* BROADLY USED PARAMETERS: *_________________________________________________ * i/o file unit numbers INTEGER kout, kin * output PARAMETER(kout=53) * input PARAMETER(kin=12) *_________________________________________________ * altitude, wavelength, time (or solar zenith angle) grids INTEGER kz, kw, kt * altitude PARAMETER(kz=125) * wavelength PARAMETER(kw=1000) * time/sza PARAMETER(kt=100) *_________________________________________________ * number of weighting functions INTEGER ks, kj * wavelength dependent PARAMETER(ks=60) * wavelength and altitude dependent PARAMETER(kj=150) * delta for adding points at beginning or end of data grids REAL deltax PARAMETER (deltax = 1.E-5) * some constants... * pi: REAL pi PARAMETER(pi=3.1415926535898) * radius of the earth, km: REAL radius PARAMETER(radius=6.371E+3) * Planck constant x speed of light, J m REAL hc PARAMETER(hc = 6.626068E-34 * 2.99792458E8) * largest number of the machine: REAL largest PARAMETER(largest=1.E+36) * small numbers (positive and negative) REAL pzero, nzero PARAMETER(pzero = +10./largest) PARAMETER(nzero = -10./largest) * machine precision REAL precis PARAMETER(precis = 1.e-7) * More physical constants: *_________________________________________________________________ * Na = 6.022142E23 mol-1 = Avogadro constant * kb = 1.38065E-23 J K-1 = Boltzmann constant * R = 8.31447 J mol-1 K-1 = molar gas constant * h = 6.626068E-34 J s = Planck constant * c = 2.99792458E8 m s-1 = speed of light in vacuum * G = 6.673E-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 = Netwonian constant of gravitation * sb = 5.67040E-8 W m-2 K-4 = Stefan-Boltzmann constant *_________________________________________________________________ * (1) From NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty * http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html Oct. 2001. * (2) These constants are not assigned to variable names; in other * words this is not Fortran code, but only a text table for quick * reference. To use, you must declare a variable name/type and * assign the value to that variable. Or assign as parameter (see * example for pi above).