!************************************************************** ! HEADER INFORMATION: common.h ! BROADLY USED VARIABLES : !************************************************************** ! SET INTEGER FLAGS (1 or 0) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! flag to write information during the generation of the scheme INTEGER :: wtflag ! =0 INTEGER :: wtopeflag! = 0 ! flag to consider only 3 types of peroxys for recombinaison reactions INTEGER :: per3_typefg ! flag to use a previously output dictionary as input INTEGER :: prevflag ! flag to run post-processing on completed mechanism INTEGER :: postflag ! flag to stop execution if routine errexit invoked INTEGER :: kill_fg !--------------------- REDUCTION --------------------------------- ! flag to consider only reaction with NOx for peroxys and acylperoxys INTEGER :: high_NOxfg != 0 INTEGER :: zero_NOXfg! = 0 ! flag to allow substitution by isomers (1) or not (0) INTEGER :: iflag! = 0 ! flag to activate aerosol partioning INTEGER :: aeropart_fg !flag to activate wall partioning INTEGER :: wallpart_fg !flag to activate RO2 condensation to AER INTEGER :: RO2cond_fg !flag to activate RO2 deposition INTEGER :: RO2dep_fg !----------------------- SAR ---------------------------------- ! flag to select the vapour pressure estimation method : ! 1 = JR-MY; 2 = nannoolal; 3 = SIMPOL-1 INTEGER :: pvap_fg! = 2 ! flag to select the alkoxy decomposition estimation method : ! 1 = Atkinson 2007; 2 = Vereecken 2009; INTEGER :: kdissfg! = 2 INTEGER :: kisomfg! = 2 ! flag to select the oh add on alkene constant rate estimation method : ! 1 = Peeters 1997; 2 = Ziemann 2009, 3 = Magnify : Mike Jenkin SAR; INTEGER :: hoadd_c1_fg! = 3 ! flag to select criegee intermediates decomposition estimation method ! 1 = Old version; 2 = New Version, CMV 2016 INTEGER :: criegee_fg ! flag to select stable criegee intermediates bimolecular reactions ! 1 = Old version; 2 = New Version, CMV 2016 INTEGER :: stab_criegee_fg ! flag to select new calculation of ro2+ho2 rate constant and branching ratios ! 1 = Old version; 2 = new version, CMV 2018, following Wennberg et al 2018 INTEGER :: ro2ho2_fg ! flag to select new calculation of ro2+no2 rate constant and branching ratios ! 0 = no reaction; 1 = new version, JMLT 2018, following Orlando pers. comm INTEGER :: ro2no2_fg !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! temporary value for Z-E conformation of -CH=CH- alkenes REAL :: z_conformer_prop ! = 0.5 !----------------------- CHEMICAL PATHWAYS------------------------- ! flag to activate DHF formation : 1=DHF running INTEGER :: flgdhf ! flag to activate auto-oxidation of peroxy radicals INTEGER :: autoox_fg ! flag to activate dimerisation INTEGER :: dimer_fg ! flag to activate isoprene soa formation parameterization (Marais et al., 2016) !!!! DO NOT USE UNSUPERVISED !!!! SEE INSTRUCTIONS IN ../DATA/isop_soa_mch.dat INTEGER :: isopsoa_fg ! flag to activate photolysis of hydroperoxides in aerosol phase INTEGER :: aerophot_fg ! flag to include OFR-spcific reactions INTEGER :: OFR_fg ! flag to include reactions for VBS calculations !!!! DO NOT USE UNSUPERVISED !!!! SEE INSTRUCTIONS IN ../DATA/vbs_mch.dat INTEGER :: VBS_fg !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! flag to select the dynamic or thermodynamic mass transfer method : ! 1 = thermo; 2 = dynamic; INTEGER :: masstransfg! = 2 ! flag to generate spinup mechanism (i.e. no organic chemistry generation) INTEGER :: spinup_fg !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! flag to select use a spinup/background mechanism found in ../DATA/spinup_mch.dat : INTEGER :: spinup_mech COMMON wtflag, wtopeflag COMMON per3_typefg, prevflag, postflag COMMON high_NOxfg COMMON zero_NOXfg COMMON iflag COMMON pvap_fg COMMON kdissfg COMMON kisomfg COMMON hoadd_c1_fg COMMON flgdhf COMMON autoox_fg COMMON dimer_fg COMMON masstransfg COMMON spinup_fg COMMON spinup_mech COMMON wallpart_fg COMMON aeropart_fg COMMON criegee_fg COMMON stab_criegee_fg COMMON z_conformer_prop COMMON ro2ho2_fg COMMON ro2no2_fg COMMON ro2cond_fg COMMON ro2dep_fg COMMON isopsoa_fg COMMON aerophot_fg COMMON OFR_fg COMMON kill_fg COMMON VBS_fg !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! number of species in : dict,chmlst,namlst,dbrch INTEGER nrec,nrectot ! table of inorganic species potentially produced INTEGER ninorg CHARACTER(LEN=ldi) inorglst(mfn) ! special species INTEGER nspsp LOGICAL lospsp(mfn) CHARACTER(LEN=ldi) dictsp(mfn) ! table of species having a special name COMMON nspsp,lospsp,dictsp COMMON nrectot,nrec COMMON inorglst,ninorg !********************************! INTEGER iflost INTEGER xxc,xxh,xxn,xxo,xxr,xxs,xxfl,xxbr,xxcl COMMON iflost COMMON xxc,xxh,xxn,xxo,xxr,xxs,xxfl,xxbr,xxcl