BEACHON Turbulence/Energy/CO2 flux Data Location: Manitou Experimental Forest, Chemistry Tower Investigator: Andrew Turnipseed Fileaname Format: NCAR_Flux_2010mmdd_V1.txt (tab-delimited, ASCI text files) Sensors, Models and Locations: Sonic Anemometer: z=25.3 m, CSAT-3 (Campbell Scientific) H2O/CO2: z=25.3 m (inlet), Li7000 (Licor) Data Logging: Laptop/Labview ############################################################################## Time Interval: 15 minute averages Time Tag: Mid-point of the 15 min. period. Missing/invalid data: -9999 Other comments: CO2 and H2O fluxes are made with closed-path Licor. Air is brought down to the sensor through a 3/8" Teflon tube at a flow rate of ~ 25 Lpm. Time series for H2O and CO2 are aligned with the wind velocities via cross correlation before flux calculation. Wind velocities are rotated to mean wind coordinates before flux calculation. Electrical "spikes" have been removed from all time series prior to flux calculation (typically spikes are only apparent during precipitation events). Fluxes have not been corrected for axial diffusion within the inlet tubing or other spectral corrections. Data have also not been screened for conditions of stationarity or other tests of flux validity in this data version. Data Columns: Column: 1. Date:mm/dd/2010 2. hour:minute:sec (midpoint of 1 min. average) 3. Decimal Day 4. Wind Speed, m/s (scalar-avg'd wind speed) 5. Wind Direction, degrees from North 6. Wind Speed, m/s (vector-avg'd) 7. Friction Velocity (u*), m/s 8. Stability Parameter (z/L, L=Obukhov length), unitless 9. Standard deviation of vertical wind velocity (sigma(w)), m/s 10. Sensible heat flux (H), W/m^2 11. Latent heat flux (LE), W/m^2 12. CO2 flux (F(co2), micromoles m-2 s-1 13. Water vapor flux, mmol m-2 s-1 14. CO2 mixing ratio, ppmv 15. H2O mixing ratio, mmol/mol 16. Virtual temperature, oC