BrONO2 -> Products. The bromine nitrate cross sections have been measured at room temperature by Spencer and Rowland [386] in the wavelength region 186-390 nm, and by Burkholder et al. [54] from 200-500 nm. The results from both studies are in excellent agreement over the range of spectral overlap. The recommended cross sections (Table 4-65) are taken from Burkholder et al. The only study of photolysis products is that of Nickolaisen and Sander [292]. In that study, quantum yields for the Br + NO3 and BrO + NO2 channels were measured using broadband photolysis in quartz (lambda>200 nm) and pyrex (lambda>300 nm) reaction cells with the assumption that these were the only reaction pathways. The quantum yields were phi(BrO+NO2) = 0.71 and phi(Br+NO3) = 0.29. Wavelength, nm xsection, 10-20 cm2 200 680 205 520 210 361 215 293 220 258 225 231 230 205 235 174 240 139 245 106 250 79.5 255 60.1 260 47.1 265 38.9 270 33.8 275 30.5 280 27.9 285 25.6 290 23.2 295 20.7 300 18.4 305 16.2 310 14.2 315 12.4 320 11 325 9.82 330 8.94 335 8.22 340 7.64 345 7.17 350 6.66 355 6.21 360 5.69 365 5.17 370 4.66 375 4.16 380 3.69 385 3.23 390 2.88 395 2.53 400 2.25 405 1.99 410 1.81 415 1.66 420 1.5 425 1.38 430 1.3 435 1.2 440 1.11 445 1.04 450 0.93 455 0.834 460 0.743 465 0.652 470 0.566 475 0.461 480 0.39 485 0.275 490 0.243 495 0.214 500 0.135