27 50 # first data record, number of data records Reference: JPL Publication 94-26 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 11 December 15, 1994 page 165 ff. CF2BrCl (Halon-1211) + hv -> Products "The preferred absorption cross sections at 298 K, listed in Table 54, are the mean of the values reported by Gillotay and Simon [568] at 2 nm intervals and Burkholder et al. [219] at 1 nm intervals. Molina et al. [1106] and Giolando et al. [574] have also measured the cross sections at 5 nm and 10 nm intervals, respectively. The agreement between the four studies is quite good. The temperature dependence of the cross sections has been measured by Gillotay and Sim,on as well as Burkholder et al. [219]. The agreement between the two studies is poor. We have not evaluated the temperature dependence of the cross section and the readers are referred to the original publications for this information." Table 54. Absorption Cross Sections of CF2BrCl -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lambda (nm) 1E20 sigma (cm^2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 47 192 58 194 70 196 83 198 96 200 112 202 118 204 121 206 122 208 121 210 117 212 112 214 106 216 98 218 90 220 81 222 72 224 64 226 56 228 49 230 42 232 36 234 31 236 26 238 22 240 18 242 15 244 12 246 10 248 8.0 250 6.5 252 5.1 254 4.0 256 3.2 258 2.4 260 1.9 262 1.4 264 1.1 266 0.84 268 0.63 270 0.48 272 0.36 274 0.27 276 0.20 278 0.15 280 0.1 282 0.079 284 0.058 286 0.043 288 0.031