28 16 # first data record, number of data records Reference: JPL Publication 94-26 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 11 December 15, 1994 page 156 ff. CH3CF2CL (HCFC-142b) + hv -> Products "The preferred absorption cross sections at 298 K, listed in Table 47, are the mean of the values reported by Gillotay and Simon [570] and Orlando et al. [1212] over the wavelength range where the agreement is bettern than a factor of two. At lower wavelengths the agreement is much better; e.g., at 200 nm the agreement is within 5%. Green and Wayne [594] and Hubrich and Stuhl [712] have also measured the cross sections in the ranges 185-200 nm and 160-230 nm, respectively. The results of Green and Wayne are very different from the recommended value and were not considered for this evaluation. The results of Hubrich and Stuhl (reported at 5 nm intervals) are in reasonable agreement with the more recent studies of Gillotay and Simon and of Orlando et al. The temperature dependence of the cross sections has been measured by Orlando et al. and by Gillotay and Simon; it has not been included in this evaluation." Table 47. Absorption Cross Sections of Hydrochlorofluoroethanes at 298K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lambda (nm) 1E20 sigma (cm^2) at 298K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 0.94 192 0.66 194 0.46 196 0.31 198 0.21 200 0.14 202 0.09 204 0.061 206 0.039 208 0.026 210 0.017 212 0.010 214 0.007 216 0.004 218 0.003 220 0.002