Notes for pre release versions V003.* ------------------------ ------------------------ December 2012 b3.999 New version from MP diffed w/ 3.992 solar calc not right - shift with the -1. isn't quite right change icfix to logical fixed solar line shift added solar line strength fit - be careful not recommended! remove stop_criterion?? convergence for lm tol not insert iparm as icount-1 in fm ------------------------ Later October 2012 b3.992 MP Line mixing diffed b3.991 with MP's "iter_error-lm/sfit_v003.97 added some checks for line shape model added some printouts too fixed bug hbin: set sdv flag when should be lm flag first tests: good - small improvement in rmsfit for 4880 co2 fit !! lm + pres shift - amazing results testcases: x.o2.wlg x.co2.iso ------------------------ Late October b3.991 spoke with GT, F- & S- need to use the same vmr diff v003.99 & v003.95 lineparams.f90 & hbin.f90 improved to work with GASFILES output write gasout flags to detail limit gasouttype to 1 || 2 only clean up gasout formats in frwdmdl.f90 fixed nback error when no curve or slope fit nback was 0 and this does not crash but gives wrong result testcases: x.o2.wlg x.co2.isotope* x.o2.nya ------------------------ October 2012 / Bremen added O2 continuum, merged with hbin this is v003.95 hard coded in xsection.f90 and lineparam.f90 compensations since these lines are not standard hitran values Added O2CIA as gas 49 see testcasex.o2/3.95 testcase from NJ/Darwin ------------------------ August 2012 Continue refining binary HITRAN creator/reader Put binary/ascii flag in lineparam Put hitran data into structure Put HITRAN->SFIT4 molecule id numbering map in lineparam Make internal HITRAN data arrays dynamic ------------------------ 18 July 2012 new version v003.92 from copy of v003.91 install new line list reader new input file hbin.input remove all previous 'default' separated isotopes 49 hdo 53 ch3d 54 o3668: 55 o3686: 56 o3667: 57 o3676: edit: vibfcn.f90 - iso sep molecparam.f90 - iso sep bandparam.f90 - remove isotope sep lineparam.f90- linfl -> tfil14 binput_parse_4_0.f90 - linfil -> tfile14 datafiles.f90 -> changed id of istope.input 21->9 create new program hbin.f90 reads sfit4.ctl and makes a binary file xxxxx.ddd-xxxxx.ddd.hbin ------------------------ 17 July 2012 new version 3.91 from copy of v003.90 Added band centers back into the isotope input file edited: isotope.f90 Apparently a mistake/miscommuncation that it was removed...oops ------------------------ 27 Jun 2012 initialize.f90:filse made variable SNR into mean snr from all bands bandparam.f90 SNR defined frwdmdl.f90 put in ITER line as avgSNR sfit4.f90 commented out CERR commented out loop to lower SNR with negative vmrs ------------------------ 25 Jun 2012 read_binput reads 'spectrum' block from sfit4.ctl but this *I think* is obsolete input snr by band in the 'band' section otherwise maybe put snr in t15asc file by band/spectrum - but too much for now commented out snr in filse but snr substitution by wavenumber is implemented in 'spectrum' section ------------------------ 22 Jun 2012 convert_rdrv_394 /file : binput_4_0.f90 this is a real for item 7 was pointing to format for integer write(11,1097) 'band.', nr, '.beam.', nr1, '.sa', '=', schan_scale(nr,nr1,1:4)*cciparm(nr,nr1,1:4) comment out write isoflag - duplicate with ifiso? Fundamentally for 99 molecules: edited raytrace, galatry, vibfcn, molcparam for v003.90 / isotopes / 99 molec ------------------------ 20 Jun 2012 zero shift inputs not right, see izero szero sa ... ------------------------ 6 Jan 2011 still in 3.81 - Commented out creation of spectrum file from t15asc in convert_binput_394 - Added separate spectrum preparation code 'prepspec' / prepspec.inp - added printout of FOVDIA and OMEGA - OMEGA not being set? ------------------------- v003.81 - after all the meeting and fast changes.... try to get things under control - run convert_rdrv_394 1. makes a sfit4.ctl from rdrv.ctl & binput 2. makes a spectrum from t15asc *** dummy values for lat lon roe date & time 3. add 70 to top of fasc.prf inputs are 1. sfit4.ctl 2. station.layers 3. fasc.prf 4. spectrum possibly 1. ils.dat 2. isotope.input 3. Spectrum File Built on earlier t15asc file but more data in header for each spectrum Example block header: 70.42 6367.44 45.0000 0.0000 2000 6 15 12 30 30.00 04/06/2007 17:29:08UT Z:70.370 A:013.62 D:0721.2 R:0.0035 P:BX F:03.8636mr 1000.548706 1005.100647 0.194444410000000E-02 2342 0.118651E+00 70.42 6367.44 45.0000 0.0000 SZA ROE LAT LON 2000 6 15 12 30 30.00 YYYY MO DD HH MI SECS 04/06/2007 17:29:08UT Z:70.370 A:013.62 D:0721.2 R:0.0035 P:BX F:03.8636mr TITLE ( 80 char ) 1000.548706 1005.100647 0.194444410000000E-02 2342 WLOW WHI SPACE NPFILE 0.118651E+00 first data point v001.5 runs w/o raytrace - this was sent to MP for incliusion of new input reader v001.6 - after sending 0015 to MP worked on fits / sza / fit regions - had to kludge up a few inputs for testing but worked v002 - v001 + raytrace.f90 - did not get far ... - did not get to a functional test v003 - returned from MP Dec 3 2010 - diff with v0015 - did not do any combining with my versions - waiting next version from MP v003.1 - revised version from MP - tested x.03 - OK - diff w/ v001.6 & store in 003.2 - identical files: copied to 3.2 diagnostic galatry isotope matrix mixout - duplicated in writeout: removed molecparam tips vibfcn voigt - minor differences - changed and saved to 3.2 lineparam params - new or completely altered files - just use 3.1 rdrv40 parse_binput_4_0_M binput_4_0 readin - this will be obsolete soon datafiles - changes 1.5 -> 1.6 vector DN etc use 1.6 xsections synspec solar - I did some major cosmetic changes too channel band array fwrdmdl added implicit none other changes made by MP transmis object -> emission_object t_background -> emission_t_back change in v1.6 & save 3.2 many other format changes made in 1.6 opt gamma_inc - also in binput other changes are in 1.6 initialize many declarations from 3.1 - changes 1.5 -> 3.1 bandparam nbands() retvparam from 1.6 ispec, nspac from 3.1 gas writeout v003.2 - combined 3.1 & 1.6 - cleaned up a bunch - v003.3 - combine 3.2 to 2. - raytrace - tested with x.hcl.rt v003.4 - retrieve temperature