54 33 Reference: JPL Publication 94-26 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 11 December 15, 1994 page 118 H2O2 + hv -> OH + OH "The recommended 298 K absorption cross section values, listed in Table 11, are the mean of the data of Lin et al. [978], Molina and Molina [1102], Nicovich and Wine [1171], and Vaghjiani and Ravishankara [1600]. Molina and Molina [1102] supersedes the earlier results of Molina et al. [1108]. Nicovich and Wine measured the cross sections at lambda +- 230 relative to the values at 202.6, sigma = 4.32 x 1E-19 cm^2, and at 228.8 nm, sigma = 1.86 x 1E-19 cm^2. The values are within 2% of the recommended value. Nicovich and Wine have measured the temperature dependence of these cross sections. They expressed the measured cross sections as the sum of two components; sigma1, due to absorption from H2O2 which has the O-O stretch excited and the other sigma0, due to absorption by ground state molecules. For atmospheric calculations the expression given in Table 12 may be used. The photodissociation quantum yield is believed to be unity. At and above 248 nm, the major photodissociation process is that leading to OH, i.e., the quantum yield for OH production is 2 (Vaghjiani and Racishankara [1601] and Vaghjiani et al. [1604]). At 193 nm this quantum yeild decreases to about 1.5 (Vaghjiani et al. [1604]; Schiffman et al. [1384]), and the quantum yield for O-atom production increases to about 0.16 (Vaghjiani et al. [1604]). Table 12: Mathematical Expression for Absorption Cross Sections of H2O2 as a Function of Temperature --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10^21 * s(l,T) = chi * sum(n=0,7){A(n) l^n} + (1-chi) * sum(n=0,4){B(n)l^n} Where T: temperature K; l: nm; chi = [1 + exp(-1265/T)]^(-1) s: cross section in cm^2 A(0) = 6.4761E-04 B(0) = 6.8123E+03 A(1) = -9.2170972E+02 B(1) = -5.1351E+01 A(2) = 4.535649 B(2) = 1.1522E-01 A(3) = -4.4589016E-03 B(3) = -3.0493E-05 A(4) = -4.035101E-05 B(4) = -1.0924E-07 A(5) = 1.6878206E-07 A(6) = -2.652014E-10 A(7) = 1.5534675E-13 Range 260-350 nm; 200-400 K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------" Wavelength (nm) Cross Section (cm^2 at 298K) 190 67.2 195 56.4 200 47.5 205 40.8 210 35.7 215 30.7 220 25.8 225 21.7 230 18.2 235 15.0 240 12.4 245 10.2 250 8.3 255 6.7 260 5.3 265 4.2 270 3.3 275 2.6 280 2.0 285 1.5 290 1.2 295 0.90 300 0.68 305 0.51 310 0.39 315 0.29 320 0.22 325 0.16 330 0.13 335 0.10 340 0.07 345 0.05 350 0.04