21 11 # first data record, number of data records Reference: JPL Publication 94-26 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 11 December 15, 1994 page 158 CF2ClCF2CHFCl (HCFC-225cb) + hv -> Products "Table 48 lists the absorption cross sections for these molecules at 298K, taken from the work of Braun et al. [180]. These values have been fitted with a mathematical expression for the wavelength range from 170 to 250 nm, for each of the two molecules; the expressions are listed in the original publication. The authors also measured the cross sections in the liquid phase." Table 48. Absorption Cross Sections of CF2ClCF2CHFCl ------------------------------------------------------------------- lambda (nm) 1E20 sigma (cm^2) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 188 165 145 170 91 175 47 180 21 185 9.1 190 3.5 195 1.4 200 0.63 205 0.33 210 0.25