22 36 # first data record, number of data records Reference: JPL Publication 94-26 Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Stratospheric Modeling Evaluation Number 11 December 15, 1994 page 163 CH3Br + hv -> Products " Table 52 lists the recommended absorption cross sections at 298K, taken from Gillotay and Simon [567]. These authors measured the cross sections down to 210 K; for < 210 nm the temperature effect is negligible. Molina et al. [1106] and Robbuns [1330] have also measured the absorption cross sections for this molecule at room temperature; the agreement among the three studies is very good." Table 52. Absorption Cross Sections of CH3Br. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lambda (nm) 1E20 sigma (cm^2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 44 192 53 194 62 196 69 198 76 200 79 202 80 204 79 206 77 208 73 210 67 212 61 214 56 216 49 218 44 220 38 222 32 224 28 226 23 228 19 230 15 232 12 234 9.9 236 7.6 238 5.9 240 4.5 242 3.3 244 2.5 246 1.8 248 1.3 250 0.96 252 0.69 254 0.49 256 0.34 258 0.23 260 0.16