35 46 # first data record, number of data records Reference: JPL Publication 97-4 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 12 January 15, 1997 page 206 ff. CF2BrCF2Br (Halon-2402) + hv -> Products "The preferred absorption cross sections at 298 K, listed in Table 59, are the mean of the values reported by Gillotay et al. [104] at 2 nm intervals and Burkholder et al. [40] at 1 nm intervals over the wavelength range where the agreement is acceptable, i.e., ca. 70%. At longer wavelengths, Burkholder et al. [40] measured larger cross sections than those measured by Gillotay et al. Molina et al. [208] have also measured these cross sections and they agree with the results of Gillotay et al. at longer wavelengths. The agreement between the three studies at wavelengths shorter than 250 nm is good. The results of Robbins [256] and of Orkin and Kasimovskaya [236] are in good agreement with the recommended values. The temperature dependence of the cross sections has been measured by Gillotay et al. and Burkholder et al. The agreement between the two studies is poor at longer wavelengths. We have not evaluated the temperature dependence of the cross section and the readres are referred to the investigators for the information. Orkin and Kasimovskaya measured the cross sections in the wavelength range 190-320 nm, at 295 K; their results agree with the recommendation." Table 59. Absorption Cross Sections of CF2BrCF2Br -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lambda (nm) 1E20 sigma (cm^2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 109 192 114 194 119 196 122 198 124 200 124 202 124 204 120 206 117 208 112 210 106 212 100 214 92 216 85 218 77 220 69 222 61 224 54 226 47 228 40 230 35 232 29 234 24 236 20 238 16 240 13 242 11 244 8.4 246 6.7 248 5.2 250 4.1 252 3.1 254 2.3 256 1.8 258 1.3 260 0.95 262 0.71 264 0.53 266 0.39 268 0.28 270 0.21 272 0.16 274 0.11 276 0.082 278 0.060 280 0.044