PROGRAM tuv *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* *= Tropospheric Ultraviolet-Visible (TUV) radiation model =* *= Version 5.0 =* *= November 2010 =* *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* *= Developed by Sasha Madronich with important contributions from: =* *= Chris Fischer, Siri Flocke, Julia Lee-Taylor, Bernhard Meyer, =* *= Irina Petropavlovskikh, Xuexi Tie, and Jun Zen. =* *= Special thanks to Knut Stamnes and co-workers for the development of the =* *= Discrete Ordinates code, and to Warren Wiscombe and co-workers for the =* *= development of the solar zenith angle subroutine. Citations for the many =* *= data bases (e.g. extraterrestrial irradiances, molecular spectra) may be =* *= found in the data files headers and/or in the subroutines that read them. =* *= To contact the author, write to: =* *= Sasha Madronich, NCAR/ACD, P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000, USA or =* *= send email to: or =* *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* *= This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify =* *= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the =* *= Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your =* *= option) any later version. =* *= The TUV package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but =* *= WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBI- =* *= LITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public =* *= License for more details. =* *= To obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to: =* *= Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =* *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* *= Copyright (C) 1994-2010 by the University Corporation for Atmospheric =* *= Research, extending to all called subroutines, functions, and data unless =* *= another source is specified. =* *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* IMPLICIT NONE * Include parameter file INCLUDE 'params' * Wavelength grid: INTEGER nw, iw, nwint REAL wl(kw), wc(kw), wu(kw) REAL wstart, wstop * Altitude grid INTEGER nz, nzm1, iz, izout REAL z(kz), zstart, zstop, zout * Solar zenith angle and azimuth * slant pathlengths in spherical geometry REAL sza(kt), zen INTEGER nid(0:kz) REAL dsdh(0:kz,kz) * Extra terrestrial solar flux and earth-Sun distance ^-2 REAL f(kw), etf(kw) REAL esfact(kt) * Ozone absorption cross section INTEGER mabs REAL o3xs(kz,kw) * O2 absorption cross section REAL o2xs(kz,kw), o2xs1(kw) * SO2 absorption cross section REAL so2xs(kw) * NO2 absorption cross section REAL no2xs(kz,kw) * Atmospheric optical parameters REAL tlev(kz), tlay(kz) REAL aircon(kz), aircol(kz), vcol(kz), scol(kz) REAL dtrl(kz,kw) REAL co3(kz) REAL dto3(kz,kw), dto2(kz,kw), dtso2(kz,kw), dtno2(kz,kw) REAL dtcld(kz,kw), omcld(kz,kw), gcld(kz,kw) REAL dtaer(kz,kw), omaer(kz,kw), gaer(kz,kw) REAL dtsnw(kz,kw), omsnw(kz,kw), gsnw(kz,kw) REAL albedo(kw) * Spectral irradiance and actinic flux (scalar irradiance) REAL edir(kz), edn(kz), eup(kz) REAL sirrad(kz,kw) REAL fdir(kz), fdn(kz), fup(kz) REAL saflux(kz,kw) * Spectral weighting functions and weighted radiation INTEGER ns, is REAL sw(ks,kw), rate(ks,kz), dose(ks) REAL drdw CHARACTER*50 slabel(ks) * Photolysis coefficients (j-values) INTEGER nj, ij REAL sj(kj,kz,kw), valj(kj,kz) REAL djdw CHARACTER*50 jlabel(kj) **** Re-scaling factors (can be read from input file) * New surface albedo and surface pressure (milli bar) * Total columns of O3, SO2, NO2 (Dobson Units) * Cloud optical depth, altitude of base and top * Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm, single scattering albedo, Angstrom alpha REAL alsurf, psurf REAL o3_tc, so2_tc, no2_tc REAL taucld, zbase, ztop REAL tauaer, ssaaer, alpha * Location: Lat and Lon (deg.), surface elev (km) * Altitude, temperature and pressure for specific outputs REAL lat, lon REAL zaird, ztemp * Time and/or solar zenith angle INTEGER iyear, imonth, iday INTEGER it, nt REAL t(kt), tstart, tstop REAL tmzone, ut LOGICAL lzenit * number of radiation streams INTEGER nstr * input/output control LOGICAL intrct CHARACTER*6 inpfil, outfil INTEGER iout REAL dirsun, difdn, difup CHARACTER*1 again * Save arrays for output: LOGICAL lirrad, laflux, lrates, ljvals, lmmech INTEGER isfix, ijfix, itfix, izfix, iwfix INTEGER nms, ims(ks), nmj, imj(kj) REAL svj_zj(kz,kj), svj_tj(kt,kj), svj_zt(kz,kt) REAL svr_zs(kz,ks), svr_ts(kt,ks), svr_zt(kz,kt) REAL svf_zw(kz,kw), svf_tw(kt,kw), svf_zt(kz,kt) REAL svi_zw(kz,kw), svi_tw(kt,kw), svi_zt(kz,kt) * Planetary boundary layer height and pollutant concentrations INTEGER ipbl REAL zpbl REAL o3pbl, so2pbl, no2pbl, aod330 * Other user-defined variables here: integer itemp, idens real airsav, temsav logical wrfchm * --- END OF DECLARATIONS --------------------------------------------- * re-entry point 1000 CONTINUE * Open log file: c OPEN(UNIT=kout,FILE='tuvlog',STATUS='UNKNOWN') OPEN(UNIT=kout,FILE='../'//'tuvlog'//'.txt',STATUS='UNKNOWN') * ___ SECTION 1: SIMPLE INPUT VARIABLES -------------------------------- ******* Read simple input variables from a file: * can read interactively (intrct = .TRUE.) * or in batch mode (intrct = .FALSE.) intrct = .TRUE. c intrct = .FALSE. IF ( .NOT. intrct) inpfil = 'usrinp' CALL rdinp(intrct, $ inpfil, outfil, nstr, lat, lon, tmzone, $ iyear, imonth, iday, zstart, zstop, nz, $ wstart, wstop, nwint, tstart, tstop, nt, $ lzenit, alsurf, psurf, o3_tc, so2_tc, no2_tc, $ taucld, zbase, ztop, tauaer, ssaaer, alpha, $ dirsun, difdn, difup, zout, zaird, ztemp, $ lirrad, laflux, lmmech, lrates, isfix, nms, $ ljvals, ijfix, nmj, iwfix, itfix, izfix, $ ims, slabel, imj, jlabel) IF(outfil .EQ. 'screen') THEN iout = 6 ELSE iout = 30 ENDIF ************* Can overwrite basic inputs here manually: * Input and output files: * inpfil = input file name * outfil = output file name * Radiative transfer scheme: * nstr = number of streams * If nstr < 2, will use 2-stream Delta Eddington * If nstr > 1, will use nstr-stream discrete ordinates * Location (geographic): * lat = LATITUDE (degrees, North = positive) * lon = LONGITUDE (degrees, East = positive) * tmzone = Local time zone difference (hrs) from Universal Time (ut): * ut = timloc - tmzone * Date: * iyear = year (1950 to 2050) * imonth = month (1 to 12) * iday = day of month * Time of day grid: * tstart = starting time, local hours * tstop = stopping time, local hours * nt = number of time steps * lzenit = switch for solar zenith angle (sza) grid rather than time * grid. If lzenit = .TRUE. then * tstart = first sza in deg., * tstop = last sza in deg., * nt = number of sza steps. * esfact = 1. (Earth-sun distance = 1.000 AU) * Vertical grid: * zstart = surface elevation above sea level, km * zstop = top of the atmosphere (exospheric), km * nz = number of vertical levels, equally spaced * (nz will increase by +1 if zout does not match altitude grid) * Wavlength grid: * wstart = starting wavelength, nm * wstop = final wavelength, nm * nwint = number of wavelength intervals, equally spaced * if nwint < 0, the standard atmospheric wavelength grid, not * equally spaced, from 120 to 735 nm, will be used. In this * case, wstart and wstop values are ignored. * Surface condition: * alsurf = surface albedo, wavelength independent * psurf = surface pressure, mbar. Set to negative value to use * US Standard Atmosphere, 1976 (USSA76) * Column amounts of absorbers (in Dobson Units, from surface to space): * Vertical profile for O3 from USSA76. For SO2 and NO2, vertical * concentration profile is 2.69e10 molec cm-3 between 0 and * 1 km above sea level, very small residual (10/largest) above 1 km. * o3_tc = ozone (O3) * so2_tc = sulfur dioxide (SO2) * no2_tc = nitrogen dioxide (NO2) * Cloud, assumed horizontally uniform, total coverage, single scattering * albedo = 0.9999, asymmetry factor = 0.85, indep. of wavelength, * and also uniform vertically between zbase and ztop: * taucld = vertical optical depth, independent of wavelength * zbase = altitude of base, km above sea level * ztop = altitude of top, km above sea level * Aerosols, assumed vertical provile typical of continental regions from * Elterman (1968): * tauaer = aerosol vertical optical depth at 550 nm, from surface to space. * If negative, will default to Elterman's values (ca. 0.235 * at 550 nm). * ssaaer = single scattering albedo of aerosols, wavelength-independent. * alpha = Angstrom coefficient = exponent for wavelength dependence of * tauaer, so that tauaer1/tauaer2 = (w2/w1)**alpha. * Directional components of radiation, weighting factors: * dirsun = direct sun * difdn = down-welling diffuse * difup = up-welling diffuse * e.g. use: * dirsun = difdn = 1.0, difup = 0 for total down-welling irradiance * dirsun = difdn = difup = 1.0 for actinic flux from all directions * dirsun = difdn = 1.0, difup = -1 for net irradiance * Output altitude: * zout = altitude, km, for desired output. * If not within 1 m of altitude grid, an additional * level will be inserted and nz will be increased by +1. * zaird = air density (molec. cm-3) at zout. Set to negative value for * default USSA76 value interpolated to zout. * ztemp = air temperature (K) at zout. Set to negative value for * default USSA76 value interpolated to zout. * Output options, logical switches: * lirrad = output spectral irradiance * laflux = output spectral actinic flux * lmmech = output for NCAR Master Mechanism use * lrates = output dose rates (UVB, UVA, CIE/erythema, etc.) * Output options, integer selections: * isfix: if > 0, output dose rate for action spectrum is=isfix, tabulated * for different times and altitudes. * ijfix: if > 0, output j-values for reaction ij=ijfix, tabulated * for different times and altitudes. * iwfix: if > 0, output spectral irradiance and/or spectral actinic * flux at wavelength iw=iwfix, tabulated for different times * and altitudes. * itfix: if > 0, output spectral irradiance and/or spectral actinic * flux at time it=itfix, tabulated for different altitudes * and wavelengths. * izfix: if > 0, output spectral irradiance and/or spectral actinic * flux at altitude iz=izfix, tabulated for different times * and wavelengths. * nms: number of dose rates that will be reported. Selections must be * made interactively, or by editing input file. * nmj: number of j-values that will be reported. Selections must be * made interactively, or by editing input file. * The following default settings are also found in the input file 'defin1': c inpfil = defin1 c outfil = usrout c nstr = -2 c lat = 0. c lon = 0. c tmzone = 0. c iyear = 2002 c imonth = 3 c iday = 21 c zstart = 0. c zstop = 80. c nz = 80 c wstart = 280. c wstop = 420. c nwint = 140 c tstart = 12. c tstop = 20. c nt = 5 c lzenit = .FALSE. c alsurf = 0.1 c psurf = -999. c o3_tc = 300. c so2_tc = 0. c no2_tc = 0. c tcloud = 0. c zbase = 4. c ztop = 5. c tauaer = 0.235 c ssaaer = 0.99 c alpha = 1. c dirsun = 1. c difdn = 1. c difup = 0. c zout = 0. c zaird = -999. c ztemp = -999. c lirrad = .TRUE. c laflux = .FALSE. c lmmech = .FALSE. c lrates = .TRUE. c isfix = 0 * nms cannot be set here c ljvals = .FALSE. c ijfix = 0 * nmj cannot be set here c iwfix = 0 c itfix = 0 c izfix = 0 IF(nstr .LT. 2) THEN WRITE(kout,*) 'Delta-Eddington 2-stream radiative transfer' ELSE WRITE(kout,*) 'Discrete ordinates ', $ nstr, '-stream radiative transfer' ENDIF WRITE(*,*) 'calculating....' * ___ SECTION 2: SET GRIDS _________________________________________________ * wavelengths (creates wavelength grid: lower, center, upper of each bin) * NOTE: Wavelengths are in vacuum. To use wavelengths in air, see * Section 3 below, where you must set lrefr= .TRUE. CALL gridw(wstart, wstop, nwint, $ nw, wl, wc, wu) * altitudes (creates altitude grid, locates index for selected output, izout) CALL gridz(zstart, zstop, nz, z, zout, izout) if(izfix .gt. 0) izout = izfix * time/zenith (creates time/zenith angle grid, starting at tstart) CALL gridt(lat, lon, tmzone, $ iyear, imonth, iday, $ lzenit, tstart, tstop, $ nt, t, sza, esfact) * ___ SECTION 3: SET UP VERTICAL PROFILES OF TEMPERATURE, AIR DENSITY, and OZONE______ ***** Temperature vertical profile, Kelvin * can overwrite temperature at altitude z(izout) CALL vptmp(nz,z, tlev,tlay) IF(ztemp .GT. nzero) tlev(izout) = ztemp ***** Air density (molec cm-3) vertical profile * can overwrite air density at altitude z(izout) CALL vpair(psurf, nz, z, $ aircon, aircol) IF(zaird .GT. nzero) aircon(izout) = zaird ***** *! PBL pollutants will be added if zpbl > 0. * CAUTIONS: * 1. The top of the PBL, zpbl in km, should be on one of the z-grid altitudes. * 2. Concentrations, column increments, and optical depths * will be overwritten between surface and zpbl. * 3. Inserting PBL constituents may change their total column amount. * 4. Above pbl, the following are used: * for O3: USSA or other profile * for NO2 and SO2: set to zero. * for aerosols: Elterman * Turning on pbl will affect subroutines: * vpo3, setno2, setso2, and setaer. See there for details zpbl = -999. C zpbl = 3. * locate z-index for top of pbl ipbl = 0 IF(zpbl. GT. 0.) THEN DO iz = 1, nz-1 IF(z(iz+1) .GT. z(1) + zpbl*1.00001) GO TO 19 ENDDO 19 CONTINUE ipbl = iz - 1 write(*,*) 'top of PBL index, height (km) ', ipbl, z(ipbl) * specify pbl concetrations, in parts per billion o3pbl = 100. so2pbl = 10. no2pbl = 50. * PBL aerosol optical depth at 330 nm * (to change ssa and g of pbl aerosols, go to subroutine setair.f) aod330 = 0.8 ENDIF ***** Ozone vertical profile CALL vpo3(ipbl, zpbl, o3pbl, $ o3_tc, nz, z, aircol, co3) * ___ SECTION 4: READ SPECTRAL DATA ____________________________ * read (and grid) extra terrestrial flux data: CALL rdetfl(nw,wl, f) * read cross section data for * O2 (will overwrite at Lyman-alpha and SRB wavelengths * see subroutine la_srb.f) * O3 (temperature-dependent) * SO2 * NO2 nzm1 = nz - 1 CALL rdo2xs(nw,wl, o2xs1) mabs = 1 CALL rdo3xs(mabs,nzm1,tlay,nw,wl, o3xs) CALL rdso2xs(nw,wl, so2xs) CALL rdno2xs(nz,tlay,nw,wl, no2xs) ****** Spectral weighting functions * (Some of these depend on temperature T and pressure P, and therefore * on altitude z. Therefore they are computed only after the T and P profiles * are set above with subroutines settmp and setair.) * Photo-physical set in swphys.f (transmission functions) * Photo-biological set in swbiol.f (action spectra) * Photo-chemical set in swchem.f (cross sections x quantum yields)* Physical and biological weigthing functions are assumed to depend * only on wavelength. * Chemical weighting functions (product of cross-section x quantum yield) * for many photolysis reactions are known to depend on temperature * and/or pressure, and therefore are functions of wavelength and altitude. * Output: * from pphys & pbiol: s(ks,kw) - for each weighting function slabel(ks) * from pchem: sj(kj,kz,kw) - for each reaction jlabel(kj) * For pchem, need to know temperature and pressure profiles. CALL swphys(nw,wl,wc, ns,sw,slabel) CALL swbiol(nw,wl,wc, ns,sw,slabel) CALL swchem(nw,wl,nz,tlev,aircon, nj,sj,jlabel) wrfchm = .FALSE. IF (inpfil .EQ. 'defin5') wrfchm = .TRUE. IF (wrfchm) THEN * Option to load pre-interpolated molecular action spectra, xs*qy, * as fnct of j, w, T, n. * Use swchem and it routines, bottom layer iz = 1, to overwrite at desired T(TEMP) and * n(aircon). * Although calculation should stop here, store original values to be safe: airsav = aircon(1) temsav = tlev(1) open(unit=88,file='../sq_wrf.txt', status='new') WRITE(88,888) (wl(iw), iw = 1, nw) DO itemp = 1, 4 tlev(1) = 200. + 30.*FLOAT(itemp-1) DO idens = 1, 4 aircon(1) = 2.45e19 / FLOAT(idens) nj = 0 CALL swchem(nw,wl,nz,tlev,aircon, nj,sj,jlabel) WRITE(88,881)tlev(1), aircon(1) DO ij = 1, nj WRITE(88,882) jlabel(ij) WRITE(88,888) (sj(ij,1,iw), iw = 1, nw-1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO 881 FORMAT('T,n',1x,0pf10.1,1x, 1pe11.4) 882 FORMAT(a50) 888 FORMAT(6(1pe11.4,1x)) * put original values values back into profiles. aircon(1) = airsav tlev(1) = temsav STOP ENDIF c CALL swbiol2(nw,wl,wc, ns,sw,slabel) c CALL swbiol3(nw,wl,wc, ns,sw,slabel) **** The following lines are normally commented out. * The only serve to print a list of the spectral weighting * functions. If new functions (e.g. action spectra, photo-reactions) * are added, this list should be used to replace the list in the * default input files (defin1, defin2, etc.). The true/false toggle * will be set to F, and should be changed manually to select weighting * functions for output. Note that if many more functions are added, it * may be necessary to increase the parameters ks and kj in the include * file 'params' * The program will stop after writing this list. * Comment out these lines when not generating a new list. c OPEN(UNIT=50,FILE='spectra.list',STATUS='NEW') c WRITE(50,500) c 500 FORMAT(5('='),1X,'Available spectral weighting functions:') c DO is = 1, ns c WRITE(50,505) is, slabel(is) c ENDDO c WRITE(50,510) c 510 FORMAT(5('='),1X,'Available photolysis reactions') c DO ij = 1, nj c WRITE(50,505) ij, jlabel(ij) c ENDDO c 505 FORMAT('F',I3,1X,A50) c WRITE(50,520) c 520 FORMAT(66('=')) c CLOSE (50) c STOP ****** * ___ SECTION 5: SET ATMOSPHERIC OPTICAL DEPTH INCREMENTS _____________________ * Rayleigh optical depth increments: CALL odrl(nz, z, nw, wl, aircol, dtrl) * O2 vertical profile and O2 absorption optical depths * For now, O2 densitiy assumed as 20.95% of air density, can be changed * in subroutine. * Optical depths in Lyman-alpha and SRB will be over-written * in subroutine la_srb.f CALL seto2(nz,z,nw,wl,aircol,o2xs1, dto2) * Ozone optical depths CALL odo3(nz,z,nw,wl,o3xs,co3, dto3) * SO2 vertical profile and optical depths CALL setso2(ipbl, zpbl, so2pbl, $ so2_tc, nz, z, nw, wl, so2xs, $ tlay, aircol, $ dtso2) * NO2 vertical profile and optical depths CALL setno2(ipbl, zpbl, no2pbl, $ no2_tc, nz, z, nw, wl, no2xs, $ tlay, aircol, $ dtno2) * Cloud vertical profile, optical depths, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor CALL setcld(taucld,zbase,ztop, $ nz,z,nw,wl, $ dtcld,omcld,gcld) * Aerosol vertical profile, optical depths, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor CALL setaer(ipbl, zpbl, aod330, $ tauaer, ssaaer, alpha, $ nz, z, nw, wl, $ dtaer, omaer, gaer) * Snowpack physical and optical depths, single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor CALL setsnw( $ nz,z,nw,wl, $ dtsnw,omsnw,gsnw) * Surface albedo CALL setalb(alsurf,nw,wl, $ albedo) * ___ SECTION 6: TIME/SZA LOOP _____________________________________ * Initialize any time-integrated quantities here CALL zero1(dose,ks) * Loop over time or solar zenith angle (zen): DO 20, it = 1, nt zen = sza(it) WRITE(*,200) it, zen, esfact(it) WRITE(kout,200) it, zen, esfact(it) 200 FORMAT('step = ', I4,' sza = ', F9.3, $ ' Earth-sun factor = ', F10.7) * correction for earth-sun distance DO iw = 1, nw - 1 etf(iw) = f(iw) * esfact(it) ENDDO * ____ SECTION 7: CALCULATE ZENITH ANGLE-DEPENDENT QUANTITIES __________ * slant path lengths for spherical geometry CALL sphers(nz,z,zen, dsdh,nid) CALL airmas(nz, dsdh,nid, aircol,vcol,scol) * Recalculate effective O2 optical depth and cross sections for Lyman-alpha * and Schumann-Runge bands, must know zenith angle * Then assign O2 cross section to sj(1,*,*) CALL la_srb(nz,z,tlev,nw,wl,vcol,scol,o2xs1, $ dto2,o2xs) CALL sjo2(nz,nw,o2xs,1, sj) * ____ SECTION 8: WAVELENGTH LOOP ______________________________________ * initialize for wavelength integration CALL zero2(rate,ks,kz) CALL zero2(valj,kj,kz) ***** Main wavelength loop: DO 10, iw = 1, nw-1 ** monochromatic radiative transfer. Outputs are: * normalized irradiances edir(iz), edn(iz), eup(iz) * normalized actinic fluxes fdir(iz), fdn(zi), fup(iz) * where * dir = direct beam, dn = down-welling diffuse, up = up-welling diffuse CALL rtlink(nstr, nz, $ iw, albedo(iw), zen, $ dsdh,nid, $ dtrl, $ dto3, $ dto2, $ dtso2, $ dtno2, $ dtcld, omcld, gcld, $ dtaer,omaer,gaer, $ dtsnw,omsnw,gsnw, $ edir, edn, eup, fdir, fdn, fup) * Spectral irradiance, W m-2 nm-1, down-welling: DO iz = 1, nz sirrad(iz,iw) = etf(iw) * $ (dirsun*edir(iz) + difdn*edn(iz) + difup*eup(iz)) ENDDO * Spectral actinic flux, quanta s-1 nm-1 cm-2, all directions: * units conversion: 1.e-4 * (wc*1e-9) / hc DO iz = 1, nz saflux(iz,iw) = etf(iw) * (1.e-13 * wc(iw) / hc) * $ (dirsun*fdir(iz) + difdn*fdn(iz) + difup*fup(iz)) ENDDO *** Accumulate weighted integrals over wavelength, at all altitudes: DO 18 iz = 1, nz * Weighted irradiances (dose rates) W m-2 DO is = 1, ns drdw = sirrad(iz,iw) * sw(is,iw) rate(is,iz) = rate(is,iz) + drdw * (wu(iw) - wl(iw)) ENDDO * Photolysis rate coefficients (J-values) s-1 DO ij = 1, nj djdw = saflux(iz,iw) * sj(ij,iz,iw) valj(ij,iz) = valj(ij,iz) + djdw * (wu(iw) - wl(iw)) ENDDO 18 CONTINUE * Save irradiances and actinic fluxes for output CALL saver1(it, itfix, iw, iwfix, nz, izout, $ sirrad, saflux, $ svi_zw, svf_zw, svi_zt, svf_zt, svi_tw, svf_tw) 10 CONTINUE *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end wavelength loop * Save dose rates and j-values for output CALL saver2(it,itfix, nz,izout, ns,isfix,ims, nj,ijfix,imj, $ rate, valj, $ svr_zs, svj_zj, svr_zt, svj_zt, svr_ts, svj_tj) 20 CONTINUE **output all Js at zout c do iz = 1, nz c if(z(iz) .eq. zout) then c do ij = 1, nj c write(44,444) valj(ij,iz), jlabel(ij) c enddo c endif c enddo c 444 format(1pe11.4,1x,a50) *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end time/zenith loop * ____ SECTION 8: OUTPUT ______________________________________________ call outpt1( outfil, iout, $ lirrad, laflux, lrates, ljvals, lmmech, lzenit, $ nms, ims, nmj, imj, $ nz, z, tlev, aircon, izout, $ nw, wl, etf, iwfix, $ nt, t, sza, itfix, $ ns, slabel, isfix, nj, jlabel, ijfix, $ svj_zj, svj_tj, svj_zt, $ svr_zs, svr_ts, svr_zt, $ svf_zw, svf_tw, svf_zt, $ svi_zw, svi_tw, svi_zt ) *_______________________________________________________________________ IF(intrct) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'do you want to do another calculation?' WRITE(*,*) 'y = yes' WRITE(*,*) 'any other key = no' READ(*,1001) again 1001 FORMAT(A1) IF(again .EQ. 'y' .OR. again .EQ. 'Y') GO TO 1000 ENDIF CLOSE(iout) CLOSE(kout) END