BEACHON Met Profile Data Location: Manitou Experimental Forest, Chemistry Tower Investigator: Andrew Turnipseed Fileaname Format: NCAR_MetProfile_2010mmdd_V1.txt (tab-delimited, ASCI text files) Sensor(s): 4 x Vaisala WXT-520 Weather Transmitter Measurements: Wind speed/Direction, Temperature, Relative Humidity and Barometric Pressure. Measurement Heights: 4 sensors at heights: z = 1.8m, z=7.0 m, z=14.1 m and z=27.8m Data Logging: Labview/laptop ############################################################### Time Interval: 1 minute averages (1 sec data available from investigator if needed, Time Tag: Mid-point of the 1 min. period. Missing/invalid data: -9999 Other comments: No data on Aug. 22 (data acq. failure) Data Columns: Column: 1. Date:mm/dd/2010 2. hour:minute:sec (midpoint of 1 min. average) 3. Decimal Day 4. Wind direction, z=1.8 m, degrees from North 5. Wind speed, z=1.8 m, m/s 6. Temperature, z=1.8 m, oC 7. Relative Humidity, z=1.8m, % 8. Barometric Pressure, z=1.8 m, mbar 9. Wind direction, z=7.0 m, degrees from North 10. Wind speed, z=7.0 m, m/s 11. Temperature, z=7.0 m, oC 12. Relative Humidity, z=7.0m, % 13. Barometric Pressure, z=7.0m, mbar 14. Wind direction, z=14.1 m, degrees from North 15. Wind speed, z=14.1 m, m/s 16. Temperature, z=14.1 m, oC 17. Relative Humidity, z=14.1m, % 18. Barometric Pressure, z=14.1m, mbar 19. Wind direction, z=27.8 m, degrees from North 20. Wind speed, z=27.8 m, m/s 21. Temperature, z=27.8 m, oC 22. Relative Humidity, z=27.8m, % 23. Barometric Pressure, z=27.8m, mbar