MODULE tuv_subs use params_mod, only : dp IMPLICIT none private public :: tuv_radfld, sundis, calc_zenith integer :: nstr = 1 ! stream count CONTAINS SUBROUTINE tuv_radfld( nlambda_start, cld_od_opt, cldfrac, nlyr, nwave, & zenith, z, albedo, & aircol, o2col, o3col, so2col, no2col, & tauaer300, tauaer400, tauaer600, tauaer999, & waer300, waer400, waer600, waer999, & gaer300, gaer400, gaer600, gaer999, & dtaer, omaer, gaer, dtcld, omcld, gcld, & has_aer_ra_feedback, & qll, dobsi, o3_xs, no2_xs, o2_xs, & so2_xs, wmin, wc, tlev, srb_o2_xs, radfld, efld, & e_dir, e_dn, e_up, & dir_fld, dwn_fld, up_fld, dt_cld, errmsg, errflg ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... calculate the radiation field !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use la_srb_mod, only : la_srb use rad_trans, only : rtlink !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nlambda_start integer, intent(in) :: nlyr integer, intent(in) :: nwave integer, intent(in) :: cld_od_opt real, intent(in) :: zenith real, intent(in) :: dobsi real, intent(in) :: wmin real, intent(in) :: z(:) real, intent(in) :: albedo(:) real, intent(in) :: aircol(:) real, intent(in) :: o2col(:) real, intent(in) :: o3col(:) real, intent(in) :: so2col(:) real, intent(in) :: no2col(:) real, intent(in) :: tauaer300(:) real, intent(in) :: tauaer400(:) real, intent(in) :: tauaer600(:) real, intent(in) :: tauaer999(:) real, intent(in) :: waer300(:) real, intent(in) :: waer400(:) real, intent(in) :: waer600(:) real, intent(in) :: waer999(:) real, intent(in) :: gaer300(:) real, intent(in) :: gaer400(:) real, intent(in) :: gaer600(:) real, intent(in) :: gaer999(:) real, intent(in) :: qll(:) real, intent(in) :: wc(:) real, intent(in) :: tlev(:) real, intent(in) :: cldfrac(:) real, intent(in) :: o2_xs(:) real, intent(in) :: so2_xs(:) real, intent(in) :: o3_xs(:,:) real, intent(in) :: no2_xs(:,:) real, intent(out) :: srb_o2_xs(:,:) real, intent(out) :: radfld(:,:) real, intent(out) :: efld(:,:) real, intent(inout) :: dir_fld(:,:), dwn_fld(:,:), up_fld(:,:) real, intent(inout) :: e_dir(:,:), e_dn(:,:), e_up(:,:) real, intent(inout) :: dt_cld(:) real, intent(inout) :: dtaer(:,:), omaer(:,:), gaer(:,:) real, intent(inout) :: dtcld(:,:), omcld(:,:), gcld(:,:) logical, intent(in) :: has_aer_ra_feedback character(len=512), intent(out) :: errmsg integer, intent(out) :: errflg !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: k, n integer :: wn integer :: n_radlev, n_radlevp1 integer :: nid(0:nlyr) real :: dtrl(nlyr,nwave) real :: dto2(nlyr,nwave) real :: dto3(nlyr,nwave) real :: dtso2(nlyr,nwave) real :: dtno2(nlyr,nwave) ! real :: dtcld(nlyr,nwave) ! real :: dtaer(nlyr,nwave) real :: dtsnw(nlyr,nwave) ! real :: omcld(nlyr,nwave) ! real :: gcld(nlyr,nwave) ! real :: omaer(nlyr,nwave) ! real :: gaer(nlyr,nwave) real :: omsnw(nlyr,nwave) real :: gsnw(nlyr,nwave) real :: edir(nlyr+1) real :: edn(nlyr+1) real :: eup(nlyr+1) real :: fdir(nlyr+1) real :: fdn(nlyr+1) real :: fup(nlyr+1) real :: vcol(nlyr) real :: scol(nlyr) real :: dsdh(0:nlyr,nlyr) n_radlev = size( radfld,dim=2 ) n_radlevp1 = n_radlev + 1 do wn = 1,nwave omcld(:,wn) = 0. omaer(:,wn) = 0. omsnw(:,wn) = 0. gcld(:,wn) = 0. gaer(:,wn) = 0. gsnw(:,wn) = 0. dtcld(:,wn) = 0. dtaer(:,wn) = 0. dtsnw(:,wn) = 0. end do call odrl( wc, aircol, dtrl ) call seto2( o2col, o2_xs, dto2 ) call odo3( o3col, o3_xs, dto3, dobsi ) call setso2( so2col, so2_xs, dtso2 ) call setno2( no2col, no2_xs, dtno2 ) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! aerosol optical depths !------------------------------------------------------------- if( has_aer_ra_feedback ) then call setaer( nlambda_start, wc, tauaer300, tauaer400, & tauaer600, tauaer999, waer300, & waer400, waer600, waer999, & gaer300, gaer400, gaer600, & gaer999, dtaer, omaer, gaer ) endif !------------------------------------------------------------- ! cloud optical depths (cloud water units = g/m3) !------------------------------------------------------------- call setcld( nlambda_start, cld_od_opt, z, qll, cldfrac, & dtcld, omcld, gcld ) ! dt_cld(:n_radlev) = dtcld(2:n_radlevp1,1) call sphers( nlyr, z, zenith, dsdh, nid ) call airmas( nlyr, dsdh, nid, aircol, vcol, scol ) call la_srb( nlyr, z, tlev, wmin, & vcol, scol, o2_xs, dto2, srb_o2_xs ) do wn = nlambda_start,nwave call rtlink( & nstr, nlyr+1, nlyr, nwave, & wn, albedo(wn), zenith, & dsdh, nid, & dtrl, & dto3, & dto2, & dtso2, & dtno2, & dtcld, omcld, gcld, & dtaer, omaer, gaer, & dtsnw, omsnw, gsnw, & edir, edn, eup, fdir, fdn, fup, errmsg, errflg ) radfld(wn,1:n_radlev) = fdir(1:n_radlev) + fdn(1:n_radlev) + fup(1:n_radlev) efld(1:n_radlev,wn) = edir(1:n_radlev) + edn(1:n_radlev) + eup(1:n_radlev) dir_fld(1:n_radlev,wn) = fdir(:n_radlev) dwn_fld(1:n_radlev,wn) = fdn(1:n_radlev) up_fld(1:n_radlev,wn) = fup(1:n_radlev) e_dir(1:n_radlev,wn) = edir(1:n_radlev) e_dn(1:n_radlev,wn) = edn(1:n_radlev) e_up(1:n_radlev,wn) = eup(1:n_radlev) end do END SUBROUTINE tuv_radfld SUBROUTINE odrl( wc, aircol, dtrl ) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PURPOSE: =* != Compute Rayleigh optical depths as a function of altitude and wavelength =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != PARAMETERS: =* != C - REAL, number of air molecules per cm^2 at each specified (O)=* != altitude layer =* != DTRL - REAL, Rayleigh optical depth at each specified altitude (O)=* != and each specified wavelength =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ! ...dummy arguments !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* REAL, intent(in) :: aircol(:) REAL, intent(in) :: wc(:) REAL, intent(out) :: dtrl(:,:) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ! ...local variables !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* INTEGER :: nwave, nlyr INTEGER :: wn REAL :: srayl, wmicrn, xx nwave = size( wc ) nlyr = size( aircol ) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ! compute Rayleigh cross sections and depths: !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* DO wn = 1,nwave !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ! Rayleigh scattering cross section from WMO 1985 (originally from ! Nicolet, M., On the molecular scattering in the terrestrial atmosphere: ! An empirical formula for its calculation in the homoshpere, Planet. ! Space Sci., 32, 1467-1468, 1984. !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* wmicrn = wc(wn)*1.E-3 IF( wmicrn <= 0.55 ) THEN xx = 3.6772 + 0.389*wmicrn + 0.09426/wmicrn ELSE xx = 4.04 ENDIF srayl = 4.02e-28/(wmicrn)**xx !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ! alternate (older) expression from ! Frohlich and Shaw, Appl.Opt. v.11, p.1773 (1980). !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* dtrl(:nlyr,wn) = aircol(:nlyr)*srayl END DO END SUBROUTINE odrl SUBROUTINE odo3( o3col, o3xs, dto3, dobsi ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != NAME: Optical Depths of O3 != PURPOSE: != Compute ozone optical depths as a function of altitude and wavelength !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != O3XS - REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of O3 at (I) != each specified wavelength and altitude != C - REAL, ozone vertical column increments, molec cm-2, for each (I) != layer != DTO3 - REAL, optical depth due to ozone absorption at each (O) != specified altitude at each specified wavelength !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, intent(in) :: dobsi REAL, intent(in) :: o3col(:) REAL, intent(in) :: o3xs(:,:) REAL, intent(inout) :: dto3(:,:) INTEGER :: nlyr, nwave INTEGER :: wn REAL :: dob_at_grnd, scale_fac nwave = size(o3xs,dim=1) nlyr = size(o3col) if( dobsi == 0. ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! no scaling !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO wn = 1,nwave dto3(:nlyr,wn) = o3col(:nlyr) * o3xs(wn,:nlyr) END DO else !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! scale model o3 column to dobsi !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dob_at_grnd = sum( o3col(:nlyr) )/2.687e16 scale_fac = dobsi/dob_at_grnd DO wn = 1,nwave dto3(:nlyr,wn) = scale_fac * o3col(:nlyr) * o3xs(wn,:nlyr) END DO endif END SUBROUTINE odo3 SUBROUTINE seto2( o2col, o2xs1, dto2 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PURPOSE: != Set up an altitude profile of air molecules. Subroutine includes a != shape-conserving scaling method that allows scaling of the entire != profile to a given sea-level pressure. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != CZ - REAL, number of air molecules per cm^2 at each specified (O) != altitude layer !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, intent(in) :: o2col(:) REAL, intent(in) :: o2xs1(:) REAL, intent(out) :: dto2(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: nlyr, nwave INTEGER :: wn nwave = size(o2xs1) nlyr = size(o2col) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Assumes that O2 = 20.95 % of air density. If desire different O2 ! profile (e.g. for upper atmosphere) then can load it here. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO wn = 1,nwave dto2(:nlyr,wn) = o2col(:nlyr) * o2xs1(wn) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE seto2 SUBROUTINE setso2( colso2, so2_xs, dtso2 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PURPOSE: != Set up an altitude profile of SO2 molecules, and corresponding absorption != optical depths. Subroutine includes a shape-conserving scaling method != that allows scaling of the entire profile to a given overhead SO2 != column amount. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != SO2_XS - REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of O2 at (I) != each specified wavelength != DTSO2 - REAL, optical depth due to SO2 absorption at each (O) != specified altitude at each specified wavelength !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, intent(in) :: colso2(:) REAL, intent(in) :: so2_xs(:) REAL, intent(out) :: dtso2(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nwave, nlyr integer :: wn nwave = size( so2_xs ) nlyr = size( colso2 ) DO wn = 1,nwave dtso2(:nlyr,wn) = colso2(:nlyr)*so2_xs(wn) END DO END SUBROUTINE setso2 SUBROUTINE setno2( colno2, no2_xs, dtno2 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != NAME: Optical Depths of no2 != PURPOSE: != Compute no2 optical depths as a function of altitude and wavelength !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != NO2_XS - REAL, molecular absoprtion cross section (cm^2) of no2 at (I) != each specified wavelength and altitude != COLNO2 - REAL, no2 vertical column increments, molec cm-2, for each (I) != layer != DTNO2 - REAL, optical depth due to no2 absorption at each (O) != specified altitude at each specified wavelength !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, intent(in) :: colno2(:) REAL, intent(in) :: no2_xs(:,:) REAL, intent(inout) :: dtno2(:,:) INTEGER :: nlyr, nwave INTEGER :: wn nwave = size(no2_xs,dim=1) nlyr = size(colno2) DO wn = 1,nwave dtno2(:nlyr,wn) = colno2(:nlyr) * no2_xs(wn,:nlyr) END DO END SUBROUTINE setno2 subroutine setaer( nlambda_start, wc, tauaer300, tauaer400, & tauaer600, tauaer999, & waer300, waer400, waer600, waer999, & gaer300, gaer400, gaer600, gaer999, & dtaer, omaer, gaer ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The routine is based on aerosol treatment in module_ra_rrtmg_sw.F ! INPUT: ! nzlev: number of specified altitude levels in the working grid ! z: specified altitude working grid ! Aerosol optical properties at 300, 400, 600 and 999 nm. ! tauaer300, tauaer400, tauaer600, tauaer999: Layer AODs ! waer300, waer400, waer600, waer999: Layer SSAs ! gaer300, gaer400, gaer600, gaer999: Layer asymmetry parameters ! OUTPUT: ! dtaer: Layer AOD at FTUV wavelengths ! omaer: Layer SSA at FTUV wavelengths ! gaer : Layer asymmetry parameters at FTUV wavelengths !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nlambda_start real, intent(in) :: wc(:) real, intent(in) :: tauaer300(:), tauaer400(:), & tauaer600(:), tauaer999(:) real, intent(in) :: waer300(:), waer400(:), & waer600(:), waer999(:) real, intent(in) :: gaer300(:), gaer400(:), & gaer600(:), gaer999(:) real, intent(out) :: dtaer(:,:), omaer(:,:), gaer(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local Variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: thresh = 1.e-9 integer :: k, wn, nlyr, nwave real :: ang, slope, wfac nlyr = size(dtaer,dim=1) nwave = size(dtaer,dim=2) wave_loop: & do wn = nlambda_start,nwave wfac = wc(wn)*1.e-3 - .6 do k = 1,nlyr-1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use angstrom exponent to calculate aerosol optical depth; wc is in nm. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( tauaer300(k) > thresh .and. tauaer999(k) > thresh ) then ang = log(tauaer300(k)/tauaer999(k))/log(0.999/0.3) dtaer(k,wn) = tauaer400(k)*(0.4/(wc(wn)*1.e-3))**ang !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ssa - use linear interpolation/extrapolation !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- slope = 5.*(waer600(k) - waer400(k)) omaer(k,wn) = slope*wfac + waer600(k) omaer(k,wn) = max( .4,min( 1.,omaer(k,wn) ) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! asymmetry parameter - use linear interpolation/extrapolation !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- slope = 5.*(gaer600(k) - gaer400(k)) gaer(k,wn) = slope*wfac + gaer600(k) gaer(k,wn) = max( .5,min( 1.,gaer(k,wn) ) ) endif end do end do wave_loop end subroutine setaer subroutine setcld( nlambda_start, cld_od_opt, z, xlwc, cldfrac, & dtcld, omcld, gcld ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PURPOSE: != Set up cloud optical depth, single albedo and g !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != PARAMETERS: != NZ - INTEGER, number of specified altitude levels in the working (I) != grid != Z - real(dp), specified altitude working grid (km) (I) != XLWC Cloud water content g/M3 (I) != != dtcld - cloud optical depth != omcld - cloud droplet single albedo != gcld - g !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! VERTICAL DOMAIN is from bottom(1) to TOP (TOP=nz) ! CCM from top(1) to bottom(nz) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nlambda_start integer, intent(in) :: cld_od_opt real, intent(in) :: z(:) real, intent(in) :: xlwc(:) real, intent(in) :: cldfrac(:) real, intent(inout) :: dtcld(:,:) real, intent(inout) :: omcld(:,:) real, intent(inout) :: gcld(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: km2m = 1.e3 ! kilometer to meter real, parameter :: wden = 1.e6 ! g/m3 (1 m3 water = 1e6 g water) real, parameter :: re = 10.0 * 1.e-6 ! assuming cloud drop radius = 10 um to M real, parameter :: fac = 1./(wden*re) integer :: astat integer :: wn integer :: nlyr, nwave real, allocatable :: wrk(:), layer_cldfrac(:) nlyr = size(dtcld,dim=1) nwave = size(dtcld,dim=2) allocate( wrk(nlyr),layer_cldfrac(nlyr),stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then call tuv_error_fatal( 'setcld: failed to allocate wrk' ) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... calculate optical depth !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wrk(1:nlyr-1) = (z(2:nlyr) - z(1:nlyr-1))*km2m ! (km -> m) wrk(1:nlyr-1) = 1.5 * .5*(xlwc(1:nlyr-1) + xlwc(2:nlyr))*wrk(1:nlyr-1)*fac wrk(1:nlyr-1) = max( wrk(1:nlyr-1),0. ) if( cld_od_opt == 2 ) then layer_cldfrac(1:nlyr-1) = .5*(cldfrac(1:nlyr-1) + cldfrac(2:nlyr)) wrk(1:nlyr-1) = wrk(1:nlyr-1)*layer_cldfrac(1:nlyr-1)*sqrt( layer_cldfrac(1:nlyr-1) ) endif !---------------------------------------------------- ! ....calculate cloud optical depth T ! following Liao et al. JGR, 104, 23697, 1999 !---------------------------------------------------- if( any( wrk(1:nlyr-1) > 0. ) ) then do wn = nlambda_start,nwave dtcld(1:nlyr-1,wn) = wrk(1:nlyr-1) omcld(1:nlyr-1,wn) = .9999 gcld (1:nlyr-1,wn) = .85 end do endif if( allocated( wrk ) ) then deallocate( wrk ) endif if( allocated( layer_cldfrac ) ) then deallocate( layer_cldfrac ) endif end subroutine setcld REAL FUNCTION sundis( julday ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! purpose: ! calculate earth-sun distance variation for a given date. based on ! fourier coefficients originally from: spencer, j.w., 1971, fourier ! series representation of the position of the sun, search, 2:172 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! parameters: ! idate - integer, specification of the date, from yymmdd (i) ! esrm2 - real(dp), variation of the earth-sun distance (o) ! esrm2 = (average e/s dist)^2 / (e/s dist on day idate)^2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: julday !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(dp), parameter :: pi = 3.1415926_dp real(dp) :: dayn, thet0 real(dp) :: sinth, costh, sin2th, cos2th !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... parse date to find day number (julian day) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dayn = real(julday - 1,kind=dp) + .5_dp !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... define angular day number and compute esrm2: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- thet0 = 2._dp*pi*dayn/365._dp !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... calculate sin(2*thet0), cos(2*thet0) from ! addition theorems for trig functions for better ! performance; the computation of sin2th, cos2th ! is about 5-6 times faster than the evaluation ! of the intrinsic functions sin and cos !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sinth = sin( thet0 ) costh = cos( thet0 ) sin2th = 2._dp*sinth*costh cos2th = costh*costh - sinth*sinth sundis = real( 1.000110_dp + .034221_dp*costh + .001280_dp*sinth & + .000719_dp*cos2th + .000077_dp*sin2th ) END FUNCTION sundis subroutine calc_zenith( lat, long, julday, gmt, zenith, & its, ite, jts, jte, & ims, ime, jms, jme ) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! this subroutine calculates solar zenith and azimuth angles for a ! part time and location. must specify: ! input: ! lat - latitude in decimal degrees ! long - longitude in decimal degrees ! gmt - greenwich mean time - decimal military eg. ! 22.75 = 45 min after ten pm gmt ! output: ! zenith ! azimuth ! .. Scalar Arguments .. !------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: julday integer, intent(in) :: its,ite integer, intent(in) :: jts,jte integer, intent(in) :: ims,ime integer, intent(in) :: jms,jme real(dp), intent(in) :: gmt real, intent(in) :: lat(ims:ime,jms:jme) real, intent(in) :: long(ims:ime,jms:jme) real, intent(out) :: zenith(ims:ime,jms:jme) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! .. Local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------- real(dp), parameter :: d2r = 3.1415926_dp/180.0_dp real(dp), parameter :: r2d = 1.0_dp/d2r integer :: i, j real(dp) :: caz, csz, cw, d, ec, epsi, eqt, eyt, feqt, feqt1, & feqt2, feqt3, feqt4, feqt5, feqt6, feqt7, lbgmt, lzgmt, ml, pepsi, & pi, ra, raz, rdecl, reqt, rlt, rml, rra, ssw, sw, tab, w, wr, & yt, zpt, zr d = real(julday,dp) + gmt/24.0_dp !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calc geom mean longitude !------------------------------------------------------------------- ml = 279.2801988_dp + d*(.9856473354_dp + 2.267E-13_dp*d) rml = ml*d2r !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calc equation of time in sec ! w = mean long of perigee ! e = eccentricity ! epsi = mean obliquity of ecliptic !------------------------------------------------------------------- w = 282.4932328_dp + d*(4.70684E-5_dp + 3.39E-13_dp*d) wr = w*d2r ec = 1.6720041E-2_dp - d*(1.1444E-9_dp + 9.4E-17_dp*d) epsi = 23.44266511_dp - d*(3.5626E-7_dp + 1.23E-15_dp*d) pepsi = epsi*d2r yt = (tan(pepsi/2.0_dp))**2 cw = cos(wr) sw = sin(wr) ssw = sin(2.0_dp*wr) eyt = 2._dp*ec*yt feqt1 = -sin(rml)*cw*(eyt + 2._dp*ec) feqt2 = cos(rml)*sw*(2._dp*ec - eyt) feqt3 = sin(2._dp*rml)*(yt - (5._dp*ec**2/4._dp)*(cw**2 - sw**2)) feqt4 = cos(2._dp*rml)*(5._dp*ec**2*ssw/4._dp) feqt5 = sin(3._dp*rml)*(eyt*cw) feqt6 = -cos(3._dp*rml)*(eyt*sw) feqt7 = -sin(4._dp*rml)*(.5_dp*yt**2) feqt = feqt1 + feqt2 + feqt3 + feqt4 + feqt5 + feqt6 + feqt7 eqt = feqt*13751.0_dp !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! convert eq of time from sec to deg !------------------------------------------------------------------- reqt = eqt/240._dp !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calc right ascension in rads !------------------------------------------------------------------- ra = ml - reqt rra = ra*d2r !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calc declination in rads, deg !------------------------------------------------------------------- tab = 0.43360_dp*sin(rra) rdecl = atan(tab) do j = jts,jte do i = its,ite !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calc local hour angle !------------------------------------------------------------------- lbgmt = 12.0_dp - eqt/3600._dp + real(long(i,j),dp)*24._dp/360._dp lzgmt = 15.0_dp*(gmt - lbgmt) zpt = lzgmt*d2r rlt = real(lat(i,j),dp)*d2r csz = sin(rlt)*sin(rdecl) + cos(rlt)*cos(rdecl)*cos(zpt) csz = min( 1._dp,csz ) zr = acos(csz) zenith(i,j) = real( zr/d2r ) end do end do end subroutine calc_zenith SUBROUTINE sphers( nlyr, z, zen, dsdh, nid ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PURPOSE: != Calculate slant path over vertical depth ds/dh in spherical geometry. != Calculation is based on: A.Dahlback, and K.Stamnes, A new spheric model != for computing the radiation field available for photolysis and heating != at twilight, Planet.Space Sci., v39, n5, pp. 671-683, 1991 (Appendix B) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != NZ - INTEGER, number of specified altitude levels in the working (I) != grid != Z - REAL, specified altitude working grid (km) (I) != ZEN - REAL, solar zenith angle (degrees) (I) != DSDH - REAL, slant path of direct beam through each layer crossed (O) != when travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; != DSDH(i,j), i = 0..NZ-1, j = 1..NZ-1 != NID - INTEGER, number of layers crossed by the direct beam when (O) != travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; != NID(i), i = 0..NZ-1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the != Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your != option) any later version. != The TUV package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but != WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBI- != LITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public != License for more details. != To obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to: != Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != To contact the authors, please mail to: != Sasha Madronich, NCAR/ACD, P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000, USA != send email to: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use params_mod, only : pi, radius IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, intent(in) :: nlyr REAL, intent(in) :: zen REAL, intent(in) :: z(:) INTEGER, intent(inout) :: nid(0:nlyr) REAL, intent(inout) :: dsdh(0:nlyr,nlyr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL, parameter :: dr = pi/180. INTEGER :: j, jm1, k INTEGER :: id REAL :: re REAL :: zd(0:nlyr) REAL :: ds_dh(1:nlyr) REAL(dp) :: zenrad, rpsinz, rj, rjp1, dsj, dhj, ga, gb, sm zenrad = REAL( zen*dr, dp ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! include the elevation above sea level to the radius of the earth: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- re = radius + z(1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! from bottom-up to top-down ! note zd is the elevation above earth surface: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- zd(0:nlyr) = z(nlyr+1:1:-1) - z(1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize nid !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nid(0:nlyr) = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate ds/dh of every layer !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- layer_loop : & DO k = 0, nlyr ds_dh(:) = 0. rpsinz = real(re + zd(k),dp) * SIN(zenrad) ! IF( zen > 90.0 .AND. rpsinz < real(re,8) ) THEN IF( zen <= 90.0 .or. rpsinz >= real(re,dp) ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find index of layer in which the screening height lies !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- id = k IF( zen > 90.0 ) THEN DO j = 1,nlyr IF( rpsinz < real(zd(j-1) + re,dp) .AND. & rpsinz >= real(zd(j) + re,dp) ) then id = j ENDIF END DO END IF DO j = 1, id jm1 = j - 1 ! IF( j == id .AND. id == k .AND. zen > 90.0 ) then IF( j /= id .or. k /= id .or. zen <= 90.0 ) then sm = 1.0_dp ELSE sm = -1.0_dp ENDIF rj = real(re + zd(jm1),dp) rjp1 = real(re + zd(j),dp) dhj = zd(jm1) - zd(j) ga = max( rj*rj - rpsinz*rpsinz,0.0_dp ) gb = max( rjp1*rjp1 - rpsinz*rpsinz,0.0_dp ) IF( id > k .AND. j == id ) THEN dsj = SQRT( ga ) ELSE dsj = SQRT( ga ) - sm*SQRT( gb ) END IF ds_dh(j) = real( dsj/dhj ) END DO nid(k) = id ELSE nid(k) = -1 ENDIF dsdh(k,:) = ds_dh(:) END DO layer_loop END SUBROUTINE sphers SUBROUTINE airmas( nlyr, dsdh, nid, cz, vcol, scol ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PURPOSE: != Calculate vertical and slant air columns, in spherical geometry, as a != function of altitude. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- != PARAMETERS: != NZ - INTEGER, number of specified altitude levels in the working (I) != grid != DSDH - REAL, slant path of direct beam through each layer crossed (O) != when travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; != DSDH(i,j), i = 0..NZ-1, j = 1..NZ-1 != NID - INTEGER, number of layers crossed by the direct beam when (O) != travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; != NID(i), i = 0..NZ-1 != VCOL - REAL, output, vertical air column, molec cm-2, above level iz != SCOL - REAL, output, slant air column in direction of sun, above iz != also in molec cm-2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use params_mod, only : largest IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, intent(in) :: nlyr INTEGER, intent(in) :: nid(0:nlyr) REAL, intent(in) :: dsdh(0:nlyr,nlyr) REAL, intent(in) :: cz(nlyr) REAL, intent(inout) :: vcol(nlyr), scol(nlyr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: lyr, j, nlev, nlevi REAL :: sum, vsum !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate vertical and slant column from each level: work downward !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nlev = nlyr + 1 vsum = 0. DO lyr = 1, nlyr nlevi = nlev - lyr vsum = vsum + cz(nlevi) vcol(nlevi) = vsum sum = 0. IF( nid(lyr) < 0 ) THEN sum = largest ELSE !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! single pass layers: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO j = 1, MIN(nid(lyr), lyr) sum = sum + cz(nlev-j)*dsdh(lyr,j) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! double pass layers: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO j = MIN(nid(lyr),lyr)+1, nid(lyr) sum = sum + 2.*cz(nlev-j)*dsdh(lyr,j) END DO ENDIF scol(nlevi) = sum END DO END SUBROUTINE airmas END MODULE tuv_subs