10, 307 TROPOSPHERIC ULTRAVIOLET VISIBLE (TUV) MODEL (version 5.0) S. Madronich et al., Atmospheric Chemistry Division National Center for Atmospheric Research P. O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado tuv@acd.ucar.edu Copyright (C) 1994-2010 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ?? 17 The TUV model calculates solar short-wave radiation in the Earth's atmosphere. Available output includes: - Spectral irradiance, W m-2 nm-1 - Spectral actinic flux, quanta cm-2 s-1 nm-1 - Spectrally integrated irradiance, unweighted or weighted by biological action spectra, W m-2 - Photolysis rate coefficients, s-1 Type ?xxx (where xxx = variable name) for help on inputs, e.g. type ?tmzone to get help on entering time zone. Inputs and outputs can be saved in different files. A log file (tuvlog) is also created. Only some simple changes are possible in the interactive version. Additional changes (e.g. shapes of vertical profiles of ozone, clouds, aerosols; wavelength dependent albedo, etc.) can be made by obtaining and editing the Fortran source code. The full TUV model is available at: http://www.acd.ucar.edu/TUV ?inpfil 4 CHARACTER*6 inpfil Name of input file. Six characters Defaults (defin1-3) cannot be over-written. User-defined (e.g. usrinp) can be over-written and saved. ?outfil 3 CHARACTER*6 outfil Name of output file. Six characters For screen output, type: screen ?nstr 5 INTEGER nstr Number of streams for radiative transfer if nstr < 2, uses 2-stream delta-Eddington if nstr = 2 or > 2, uses n-stream discrete ordinates (must be even number, maximum = 32) ?lat 4 REAL lat Latitude (decimal degrees) North of Equator = positive South of Equator = negative ?lon 4 REAL lon Longitude (decimal degrees) East of Greenwich = positive West of Greenwich = negative ?tmzone 3 REAL tmzone Time zone difference (hrs) from universal time (UT or GMT) so that: local time = UT + tmzone ?iyear 2 INTEGER iyear Year for simulation. Integer. Must be in range 1950-2050. ?imonth 2 INTEGER imonth Month for simulation (1 = Jan, 2= Feb, etc.) ?iday 3 INTEGER iday Day for simulation. Valid values 1-28, and 29,30,31 for appropriate months. ?zstart 3 REAL zstart Surface elevation, km, above sea level. Must be a positive value. ?zstop 2 REAL zstop Altitude, km, of top of atmosphere. Must not exceed 120 km. ?nz 4 INTEGER nz Number of equally spaced atmospheric levels. Maximum = 124. An additional level will be inserted if zout does not fall on a level determined by zstart, zstop, and nz. ?wstart 3 REAL wstart Starting wavelength, nm = Lower wavelength of the first interval. Must be greater than 100 nm. All wavelengths are in vacuum. ?wstop 3 REAL wstop Final wavelength, nm = Upper wavelength of the last interval. Must be less than 1000 nm. All wavelengths are in vacuum. ?nwint 9 INTEGER nwint Number of equally spaced wavelength intervals between wstart and wstop. Maximum = 649. Some special non-uniform grids are available by specifying the following negative values: -156 Default grid for stratospheric and tropospherc photolysis calculations (120-730 nm). -7 Non-uniform grid for fast-TUV troposhperic only photolysis calculations (289.9-743.6 nm). ?tstart 3 REAL tstart Starting time, or if lzenit = .TRUE., starting solar zenith angle. Cannot be less than 0, or (if lzenit = .TRUE.) more than 180. ?tstop 3 REAL tstop Final time, or if lzenit = .TRUE., last solar zenith angle. Cannot be less than 0, or (if lzenit = .TRUE.) more than 180. ?nt 3 INTEGER nt Number of time steps, or if lzenit = .TRUE., number of solar zenith angle steps. Cannot be less than 1. ?lzenit 5 LOGICAL lzenit If true, will loop over different solar zenith angles. If false, will loop over different times of day (and solar zenith angle will be computed). Toggles between true and false. ?alsurf 3 REAL alsurf Surface reflectivity (albedo: min = 0, max = 1). Assumed independent of wavelength. ?psurf 4 REAL psurf Pressure (milli bar) at surface (not necessarily sea level). Set to negative value to use default US Standard Atmosphere pressure profile. ?o3col 5 REAL o3col Total vertical ozone column, in Dobson Units, from surface (not necessarily sea level) to space. The ozone profile from the US Standard Atmosphere (1976) (350 DU from sea level to space) will be multiplied by o3col/350. ?so2col 3 REAL so2col Total SO2 column from surface to space (Dobson Units). Default value is zero. Profile is mostly between 0 and 1 km asl. ?no2col 3 REAL no2col Total NO2 column from surface to space (Dobson Units). Default value is zero. Profile is mostly between 0 and 1 km asl. ?taucld 3 REAL taucld Total cloud optical depth. Cloud is assumed to cover entire sky uniformly. ?zbase 3 REAL zbase Altitude (km above sea level) of cloud base. Must be equal or greater than zstart. ?ztop 3 REAL ztop Altitude (km above sea level) of cloud top. Must be greater than zbase. ?tauaer 4 REAL tauaer Aerosol vertical optical depth at 550 nm. Set to -999. for default value, which is 0.235 for continental aerosol profile given by Elterman (1968). ?ssaaer 3 REAL ssaaer Single scattering albedo of aerosols. Must be in range 0.0 (purely absorbing) to 1.0 (purely scattering). ?alpha 3 REAL alpha Exponent for wavelength (w) dependence of aerosol optical depth (tauaer), so that tauaer1/tauaer2 = (w2/w1)**alpha. ?dirsun 3 REAL dirsun Weighting factor for direct sun component. Must be between -1 and +1. ?difdn 3 REAL difdn Weighting factor for down-welling diffuse radiation Must be between -1 and +1. ?difup 3 REAL difup Weighting factor for up-welling diffuse radiation Must be between -1 and +1. ?zout 5 REAL zout Altitude (km) above sea level for selected outputs. Cannot be less than zstart or more than zstop. For values at surface, set zout = zstart. If izfix > 0, zout will be set to z(izfix). ?zaird 3 REAL zaird Air density (molec cm-3) at the selected output altitude zout. If negative, will use default value from US Standard Atm. ?ztemp 3 REAL ztemp Temperature (K) at the selected output altitude zout. If negative, will use default value from US Standard Atm. ?lirrad 3 LOGICAL lirrad Switch on output of spectral irradiances Toggles between true and false. ?laflux 3 LOGICAL laflux Switch on output of spectral actinic flux Toggles between true and false. ?lmmech 3 LOGICAL lmmech Switch on standard output for use with NCAR Master Mechanism Toggles between true and false. ?lrates 3 LOGICAL lrates Switch on output of weighted irradiances (dose rates) Toggles between true and false. ?isfix 6 INTEGER isfix Index of a spectral weighting function selected for detailed output. Set to zero to disable this option. Set to a value in the range 1 - nms to print detail table of weighted irradiances for one weighting function. Irradiance table will have nt columns, nz rows. Cannot be negative or greater than nms. Dose rate table will have nt columns, nz rows. ?nms 5 INTEGER nms Total number of spectral weighting function selected for output. Cannot be changed directly. Will bring up menu of available choices. CAUTION: Make sure that the wavelength grid (wstart, wstop, nwint) is appropriate (range, resolution) for the process of interest. ?ljvals 3 LOGICAL ljvals Switch on output of photolysis rate coefficients (j-values) Toggles between true and false. ?ijfix 5 INTEGER ijfix Index of a photolysis reaction selected for detailed output. Set to zero to disable this option. Set to a value in the range 1 - nmj to print detailed table of J-values for one photo-reaction. J-value table will have nt columns, nz rows. ?nmj 5 INTEGER nmj Total number of photolysis reactions selected for output. Cannot be changed directly. Will bring up menu of available choices. CAUTION: Make sure that the wavelength grid (wstart, wstop, nwint) is appropriate (range, resolution) for the process of interest. ?iwfix 4 INTEGER iwfix Index for output at a fixed wavelength. Cannot be negative or greater than nwint. Spectral irradiance or actinic flux tables will have nt columns, nz rows. ?itfix 6 INTEGER itfix Index for output at a fixed time (or solar zenith angle if lzenith = .true.). Cannot be negative or greater than nt. Spectral irradiances and actinic flux tables will have nwint columns, nz rows. Dose rates will have nms columns, nz rows. J-values will have nmj columns, nz rows. ?izfix 6 INTEGER izfix Index for output at a fixed altitude. Cannot be negative or greater than nz. If greater than 0, it will overwrite the value of zout to z(izfix). Spectral irradiances and actinic flux tables will have nt columns, nw rows. Dose rates will have nms columns, nt rows. J-values will have nmj columns, nt rows.