# Name:
#      sb.ctl
# Purpose:
#      This is the ctl file for the error analysis module located 
#      in Layer1Mods.py
# Notes:
#       1) Comments are denoted by '#'
#       2) Sb are specified in either native or fractional units. See below
# Units:
#    -- Sb for Temperature, SZA, and FOV can either be specified in native 
#       or fractional units. This is controlled by the units flag.
#    -- Following list shows units for various Sb's:
#     Parameter Name          Description                           Units
#     ---------------         --------------------------            ----------------------------------
#     temperature             Temperature                           Native [Kelvin] or fractional                      
#     solshft                 Solar line shift                      Native [cm^-1]
#     solstrnth               Solar line strength                   Fractional       
#     phase                   Phase                                 Native [Radians]
#     wshift                  Wavelength shift                      Fractional 
#     dwshift                 Differential Wavelength shift         ******Not Recommended for Use***** 
#     sza                     Solar zenith angle                    Native [degrees] or fractional ??
#     lineInt                 Line intensity                        Fractional
#     lineTAir                Line temperature broadening           Fractional
#     linePAir                Line pressure broadening              Fractional
#     slope                   Background slope                      Native [cm^-1]
#     curvature               Background curvature                  Native [cm^-2]
#     apod_fcn                Empirical apodization Function        Fractional
#     phase_fcn               Empirical phase function              Fractional
#     omega                   Field of view                         Native [milliradians] or fractional
#     max_opd                 Optical path difference               Fractional
#     zshift                  Zero level                            Native [0-1]
#     profile.gas             VMR of retrieval gas                  Fractional
# Notes:
#  1) phase and phase_fcn are different ways to describe the same parameter. 
#     It is not recommended to calculate an error on both simultaneously. 

                        # Flags #
# Output flags
VMRoutFlg                  = T      # T = output error covariance matrices in VMR
MolsoutFlg                 = T      # T = output error covariance matrices in molecules cm^-2
out.total                  = T      # T = write out total random error covariance matrix
out.srandom                = T      # T = write out random error covariance matrix
out.ssystematic            = T      # T = write out systematic error covariance matrix 

# Input Flags
SeInputFlg = F                # This flag determines where the Se matrix is read in.
                              # If = T, the Se matrix is read in from sfit output file: file.out.seinv_vector
                              # This method takes into account de-weighting of the SNR set in the sfit4.ctl file
                              # If = F, the Se is taken from the summary file. These are the actual SNR values
                              # taken from the t15asc files.

# Units flag indicate whether the Sb is given in
# native units or scaled
#     F = Native Units, T = Fractional
sb.temperature.random.scaled                = F         # If = T (fractional) -- scaled by a priori
sb.temperature.systematic.scaled            = F         # If = T (fractional) -- scaled by a priori
sb.sza.random.scaled                        = F
sb.sza.systematic.scaled                    = F
sb.omega.random.scaled                      = F
sb.omega.systematic.scaled                  = F     # FOV Change!!

                    # Output file names #
file.out.total                        = Stotal.output
file.out.total.vmr                    = Stotal.vmr.output
file.out.srandom                      = Srandom.output
file.out.srandom.vmr                  = Srandom.vmr.output
file.out.ssystematic                  = Ssystematic.output
file.out.ssystematic.vmr              = Ssystematic.vmr.output
file.out.error.summary                = Errorsummary.output
file.out.avk                          = avk.output

                    #     Sb values     #
# Sb for temperature & profile.gas:
# -- Specify diagonals of Sb matrix, i.e.
#    one value for each layer (Descending, first
#    value is top layer)  
sb.temperature.random       =   
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .32 0.665 0.907 0.572
0.181 0.168 0.176 0.232 0.277 0.407 0.523 0.368 0.234 0.045 0.571 0.612 0.981 0.143
0.177 0.486 0.127 0.271 0.171 0.7   0.928 0.736 0.728 1.273 1.723 2.201 2.446

sb.temperature.systematic   =
10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.769 1.387 1.639 1.539
1.408 1.374 1.187 1.171 1.065 1.123 1.039 1.148 1.214 1.427 1.544 2.05 2.774 2.967 2.228
1.955 2.171 2.166 2.144 2.218 2.228 2.159 2.423 2.479 2.475 2.306 2.26 

# Micro-window dependent Sb:
# -- Number of entries corresponds to the number of bands
#    *** The order of the entries in sb.sza must correspond to the order of
#        bands specified in "band = " in the sfit4.ctl file ***
#sb.omega.random         = 0.001 0.001 0.001
#sb.omega.systematic     = 0.001 0.001 0.001

#sb.phase.random         = 0.001 0.001 0.001
#sb.phase.systematic     = 0.001 0.001 0.001

#sb.wshift.random        = 0.001 0.001 0.001
#sb.wshift.systematic    = 0.001 0.001 0.001

#sb.slope.random         = 0.001 0.001 0.001
#sb.slope.systematic     = 0.001 0.001 0.001

#sb.curvature.random     = 0.001 0.001 0.001
#sb.curvature.systematic = 0.001 0.001 0.001

#sb.max_opd.random       = 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001
#sb.max_opd.systematic   = 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001

# Single value Sb
sb.sza.random           = 0.15    # Half Angular diameter of sun 
#sb.sza.systematic       = 0.000 
#sb.solshft.random       = 0.005
#sb.solshft.systematic   = 0.005
#sb.solstrnth.random     = 0.001
#sb.solstrnth.systematic = 0.001

# If the apodization and phase function are used in the forward model,
# (fw.apod_fcn.type and fw.phase_fcn.type = 2 or 3 ONLY) then the 
# Sb's are given for each term of the polynomial or fourier series.
# Example: 2nd order polynomial would require 2 Sbs.
# If the apodization or phase function is not included in the forward
# model then the default value for calculating Kb is a 3rd order
# polynomial. Therefore 3 values of Sb must be given. 
#sb.apod_fcn.random      = 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
#sb.apod_fcn.systematic  = 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
#sb.phase_fcn.random     = 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
#sb.phase_fcn.systematic = 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

# Sb for zshift is micro window dependent. However, Sb's are 
# only to be specified in microwindows where zshift is not
# retrieved. For example, if you have two microwindows and 
# you retrieve the first (1), then you would specify:
#  sb.band.2.zshift.random and sb.band.2.zshift.systematic
# The number corresponds to the band number in the sfit4.ctl
# file.
#sb.band.1.zshift.random      = 0.01
#sb.band.2.zshift.random      = 0.01
#sb.band.3.zshift.random      = 0.01
#sb.band.1.zshift.systematic  = 0.01
#sb.band.2.zshift.systematic  = 0.01
#sb.band.3.zshift.systematic  = 0.01

# Sb's for lineInt, lineTair, and linePair are specific to
# an individual gas. They should be specified as:
#      lineInt_<GAS>    example: lineInt_H2O
#      linePAir_<GAS>   example: linePAir_H2O
#      lineTAir_<GAS>   example: lineTAir_H2O
# Sb's (lineInt, linePAir, lineTAir) should be specified 
# for gases given in kb.line.gas
sb.lineInt_HNO3.systematic               = 0.20     
sb.lineTAir_HNO3.systematic              = 0.05 
sb.linePAir_HNO3.systematic              = 0.05 

# Kbs are calculated for dwshift for all interfering species.
# (i.e. all gases, except the first gas listed (the primary gas)
#  They should be specified as:
#      dwshift_<GAS>    example: dwshift_H2O
#sb.dwshift_H2O.random               = 0.1 
#sb.dwshift_H2O.systematic           = 0.1

# These flags indicate which errors are included in the 
# total random and systematic error budget. If the flag is
# set as F or if it is missing than it is NOT included in
# total error
sb.total.lineInt_HNO3               = T
sb.total.lineTAir_HNO3              = T
sb.total.linePAir_HNO3              = T
sb.total.temperature                = T
sb.total.sza                        = T
sb.total.measurement                = T