34 7 Reference: JPL Publication 94-26 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 11 December 15, 1994 page 117 HO2 + hv -> OH + O "The absorption cross sections of the hydroperoxyl radical, HO2, in the 200-250 nm region have been measured at troom temperature by Paukert and Johnston [1239], Hochanadel et al. [682], Cox and Burrows [366], McAdam et al. [1049], Kurylo et al. [892], Moortgat et al. [1126], Dagayt and Kurylo [396], Lightfoot and Jemi-Alade [963], who measured the cross sections up to 777K, Crowley et al. [392]; and Sander et al. [1366] at 227.5 nm. There are significant discrepancies in the cross section values, particluarly around 200 nm; no definitive explanation of the differences can be offered at present. Table 9 lists the recommended cross sections, which are taken from the review by Wallington et al. [1651]. Photolysis of HO2 in the stratosphere and troposphere is slow and can be neglected, but the UV absorption cross sections are important in laboratory stydies of reaction kinetics. Lee [921] has detected O(1D) as a primary photodissociation product at 193 and at 248 nm, with a quantum yield which is about 15 times larger at the longer wavelength. The absolute quantum yield for O(1D) production has not been reported yet." Table 9. Absorption Cross Sections of HO2 ===================================================== lambda (nm) 1E20 sigma(cm^2) ===================================================== 190 387 200 458 210 454 220 373 230 245 240 135 250 60