# similar settings as in Lejuene et al. (2016), i.e., microwindows; # The apriori has been estimated from HIPPO + ACE-FTS # The Sa diagonal has been estimated from HIPPO + ACE-FTS scaled by the layer thickness # Using HITRAN 2012 file.in.stalayers = /data/Campaign/MLO/local/station.layers file.in.refprofile = reference.prf file.in.spectrum = t15asc.4 file.in.modulation_fcn = /data/Campaign/MLO/ilsFiles/ils_poly2.mf file.in.phase_fcn = /data/Campaign/MLO/ilsFiles/ils_poly2.phs file.in.sa_matrix = sa.input file.in.isotope = /data1/ebaumer/mlo/ocs/x.ocs/isotope.input file.in.solarlines = /data/ebaumer/Code/sfit-linelist/linelist/solar/120621/solar.dat file.in.linelist = /data1/ebaumer/mlo/ocs/x.ocs/02026.691622-02058.728378_hit12.hbin #HIT12 ALL GASES # Output file names file.out.pbpfile = pbpfile file.out.statevec = statevec file.out.k_matrix = k.output file.out.kb_matrix = kb.output file.out.sa_matrix = sa.complete file.out.retprofiles = rprfs.table file.out.aprprofiles = aprfs.table file.out.ab_matrix = ab.output file.out.summary = summary file.out.parm_vectors = parm.output file.out.seinv_vector = seinv.output file.out.sainv_matrix = sainv.complete file.out.smeas_matrix = smeas.target file.out.shat_matrix = shat.complete file.out.ssmooth_matrix = ssmooth.target file.out.ak_matrix = ak.target file.out.solarspectrum = solar.output file.out.g_matrix = d.complete # Definition for retrieval gases gas.layers = 41 gas.profile.list = OCS O3 CO gas.profile.OCS.correlation = T gas.profile.OCS.correlation.type = 2 gas.profile.OCS.correlation.width = 4.0 gas.profile.OCS.correlation.minalt = 0.000 gas.profile.OCS.correlation.maxalt = 100.000 gas.profile.OCS.logstate = F gas.profile.OCS.scale = 1.0 gas.profile.OCS.sigma = 0.02301119 0.03464886 0.04079237 0.04613132 0.0522897 0.05947179 0.0677872 0.07760002 0.08931137 0.10300387 0.11883333 0.13715248 0.15671852 0.17713262 0.19614052 0.21286147 0.22281304 0.21700666 0.194 0.16127209 0.12729929 0.09735797 0.0725327 0.0538086 0.04156697 0.03657627 0.03788185 0.04233202 0.04580312 0.04703838 0.04656774 0.04474976 0.04337671 0.04391251 0.04562236 0.04767069 0.04875384 0.04963384 0.05000657 0.04936591 0.04835095 gas.profile.O3.correlation = T gas.profile.O3.correlation.type = 2 #1 gas.profile.O3.correlation.minalt = 0.0 #10 (ORIG) gas.profile.O3.correlation.maxalt = 100.0 #150.0 gas.profile.O3.correlation.width = 4.0 #3.0 gas.profile.O3.logstate = F gas.profile.O3.scale = 1.0d0 gas.profile.O3.sigma = 0.080178 0.088465 0.098374 0.104765 0.111571 0.118864 0.126547 0.135113 0.144673 0.155126 0.166667 0.179284 0.192450 0.206529 0.219971 0.231455 0.240966 0.246598 0.250000 0.252646 0.256307 0.259161 0.263117 0.267261 0.270501 0.275010 0.278543 0.283473 0.288675 0.292770 0.298511 0.303046 0.309098 0.315162 0.319783 0.326512 0.331659 0.339183 0.347268 0.353455 0.362632 gas.profile.CO.correlation = T gas.profile.CO.correlation.type = 2 gas.profile.CO.correlation.width = 8.0 gas.profile.CO.correlation.minalt = 0.000 gas.profile.CO.correlation.maxalt = 120.000 gas.profile.CO.logstate = F gas.profile.CO.scale = 1.0 gas.profile.CO.sigma = 0.080178 0.088465 0.098374 0.104765 0.111571 0.118864 0.126547 0.135113 0.144673 0.155126 0.166667 0.179284 0.192450 0.206529 0.219971 0.231455 0.240966 0.246598 0.250000 0.252646 0.256307 0.259161 0.263117 0.267261 0.270501 0.275010 0.278543 0.283473 0.288675 0.292770 0.298511 0.303046 0.309098 0.315162 0.319783 0.326512 0.331659 0.339183 0.347268 0.353455 0.362632 gas.column.list = H218O H2O CO18O CO2 gas.column.H2O.scale = 1.0 gas.column.H2O.sigma = 1.0 gas.column.H218O.scale = 1.0 gas.column.H218O.sigma = 1.0 gas.column.CO2.scale = 1.0 gas.column.CO2.sigma = 1.0 gas.column.CO18O.scale = 1.0 gas.column.CO18O.sigma = 1.0 # Forward model parameters fw.raytonly = F fw.isotope_separation = T fw.delnu = 0.1000 fw.lshapemodel = 0 fw.linemixing = F fw.linemixing.gas = CO2 fw.solar_spectrum = T fw.pressure_shift = T fw.apod_fcn = T fw.apod_fcn.type = 2 fw.apod_fcn.order = 2 fw.phase_fcn = F fw.phase_fcn.type = 2 fw.phase_fcn.order = 2 fw.emission = F # Retrieval parameter rt = T rt.lm = F rt.lm.gamma_start = 1.0e5 rt.lm.gamma_inc = 10.0 rt.lm.gamma_dec = 10.0 rt.convergence = 0.1 #rt.tolerance = 0.05 rt.max_iteration = 25 rt.ifcalc_se = T rt.dwshift = F rt.wshift = T rt.wshift.type = 2 rt.wshift.apriori = 0.000 rt.wshift.sigma = 0.100 rt.slope = T rt.slope.apriori = 0.000 rt.slope.sigma = 0.010 rt.curvature = F rt.curvature.apriori = 0.000 rt.curvature.sigma = 0.100 rt.phase = T rt.phase.apriori = 0.000 rt.phase.sigma = 0.100 rt.apod_fcn = T rt.apod_fcn.apriori = 0.000 rt.apod_fcn.sigma = 0.050 rt.phase_fcn = F rt.phase_fcn.apriori = 0.000 rt.phase_fcn.sigma = 0.050 rt.solshift = T rt.solshift.apriori = 0.000 rt.solshift.sigma = 0.10 rt.solstrnth = T rt.solstrnth.apriori = 0.000 rt.solstrnth.sigma = 0.1 rt.temperature = F # Microwindows and their parameters band = 1 2 3 4 5 band.1.nu_start = 2030.75 band.1.nu_stop = 2031.06 band.1.zshift = F band.1.calc_point_space = 4.0-4 band.1.wave_factor = 1.000 band.1.max_opd = 180.0000 band.1.omega = 4.0670 band.1.apodization_code = 0 band.1.gasb = O3 CO2 band.2.nu_start = 2047.85 band.2.nu_stop = 2048.24 band.2.zshift = F band.2.calc_point_space = 4.0e-4 band.2.wave_factor = 1.000 band.2.max_opd = 180.0000 band.2.omega = 4.0670 band.2.apodization_code = 0 band.2.gasb = OCS O3 band.3.nu_start = 2049.77 band.3.nu_stop = 2050.18 band.3.zshift = F band.3.calc_point_space = 4.0e-4 band.3.wave_factor = 1.000 band.3.max_opd = 180.0000 band.3.omega = 4.0670 band.3.apodization_code = 0 band.3.gasb = OCS O3 CO18O CO band.4.nu_start = 2051.18 band.4.nu_stop = 2051.46 band.4.zshift = F band.4.calc_point_space = 4.0e-4 band.4.wave_factor = 1.000 band.4.max_opd = 180.0000 band.4.omega = 4.0670 band.4.apodization_code = 0 band.4.gasb = OCS O3 H2O band.5.nu_start = 2054.33 band.5.nu_stop = 2054.67 band.5.zshift = F band.5.calc_point_space = 4.0e-4 band.5.wave_factor = 1.000 band.5.max_opd = 180.0000 band.5.omega = 4.0670 band.5.apodization_code = 0 band.5.gasb = OCS H2O O3 H218O # Original file sp.snr = 1 sp.snr.1.nu_start = 2035.35 sp.snr.1.nu_stop = 2055.95 sp.snr.1.snr = 400.0 # Kb derivative calculations kb = F kb.temperature = T kb.slope = T kb.curvature = F kb.solshft = T kb.solstrnth = T kb.phase = T kb.dwshift = F kb.wshift = T kb.apod_fcn = T kb.phase_fcn = T kb.zshift = T kb.sza = T kb.omega = T kb.max_opd = F kb.line = T kb.line.type = 1 kb.line.gas = retrieval # Output Files Section out.level = 1 out.gas_spectra = T out.gas_spectra.type = 1 out.sa_matrix = T out.statevec = T out.g_matrix = T out.k_matrix = T out.shat_matrix = F out.retprofiles = T out.aprprofiles = T out.ab_matrix = F out.ak_matrix = T out.summary = T out.pbpfile = T out.channel = F out.parm_vectors = F out.seinv_vector = T out.sainv_matrix = F out.smeas_matrix = F out.ssmooth_matrix = T out.raytrace = T out.raytrace.type = 1 out.solarspectrum = F out.levmardet = F out.xscdetail = F