_____________________________________ Version 5.2, October 2014, S. Madronich Moved correction for refraction to gridw routine, option 6 Create defin5 option, to generate molecular spectra x qy for use in wrf-chem. For now, output to file ../sq_wrfc.txt BrONO2 yields of NO2 and NO3 were reversed, now corrected. Corrected error on CH2O qy molecular channel (was using pre-interpolation value). _____________________________________ Version 5.1, Oct 2014, S. Madronich August 2014: added perfluoro 1-iodopropane photolysis July 2014: Added several organic nitrate reactions from IUPAC 2006 (Atkinson et al. ACP). July 2013: updated most Ox, NOx, HOx, and HC reactions to jpl2011: Reordered the reactions to follow JPL 2011. Updated: HONO (thanks to Patryk Wojtal for pointing out need) Updated: CH2O (note several errors in qy formulae in JPL 2011) January 2012 Added photolysis reactions: F 87 BrNO -> Br + NO F 88 BrNO2 -> Br + NO2 F 89 BrONO -> Br + NO2 F 90 BrONO -> BrO + NO F 91 HOCl -> HO + Cl F 92 NOCl -> NO + Cl F 93 OClO -> Products F 94 BrCl -> Br + Cl F 95 CH3(OONO2) -> CH3(OO) + NO2 F 96 C(CH3)3(ONO) -> C(CH3)3(O) + NO F 97 ClONO -> Cl + NO2 F 98 ClOOCl -> ClOO + Cl Corrected error in calculation of qy for acetone at 327.5nm. _________________________________________ Version 5.0, November 2010, S. Madronich Added some data files on O3 column and profile climatology in directory DATAE1/ATM. At this point, the code does not ingest the data but this can be easily modified, and will be in the future. Wrote individual read routines for O3 cross section data (WMO1985, Molina and Molina, JPL2006, Reims group, Bass et al.). This makes it easier to switch between the different data sets. Corrected O3 cross section wavelengths. Original data is in standard air, now converted to vacuum wavelengths for use in TUV which is assumed in vacuum. Previous versions of TUV did not make this conversion, so there was a slight misalignment between wavelengths of the O3 cross sections (which were in air) and the extraterrestrial flux (which was in vac) Added O3 cross section from Reims group (Malicet et al., Brion et al.) and also from JPL2006 Added ET flux from Chance and Kurucz (200-1000 nm by 0.01 nm steps) Removed orphan references to ftrim (in savout.f) and to plkavg (in rtrans.f) Added ClO photolysis per JPL2006 Corrected error in acetone quantum yield enforcing upper/lower bounds of 1./0. (most likely inconsequential) for Blitz qy (thanks to Barron Henderson, U. North Carolina, for catching this) Updated to JPL2006: NO2 absorption and quantum yield Also moved NO2 absorption read/interpolate data into subroutines for different data sets, so can call for (1) transmission, and (2) photolysis. _________________________________________ Version 4.6 March 2009, Sasha Madronich Corrected indexing problem for PAN and PPN, two channels: j = j+1 jlabel(j) = 'CH3CO(OONO2) -> CH3CO(OO) + NO2' j = j+1 jlabel(j) = 'CH3CO(OONO2) -> CH3CO(O) + NO3' The sq assignment was to j and j+1 rather than to j-1 and j. Therefore the NO2 channel was not assigned (zeros) and the NO3 channel contained the NO2 channel instead. Same problem for PPN. Deleted old input files in directory INPUTS (mex, j01, t1). The order of reactions was old and different than new order. Their potential use would lead to mis-assignment of reactions. Changed interopolation schemes in vpair. Now interpolating log concentrations onto z-grid, then doing log integration to get column increments. Also changed notation. Changed interpolation schemes in vpo3. Linear interpolations of concentrations. Also extended the ussa O3 profile to 121 km (from 74 km) using exponential scale height of 4.5 km. ___________________________________________ Version 4.5 July-September 2007, Sasha Madronich Added biological weighting functions for: vitamin-D production (CIE, 2006a) non-melanoma skin cancer spectrum (CIE, 2006b) Added photolysis reactions: CH3COCH2CH3 (MEK) CH3CH2COO2NO2 (PPN) CH2=CHCHO (acrolein) CH3CO(OOH) (peracetic acid) Modified: CH2=C(CH3)CHO (methacrolein) updated to JPL2007 Put in quantum yields for PAN photolysis to NO2 and NO3 Created z-grid for mexico city. Cleaned up some gridz options. Created option to overwrite PBL pollutants O3, SO2, NO2, aerosol This is a preliminary add-on, with some cautions requred. See TUV.f Changed deltax to 1e-5 (in file params). This uncovered minor data termination error in file rxn.f, subroutine r43, for Halon-2402 (CF2BrCF2Br) Changed order of photolysis reactions (in swchem.f), to group together related reactions. Moved all input files (including default inputs, and user-defined inputs) to new directory INPUTS Regenerated SAMPLE files. Most values are identical to before. Some minor changes, mostly due to new/modifed photolysis reaction. _____ 15 November 2005, J. Lee-Taylor Version 4.4 includes calculation of snowpack radiative properties: * Lee-Taylor, J., and S. Madronich (2002), Calculation of actinic fluxes * with a coupled atmosphere-snow radiative transfer model, J. Geophys. * Res., 107(D24) 4796 (2002) doi:10.1029/2002JD002084 It includes absorption by ice: *Grenfell and Perovich, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 7447-7450 (1981), *Perovich and Govoni, Geophys. Res. Lett.,18(7),1233-1235 (1991) and photodissociation of NO3-(aq): *Cross section: Burley & Johnston, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1359-1362, (1992) *Quantum yield: Warneck & Wurzinger, J. Phys. Chem., 92, 6278-6283, (1988) Snowpack properties are set manually in subroutine setsnw.f There are no other changes since V4.3 ______ 10 October 2005, S. Madronich Version 4.3 uses the new acetone (CH3COCH3) quantum yields from: * 4: Blitz, M. A., D. E. Heard, M. J. Pilling, S. R. Arnold, and M. P. Chipperfield * (2004), Pressure and temperature-dependent quantum yields for the * photodissociation of acetone between 279 and 327.5 nm, Geophys. * Res. Lett., 31, L06111, doi:10.1029/2003GL018793. This was already implemented in version 4.2 on May 4 2004. However, earlier versions of tuv4.2 may use the older data from McKeen et al. ______ 10 October 2005, S. Madronich Version 4.3 corrects an error existing in version 4.2. The error concerns the option to shift between in-vacuum and in-air wavelengths. This option is enabled by setting the logical variable lrefr=.TRUE. in the driver program, TUV.f. The error was in subroutine wshift.f, and applied the shift in the wrong direction. The correct eqations (used in version 4.3) are: IF(mrefr .EQ. 1) THEN DO i = 1, n w(i) = w(i) * refrac(w(i),airden) ENDDO ELSEIF(mrefr .EQ. -1) THEN DO i = 1, n w(i) = w(i) / refrac(w(i),airden) ENDDO ENDIF and replace the incorrect equations (in version 4.2) IF(mrefr .EQ. 1) THEN DO i = 1, n w(i) = w(i) * refrac(w(i),airden) !! INCORRECT ENDDO ELSEIF(mrefr .EQ. -1) THEN DO i = 1, n w(i) = w(i) / refrac(w(i),airden) !! INCORRECT ENDDO ENDIF * Thanks to Joe Michalsky (NOAA) for catching this error.