pro gather, site=site, mol=mol, co2isotope=co2isotope, plt=plt close,/all ;************************************** ; Nov 2012 ; added usesite info ; added readlayr ; added readstat added /rev keyword ; added readnxn added /rev keyword ; removed all the reverse stuff here ; added forward function, resolve_routine ; this can handle co18o o13co from the co2 isotope output ; this now has one loop over lfileread's 'nlat' - all obs in the .l file ; This program is designed to collect together the necessary information ; for making HDF files. ; It uses the mol.l file to start the process - i.e. you can filter the data in ; mol.l and only those remaining are used. ; ; Bec June 22 2010 ; ;Adapted to incorporate the zerolevel shift which is now in the l, q and qc files. ;Bec Sept 6 2010 ; ;************************************** forward_function gomkstrct, gethousek, getiso funcs = [ 'usesite', 'usemol', 'lfileread', 'mkjday', 'readstat', 'readnxn', 'readlayr' ] resolve_routine, funcs, /either if( ~keyword_set( site ) || ~keyword_set( mol ) ) then begin print, ' example usage : gatherd, site="tab", mol="co2"' stop endif ;prompt for the key variables extension='' read, extension, prompt='Enter the middle name of the .l file (eg .99-12 for o3.99-12.l)? ' housekeeping='' read, housekeeping, prompt='Do you want the housekeeping information (program takes much longer to run). Y or N? ' ;housekeeping = 'N' ; based on the site, set a few more variables lcmol = STRLOWCASE(mol) ucmol = STRUPCASE(mol) ucsite= STRUPCASE(site) usemol, ucsite, ucmol, Ag usesite, ucsite, As, Ag ; for surface pressure and temperature if( ucsite eq 'TAB' )then surfaceptfile = As.infodir + 'TAB-mean-surface-pTRH.txt' if( ucsite eq 'MLO' )then surfaceptfile = As.infodir + 'MLO-mean-surface-pTRH.txt' if( ucsite eq 'FL0' )then surfaceptfile = As.infodir + 'FL0-mean-surface-pTRH.txt' print, ' Opening file : ', surfaceptfile openr, surflun, surfaceptfile, /get_lun ; get layering data for this site print, ' Opening file : ', As.infodir + 'station.layers' klay = readlayr( grd, As.infodir + 'station.layers' ) nlayers = klay-1 junk = '' lfilename = lcmol + extension + '.l' qfilename = lcmol + extension + '.q' qcfileaname = lcmol + extension + '.qc' ; read in all entries from lfile lfileread, lfilename, lines, nlayers, nlat, dates, ndate ;print, dates ;structure initialization gomkstrct, nlat, nlayers, datastructure, co2isotope=co2isotope ;loop over retrievals & store pertinent data from file into data structure for i=0, nlat-1 do begin datastructure(i).directory = lines[i].directory datastructure(i).spectraname = lines[i].opusfile datastructure(i).year = lines[i].yyyy datastructure(i).month = lines[i].mm datastructure(i).day = lines[i].dd datastructure(i).hrs = lines[i].tstamp datastructure(i).doy = lines[i].doy datastructure(i).tyr = lines[i].dstamp datastructure(i).int_time = lines[i].dur datastructure(i).sza = lines[i].sza datastructure(i).azi = lines[i].sazm datastructure(i).iterations = lines[i].itr datastructure(i).zcorrect = lines[i].zerof datastructure(i).rms = lines[i].rms datastructure(i).dofs = lines[i].dofs datastructure(i).snr = lines[i].snr datastructure(i).rettc = lines[i].col datastructure(i).alt_index = indgen(nlayers, /long)+1 datastructure(i).latitude = datastructure(i).longitude = As.lon datastructure(i).alt_instrument = As.alt datastructure(i).datetime = lines[i].mjd2k if( keyword_set( co2isotope ))then getiso, datastructure[i], nlayers ;collect z, p, t, apriori and retrieved of mol of interest from statevector file statevecfile = datastructure[i].directory + '/statevec' rc = readstat( sts, statevecfile, statevector ) datastructure(i).altitude = grd.midp[0:nlayers-1] datastructure(i).p = sts.p[0:nlayers-1] datastructure(i).t = sts.t[0:nlayers-1] datastructure(i).aprtc = sts.col[0,0] datastructure(i).aprvmr = sts.vmr[0,0,0:nlayers-1] datastructure(i).retvmr = sts.vmr[1,0,0:nlayers-1] print, datastructure(i).directory, datastructure(i).datetime, datastructure[i].tyr, datastructure(i).hrs, sts.col[1,0] blah=where((sts.pnam[0:sts.nprm-1] eq 'BckGrdSlp'), nb) if( nb ge 1 )then datastructure(i).bslope = mean(sts.prm[1,0:blah]) blah=where(((sts.pnam[0:sts.nprm-1] eq 'SWNumShft' ) or ( sts.pnam[0:sts.nprm-1] eq 'IWNumShft')), nb) if( nb ge 1 )then datastructure(i).wshift = mean(sts.prm[1,0:blah]) blah=where((sts.pnam[0:sts.nprm-1] eq 'ZeroLev'), nb) if( nb ge 1 )then datastructure(i).zerolev = mean(sts.prm[1,0:blah]) blah=where((sts.pnam[0:sts.nprm-1] eq 'SPhsErr'), nb) if( nb ge 1 )then datastructure(i).phase = mean(sts.prm[1,0:blah]) datastructure(i).alt_boundaries[0,*] = grd.alts[1:nlayers] datastructure(i).alt_boundaries[1,*] = grd.alts[0:nlayers-1] ;get the surface pressure and temperature datastructure(i).surface_pressure = -9.0000E+004 datastructure(i).surface_temperature = -9.0000E+004 point_lun, surflun, 0 while( ~ EOF(surflun) )do begin junk = '' readf, surflun, junk temp = strsplit(junk,/extract) if( temp(0) eq lines[i].date )then begin datastructure(i).surface_pressure = double(temp(1)) datastructure(i).surface_temperature = double(temp(2))+273.15 endif endwhile if( datastructure(i).surface_pressure eq '-999.9' )then datastructure(i).surface_pressure = -9.0000E+004 if( datastructure(i).surface_temperature lt 0.0 )then datastructure(i).surface_temperature = -9.0000E+004 ;collect the AK avk = fltarr(nlayers,nlayers) avk_norm = fltarr(nlayers,nlayers) AKfile = datastructure[i].directory + '/AK.out' rc = readnxn( avk, AKfile ) if( avk.n NE nlayers )then stop,'nlayers and ak.n not equal' ;normalize the ak so relative to a priori for ii=0,nlayers-1 do begin for jj=0, nlayers-1 do begin avk_norm(ii,jj)=avk.mat(ii,jj)*(datastructure(i).aprvmr(ii)/datastructure(i).aprvmr(jj)) endfor endfor ; get the airmass for the total column averaging kernel, msfile = datastructure[i].directory + '/' temparr = fltarr(nlayers) msarr = fltarr(nlayers) openr,1,msfile readf,1,junk readf,1,temparr readf,1,junk readf,1,temparr readf,1,junk readf,1,msarr close,1 ; Calculate the total column averaging kernel sum = fltarr(nlayers) atc = fltarr(nlayers) atc2 = fltarr(nlayers) atc3 = fltarr(nlayers) for jj=0, nlayers-1 do begin for ii=0, nlayers-1 do begin sum(ii)= msarr(ii)*avk_norm(ii,jj) endfor atc(jj) = (total(sum))/msarr(jj) atc3(jj) = total(avk_norm(*,jj)) ;this one is just a sum of each layer. No airmass weighting = sensitivity. endfor if( keyword_set( plt ))then begin tek_color set_plot,'x' device,decompose=0 window,2 !p.multi=[0,2,2] plot, avk_norm(0,*), datastructure(i).altitude, xrange=[-2,2] for ii=0, nlayers-1 do oplot, avk_norm(ii,*), datastructure(i).altitude, color=ii+2 oplot, atc3, datastructure(i).altitude plot, datastructure(i).aprvmr, datastructure(i).altitude oplot, datastructure(i).retvmr, datastructure(i).altitude, color=2 plot, atc, datastructure(i).altitude ;device,/close endif datastructure(i).ak = avk_norm ;reverse(reverse(avk_norm,1),2) datastructure(i).aktc = atc ;reverse(atc) datastructure(i).sens = atc3 ;reverse(atc3) ;a priori water vapour h2oprof=fltarr(nlayers) fascmixfile = datastructure[i].directory + '/fasc.mix' openr,1, fascmixfile readf,1, junk readf,1, h2oprof close,1 ;calculate the column h2ocol=total(h2oprof*msarr) ;calculate the retrieved columns here too retlaycol = fltarr(nlayers) retlaycol = datastructure(i).retvmr*msarr ;reverse(msarr) aprlaycol = fltarr(nlayers) aprlaycol = datastructure(i).aprvmr*msarr ;reverse(msarr) ;and put in the structure datastructure(i).aprh2ovmr = h2oprof ;reverse(h2oprof) datastructure(i).aprh2otc = h2ocol datastructure(i).ms = msarr ;reverse(msarr) datastructure(i).retlaycol = retlaycol datastructure(i).aprlaycol = aprlaycol ;a sanity check ;print, 'retlaycol=', retlaycol ;print, 'total from retlaycol=', total(retlaycol) ;print, 'total column from l=', datastructure(i).rettc external_solar_sensor = 0.0 detector_intern_temp_switch = 0.0 guider_quad_sensor_sum = 0.0 outside_relative_humidity = 0.0 if housekeeping eq 'Y' then gethousek, datastructure[i], external_solar_sensor, detector_intern_temp_switch, guider_quad_sensor_sum, outside_relative_humidity datastructure[i].external_solar_sensor = external_solar_sensor datastructure[i].detector_intern_temp_switch = detector_intern_temp_switch datastructure[i].guider_quad_sensor_sum = guider_quad_sensor_sum datastructure[i].outside_relative_humidity = outside_relative_humidity endfor ; next entry print, 'ready to save' ;******************************* ;Save the output by year and for all if extension eq '' then output_filename=mol+'new_all.sav' if extension ne '' then output_filename=mol+extension+'new_all.sav' ;reorder first by datetime so that we ensure chronological order sorting = sort(datastructure.datetime) data = datastructure(sorting) ;data=datastructure save, data, filename=output_filename print,'Data structure for all retrievals saved as ', output_filename ;for i=1995, 2050 do begin ; il=where(datastructure.year eq i, nil) ; if nil ne 0 then begin ; if extension eq '' then output_filename=mol+'_'+strtrim(string(i),2)+'.sav' ; if extension ne '' then output_filename=mol+extension+'_'+strtrim(string(i),2)+'.sav' ; data=datastructure(il) ; save, data, filename=output_filename ; print,'Data structure for ', strtrim(string(i),2), ' saved as ', output_filename ; endif ;endfor end ; make the data structure pro gomkstrct, nlat, nlayers, datastructure, co2isotope=co2isotope if( keyword_set( co2isotope ))then begin datastructure = REPLICATE({h224, $ spectraname :'',$ ;x directory:'',$ ;x snr:0.0,$ ;x p:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x t:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x ms:fltarr(nlayers),$ rms:0.0,$ ;x dofs:0.0,$ ;x sza:0.D,$ ;x azi:0.D,$ ;x iterations:0,$ zcorrect:0.D,$ wshift:0.D,$ zerolev:0.D,$ bslope:0.D,$ phase:0.D,$ aprvmr:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x aprlaycol:fltarr(nlayers),$ retvmr:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x retlaycol:fltarr(nlayers),$ retvmr13:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x retlaycol13:fltarr(nlayers),$ retvmr18:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x retlaycol18:fltarr(nlayers),$ aprtc:0.D,$ ;x rettc:0.D,$ ;x aprh2ovmr:fltarr(nlayers),$;x aprh2otc:0.D,$;x year:0,$ ;x month:0,$ ;x day:0,$ ;x hrs:0.D,$ ;x doy:0.D,$ ;x tyr:0.D,$ ;x datetime:0.D,$ ;x latitude:0.0,$ ;x longitude:0.0,$ ;x alt_instrument:0.0,$; x surface_pressure:0.D,$; x surface_temperature:0.D,$; x alt_index:lonarr(nlayers),$ ;x alt_boundaries:fltarr(2,nlayers),$ ;x altitude:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x ak:fltarr(nlayers,nlayers),$ ;x ;check directions and normalize.... aktc:fltarr(nlayers),$ ; x plot and check we have the direction right! sens:fltarr(nlayers),$ external_solar_sensor:0.D,$ detector_intern_temp_switch:0.D,$ guider_quad_sensor_sum:0.D,$ outside_relative_humidity:0.D,$ int_time:0.D},nlat) endif else begin datastructure = REPLICATE({h224, $ spectraname : '',$ directory : '',$ snr : 0.0,$ p : fltarr(nlayers),$ t : fltarr(nlayers),$ ms : fltarr(nlayers),$ rms : 0.0,$ dofs : 0.0,$ sza : 0.D,$ azi:0.D,$ ;x iterations:0,$ zcorrect:0.D,$ wshift:0.D,$ zerolev:0.D,$ bslope:0.D,$ phase:0.D,$ aprvmr:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x aprlaycol:fltarr(nlayers),$ retvmr:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x retlaycol:fltarr(nlayers),$ aprtc:0.D,$ ;x rettc:0.D,$ ;x aprh2ovmr:fltarr(nlayers),$;x aprh2otc:0.D,$;x year :0,$ ;x month :0,$ ;x day :0,$ ;x hrs :0.D,$ ;x doy :0.D,$ ;x tyr :0.D,$ ;x datetime :0.D,$ ;x latitude:0.0,$ ;x longitude:0.0,$ ;x alt_instrument:0.0,$; x surface_pressure:0.D,$; x surface_temperature:0.D,$; x alt_index:lonarr(nlayers),$ ;x alt_boundaries:fltarr(2,nlayers),$ ;x altitude:fltarr(nlayers),$ ;x ak:fltarr(nlayers,nlayers),$ ;x ;check directions and normalize.... aktc:fltarr(nlayers),$ ; x plot and check we have the direction right! sens:fltarr(nlayers),$ external_solar_sensor:0.D,$ detector_intern_temp_switch:0.D,$ guider_quad_sensor_sum:0.D,$ outside_relative_humidity:0.D,$ int_time:0.D},nlat) endelse return end ;****************************** ;collect 13co2 and co180 retrieved profiles and pcols pro getiso, thisdatastructure, nlayers, nlat for i=0, nlat-1 do begin arr = fltarr(nlayers)'/statevec.mxf' openr,1,statevecfile junk = '' while( junk NE 'CO18O' && ~EOF(1) ) do begin readf, 1, junk readf, 1, arr junk = strtrim(junk,2) endwhile thisdatastructure.retvmr18 = 0.0 if( junk EQ 'CO18O' )then thisdatastructure.retvmr18 = arr close, 1 openr,1,statevecfile junk = '' while( junk NE '013CO' && ~EOF(1) ) do begin readf, 1, junk readf, 1, arr junk = strtrim(junk,2) endwhile thisdatastructure.retvmr13 = 0.0 if( junk EQ 'O13CO' )then thisdatastructure.retvmr13 = arr close, 1'/statevec.prc' openr,1,statevecfile junk = '' while( junk NE 'CO18O' && ~EOF(1) ) do begin readf, 1, junk readf, 1, arr junk = strtrim(junk,2) endwhile thisdatastructure.retlaycol18 = 0.0 if( junk EQ 'CO18O' )then thisdatastructure.retlaycol18 = arr close, 1 openr,1,statevecfile junk = '' while( junk NE 'O13CO' && ~EOF(1) ) do begin readf, 1, junk readf, 1, arr junk = strtrim(junk,2) endwhile thisdatastructure.retlaycol13 = 0.0 if( junk EQ 'O13CO' )then thisdatastructure.retlaycol13 = arr close, 1 endfor return end ; housekeeping pro gethousek, thisdatastructure, external_solar_sensor, detector_intern_temp_switch, guider_quad_sensor_sum, outside_relative_humidity ;housekeeping info, based on Jim's program '' if thisdatastructure.year lt 2002 then goto, nextfile nn = 1 ; number of data sets (house.log files) nl = 4 ; parameters nm = 1440 ; minutes in a day ;figure out the right location for the housekeeping dirs='' dirstemp=strsplit(,/extract,'/', count=ndirs) for kk=0, ndirs-3 do dirs=dirs+'/'+dirstemp(kk) ;print,'dirs = ',dirs nflim = 3 buf = '' param = fltarr(nn, nl, nm) time = fltarr(nm) offset = intarr(nl) unit = strarr(nl) paramname = strarr(nl) paramname[0] = 'EXTERNAL SOLAR SENSOR' offset[0] = 4 unit[0] = 'Volts' paramname[1] = 'DETECTOR INTERN TEMP SWITCH' offset[1] = 4 unit[1] = 'Volts' paramname[2] = 'GUIDER QUAD SENSOR SUM' offset[2] = 5 unit[2] = 'Volts' paramname[3] = 'OUTSIDE RELATIVE HUMIDITYE' offset[3] = 3 unit[3] = '%' for iii=0, nn-1 do begin ; files for jjj=0, nl-1 do begin ; parameters nflim = offset[jjj] -1 srchsubs = strsplit( paramname[jjj], /extract, count=nsrch) ;print, nsrch, srchsubs m = 0 file = dirs+'/house.log' print, 'dirs : ', dirs openr, lun, file, /get_lun, error=err if (err ne 0) then begin print, 'no housekeeping' goto, nextfile endif while( ~EOF( lun ))do begin ; find time blocks readf, lun, buf subs = strsplit(buf, /extract, count=t1) if( t1 eq 2 and subs(0) eq '*' )then begin ; found next time block time[m] = subs[1] ;print, time[mm] gotit = 0 while( ~EOF( lun ) and ~gotit )do begin ; find our parameter readf, lun, buf sub2 = strsplit( buf, /extract, count = t2 ) ;print, sub2, t2 for k=0, t2-1 do begin nfind = 0 for s=0, offset[jjj]-1 do begin if( k+s lt t2 )then begin ;print, k, s, nfind, ' ', sub2[k+nfind], ' ', srchsubs[nfind] if( sub2[k+nfind] eq srchsubs[nfind] )then nfind++ if( nfind eq nflim) then begin ; this is our variable ;print, sub2[k+offset[jjj]-1] ;print, sub2 ;print, s, k, offset[jjj], nfind sub3 = strsplit(sub2[k+offset[jjj]-1], '=' ,/extract, count = ns3) ;print, sub3 reads, sub3[ns3-1], par, format='(f7.0)' ;print, mm, time[mm], par param[iii,jjj,m] = par gotit = 1 m++ break ; found parameter for this time endif endif ; length of line endfor ; search string if( gotit )then break endfor endwhile ; next line for this parameter this time block endif ; finished time block endwhile ; find next time block free_lun, lun endfor ; next parameter endfor ; next file ; revalue nm nm = m ;for m=0, nm-1 do print, time[m]/60., param[0,0,m], param[0,1,m] ;time/60 puts into 'hours' bestmatch=where(time/60. gt thisdatastructure.hrs-0.05 and time/60. lt thisdatastructure.hrs+0.05, nbestmatch) ;3 mins either side if nbestmatch eq 0 then begin print, 'no match in the housekeeping' goto, nextfile endif if nbestmatch gt 1 then begin print, 'more than one match' print, 'the best match to '+ string(strtrim(thisdatastructure.hrs,2)) +' is at time', time[bestmatch]/60. external_solar_sensor=mean(param[0,0,bestmatch]) print, thisdatastructure.external_solar_sensor detector_intern_temp_switch=mean(param[0,1,bestmatch]) guider_quad_sensor_sum=mean(param[0,2,bestmatch]) outside_relative_humidity=mean(param[0,3,bestmatch]) endif if nbestmatch eq 1 then begin print, 'reading housekeeping' external_solar_sensor=param[0,0,bestmatch] detector_intern_temp_switch=param[0,1,bestmatch] guider_quad_sensor_sum=param[0,2,bestmatch] outside_relative_humidity=param[0,3,bestmatch] endif nextfile: return end