)='task86tau.dat' fwrites(1)='task86refl.dat' fwrites(2)='task86sza.dat' fwrites(3)='task86cldheight.dat' ; ****************************** ; Graph all 4 panels on the same page ; Open the ps file set_plot, 'ps' device, /color, bits_per_pixel=8, file=fileps5,$ /portrait,/inch,ysize=9.0,xsize=7.0,xoffset=0.6,yoffset=1.0 titleg=' ' ; One graph per page !P.MULTI=[0,2,2] ; Load the color table loadct,26 ; Bold fonts !P.font=0 ; Loop over the 4 panels for ngr=0,3 do begin ; ** if (ngr eq 0) then begin ; save,npts,xvec,yvec,veccolor,isymn,clrval,$ ; nlines,nvec,xvecn,yvecn,$ ; labelx,labely,title,$ ; xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,$ ; x1a,y1a,x2a,y2a,$ ; ioplot,igraphpts,sizept,$ ; cs,cs2,cthick,$ ; ixlog,iylog,$ ; igrwords,ngrwords,grwords,xwords,ywords,wordc,$ ; file=fsaves(1) ; optical depth restore,fsaves(0) fwrite=fwrites(0) x1a=0.15 x2a=0.45 y1a=0.60 y2a=0.90 title='Gas Vert Optical Depth' xwords=fltarr(nlines) ywords=fltarr(nlines) xplace=0.5*(x1a+x2a) yw=0.95*y2a yeps=0.03 for j=0,nlines-1 do begin xwords(j)=xplace yw=yw-yeps ywords(j)=yw endfor endif if (ngr eq 1) then begin ; sza restore,fsaves(2) fwrite=fwrites(2) x1a=0.60 x2a=0.90 y1a=0.60 y2a=0.90 title='Solar Zenith Angle' xplace=0.5*(x1a+x2a) yw=0.95*y2a yeps=0.03 for j=0,nlines-1 do begin xwords(j)=xplace yw=yw-yeps ywords(j)=yw endfor endif if (ngr eq 2) then begin ; cloud height restore,fsaves(3) x1a=0.15 x2a=0.45 y1a=0.20 y2a=0.50 title='Cloud Height' xplace=0.5*(x1a+x2a) yw=0.8*y2a yeps=0.03 for j=0,nlines-1 do begin xwords(j)=xplace yw=yw-yeps ywords(j)=yw endfor endif if (ngr eq 3) then begin ; surface reflectance restore,fsaves(1) fwrite=fwrites(1) x1a=0.60 x2a=0.90 y1a=0.20 y2a=0.50 title='Surface Reflectance' xplace=0.5*(x1a+x2a) yw=0.8*y2a yeps=0.03 for j=0,nlines-1 do begin xwords(j)=xplace yw=yw-yeps ywords(j)=yw endfor endif ; *** ; NVEC INT = 21 ; XVECN FLOAT = Array[21, 7] ; YVECN FLOAT = Array[21, 7] ; LABELX STRING = 'Distance from Cloud (km)' ; LABELY STRING = '1D / 3D intensity ratio' ; TITLE STRING = 'Dependence on Vertical Optical Depth' iwr=1 if (iwr eq 1) then begin idat=60 openw,idat,fwrite printf,idat,' ',title printf,idat,' labelx ',labelx printf,idat,' labely ',labely printf,idat,' nlines ',nlines printf,idat,' grwords ',grwords printf,idat,' i, cloud distance, data for nlines ' printf,iout,' ' printf,iout,' ',title printf,iout,' labelx ',labelx printf,iout,' labely ',labely printf,iout,' nlines ',nlines printf,iout,' grwords ',grwords printf,iout,' i, cloud distance, data for nlines ' ywr=fltarr(nlines) for i=0,nvec-1 do begin for j=0,nlines-1 do begin ywr(j)=yvecn(i,j) endfor printf,idat,format='(2x,i2,8(1x,f12.6))',$ i,xvecn(i,0),ywr printf,iout,format='(2x,i2,8(1x,f12.6))',$ i,xvecn(i,0),ywr endfor close,idat endif ; **** nopr2=0 graphlines100,nopr2,iout,$ npts,xvec,yvec,veccolor,isymn,clrval,$ nlines,nvec,xvecn,yvecn,$ labelx,labely,title,$ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,$ x1a,y1a,x2a,y2a,$ ioplot,igraphpts,sizept,$ cs,cs2,cthick,$ ixlog,iylog,$ igrwords,ngrwords,grwords,xwords,ywords,wordc endfor ; llop over the ngr panels ; ** device,/close print,fileps5 ; ****************************** return end