module hitran use params use datafiles use bandparam use lineparam use isotope use binput_4_0 use binput_parse_4_0 implicit none integer, parameter :: nhit=99, ngal=2, ncia=2, nlmx=1, nglines=64, nlmlines=100000, flagoff=280 real(8), parameter :: weps = 1.0d-6 integer :: hnml, gnml, lnml integer :: stlun, nfiles, map(nhit) type, public :: hitranfile integer :: mo ! molecule id from subdir name for this file --- replaces map() integer :: flag ! 0-hitran, 1-cia f&s integer :: lun ! unit # for this record character (len=300) :: buf ! read buffer end type hitranfile type, public :: galatrydata integer :: n ! number of data lines / file(gas) integer :: lun ! unit for this file character (len=64) :: buf ! read buffer integer :: mo(nglines) ! mol id integer :: is(nglines) ! isotope id # real*8 :: nu(nglines) ! wavenumber real*8 :: bt(nglines) ! intensity [cm-1/(molec/cm-2)] end type galatrydata type, public :: linemixfile integer :: n ! number of data lines / file(gas) integer :: ist ! record start integer :: lun ! unit for this file character (len=64) :: buf ! read buffer integer :: mo ! mol id end type linemixfile type :: linemixdata integer :: mo ! mol id real*8 :: nu ! wavenumber real*4 :: dt(3) ! intensity [cm-1/(molec/cm-2)] end type linemixdata ! this map is obsolete ! the linelist directory structure is the key to the gas names and the molecule id numbers ! those id's and names must be the same in the reference.prf file ! eg a files containing hitran lines is read from one subdir in linelist then the molid will be changed ! to the 2digit integer 0NN of the subdir name and assumed to be for gas 0NN_abcdef ! --- CODE NUMBERS TO CONVERT FROM HITRAN TO ATMOS / SFIT ! INDEX IS HITRAN ID NUMBER, VALUE IS SFIT ! SFIT HITRAN SFIT PSEUDOLINES FILE MOLID/ISO ! # # NAME # NAME DATA MAP / & 1, &! 1 H2O 2, &! 2 CO2 3, &! 3 O3 4, &! 4 N2O 5, &! 5 CO 6, &! 6 CH4 7, &! 7 O2 8, &! 8 NO 9, &! 9 SO2 10, &! 10 NO2 11, &! 11 NH3 12, &! 12 HNO3 13, &! 13 OH 14, &! 14 HF 15, &! 15 HCL 16, &! 16 HBR 17, &! 17 HI 18, &! 18 CLO 19, &! 19 OCS 20, &! 20 H2CO 21, &! 21 HOCL 41, &! 22 N2 HO2 28, &! 23 HCN H202 30, &! 24 CH3CL HONO 23, &! 25 H2O2 HO2NO2 40, &! 26 C2H2 N2O5 38, &! 27 C2H6 CLONO2 0, &! 28 PH3 HCN 36, &! 29 COF2 CH3F 50, &! 30 SF6 CH3CL 47, &! 31 H2S CF4 46, &! 32 HCOOH CCL2F2 22, &! 33 HO2 CCL3F3 0, &! 34 O CH3CCL3 35, &! 35 CLONO2 CCL4 PS 35/1 0, &! 36 NO+ COF2 0, &! 37 HOBR COCLF 39, &! 38 C2H4 C2H6 64, &! 39 CH3OH* C2H4 44, &! 40 CH3BR* C2H2 69, &! 41 CH3CN* N2 31, &! 42 CF4* CHF2CL 43, &! 43 COCL2 44, &! 44 CH3BR 45, &! 45 CH3I 46, &! 46 HCOOH 47, &! 47 H2S 48, &! 48 CHCL2F 49, &! 49 O2CIA 50, &! 50 SF6 51, &! 51 NF3 52, &! 52 OTHER 53, &! 53 OTHER 54, &! 54 OTHER 55, &! 55 OTHER 56, &! 56 OTHER 57, &! 57 OTHER 58, &! 58 OCLO 59, &! 59 F134A 60, &! 60 C3H8 61, &! 61 F142B 62, &! 62 CFC113 63, &! 63 F141B 64, &! 64 CH3OH 65, &! 65 CH3CNPL 66, &! 66 C2H6PL 67, &! 67 PAN 68, &! 68 CH3CHO 69, &! 69 CH3CN 70, &! 70 OTHER 71, &! 71 OTHER 72, &! 72 OTHER 73, &! 73 OTHER 74, &! 74 OTHER 75, &! 75 OTHER 76, &! 76 OTHER 77, &! 77 OTHER 78, &! 78 OTHER 79, &! 79 OTHER 80, &! 80 OTHER 81, &! 81 OTHER 82, &! 82 OTHER 83, &! 83 OTHER 84, &! 84 OTHER 85, &! 85 OTHER 86, &! 86 OTHER 87, &! 87 OTHER 88, &! 88 OTHER 89, &! 89 OTHER 90, &! 90 OTHER 91, &! 91 OTHER 92, &! 92 OTHER 93, &! 93 OTHER 94, &! 94 OTHER 95, &! 95 OTHER 96, &! 96 OTHER 97, &! 97 OTHER 98, &! 98 OTHER 99 &! 99 OTHER / ! map to 1 record in the ascii linelist file made by hbin ! byte range quantity ! 1 - 160 hitran - see HITRAN docs ! 161 - 172 galatry beta ! 173 - 184 svd gam0 ! 185 - 196 svd gam2 ! 197 - 208 svd eta2 ! 209 - 220 lmx ltk1 ! 221 - 232 lmx ltk2 ! 233 - 244 lmx ylm ! 245 - 256 --- ! 257 - 268 --- ! 269 - 280 --- ! 281 - 288 logical flags for: galatry, fcia, scia, svd, lmix, 6, 7, 8 ! 289 - 300 ! from lineparam.f90: GALATRY_FLAG=1, FCIA_FLAG=2, SCIA_FLAG=3, SDV_FLAG=4, LM_FLAG=5 end module hitran program hbin ! program to create a binary linelist file from initial HITRAN formatted files ! for use by sfit4 use hitran integer :: ldx, nl, i, ifl, hblun=7, halun=8, fstat, iband, inxt(1) integer(long) :: nulm, nuht real(double) :: wavnum, wstr, wstp character (len=30) :: hbfile, hafile character (len=200) :: nam character (len=1) :: pos logical :: oped, hasc=.TRUE. integer :: iost, dum ! --- we have beta data for 2 gases and not too many lines (sfit4 v0.9) type (hitrandata), dimension(nhit+ncia) :: hlp type (hitranfile), dimension(nhit+ncia) :: hfl type (galatrydata), dimension(ngal) :: glp type (linemixfile), dimension(nlmx) :: lfl type (linemixdata), dimension(nlmlines) :: lmx print *, ' hbin v003.991' ! --- read in band, isotope info from sfit4.ctl file fr this fit call read_ctrl ! --- read in paths to HITRAN files call read_input( wave5(1), wave6(nband), HFL, GLP, LFL ) ! --- see if we need to separate out isotopes !print *, useiso if( useiso )call rdisofile( 6 ) ! --- define & open binary (.hbin) & ascii (.hasc) output files write(hbfile,101) wave5(1), wave6(nband) do i=1, 30 if( iachar(hbfile(i:i)) .eq. 32 ) hbfile(i:i) = '0' enddo hafile = hbfile write(hafile(28:30),105) 'asc' write(6,102) 'Saving binary line data to : ', hbfile if( hasc )write(6,113) 'Saving ascii line data to : ', hafile open( hblun, file=hbfile, status='unknown', iostat=fstat, form='unformatted' ) if( hasc )open( halun, file=hafile, status='unknown', iostat=fstat ) ! --- initial fill of HITRAN + CIA line parameters with line from each file write(6,102) 'HITRAN file for input:' write(6,113) 'index molid lun wavnum name' do ifl = 1, hnml ! --- get file info inquire( hfl(ifl)%lun, position=pos, opened=oped, iostat=iost, name=nam ) if( iost .ne. 0 )then print *,'' print *, 'HITRAN file error : ', trim(nam) print *, hfl(ifl)%lun, pos, oped, iost, trim(nam) stop 'hbin error' endif ! --- read first line info from buffer !read( hbuf(ifl), 107 ) hlp(ifl)%mo, hlp(ifl)%is, hlp(ifl)%nu, hlp(ifl)%sl call filh( hlp(ifl), hfl(ifl) ) ! --- print initial line write(6, 111) ifl, hlp(ifl)%mo, hfl(ifl)%lun, hlp(ifl)%nu, trim(nam) enddo ! --- fill Galatry line parameters struct with all line data from each file do ifl = 1, gnml ! --- first buf already read glp(ifl)%n = 1 read( glp(ifl)%buf, 108 ) glp(ifl)%mo(1), glp(ifl)%is(1), glp(ifl)%nu(1), glp(ifl)%bt(1) !print *, ifl, 1, glp(ifl)%mo(1), glp(ifl)%is(1), glp(ifl)%nu(1), glp(ifl)%bt(1) ! --- loop over files do i = 2, nglines read( glp(ifl)%lun, 109, end=5 ) glp(ifl)%buf glp(ifl)%n = glp(ifl)%n + 1 read( glp(ifl)%buf, 108 ) glp(ifl)%mo(i), glp(ifl)%is(i), glp(ifl)%nu(i), glp(ifl)%bt(i) !print *, ifl, i, glp(ifl)%mo(i), glp(ifl)%is(i), glp(ifl)%nu(i), glp(ifl)%bt(i) goto 6 5 close( glp(ifl)%lun ) exit 6 continue enddo write(6,117) glp(ifl)%n, ' lines read in Galatry file : ', ifl enddo ! --- fill of line mix data parameters from each file complete into structures if( )then write(6,102) 'Line Mixing file for input:' endif do ifl = 1, lnml ! --- get file info inquire( lfl(ifl)%lun, position=pos, opened=oped, iostat=iost, name=nam ) if( iost .ne. 0 )then print *,'' print *, 'Line Mix file error : ', trim(nam) print *, lfl(ifl)%lun, pos, oped, iost, trim(nam) stop 'hbin error' endif ! --- first buf already read i = 1 read( lfl(ifl)%buf, * ) dum, lmx(i)%nu, lmx(i)%dt(1:3) lmx(i)%mo = lfl(ifl)%mo !print *, ifl, 1, glp(ifl)%mo(1), glp(ifl)%is(1), glp(ifl)%nu(1), glp(ifl)%bt(1) 17 i = i + 1 read( lfl(ifl)%lun, *, end=15 ) dum, lmx(i)%nu, lmx(i)%dt(1:3) lmx(i)%mo = lfl(ifl)%mo goto 17 15 close( lfl(ifl)%lun ) lfl(ifl)%n = i -1 lfl(ifl)%ist = 1 ! --- print initial line write(6, 111) ifl, lfl(ifl)%mo, lfl(ifl)%lun, lmx(1)%nu, trim(nam) enddo nl = 0 ! --- loop over bands do iband = 1, nband if( wave3(iband) .ge. wave4(iband) )stop 'sfit4.ctrl: bandpass limits out of order' write(6,100) iband, wave5(iband), wave3(iband), wave4(iband), wave6(iband) wstr = wave5(iband) wavnum = wstr wstp = wave6(iband) do while(( wavnum .le. wstp ) ) !.and. ( wavnum .ge. wstr )) ! --- find lowest wavenumber !print *, hfl(1:hnml)%lun inxt = minloc( hlp(1:hnml)%nu ) ldx = inxt(1) !print *, 'low ', hfl(ldx)%buf(1:30), wavnum, ldx, hfl(ldx)%lun ! --- if in band : write out that data to the hbin file if( wavnum .ge. wstr )then ! --- check if this is an isotope that is to be separated out do i=1, nisosep !print *, i, nisosep, hlp(lun)%mo, hlp(lun)%is, oldid(i), oldiso(i), newid(i), newiso(i) if((hlp(ldx)%mo .eq. oldid(i)) .and. (hlp(ldx)%is .eq. oldiso(i)))then hlp(ldx)%sl = hlp(ldx)%sl / isoscale(i) !write(6,*) i, hlp(ldx)%mo, hlp(ldx)%is, newid(i), newiso(i) hlp(ldx)%mo = newid(i) hlp(ldx)%is = newiso(i) write( hfl(ldx)%buf(1:25), 107 ) newid(i), newiso(i), hlp(ldx)%nu, hlp(ldx)%sl exit endif enddo ! --- check if a Galatry beta can be appended do ifl = 1, gnml do i = 1, glp(ifl)%n !write(*,115) 'found ', & ! ifl, ldx, hlp(ldx)%nu, hlp(ldx)%mo, hlp(ldx)%is, glp(ifl)%nu(i), glp(ifl)%mo(i), glp(ifl)%is(i) nulm = nint( glp(ifl)%nu(i)*1.0D6, 8 ) nuht = nint( hlp(ldx)%nu*1.0D6, 8 ) if( glp(ifl)%mo(i) .eq. hlp(ldx)%mo .and. & glp(ifl)%is(i) .eq. hlp(ldx)%is .and. & nulm .eq. nuht ) then write(6,116) 'insert beta: ', & ifl, i, glp(ifl)%mo(i), glp(ifl)%is(i), glp(ifl)%bt(i), glp(ifl)%nu(i), hlp(ldx)%nu write( hfl(ldx)%buf(161:172), 110 ) glp(ifl)%bt(i) hlp(ldx)%bt = real(glp(ifl)%bt(i),4) hlp(ldx)%flag(GALATRY_FLAG) = .TRUE. dum = flagoff + GALATRY_FLAG write( hfl(ldx)%buf(dum:dum), '(l1)' ) .TRUE. endif enddo enddo ! --- check if this line has linemixing data to be attached do ifl = 1, lnml if( lfl(ifl)%mo.eq.hlp(ldx)%mo ) then do i=lfl(ifl)%ist, lfl(ifl)%n nulm = nint( lmx(i)%nu*1.0D6, 8 ) nuht = nint( hlp(ldx)%nu*1.0D6, 8 ) if( nulm.eq.nuht ) then hlp(ldx)%lmtk1 = lmx(i)%dt(1) ! lmtk1 for line mixing hlp(ldx)%lmtk2 = lmx(i)%dt(2) ! lmtk2 for line mixing hlp(ldx)%ylm = lmx(i)%dt(3) ! ylm for line mixing write( hfl(ldx)%buf(209:244), 112 ) hlp(ldx)%lmtk1, hlp(ldx)%lmtk2, hlp(ldx)%ylm hlp(ldx)%flag(LM_FLAG) = .TRUE. dum = flagoff + LM_FLAG write( hfl(ldx)%buf(dum:dum), '(l1)' ) .TRUE. lfl(ifl)%ist = i exit endif ! right wavenumber enddo ! i, records in file endif ! right molecule enddo ! line mix files ! --- check if this line has SVD data to be attached ! --- save this line nl = nl +1 !print *, 'writing ', hbuf(ldx)(1:30), ldx, hlun(ldx) if( hasc )write(halun,'(a)') hfl(ldx)%buf write(hblun) hlp(ldx) endif ! --- re-fill hbuf/hlp with next line from that file !print *, ldx, hfl(ldx)%lun read( hfl(ldx)%lun, 106, end=10 ) hfl(ldx)%buf ! read( hlp(ldx)%buf, 107 ) hlp(ldx)%mo, hlp(ldx)%is, hlp(ldx)%nu, hlp(ldx)%sl call filh( hlp(ldx), hfl(ldx) ) !print *,'' !print *, 'read ', hbuf(ldx)(1:30), ldx, hlun(ldx) if( hlp(ldx)%nu .le. wave6(nband) )goto 11 ! --- end of a file or last read line is too high a wavenumber 10 continue inquire( hfl(ldx)%lun, name=nam ) print *, ' closing file : ', hfl(ldx)%lun, ' ', trim(nam) close( hfl(ldx)%lun ) do i = ldx, hnml-1 hlp(i) = hlp(i+1) hfl(i) = hfl(i+1) enddo hnml = hnml -1 if( hnml .eq. 0 )goto 20 11 continue wavnum = minval( hlp(1:hnml)%nu ) !print *, wavnum, wstp, hnml enddo ! while enddo ! nband ! --- closed last hitran files - no more lines 20 continue do ifl=1, hnml print *, 'closing file unit : ', hfl(ifl)%lun close( hfl(ifl)%lun ) enddo close( halun ) if( hasc )close( hblun ) write(6,103) 'Lines saved to output hbin file : ', nl ! deallocate( hfl, hlp, glp ) stop 100 format( /,'Band: ',i5,4f14.5,f12.3,f12.6 ) 101 format( f12.6, '-', f12.6, '.hbin' ) 102 format( /, a, a ) 103 format( /,a, i10 ) 105 format( a3 ) 106 format( a200 ) 107 format( i2,i1,f12.6,1p,e10.3,10x,0p,f5.4,f5.4,f10.4,f4.2,f8.6,f7.4) 108 format( i2,i1,f12.6,f10.0) 109 format( a64 ) 110 format( f12.5 ) 111 format( 3i5,f12.5,2x,a) 112 format( 8e12.4 ) 113 format( a, a ) !115 format(a, 2i4, 2(f14.6, 2i4)) 116 format(a,4i4,f8.4,2f14.6) 117 format(/, i5, a, i5) end program hbin ! --- fill a hitran record from its buffer subroutine filh( hd, hf ) use hitran type (hitrandata), intent(out) :: hd type (hitranfile), intent(inout) :: hf hd%flag(1:8) = .FALSE. ! --- fill defaults for beta, gamma, eta, lm hd%bt = 0.0 ! beta for galatry hd%gamma2 = 0.0 ! gamma 2 for sdv hd%eta2 = 0.0 ! eta 2 for sdv hd%lmtk1 = 0.0 ! lmtk1 for line mixing hd%lmtk2 = 0.0 ! lmtk2 for line mixing hd%ylm = 0.0 ! ylm for line mixing write( hf%buf(161:244), 110 ) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ! flag only 0, 1, 2 so far - maybe don't need these anyway... select case ( hf%flag ) case (0) ! HITRAN line ! --- read parameters read( hf%buf, 107) hd%mo, hd%is, hd%nu, hd%sl, hd%ea, hd%ah, hd%sh, hd%el, hd%tx, hd%ps, & hd%qa, hd%er, hd%lm, hd%uw, hd%lw, hd%bt ! --- map hitran molecule id to sfit id hd%mo = hf%mo case (1) ! O2CIA, id 49/0,1 -> 1,2 ! --- read parameters read( hf%buf, 107) hd%mo, hd%is, hd%nu, hd%sl, hd%ea, hd%ah, hd%sh, hd%el, hd%tx, hd%ps ! --- map cia molecule id to sfit id ! --- in cia files ids for F & C are both 70 ! --- make first file iso 1 and second file iso 2 - these are the flag ids ! --- files in alphabetical order in hbin.input file hd%mo = 49 ! --- map cia molecule iso to sfit iso file iso's are 0,1 (f,s) change to 1,2 hd%is = hd%is + 1 if(hd%is .eq. 1) hd%flag(fcia_flag) = .TRUE. ! fcia o2 if(hd%is .eq. 2) hd%flag(scia_flag) = .TRUE. ! scia o2 case default print*, hf%flag print*, hf%buf stop ' hitran flag out of bounds' end select write( hf%buf(1:2), '(i2)' ) hd%mo write( hf%buf(3:3), '(i1)' ) hd%is write( hf%buf(flagoff+1:flagoff+8), '(8l1)' ) hd%flag(1:8) return ! 1-160 hitan ! 161 - 172 galatry beta ! 173 - 184 svd gam0 ! 185 - 196 svd gam2 ! 197 - 208 svd eta2 ! 209 - 220 lmx ltk1 ! 221 - 232 lmx ltk2 ! 233 - 244 lmx ylm ! 245 - 256 --- ! 257 - 268 --- ! 269 - 280 --- ! 281 - 288 lmx flags 107 format( i2, i1, f12.6, 1p, e10.3, e10.0, 0p, 2(f5.4), f10.4, f4.2, f8.6, & a60, a18, a1, 2f7.0, f10.0 ) 110 format( 7f12.5 ) end subroutine filh subroutine read_input( wstr, wstp, HFL, GLP, LFL ) use hitran implicit none real(double) :: wstr, wstp, wavnum integer :: lun, mo, iso character (len=10) :: ifilename = 'hbin.input' integer :: j, i, n, fstat, ilun=9 logical :: fexist character (len=160) :: buffer, linebuffer, path, filename TYPE (GALATRYDATA), intent(inout) :: GLP(ngal) TYPE (HITRANFILE), intent(inout) :: HFL(nhit+ncia) TYPE (LINEMIXFILE), intent(inout) :: LFL(nlmx) ! --- open hbin.input file if its here inquire( file=trim(ifilename), exist = fexist) if( .not. fexist )then write(*,*) 'File "', trim(ifilename), '" does not exist.' stop endif open( ilun, file=ifilename, status='old', iostat=fstat ) ! --- read path to hitran files do read(ilun,100) buffer if( buffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo path = trim( buffer ) write(6,112) 'Linelist path : ', path ! --- read number of expected hitran files (max=99) do read(ilun,100) buffer if( buffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo read(buffer,*) nfiles write(6,111) 'Number of HITRAN files to search : ', nfiles if( nfiles .gt. nhit )stop 'too many hitran files' ! --- loop over files and find valid files with data ! position file pointer at starting wavenumber ! save its lun in hlp(;)%un 1 to hnml ! --- read paths to (up to) 99 hitran formatted files ! --- accommodates partial hitran files like the cia pseudo lines since know mol id hnml = 0 do i = 1, nfiles ! --- find filename do read(ilun,110) linebuffer if( linebuffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo filename = trim(path) // trim(linebuffer) n = len_trim(filename) ! catch eg 065_CH3CNPL/ 2007.sudo.ch3cn do j=1, n if( filename(j:j) .eq. ' ' )then !print*, i, j, filename(j-1:j-1) n = j-1 exit endif enddo ! catch eg 065_CH3CNPL/ if( filename(n:n) .eq. '/' )cycle !write(6,110) 'Found HITRAN line file : ', trim(filename) ! --- open hitran file if its here inquire( file=trim(filename), exist = fexist) if( .not. fexist )then write(*,*) 'HITRAN file "', trim(filename), '" does not exist.' stop endif lun = hnml +10 open( lun, file=filename, status='old', iostat=fstat ) ! --- find starting wavenumber in file do read( lun, 100, end=10 ) buffer read( buffer, 107 ) mo, iso, wavnum if( wavnum .ge. wstr )exit enddo if( wavnum .lt. wstr )goto 10 if( wavnum .gt. wstp )goto 10 goto 11 ! --- no lines in this region 10 close( lun ) goto 12 ! --- save this line 11 hnml = hnml +1 hfl(hnml)%buf = buffer hfl(hnml)%lun = lun read( linebuffer(1:3), '(i3)' ) hfl(hnml)%mo hfl(hnml)%flag = 0 if( (hfl(hnml)%mo .eq. 49) .and. (mo .eq. 7) ) hfl(hnml)%flag = 1 ! o2cia write(6,*)'' write(6,110) ' File : ', trim(filename) write(6,113) wstr, wstp, hnml, hfl(hnml)%lun, hfl(hnml)%mo, mo, wavnum 12 continue enddo write(6,114) ' Number of HITRAN molecules/files found : ', hnml ! --- Galatry data files - block 2 in hbin.input ! --- read number of expected Galatry files (max=2) ! --- Galatry files are unique format from hitran do read(ilun,100) buffer if( buffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo read(buffer,*) nfiles write(6,114) 'Number of Galatry files to search : ', nfiles if( nfiles .gt. ngal )stop 'too many hitran files' ! --- read paths to (up to) 99 hitran files stlun = hfl(hnml)%lun lun = stlun gnml = 0 do i = 1, nfiles ! --- find the name of the next galatry input file do read(ilun,110) linebuffer if( linebuffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo filename = trim(path) // trim(linebuffer) n = len_trim(filename) if( filename(n:n) .eq. '/' )cycle gnml = gnml + 1 write(6,110) 'Found Galatry line file : ', trim(filename) ! --- open Galatry file if its here inquire( file=trim(filename), exist = fexist) if( .not. fexist )then write(*,*) 'Galatry file "', trim(filename), '" does not exist.' stop endif lun = stlun + gnml open( lun, file=filename, status='old', iostat=fstat ) ! --- find starting wavenumber in file do read( lun, 100, end=20 ) buffer read( buffer, 107 ) mo, iso, wavnum if( wavnum .ge. wstr )exit enddo if( wavnum .lt. wstr )goto 20 if( wavnum .gt. wstp )goto 20 goto 21 ! --- no lines in this region 20 close( lun ) gnml = gnml - 1 goto 22 ! --- save this line 21 glp(gnml)%buf = buffer(1:64) glp(gnml)%lun = lun read( linebuffer(1:3), '(i3)' ) glp(gnml)%mo(1) write(6,110) ' File : ', trim(filename) write(6,113) wstr, wstp, gnml, glp(gnml)%lun, mo, glp(gnml)%mo(1), wavnum 22 continue enddo write(6,114) ' Number of Galatry molecules found : ', gnml stlun = stlun + gnml ! --- Line mixing data files - block 3 in hbin.input ! --- read number of expected LM files (max=2) ! --- LM files are unique format from hitran, Galatry... ! --- save position in file and read as they are written (like hitran base files) ! only accounting for CO2 so far do read(ilun,100) buffer if( buffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo read(buffer,*) nfiles write(6,114) 'Number of LM files to search : ', nfiles if( nfiles .gt. nlmx )stop 'too many LM files' ! --- read paths to (up to) 99 hitran files lnml = 0 lun = stlun do i = 1, nfiles ! --- find the name of the next galatry input file do read(ilun,110) linebuffer if( linebuffer(1:1) .ne. '#' )exit enddo filename = trim(path) // trim(linebuffer) n = len_trim(filename) if( filename(n:n) .eq. '/' )cycle write(6,110) 'Found LineMix line file : ', trim(filename) ! --- open LineMix file if its here inquire( file=trim(filename), exist = fexist ) if( .not. fexist )then write(*,*) 'LM file "', trim(filename), '" does not exist.' stop endif lun = lun +i !print*, lun open( lun, file=filename, status='old', iostat=fstat ) ! --- find starting wavenumber in file do read( lun, 100, end=30 ) buffer read( buffer, 107 ) mo, iso, wavnum if( wavnum .ge. wstr )exit enddo if( wavnum .lt. wstr )goto 30 if( wavnum .gt. wstp )goto 30 goto 31 ! --- no lines in this region 30 close( lun ) lun = lun -1 goto 32 ! --- save this line 31 lnml = lnml +1 lfl(lnml)%buf = buffer(1:64) lfl(lnml)%lun = lun read( linebuffer(1:3), '(i3)' ) lfl(lnml)%mo write(6,*)'' write(6,110) ' File : ', trim(filename) write(6,113) wstr, wstp, lnml, lfl(lnml)%lun, lfl(lnml)%mo, mo, wavnum 32 continue enddo write(6,114) ' Number of LM molecules found : ', lnml close(ilun) !do i=1, hnml ! inquire( hlun(i), position=pos, opened=oped, iostat=iost, name=nam ) ! print *,'' ! print *, i, hlun(i), pos, oped, iost, trim(nam) !enddo return 100 format( a160 ) 107 format(i2,i1,f12.6,1p,e10.3,10x,0p,f5.4,f5.4,f10.4,f4.2,f8.6,f7.4) 110 format( a, a ) 111 format( a, i10 ) 112 format( /, a, a ) 113 format( 2f14.6, 4i6, 2x, f14.6 ) 114 format( /, a, i10 ) end subroutine read_input ! --- read in bands from sfit.ctl file subroutine read_ctrl use hitran implicit none character (len=9) :: filename = 'sfit4.ctl' integer :: fstat, nr_keys, iband, nextra logical :: fexist real(double) :: dwave ! --- open sfit4.ctl file if its here inquire( file=filename, exist = fexist ) if( .not. fexist ) then write(*,*) 'file ', trim(filename), ' does not exist' stop endif open( bp_nr, file=filename, status='old', iostat=fstat) ! --- read in band parameters do call read_line_binput( keyword, nr_keys, value, fstat ) if(( fstat .lt. 0 ) .and. ( nr_keys .eq. 0 ))exit if( nr_keys .eq. 0 )then cycle endif select case ( trim( adjustl( keyword( 1 )))) case ( 'band' ) call read_band_section( keyword, value ) case ('file') call read_file_section(keyword, value) case ('fw') call read_fw_section(keyword, value) end select end do write(6,101) 'Found number of bands : ', nband ! --- Loop over bands do iband = 1, nband ! --- 10 res units to account for shifts - from initialize.f90:setup dwave = 10.d0/pmax(iband) nextra = nint( dwave/dn(iband)) ! --- interval for input of line data, dlines accounts for out of band absorption wave5(iband) = wave3(iband) - nextra*dn(iband) - dlines wave6(iband) = wave4(iband) + nextra*dn(iband) + dlines write(6,100) iband, wave3(iband), wave5(iband), wave4(iband), wave6(iband), pmax(iband), dn(iband) enddo close( bp_nr ) return 100 format( i5,4f14.5,f12.3,f12.6 ) 101 format( /, a, i10 ) end subroutine read_ctrl