From JPL 2002: CLOOCl + hv -> Cl + ClOO. Recommended absorption cross sections in the wavelength range 190-450 nm for ClOOCl are listed in Table 4-29. The values for the wavelength range 200-360 nm are the average of experimental results reported by Cox and Hayman [90], DeMore and Tschuikow-Roux [107], Permien et al. [313], and Burkholder et al. [53]. For the 190-200-nm range the data are from DeMore and Tschuikow-Roux [107], these being the only data available in that range. Data at wavelengths greater than 360 nm were obtained from a linear extrapolation of the logarithm of the cross sections, using the expression log(10**20 sigma(cm2)) = -0.01915 x lambda(nm) + 7.589. For lambda > 360 nm the extrapolated data are considered to be more reliable than the experimental measurements because of the very small dimer cross sections in this region. While the results of Cox and Hayman, DeMore and Tschuikow-Roux, Permien et al., and Burkholder et al. are in good agreement at wavelengths below 250 nm, there are significant discrepancies at longer wavelengths, which may be attributed to uncertainties in the spectral subtraction of impurities such as Cl2O, Cl2, and Cl2O2. Huder and DeMore [167] measured ClOOCl cross sections over the 190-310-nm range using a method that minimized the corrections required for impurities such as Cl2O. The cross sections from this study are significantly smaller (up to a factor of 2) than the current recommendation, particularly when extrapolated beyond 400 nm. Additional measurements are needed, particularly at the longer wavelengths, to check the results of Huder and DeMore. These studies also indicate that only one stable species is produced in the recombination reaction of ClO with itself, and that this species is dichlorine peroxide, ClOOCl, rather than ClOClO. Using submillimeter wave spectroscopy, Birk et al. [34] have further established the structure of the recombination product to be ClOOCl. These observations are in agreement with the results of quantum mechanical calculations (McGrath et al. [254,255]; Jensen and Odershede [184]; Stanton et al. [387]). Table 4-29. Absorption Cross Sections of ClOOCl at 200-250 K Wavelength, nm Xsection, 10**-20 cm2 190 565 192 526 194 489 196 450 198 413 200 383.5 202 352.9 204 325.3 206 298.6 208 274.6 210 251.3 212 231.7 214 217 216 207.6 218 206.1 220 212.1 222 227.1 224 249.4 226 280.2 228 319.5 230 365 232 415.4 234 467.5 236 517.5 238 563 240 600.3 242 625.7 244 639.4 246 642.6 248 631.5 250 609.3 252 580.1 254 544.5 256 505.4 258 463.1 260 422 262 381.4 264 344.6 266 311.6 268 283.3 270 258.4 272 237.3 274 218.3 276 201.6 278 186.4 280 172.5 282 159.6 284 147.3 286 136.1 288 125.2 290 114.6 292 104.6 294 95.4 296 87.1 298 79 300 72.2 302 65.8 304 59.9 306 54.1 308 48.6 310 43.3 312 38.5 314 34.6 316 30.7 318 28 320 25.6 322 23.4 324 21.4 326 19.2 328 17.8 330 16.7 332 15.6 334 14.4 336 13.3 338 13.1 340 12.1 342 11.5 344 10.9 346 10.1 348 9 350 8.2 352 7.9 354 6.8 356 6.1 358 5.8 360 5.5 362 4.5 364 4.1 366 3.8 368 3.5 370 3.2 372 2.9 374 2.7 376 2.4 378 2.2 380 2.1 382 1.9 384 1.7 386 1.6 388 1.4 390 1.3 392 1.2 394 1.1 396 1 398 0.92 400 0.85 402 0.78 404 0.71 406 0.65 408 0.6 410 0.54 412 0.5 414 0.46 416 0.42 418 0.38 420 0.35 422 0.32 424 0.29 426 0.27 428 0.25 430 0.23 432 0.21 434 0.19 436 0.17 438 0.16 440 0.15 442 0.13 444 0.12 446 0.11 448 0.1 450 0.09