Obs DOY(st) DOY(end)TC OC EC fMC OCTC 1 206 207 1.66 12.96 0.632 0.63 0.95 2 207 210 1.77 37.48 0.521 0.52 0.96 3 210 213 1.22 26.14 0.711 0.71 0.95 4 213 216 1.2 26.45 0.561 0.56 0.97 5 216 219 1.15 24.42 0.612 0.61 0.93 6 219 222 1.34 28.63 0.738 0.74 0.95 7 222 225 1.32 27.96 0.791 0.79 0.94 8 225 228 1.07 22.96 0.769 0.77 0.93 9 228 231 1.02 22.33 0.738 0.74 0.95 10 231 234 1.18 25.23 0.878 0.88 0.94 11 234 237 0.92 20.25 0.773 0.77 0.95 12 237 240 1.74 36.58 0.798 0.8 0.95 Obs = sequential filter number (starting #1 on day 206) DOY-St day of year 2011 (beginning of sampling) DOY-ENd day of year 2011 (end of sampling) TC= PM2.5 Carbon concentration in ug/m^3 (Volumetric - Ambient T/P) OC= organic C on filter ug/cm^2 EC= elemental C on filter ug/cm^2 fMC=Fraction of modern C OCTC= Ratio: organic C/ total C