PRO dpoint, pause = pause ;, tof = toff ; Purturbs the zenith angle of a synthetic spectrum ; & retrieves the difference in the pbp ; assumes we're in a working rdrv retrieval directory FORWARD_FUNCTION readstat, readctl, setfilenames, readspec, mksyn, readt15 ; Set up file names from LAPACK version sfit2 run rc = setfilenames( fn ) ; Use default ILS for all calcs cmd = 'cp ' + fn.ilsfit + ' ' + fn.ilsnam SPAWN, cmd ; Use default cinput for all calcs cmd = 'cp ' + fn.cindef + ' ' + fn.cinnam SPAWN, cmd ; Use default fasc.inp for all calcs cmd = 'cp ' + fn.fasdef + ' ' + fn.fasnam SPAWN, cmd ; Use default fasc.prf for all calcs cmd = 'cp ' + fn.prfdef + ' ' + fn.prfnam SPAWN, cmd ; Set default rdrv.ctl at start cmd = 'cp ' + fn.rdfdef + ' ' + fn.rdfnam SPAWN, cmd fpert = 0.2 ; set in "fasc.inp.per" junk='' PRINT, ' The zenith angle perturbation value [deg] : ', fpert PRINT, ' Default fasc.inp : ', fn.fasdef PRINT, ' Perturbed fasc.inp : ', fn.fasper READ, junk, PROMPT=' Please confirm that fasc.inp.per exists with the perturbation to the sza = sza+0.2. Hit enter to continue or q(uit): ' IF( STRUPCASE( junk ) EQ 'Q' )THEN STOP, ' ...Quit by command.' PRINT,' Continuing..' ; Define codes to do the work fast = '/project/ya4/bin/fastc.k fasc' sfit = '/project/ya4/bin/sfit2.k -i -v 394xo' rdrv = '/project/ya4/sfitsrc/394lp/rdrv39' ; STEP 1 ; Make the default spectrum & do a retrieval ; Make the dummy spectrum mksyn, file = fn.t15one ; Create a forward model rdrv.ctl file from the existing one rc = 0 rc = readctl( ctl, fn.rdfnam ) PRINT, 'Overwriting : ', fn.rdfnam OPENW, lun, fn.rdfnam, /GET_LUN PRINTF, lun, ctl.binf PRINTF, lun, ctl.ptfl PRINTF, lun, ctl.msfl PRINTF, lun, ctl.mxfl PRINTF, lun, fn.t15one PRINTF, lun, '.FALSE.' PRINTF, lun, fn.t15syn PRINTF, lun, '.FALSE.' PRINTF, lun, '.FALSE.' FREE_LUN, lun ; Compute the default vmr, column SPAWN, fast SPAWN, rdrv junk='' IF( KEYWORD_SET( pause )) THEN BEGIN READ, junk, PROMPT=' Finished default spectrum - Hit enter to continue or q(uit): ' IF( STRUPCASE( junk ) EQ 'Q' )THEN STOP, ' ...Quit by command.' ENDIF ELSE PRINT,' Finished default spectrum..' ; Compute a retrieval from the default spectrum ; Make a retrieval rdrv.ctl PRINT, 'Overwriting : ', fn.rdfnam OPENW, lun, fn.rdfnam, /GET_LUN PRINTF, lun, ctl.binf PRINTF, lun, ctl.ptfl PRINTF, lun, ctl.msfl PRINTF, lun, ctl.mxfl PRINTF, lun, fn.t15syn PRINTF, lun, '.TRUE.' PRINTF, lun, '.TRUE.' PRINTF, lun, 'K.out' PRINTF, lun, '.TRUE.' PRINTF, lun, 'Sa.complete' FREE_LUN, lun ; Compute the default retrieval, vmr, column ... SPAWN, rdrv ;; Save the necessary files ;cmd = 'cp PRFS.out PRFS.out.def' ;SPAWN, cmd ;cmd = 'cp statevec statevec.def' ;SPAWN, cmd ;cmd = 'cp cdetail cdetail.def' ;SPAWN, cmd ;cmd = 'cp pbpfile pbpfile.def' ;SPAWN, cmd ;read in the unperturbed pbp file unpertpbp=readspec(fn.pbfile) ; Read in Statevector file & get neutral vmr rc = 0 rc = readstat( stdef, fn.stfile ) IF( KEYWORD_SET( pause )) THEN BEGIN READ, junk, PROMPT=' Finished retrieval of default - Hit enter to continue or q(uit): ' IF( STRUPCASE( junk ) EQ 'Q' )THEN STOP, ' ...Quit by command.' ENDIF ELSE PRINT, ' Finished retrieval of default...' ; STEP 2 ; Perturb the pointing by re-calculating the airmass with a new viewing angle ; and make a synthetic spectrum ; Make a forward model rdrv.ctl PRINT, 'Overwriting : ', fn.rdfnam OPENW, lun, fn.rdfnam, /GET_LUN PRINTF, lun, ctl.binf PRINTF, lun, ctl.ptfl PRINTF, lun, ctl.msfl PRINTF, lun, ctl.mxfl PRINTF, lun, fn.t15one PRINTF, lun, '.FALSE.' PRINTF, lun, fn.t15syn PRINTF, lun, '.FALSE.' PRINTF, lun, '.FALSE.' FREE_LUN, lun ; Use perturbed fasc.inp cmd = 'cp ' + fn.fasper + ' ' + fn.fasnam SPAWN, cmd ; Compute the atmosphere and retrieve new profile SPAWN, fast ; des = '' ; READ, des, PROMPT=' Did you edit cinput.per with zenith angle code from perturbed (y/n) : ' ; IF( STRUPCASE(des) NE 'Y' ) THEN STOP ; Update the sza with zenith angle from perturbed openr,1,'' readf,1,junk close,1 tempvalue=strsplit(junk,/extract) newsza=fix(tempvalue(0)) sedcommand='sed s/NNNNN/'+tempvalue(0)+'/g cinput.def.NNNNN > cinput' spawn, sedcommand SPAWN, rdrv IF( KEYWORD_SET( pause )) THEN BEGIN READ, junk, PROMPT='Finished perturbed spectrum - Hit enter to continue or q(uit): ' IF( STRUPCASE( junk ) EQ 'Q' )THEN STOP, ' ...Quit by command.' ENDIF ELSE PRINT, 'Finished perturbed spectrum...' ; ; Retrieve vmr/column with original pointing forward model from perturbed spectrum ; ; Make a retrieval rdrv.ctl ; PRINT, 'Overwriting : ', fn.rdfnam ; OPENW, lun, fn.rdfnam, /GET_LUN ; PRINTF, lun, ctl.binf ; PRINTF, lun, ctl.ptfl ; PRINTF, lun, ctl.msfl ; PRINTF, lun, ctl.mxfl ; PRINTF, lun, fn.t15syn ; PRINTF, lun, '.TRUE.' ; PRINTF, lun, '.TRUE.' ; PRINTF, lun, 'K.out' ; PRINTF, lun, '.TRUE.' ; PRINTF, lun, 'Sa.complete' ; FREE_LUN, lun ; Use default fasc.inp ; cmd = 'cp ' + fn.fasdef + ' ' + fn.fasnam ; SPAWN, cmd ; Use default cinput ; cmd = 'cp ' + fn.cindef + ' ' + fn.cinnam ; SPAWN, cmd ; SPAWN, fast ; SPAWN, rdrv ; ; Read in Statevector file ; rc = 0 ; rc = readstat( stat, fn.stfile ) ; IF( rc NE 0 ) THEN BEGIN ; PRINTF, -2,'Could not read st file: ', fn.stfile ; STOP ; ENDIF ;read in pbp newpbp=readspec(fn.pbfile) ;calculate Kb : change in spectrum/change in sza (old-new)/perturbation dif = unpertpbp - newpbp ;set up the Kb matrix temp=size(unpertpbp) npoints=temp(1) Kb=fltarr(npoints) Kb=dif/fpert ;print out the file. This will be used in errorcalcncar. openw,1,'Kb_pointing.cov' for i=0, npoints-1 do printf,1,Kb(i) close,1 END